Chapter 20: A Midwinter's Tale Part 2

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A paranoid Cordelia, quickly went to her house in the afternoon, to ensure her Yuletide log was still burning; which it was

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A paranoid Cordelia, quickly went to her house in the afternoon, to ensure her Yuletide log was still burning; which it was.

Also taking the opportunity to take a quick smoke before heading back to her family home. Arriving there, she was bumped into by her aunt Hilda.

"Oh, Delia! It's just you..." the older witch panted out breathlessly.

"What's going on?"

"It's seems we've been infiltrated by manevolences."

"Hilda!" Aunt Zelda yelled frantically. The two witches shared a worried look before following the voice. "Hilda!"

Cordelia looked at her eldest aunt who's eyes was filled with fear.

"What? What's happened?" Aunt Hilda asked, surprised by her sister's state.

"It's the baby."

"What?" the youngest witch asked.

"Leticia's missing."

"No, no that's not possible. The dreamcatcher would've protected her..."

Her eldest aunt looked at her guiltily. "I...I might have removed it."

Cordelia stared at her aunt in disbelief. "You disliked the gift that much?!"

"No, no of course not! I was playing Peekaboo with Leticia and my hair got caught in it...I only removed it for a second until..."

Suddenly a baby cry filled the house, making all three of them pause to listen, then it was followed by children giggling.

The three women nodded towards in agreement, as they followed Leticia's cries. Each time they entered a room, the cries came from another room, this went on almost for a whole 20 minutes.

"Alright, that's it!" Cordelia exclaimed, not able to take Leticia's crying without being able to comfort her. "I'm trapping and banishing ghost children today!" she moved towards the stairs, planning to head to her room. "The vases I bought in New Orleans, will finally be useful".

"No! Delia." Aunt Zelda grabbed her niece's wrist. As the house echoed with children's laughter again. "These are not normal poltergeists... we cannot harm them, I cannot fathom what the mother will do to us, if we did..." the older woman explained, making Cordelia frown in confusion.

"Their moth..?"

"Let's rather split up, divide and conquer." her aunt Hilda suggested, as they nodded and went their separate ways.

Cordelia went to the living room, while her aunt Hilda went to the kitchen and aunt Zelda to the elbalming room.


Cordelia heard her blonde aunt exclaim, and went to the kitchen with her aunt Zelda in tow.

"Oh, my gosh. It's okay, darling. It's okay. It's okay." aunt Hilda comforted a crying Leticia, in near tears herself. Cordelia breathed out in relief and immediately caressed the crying baby's head.

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