Custodian | Prudence Night/Bl...


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Cordelia Spellman, a not-so young witch lives in a small eerie town of Greendale. Living with her peculiar au... More

Chapter 1: October Country Part 1
Chapter 2: October Country Part 2
Chapter 3: The Dark Baptism Part 1
Chapter 4: The Dark Baptism Part 2
Chapter 5: The Trail of Sabrina Spellman Part 1
Chapter 6: The Trail of Sabrina Spellman Part 2
Chapter 7: The Witch Academy Part 1
Chapter 8: The Witch Academy Part 2
Chapter 9: Dreams in a Witch House
Chapter 10: An Exorcism in Greendale Part 1
Chapter 11: An Exorcism in Greendale Part 2
Chapter 12: Feast of Feasts Part 1
Chapter 13: Feast of Feasts Part 2
Chapter 14: The Burial Part 1
Chapter 16: The Returned Man
Chapter 17: The Witching Hour Part 1
Chapter 18: The Witching Hour Part 2
Chapter 19: A Midwinter's Tale Part 1
Chapter 20: A Midwinter's Tale Part 2
Part Break
Chapter 21: The Epiphany Part 1
Chapter 22: The Epiphany Part 2
Chapter 23: The Passion of Sabrina Spellman Part 1
Chapter 24: The Passion of Sabrina Spellman Part 2
Chapter 25: Acceptance

Chapter 15: The Burial Part 2

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Drinking her tea at the comfort of her home, the morning. Cordelia frowned when a letter appeared in front of her. Recognizing her brother's handwriting.

"Our cousin has royally messed up. I need your assistance immediately."

Frowning in worry, the witch finished her tea and took her coat as she left her house.

"I cannot get any peace" she thought to herself as she teleported to her family home.

As she reached the door, Aunt Hilda also stepped out. "Oh hello deary!" she exclaimed, while hugging enthusiastically. "I've missed you!"

Cordelia chuckled, "It's only been a day, Aunt Hilda."

"Nevertheless... Oh blimey, look at the time! I need to leave now, before I'm late." she excused herself. "Oh, and your aunt Zelda seems to be in a good mood, maybe you two can have your talk today." she ended off hopefully, while hopping into the hearse and driving off.

Amused, Cordelia walked into the foyer and noticed her Aunt Zelda looking blissful, while reading the newspaper in the kitchen.

Walking in slowly, she scrutinized the older woman, who took a minute to notice her niece, as her mind wandered.

"Delia, I didn't see you there. I hope your sle... Why are you staring at me like that?"

Cordelia didn't answer as she grabbed an apple, took a bite and gave her one last stare as she ate. As she turned to leave she spoke out knowingly. "You had sex."

Hearing her aunt gasp in horror, made her smirk as she left before the woman could fail to deny.

She knocked on her brother's room. When the door opened, she was immediately pulled inside.

"Sabrina... your cousin..." he paced, while breathing rapidly.

"Our cousin..." Cordelia reminded him.

"... has performed a resurrection spell on Thomas Kinkle."

The female witch halted, in thought. As her brother stared at her with big eyes.

She may not be skilled in Necromancy, but she knew the basic elements needed to perform a resurrection spell, and the idea of her young cousin doing one, just didn't make sense to her.

"Ambrose, I don't think that's possible, Sabrina would neve..."

"Oh, that's what I thought, but I bared witnessed to it myself!"

"I... Why...I don't understand..." Cordelia stuttered out in disbelief, while Ambrose guided her to his chair so she can listen properly and comprehend what he was saying.

"She found out that the miners and Tommy's death was not accidental, and was actually caused by Agatha and Dorcas. They apparently wanted revenge for the Kinkle's ancestors being witch hunters. Then our cousin thought it is only fair, since there was foul play... to bring Tommy back to life and then sacrifice Agatha, since she was the mastermind...with the help of Nicholas Scratch and Prudence..."

"Wait, why would Prudence help Sabrina kill her own sister?" Cordelia asked, incredulously.

