Chapter 8: The Witch Academy Part 2

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The next day, Cordelia walked down the stairs, wondering if her cousin made it through her second night at the Academy.

Noticing her aunt Hilda on the phone, she frowned, hearing her cousin's name, just as her other aunt and Ambrose also stepped closer from the kitchen. The redheaded matriarch grabbed the phone from her sister, quiete roughly.

Watching both her aunties listening over the phone, she bit her lip in worry.

"Are they now?" Aunt Zelda, at the same time as her other aunt spoke simataneously. "We'll be right there, love."

Seeming to be at the end of the call, they both suddenly paused as their youngest niece spoke again.

The aunties exchanged quick glances and then turned to look at Cordelia in concern.

The younger witch closed her eyes knowingly. 'She found out.'

"Sabrina, darling. I think it's best if you speak to Cordelia about it... Oh, alright. We"ll see you soon." Aunt Hilda ended off nervously.

"Let's go, sister. Sabrina needs us."

"Right behind you, let's go."

"I'm coming with."

The aunties looked at their niece as she grabbed her coat as well.

"Delia..." her aunt Zelda started, uncertainly. "I don't think it's a good idea if you come along... Sabrina seems..."

"Alright, by the expressions on your faces, I can see that she knows and she probably does not want to speak to me. But she's my cousin and she needs help, and I'm coming with."

Without waiting for a response, she grabbed the hearse keys, knowing her aunties are a bit old to teleport. "I'm driving."

"Oh, alright, very bossy, today." Aunt Hilda mumbled, but followed after her.

"No one drives the hearse, but me." her aunt Zelda spoke up, as she followed with quick steps.

"Keep believing that, aunt Zelda." Cordelia responded, not sparing her a glance as she opened the driver door and got in.

The red-headed aunt gasped, at a loss for words at the younger witch's admittance, as her sister got in the backseat.

Cordelia opened the door for the older woman, and looked at her in anticipation. "Are you coming with, or not? I can always take Bonnie and you can drive yourself."

Aunt Hilda's eyes grew at that, not liking the idea of her niece using her motorcycle, she squeezed her head between two seats. "Zelds, just get in the bloody car."

Cordelia smirked knowingly, as Zelda Spellman huffed and reluctantly got into the passenger seat, not a second to spare, her niece drove off.

Arriving at the Academy, as the three witches got out of the car. The eldest witch muttered, "Definitely, not your first time driving my hearse."

Reaching the doors, the red-headed matriarch entered first, as they marched towards the High Priest's office.

Just outside of the office, they found their youngest Spellman member, who still seem to be shaken from he previous night's events.

"Sabrina!" Aunt Zelda and Aunt Hilda called, as they both rushed to her, both checking her for any bodily harm.

Cordelia stayed behind watching them, as the young blonde reassured her aunties that she was fine.

Sabrina noticed her cousin standing there, and immediately glared.

Swallowing at her intense gaze, she cleared her throat. "Are you alright?" Cordelia finally spoke.

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