An Orange Filled Sky {Ichigo...

By ir0k1sak1

14.7K 577 56

Following the aftermath of Aizen's betrayal and the Ryoka Incident. Y/N Kuromizumi finds himself promoted to... More


978 41 12
By ir0k1sak1

"Yoroshiku onegaishimasu." You stated bowing towards him.

"Hai, yoroushiku onegaishimasu Mizu-kun." He smiled with a kindness that pierced your heart.

Usually, anyone who met you would question why your name sounded so girly. You usually shrugged it off because a lake can be gentle, but it could also drown. The only people who would call you Mizu-kun were Captain Kyuutenrai and Futaomote-san. This boy was very intriguing.

"It's alright for me to unwrap these to check your wound, right?" You questioned sitting above him.

"Y-yeah." He stated nervously, allowing you to begin unwrapping his wraps.

The wound was rapidly healing itself. The stitches that were once needed to hold the skin together weren't needed anymore.

You clapped your hands before plastic gloves appeared on them. You pulled your bag from a cube as you used a scissor to undo the stitches.

"That kidō you used before what was it?" He questioned, wincing at the feeling of you removing the stitches.

"Sorry for that, but that was Kaidō. Where Kidō focuses on using reiatsu to form its spells. Kaido uses reiatsu into rapidly healing the body. The kaido I use is influenced by my Rippoutaimon spell." You explained summoning a cube for you to dispose of the stitch string.


"Yeah, that cube kidō I used to get us here. It controls space and time singling out a specific place in time. Which is why we were able to teleport. For the kaidō usage, however, I simply begin fast forwarding the rate of regrowth for the wound." You stated cleaning up the area of the wound, throwing away the old wrappings. Ichigo laid in surprise hearing your lengthy explanation.

"A powerful Kidō I see." He replied bluntly, which caused you to scoff.

"A man of many words I see." You explained, pulling new wrapping from your bag.

"What could I even say to that?" He questioned groaning again as you rewrapped his abdomen.

"Good point. You could at least question something about the whole teleportation system." You retorted finishing your tying of his wrap.

"You already explained a lot about it." He replied, looking down to his stomach.

"I-I don't feel it at all." He replied, surprised by this fact.

"It means I did my job." You explained, pulling away from his side. You pulled your gloves off and threw them into the trash filled cube.

"Well, I'm glad you did." He said, pulling himself up from his bed.

"Of course!" You exclaimed, walking off to start packing your medical utensils up.

Ichigo quickly began analyzing you a surprise look appearing on his face. He saw your white coat and your shihakusho.

"You're a Captain?!" He questioned, obviously surprised by this. You turned your head back to him.

"Yes, I am." You pulled your bag up, teleporting it into the cube.

"Why are you in Karakura Town? And why did you almost die falling?" He questioned, groaning in pain holding onto his side.

"Oi! I just healed your abdomen! Not your entire body!" You exclaimed, pushing him down to sit. He groaned, taking a seat before looking to you in confusion.

You laughed him off before taking a seat on the ground. A look of embarrassment filling your face.

"To answer both your questions, I was sent here with other soul reapers for a mission.. As to why I almost died well, I overestimated my step and well.. I ended up flying downward." You explained, holding the back of your neck with a nervous chuckle.

"I was recently promoted so I don't have a lot of field experience."

"I thought captains were at least able to hold their own against opponents. You can't even hold yourself up." He muttered sarcastically. This causes him to be flicked back into his bed with great force from your hand.

Your awkward glare shifts into one of anger.

"You don't go calling someone who saved yer rear-end a sub par captain!" You exclaimed.

"Hey! That hurt!" Ichigo exclaimed, rubbing his forehead.

"Good! I don't take kindly to being called weak by some second-rate soul reaper!" You yelled, which was met by Ichigo pushing you into the wall.

Your eyes widened. For a second, you couldn't even read his movements. His dominating figure hunching down for his eyes to be in his level.

"I'll have you know I'm an official Substitute Soul Reaper who's taken on a bunch of you captains before." He starkly replied mischief and seriousness reflected in his eyes.

"So you're him.. The Ryoka turned hero." You whispered in surprise. You should've known from his appearance at first, but this was intriguing.

"Yes, I am." He smugly replied, which caused a scoff to escape your lips.

"Ichigo-kun, you'd best move before I show you why I'm a captain." You offered the boy which only caused him to smirk.

"Let's see it then." He smugly stated before your eyes focused on him.

"Alright." In an instant, you pushed him into the floor below.

Your leg shoved into his leg. You lay on top of him. Your hands are holding his arms down. Both your eyes locked for a second a strand of your hair escaping from the top of your head. His smug look turned to awe before you quickly twisted him. Putting his face into the floor.

You pulled his right arm back using your leg to force his other arm down beside him.

You began pulling on his arm, causing him to yelp in pain.

"Ow! Ow! Let me go!" He exclaimed in pain as you continued pulling his arm.

"Kyuuryū no Raido: a hakuda form made by my former Captain Kyuutenrai. It focuses on turning an opponent's strength on themselves in an instant." You explained, pulling his arm back more.

"Ow! Ow!"

"You rethinking calling me weak?" You questioned, answered by Ichigo's crying.

"Y-yes! Yes! I was wrong now. Could you please let me go?!" He yelped in pain as you pulled back further. A laugh escaped your lips before you did so, allowing his arms to escape.


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