"I don't know, sister! Pride? Manipulation? Revenge? I don't know! The point is that our cousin is trying to trick and cheat death! They sacrificed Agatha during the ritual, to bring Tommy back, but then brought her back with the Cain Pit."

"That's not going to work! Death is owed a soul, there's no going around it!" the female witch stood up, in frustration.

Jumping on his bed, as he slammed his fist against the table. "That's what I said!" he chuckled incredulously.

"Alright, calm down!" the latter breathed out. "I'm going to talk to Sabrina, there's still time to make things right."

"Goodluck. She is stubborn and relentless, I've never seen this side of her before."

"It's her witch side coming through." she mumbled, while leaving the room. "Oh, and I almost forgot. How did the meeting go with Father Blackwood?"

"Not good" he said, somberly. "He requested for the names of those who conspired with me to blow the Vatican. Only then he will be able to lift my sentence, he gave me time to think."

His sister nodded, understandingly, knowing her brother will never give the names.

"I'm sorry, Ambrose. Your day will come." she said, as she kissed his forehead, and then left to find her cousin.

Cordelia waited for her cousin outside Baxter High, knowing that the school should be ending soon.

The bell rang and after many students left the building, she could finally make out her blonde cousin's hair as she spoke to her friends.

Sabrina immediately halted in her steps when she noticed Cordelia standing there, with a serious expression.

"Oh no..."

"Oh no, indeed." The older witch crossed her arms.

Sensing the tension, the other two girls bid their friend good bye and left.

Cordelia grabbed her arm, planning to let them walk home to talk more. Once they were out of earshot, she turned to her cousin.

"My first night out of the house and you decide to perform a resurrection spell!" she whispered out furiously, while dragging her cousin by the arm. "And you didn't follow the exact instructions. Do you have any idea what you have caused?!"

"D! Ambrose has already given me a lecture, I'm well aware!"

Ignoring her, the older witch continued. "Then you dragged Prudence into this? Letting her be part of her own sister's murder?"

"She joined willingly, since she also wanted to prove a point to her sisters, and she owed me for saving her life at the Queen of Feasts."

"First of all, you didn't save her life because you care about her, you did it to prove your own self-righteousness, and to get what you want."

"Secondly, the Sabrina I know, would never ask for anything in return for helping someone, because she has decency."

Seeing her cousin, look at her in light guilt and doubt, she breathed out to calm herself.

"I understand that you don't want Harvey hurting, and that you blame yourself for what happened. But Sabrina, this has huge consequences, what if Agatha actually dies permanently, because of the spell not being done properly. How will you and Prudence be able to live with yourselves?"

"It'll work. I know it will." Sabrina finally spoke out, and then walked ahead of her cousin, ending the conversation.

Running her hand through her hair, Cordelia sighed out. Wanting to meet Prudence so badly to talk about it, but she knows the witch was probably avoiding her, after being witnessed in a vulnerable state.

Remembering she had her lighter and a cigarette, she immediately took them out and smoked and followed after her cousin.

Later the day, while Father Blackwood was speaking to her brother once again. Cordelia was busy watering Aunt Hilda's plants for her in the small greenhouse next to the kitchen, while the older witch was at work.

Hearing footsteps, she looked to her left, she was met with her brother having a barely concealed smile and tears in his eyes.

Putting the water can down, she smiled at her brother. "Good news, then?"

He didn't answer as he grabbed her hand and led her to the kitchen table excitedly.

"Father Blackwood was testing me, he wanted to challenge my loyalty, and I passed it." Ambrose explained happily. "He cannot release me completely from my sentence as of yet, but he can lessen it. He has given me access to Unseen Academy of Arts, he wants to take me under his wing and mentor me. Then we will work towards completely abolishing my sentence..."

Cordelia nodded in kind as she listened to her brother.

"... but he has one condition. "

The female witch couldn't help but frown, thinking that her very intelligent and talented brother working for him, should be a condition itself.

'What else could that man want?'

"He says, he would do it. If I can convince you to join the faculty at the Academy."

Cordelia sat up straight at that, and breathed out. Her brother followed her and grabbed her hands, knowing it's a sensitive topic.

