Bad Wolf Family Saga (Book 1)

By Missreader2023

24.8K 903 296

Daisy Tyler is Rose Tyler's older sister by 2 years and known as the black sheep of the family for taking in... More

Introduction (Edited)
Daisy and Lucinda Part 1 (Edited)
Check Out My Profile, Please!
Daisy and Lucinda Part 2 (Edited)
Daisy and Lucinda Part 3 (Edited)
Daisy and Lucinda Part 4 (Edited)
The End of the World (SNEAK PEAK!)
The End of the World Part 1 (Edited!)
The End of the World Part 2 (Edited!)
The End of the World Part 3 (Edited!)
The End of the World Part 4 (Edited!)
The Unquiet Dead Part 1 (Edited!)
The Unquiet Dead Part 2 (Edited!)
The Unquiet Dead Part 3 (Edited!)
The Unquiet Dead Part 4 (Edited!)
Aliens of London Part 1
Aliens of London Part 2
Aliens of London Part 3
Aliens of London Part 4
World War Three Part 1
Please Read (Need Answers)
World War Three Part 3
World War Three Part 4 (Sneak Peak)
Let's Talk! (Chapter for Everyone To Talk)

World War Three Part 2

780 39 3
By Missreader2023

Inside the Cabinet Room, the Doctor grabs a glass bottle of alcohol and holds it up to the Slitheens. "One more move and my sonic device will triplicate the flammability of this alcohol. Whoof, we all go up! So back off."

The three Slitheens step backwards thinking he isn't lying.

The Doctor smirks in response and glances behind him at Daisy and Lucinda, who are sitting at the table just happily watching him interact with the aliens. "Right, then! Question time. Who exactly are the Slitheen?"

"They're aliens." Harriet answers.

"Yes, got that, thanks."

"Who are you, if not human?" Green questions the Doctor.

Harriet's eyes widen at the fact someone else in the room with her isn't human. "Who's not human?"

Daisy gestures to the Doctor with her head. "He's not. Now, hush."

The Doctor smiles at her in thanks before turning his attention back to the Slitheen. "So, what's the plan?"

"But he's got a Northern accent." Harriet comments to Daisy.

"Lots of planets have accents." Lucinda comments. "Now, stay quiet!"

"Come on." The Doctor continues. "You've got a spaceship hidden in the North Sea. It's transmitting a signal. You've murdered your way to the top of government. What for, invasion?"

"Why would we invade this God-forsaken rock?" Asquith snorts with disbelief.

"Then something's brought the Slitheen race here. What is it?"

Asquith's face changes to confusion. "The Slitheen race?"

"Slitheen is not our species. Slitheen is our surname." Green corrects the Doctor. "Jocrassa Fel Fotch Pasameer-Day-Slitheen at your service."

Lucinda opens her mouth, but Daisy places her hand over it and shakes her head.

"Let's not say anything." She advises her goddaughter. "The Doctor has this handled."

"So, you're family." The Doctor states as he looks at the colour of their collars to see them matching.

"A family business." Green tells him.

"Then you're out to make a profit. How can you do that on a God-forsaken rock?"

"Ah, excuse me?" Asquith interrupts as he gestures to the bottle of alcohol. "Your device will do what? Triplicate the flammability?"

"Is that what I said?" The Doctor glances behind his shoulder at Daisy, and she nods her head.

"You're making it up!" Asquith accuses him.

The Doctor winces knowing he's been caught out. "Ah, well." He goes to pass the bottle to Harriet. "Nice try! Harriet, have a drink. I think you're gonna need it."

"You pass it to the left first." She corrects.

"Sorry." He turns to Daisy's direction and passes her the bottle.

"I don't drink around Lucinda." She comments, going over to the table and places it down. "But thank you."

"Now we can end this hunt with a slaughter." Asquith smirks at them all.

Lucinda backs away to Daisy, and the Doctor's eyes turn dark at the threat just seconds before he grins. "Fascinating history, Downing Street. Two thousand years ago, this was marsh land." He looks around the room. "1730, it was occupied by a Mister Chicken. He was a nice man. 1796, this was the Cabinet Room. If the Cabinet's in session and in danger, these are about the four most safest walls in the whole of Great Britain. End of lesson." The Doctor lifts up a small box on the wall and presses the button, watching as metal shutters closes over every exit and possible openings. "Installed in 1991. Three inches of steel lining every single wall. They'll never get in."

"But we're also stuck in here." Daisy points out to him.

The Doctor winces and his grin disappears. "Ah."

"Yeah, I think that's a reasonable reaction." She mutters with a tiny grin. "But at least we're safe."

"Well, that's one way to look at it." Harriet comments.

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