The Prophecy (Edmund Pevensie...

By vecnascurse0

27.6K 522 113

After (Y/N)'s parents die in a car accident she moves in with the Pevensies and could never imagine what woul... More



1K 24 13
By vecnascurse0

We walked into the camp and it was filled with mythical (well I guess not) creatures, such as centaurs, fauns, and more.

It's like I just walked into one of my mythical fork lore books.

As we walked into camp everyone was staring at us, obviously because we were probably the only humans they had ever seen.

"Why are they all staring at us?" Susan asked with a smile on her face trying to make it seem like she wasn't talking.

"Maybe they think you look funny?" Lucy jokingly said smiling at her sister. Peter and I chuckled at Lucy's comment. Susan just rolled her eyes in response.

Mrs. Beaver was trying to tidy her fur and we were walking but stopped when Mr. Beaver said, "Stop your fussing. You look lovely."

We walked forward to a large tend at the end of the camp and stood there as everyone in the camp followed behind us. There was a centaur in beside the tent. We all looked at him

Peter unsheathed his sword, "We have come to see Aslan." He said pointing it in the air, looking at the centaur. We all heard gasps from behind us.

Suddenly, everyone knelt on the ground. We looked behind us curious as to why everyone was kneeling.

We looked back to the tent to see a majestic lion walk out of it. So this is Aslan. I thought to myself.

The four of us kneeled on the ground and the mighty lion started to speak. "Welcome Peter. Son of Adam. Welcome Susan and Lucy. Daughters of Eve."

Weird, why didn't he mention me along with them. "And welcome to you beavers. You have my thanks."

"And welcome Y/n. My daughter."

Wait... WHAT?!

*290 words*
Sorry this was a short chapter.

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