"Now, I know sister that I'm asking a lot..." he treaded carefully, before he looked at her pleadingly. "... but I can leave these grounds...and you can help me. We...we will see each other almost everyday. We'll be that family that works together and drive each other crazy. " he added jokingly. "Not to mention we'll be able to keep an eye on Sabrina."

Cordelia closed her eyes, for the predicament she's been placed in.

"... And you, sister. You'll be able to cultivate young minds, oh how lucky those students will be to be taught by you. This is a brilliant opportunity, for the both of us."


"And you'll be...wait no?" her brother paused, realizing she finally spoke.

"No. I cannot join." she repeated herself, as she removed her hands and swiftly stood up from the chair.

"I...I don't.. I thought this is what you would've wanted for me." he stammered out in confusion and disbelief. Just then, as if on time, Father Blackwood came from downstairs with their Aunt Zelda following after him, both looking in slight pain, and smugness.

Noticing the two siblings staring at them. Father Blackwood addressed them, while getting ready to leave. "Brother Ambrose, I await your feedback." he then directed his gaze onto Cordelia, "... with good news, I hope." he said smiling knowingly as he left, with Aunt Zelda following him to leave.

"Your aunt Hilda should be home soon, I... I just have a few errands to run." she said mysteriously, earning her an embarrassed eye roll from her niece. Not wanting to know what her aunt was upto with the High Priest.

Alone once again, Ambrose addressed his sister. "For years, you've told me if there was anything you could do to ease this burden on me, you would. And here it is... and you would deny it from me?"

"Ambrose, I want what's best for you, that includes your freedom. But please understand when I say, I don't trust that..."

"Is this about Kiera?" he interrupted her, not seeming to be able to hear her, through his frustration. "... because it's been years and no-one but yourself, blames you for what happened. I thought you have overcome your demons, from your last visit at the Academy... "

Cordelia sighed tiredly, trying not to get riled up at her brother's brashness.

"It's not about that... I."

"Then what is it then?!" he exclaimed, while standing up.

"If you would let me finish my sentence, maybe then, you will know!" she yelled back. Leading her brother to pause and take a breath, before looking at his sister as patiently as possible to continue.

"I do not trust that man."

Ambrose blinked rapidly, in annoyance. "Father Blackwood? He is a High Priest, a prestige figure for the church of the night and an esteemed warlock in the magical community. That has to stand for something!"

With her one hand on her hip and the other rubbing her forehead, she spoke. "He has an agenda, Ambrose. I'm telling you."

"Is this Sabrina's influence?"

"No, of course not. I'm allowed to make my own observations and I have my own opinions!" she answered, insulted by the question.

"You know what this is?! You don't trust anyone outside of this family!"

"Well like everyone always try to remind me, I have a very good reason not to!"

The front door closed, and footsteps followed.

"What is going on here? I could hear you two from outside." their Aunt Hilda asked, worriedly. "I thought you sorted everything out this morning."

"I thought so too." Ambrose spoke, earning him a incredulous look from his sister. He then addressed his aunt. "Father Blackwood has given me the privilege to work for him at the Academy, which means I get to leave these grounds..."

"Oh, well. That... That's great news, love." she stammered out, not sure what the issue was.

"... but he will only allow it, if my sister joins the Unseen Academy of Arts faculty."

"Oh" their blonde aunt winced, making her niece exhale again.

"Yes,"oh"" Ambrose repeated, cynically, while looking at his sister.

"I cannot Ambrose, you'll be in debt to him. Who knows what he'll make you do, you will be blinded by his promises a..and...ambitions..." Cordelia treaded, gently.

"No, I will not. I'm not a child, Cordelia! Bloody hell!" he dropped his arms loudly. "I don't need you to babysit me!" he exclaimed, making his sister scoff.

While their aunt's eyes awkwardly went from her niece to her nephew, then back and forth, almost comically. As she didn't know if she should step in. This was the first time in many years that she witnessed the two fighting as harshly, and usually Zelda would be there to shut it down.

"... What could you possibly be so afraid of? What have made you so paranoid?!"

