Helion Spellcleaver and the L...

By arobis_the_bookworm

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This is a fanfic based on the characters of the AOCTAR book series by S.J.Mass Aurelia is the name I found a... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3: Continuation of part 2
Part 4; After dinner with Helion and Aurelia
Part 5
Part 6: Day out in Velaris
Part 7; Bond between family
Part 8: Elucien date
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22

Part 13

32 6 2
By arobis_the_bookworm

'Aurelia here,' Elain thrust forward two boxes, 'one is for you and the other one is for Helion.'

Aurelia curiously eyed the boxes as she reached for both of them, giving one to Helion who stood right beside her. After they had finished eating, what Elain thought had been the most awkward meal in her life or maybe it was the second most awkward. The first one was the first dinner she'd had with Feyre as Fae and the Illyrians. Helion stood always near Aurelia or right next to her. In the short amount of time Helion hadn't left his mate's side once.

'What are these?'

'These are magical boxes. They are bound together and if you put something in one of the boxes it goes to the other one in a blink of an eye. Look.' Elain took a small gold ring with a green stone from her pinkie and put it inside the box in Aurelia's hand and then closed the box.

'Now Helion open your box.'

Helion did as she said and opened the box revealing Elain's golden ring that hadn't been there previously. A shadow of a smile ghosted his face, yet the sky still looked gloomy.

'Its a nice idea Elain, thanks for the thought.' Aurelia reached into Helion's box and took Elain's ring before giving it to her.

'I believe hiding it in my clothes won't be a problem. It's lovely.' Aurelia's thumb trailed over the beautifully carved twirls on the box. 'Thanks again.' She smiled softly and gave Elain's hand a little squeeze to which Elain responded with a smile of her own.

A small thump on the the living room interrupted the moment startling them all.

'Eris?' Lucien's voice echoed surprised.

Eyes narrowing, Helion tightened his grip in Aurelia's waist. It wasn't time for her to leave yet. They had probably another two hours left.

'Brother,' Eris' sharp voice sliced through the silence. Glancing at each other once the mates went out of the dining room towards the living room, Elain trailing after them.

In the middle of the room stood the Autumn heir, clad in red and orange Autumn clothes, his hair long enough to be tied back, his gaze taking in the place until they stopped at his mother. A soft smile appeared in his face, catching Elain off guard. She's heard of the Autumn heir from her sisters and seen him in Hewn city, but hadn't really spoken to him. According to what she'd heard Eris didn't seem like a very loving mama's boy type of guy, but maybe mothers were always their sons dearest.


'Eris,' Aurelia opened her arms and Eris came straight to her, hugging her deeply as if they had been apart for so long. 'Welcome child.'

One of Aurelia's hands splayed across Eris' broad back and the other caressed his hair softly, gently, oozing motherly love and care. Eris tucked his face in the place where Aurelia's shoulder met her neck and wrapped his arms around his mother giving her a little squeeze before pulling away. Turning his eyes towards Helion, the males simply acknowledged each others presence with a nod.

'Helion.' Nod.

'Eris, Helion nodded his voice pure ice. 'I believe you have come a little sooner that supposed.'

'Am aware,' Eris replied sweetly, yet his eyes were anything but. His eyes narrowed as they went to his mother's waist seeing Helion's hand splayed there possessively. 'But I am afraid we have to go now mother. Beron is coming from the Human Lands. Perhaps you should go to your human queen Lucien. She will need all the help she can get.'

A thunder was heard somewhere far and Helion growled softly at the mention of Beron's name.

'What has Vassa have to do with this?'

'Daddy dearest was off to the Human Lands that's why I could bring mother here.' Eris explained. 'For some reason he's coming back tonight, so my spies have informed me. He was supposed to come tomorrow morning and that would've given me and mom the time to glamour the staff at the palace. When I got the news on father's sudden return home I glamoured half of the people on my own. We have to go mother.'

'You are right Eris,' Aurelia's voice wavered. She tried to put on a brave act, steel her body and ready it for the next thing.


Yet her face was troubled, her shoulders lined with tension, sadness and something else visible in her face.

Then Eris' cold eyes met Elain. The heir smirked. He stepped away from his mother towards Elain who until now had been unmoving, a few steps behind where Aurelia and her mate stood. Closer to the door's entrance as if at the smallest danger she would run away.

Elain watched the approaching male with disdain. For some reason she didn't like him approaching her at all. As if he was fire itself and if he got any closer he would burn anyone and everyone.

Elain's heart started beating faster and faster while Eris approached, she saw his mouth moving but he might as well have been a mile away for all she heard.

Her mouth went bone-dry and the view blurred, Eris' handsome features transforming into someone else. Someone Elain had never seen.

She wasn't at the House anymore, the place was lit with candles, full of people donning all sorts of dresses, ladies with full lush skirts, their bodices embroidered with glistening jewels. Men wore heavy, long cloaks on their shoulders trailing behind them, their hands filled with gems.

On a high platform, behind a table, above everyone else stood he.

The man Eris transformed into.

His hair the colour of flames, licking down his shoulders. A small crown rested on his forehead. He looked every inch regal. On his right hand was a goblet which he kept raised, saluting the guests.

Elain couldn't even blink lest she ruined the moment, as if it would all crack and shatter like pieces of broken glass. Suddenly, everything changed. In a millisecond, they were out on the open. The guests weren't there. There were other people Elain couldn't make out. Everything was blurred.

Elain heard a whoosh of fire coming from somewhere out of her sight, screams and commotion. The fire was big now, she could see it, could hear it. It was directed to him. Elain wanted to move, to move him away from the flame. But the moment she opened her mouth, the moment flame was about to eat him alive-

'Elain.' A smooth, masculine voice cut through her haze. Elain blinked.

Eris stood right in front of her, a brow slightly raised. A thunder was heard.

She was home.

She was safe.

Yet she couldn't stop thinking of the man. Could it have been a vision? It must have. But she only got those at night. Shaking her head free of the thoughts she sobered.

'Well, not the best official meeting with my brother's mate.' He huffed amused. Eris extended his hand towards her. 'Eris Vanserra, heir to the Autumn Court.'

'You have quite the impact on a room.' Elain smiled sweetly. 'Elain Acheron, Couldron-made Seer.'

Eris grabbed the hand which she extended, bringing it to his lips, giving her knuckles a soft kiss. Behind his shoulder, Elain could see Lucien. All muscles on his body went rigid, his jaw clenched. Eris smirked, letting go of Elain's hand.

'Brother,' Eris called, his eyes on Elain. 'I assume you'll be joining us for Isaiah's wedding.'

'Yes.' Lucien spoke through his teeth, his jaw tensed.

'Elain should come with you too you know. Now that everyone knows you have a mate, you can't come alone.'

'That's for me and Lucien to discuss and for you to mind your business Eris.' Elain's voice dripped honey yet her eyes could freeze molten lava. Lucien wiped his face with his hand, tension leaving way to slight amusement.

'Yes Eris. Mind your own business.' Lucien stalked after his brother, coming to stand beside Elain.

A small sly smile appeared on Eris' chiseled face. He didn't seem bothered by their tones or clipped words.

'Can't wait to see you two there then.' Turning their backs to them, Eris spoke with a tone a tad warmer. 'Mother we have about an hour now.'

Aurelia nodded, pulling away from her mate.

'Give us a moment.' Taking Helion's hand in hers she got out of the room, thunders following after them.

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