"Because I've failed you before!" she exclaimed back. Silence hit the room like a crash.

A tear fell from her eyes, which she wiped away, angrily. She sucked in her breath, as both family members looked at her in confusion.

"75 years ago I selfishly adhered to my wanderlust life, travelling and seeing the world, but the cost of it was neglecting you, when you needed me the most..." she paused as she swallowed the knob in her throat. She stepped closer to him, with her one hand resting on the table, she continued soflty.

"Ever since father died..." Ambrose looked away at the mention. "You've been trying to find a father figure. Which is completely understandable, since you live in a house full of women." she joked lightly.

"The first time was the man, you refuse to give the name of. A young Crowley, you would say. You followed him blindly with the rest of the conspirators...and I wasn't here to advise you or guide you. You getting sentenced could've been prevented if I just stepped in. "

"... But I'm here, now. And I'm not going to allow another man to manipulate you or hurt you. The less time you spend with Father Blackwood, the better. And if my decision to protect you, upsets you. Then so be it. " she said with finality.

Aunt Hilda tearfully looked at her nephew after her niece's declaration, waiting for his response.

Ambrose flattened his lips together and released a pop with his mouth and sighed out tiredly, with tears in his eyes.

"Do you love me, sister?"

Cordelia frowned at the question. "Of course I do, why would you even..."

"I'm begging you... please. I promise I won't lose my way, as I've done before."

His twin bit the inside of her cheek, in distraught. "Please understand. I cannot."

The warlock let out a sad chuckle and nodded his head. "Well then... It would seem you have become the warden to my prison." he said, as he turned and walked out of the room.

"Ambrose, lad." Aunt Hilda stammered as she called out.

Cordelia shook her head at her aunt, to stop her.

"The plants have been watered, Aunt Hilda. I should go..." her niece finally spoke, stoicly.

"Delia, dear...Perhaps stay for dinner."

"I don't think that's a good idea. I'll give him some space." With that the young witch left the house, leaving a frustrated aunt behind.

Reaching the porch, her aunt Zelda walked up the steps as well. "Delia dear, leaving so soon..."

"Yes" Cordelia answered shortly, while brushing passed her.

"Well, while I have you here. You can be first to know that the High Priest have offered me the position as Directrix of the school choir, while his wife is in her last stage of her pregnancy..." she informed her haughtily.

Cordelia immediately halted at that, and turned to her aunt. "What?"

'First her cousin, her brother and then herself, and now her aunt Zelda.' she thought deeply.

Seeing her niece frown at the news, she only noticed then her glum demeanor. "Delia, are you alri..."

"I need to go." she said bluntly and then teleported.

With one thought in mind, the High Priest was definitely up to something.

Arriving at the front of the Unseen of Academy of Arts. She noticed Nicholas Scratch sitting on the staircase.

"I know you have very good relationship with Father Blackwood, allow me access, please. I don't feel like trespassing as I did last time."

The warlock smirked. "Cordelia Spellman, this is a surprise. How are you? Good afternoon. It is a beautiful day isn't." he quipped, while standing up.

Cordelia rolled her eyes at his sarcasm. "I need to speak to the High Priest, please. Immediately, or I'll tell Sabrina that you have upset her cousin." she teased, knowing he was a simp for her cousin.

"Jeesh, Cordelia. You play dirty. Right this way." he smiled, that annoying charming smile as he led her inside and walked with her to the office.

As they reached the doors, she knocked.

"Come in!" Father Blackwood bellowed.

"Do I want to know?" Nicholas asked, before she went inside.

"Probably yes, but do you need to know? No. Now scat." she ordered him, playfully. As he raised his hands and backed away. "A thank you would suffice." he mumbled.

Entering the office, Cordelia gently closed the door. The High Priest was busy writing in a large book, as he glanced up, surprised. He placed his pen on his table and closed his book with a thud.

Smirking, he sat back and crossed his legs. "Miss Spellman. I'll have to say, this is a surprise, a pleasant one, I must add, please take a seat." he gestured with his hand, which had long sharp nails.

The witch gently sat on the chair as instructed. Before backing out, she immediately spoke out. "I will join your faculty."

Father Blackwood smiled at her. "I see your brother was able to convince you."

"Something like that."

"Well, I am very happy to hear that. Now let's see... " the man started immediately. "After your short time as a student at the Unseen Academy of Arts, you went on to study at Willamette University in Salem, where you received your doctorate in Languages, Politics and Medicine..."

Cordelia grimaced as the High Priest ticked off her accomplishments.

"... Then you also went on and became a Professor there...why did you leave?"

"Well, that was about during the time my brother was sentenced and Sabrina was born. I also didn't agree with what the school has become during my time away, so I completely removed myself."

It became too prestige for her liking and the admission for students were vigorous to say the least.

"Hmmm...Well, with your credentials, though not as impressive as your brother." he snided, making the younger witch bite the inside of her cheek in annoyance. "You will definitely be able to uphold your Professor title at the school..."

"I have conditions."

The warlock blinked at the interruption and request. Going along he finally nodded. "I'm willing to listen to them."

Breathing out, she started. "I get to decide what subjects I teach."

"That's seems reasonable..."

"The age groups..."


"And lastly, I get to decide exactly what is taught in my class, I get to decide which books and encyclopedias."

The room was filled with silence at the last request. Father Blackwood scrutinized her, seeming wanting to read her.

Cordelia held the stare and kept her posture straight.

"As long, as it stays within the Satanic believes and the Dark Lord's will." he finally broke the silence.

"Of course."

"Then Miss Spellman, we have come to an agreement." he smirked as he stood up from his chair and held out his hand.

Cautiously, she stood up and took his hand. Immediately, he squeezed it hard, his nails almost digging into her skin, but she smiled back at him.

"It seems we have."

If she was going to find out what his plans was with her family, it was best that she would join and work from the inside.

Exiting the office, she breathed out. Feeling like she made a deal with the devil himself, which was pretty close.

"Cordelia..." a surprised voice, said from behind her.


Both witches stood, Cordelia with her hands behind her back, and the younger witch tapped her nails nervously on the books she was holding.

Glancing at the office door, Prudence sent her a questioning gaze.

"Oh, I had a meeting with Father Blackwood. It seems I will be teaching at the Academy."

"Oh?" the short-haired witch eyes grew slightly in shock. "What finally convinced you?"

"Family" she replied shortly.

The younger witch just nodded in response.

Clearing her throat Cordelia spoke again, "Speaking about family. How is Agatha?"

Frowning at first, then Prudence caught on. "Your brother told you."

"Yes he did. What were you thinking?"

Prudence grabbed the older witch to a more secluded hallway, so no one could overhear.

"I was thinking that my sisters should be taught a lesson, which they had. And why do you care, I seem to remember earlier this year you threatening them yourself." she defended herself haughtily.

"Yes, 'threatened', not murder...

"... And I distinctly remember you mentioning murdering your aunt just to prove a point. "

" I... that's.. " Cordelia stammered." That was different, not only did I have my brother whose an expert in necromancy to help me bring her back. I also didn't use her death to bring someone else to life and then try to cheat death." she said pointedly.

The younger witch rolled her eyes and sighed in annoyance, then started to pick her nails boredly. "Thank you for the lecture..."

"... and that's beside the point." the older witch cut her off, ignoring the jab. "I care because I know how much they mean to you."

Prudent demeanor unintentionally softened, as Cordelia continued. "You'll be devasted if they actually ended up dead, permanently. Especially if you played a role in it, the guilt would tear you apart."

"I'm a big girl Cordelia. I can handle myself, and Agatha is fine, just a bit traumitised, but we're helping her through it."

The Spellman witch released a breath of relief, and nodded. "Well, then I should go, and you should probably head to class."

Prudence looked at her, bemused. "Will do, Professor Spellman." then brushed passed the other witch.

Cordelia stood with her mouth opening and closing. Not understanding how they cannot be taking the situation seriously.

Sighing out, she left the Academy dreading for the next day to come.

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