Closest To Heaven That I'll E...

By Caffinated_Mama

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What would you say if I told you there weren't three members of the Golden Trio, but there were four. I swear... More

1. I don't want the world to see me
2. Calm Down
3. Eliminating Night Terrors
4. Unexpected Visitor
5. Signed, Sealed Delivered....I'm Yours.
6. It's You
7. Holyhead Harpies
8. Dancing the night away
9. Roommates
10. Getting To Know You
11. When We Were Young
12. Slytherin Smirk
13. Meet The Parents
14. Dinner Party
15. Noah
16. Please Forgive Me
18. Stupid Cupid
19. Cry Me A River
20. No More Hiding
21. These are my Confessions
22. Its About Damn Time
23. Never Have I Ever
24. Read All About It
26. Hello
27. Mo Ádh
28. Truth Will Out
29. Addraionse
30. Handbags and Gladrags
31. I Could Have Danced All Night
32. Trip Down Memory Lane
33. News
34. Justice
35. Only Fools Rush In
36. Planning
37. Home Is Where You Are
38. Questions
39. Unexpected News
40. Moving Day
41. Dinner with Royalty
41. Yule Ball
42. Press Release and More
43. Epilogue

17. I'm Taking The Win

26 2 0
By Caffinated_Mama

I had no clue what to do about Harry. I knew I needed to speak with him, but I knew it would not end well. I was dreading it. But I knew that I needed to take action. Ginny would be home in over a week's time, and this had to be sorted before then. It was unfair to her not to sort it. 

Turns out, though, I didn't need to worry about taking action. Because when does look ever go my way. 

I was over at Hermione's having dinner one evening. She had actually been looking into my work on the machine. It was coming along nicely, and I knew that in a month or two, I would be ready for some beta testing. 

Hermione, being a muggle born and knowing about all the possible muggle diseases, was a great help in making sure that I was completely covered. She had bought me muggle medical books on illnesses, injuries, ailments, and diseases. 

"Hermione, this is fantastic! This will be a big help!" I said, flipping through the book. 

"The wizarding world is actually very far behind the muggle world when it comes to modern medicine. Most of the muggle diseases, the wizarding community have never ever heard of. It's mind baffling. There are so many diseases that witches and wizrads could potentially be suffering from, and we have no clue and therefore no cure for. Like Stroke or Cancer -"

"Can what?"

"Cancer - it's a horrible disease which rots away at a person. There are treatments for some types, but others, it's harder, and if the disease isn't caught in time, it may be too late."

"It sounds delightful." I said sarcastically.

"But with your work, you will be able to help people get a diagnosis quicker and save lives. People will be given a course of treatment that is likely to work for them instead of the trial and error method that muggles use. It's amazing. Mind-blowing."

"I hope so." I smile at her. 

"It will be. I will help in any way I can. I mea, it's genius. Addalie, this machine alone could make you one of the richest megical people of our time. You will be a multi-million Galleonaire."

"I am not in it for the money. It was just a thought that I had that I mentioned to Draco, and he ran with it."

"Well, be glad he did. It's amazing. He must have realised the potential like me and decided to get on the ball. I mean, he had the best legan team in the Ministry (myself included) work on the licence and copyright the idea."

"OK, you have lost me."

"It means that no one else can steal your idea. It's your design, and he made sure that no one would even be able to make anything even remotely similar without your approval. It's something that most inventors would not think of. But it's a brilliant idea. It means your work and research all belong to you. If someone else tried to make something like this and sell it, they would be sued or face jail time."

"Seriously? How did I not know this?"

"Well, it's the paperork side of things.. I assume Draco looks after all that for you?"

I nodded. "Well, he really knows his stuff. You are in good hands, it appears. He really does have your best interests at heart. I looked at your contract, too. He isn't taking a lot back in terms of shares and is making sure the majority of the business stays in your name"

"That's good, right?" I asked.

"It's unusual. Most businessmen are out to fill their own pockets. Draco is making sure that yours are filled first. I think we now know that he does actually care for you. More than he is letting on. You are thought of in every business decision he makes. It's really very sweet."

I groaned. "You are just adding to the confusion that is my relationship with Draco."

"Sorry." She shrugged. 

"Well, considering you have given me this," I held up the very thick muggle medical book. "You will get an honorary mention in my release publications."

"Would you like some wine?" She asked, holding out the bottle.

"Yes, please," I smiled as a knock rang on her door. 

"Mione, it's me and Harry," Ron shouted from the other side of the door. 

Hermione turned to me, her eyes wide. "Yeah, I am going to need a bigger glass," I smirked at her. "Might as well get this over with. I will answer the door."

"Hermione, open up, I am bursting for a w-" I opened the door. Ron was clearly leaning against it as he fell into the apartment. "You're not Hermione."

"And you are not Johnny Depp. Looks like we are both disappointed."

"Addalie," Harry smiled. 

"Evening boys," I said as I headed back inside and over to the sofas, taking my glass and pulling Hermione down to sit next to me, leaving the boys to sit on the other sofa.

"Addalie, babe. It's good to see you," he smiled a genuine smile, which I had no problem returning. 

"Didn't you have to pee?" I laughed.

"Oh yeah!" He said dancing. "Hold that thought I will be back." He ran out of the room. 

" how have you been, Addalie?" Harry asked nervously. 

"I have been good. You?"

"It's been... weird." He answered, looking down. 

Oh great, we get to play. Guess what I am trying to say.

"That's good." There was a bit of an awkward silence. 

"Harry, do you want a beer?" Hermione asked. 

"Merlin, yes!" Harry sighed. 

"Already on it, mate," Ron said, coming back into the room with two beers. "Hello honey," he said as he kissed Hermione, making her blush. Ron handed Harry a beer and sat down next to him. "It's good to see you, Addalie. Hermione mentioned you two had been spending some time together. I was wondering when I would get my turn."

I took a sip of wine. "I'm all yours," I laughed. "But it is good to see you."

"How is the business going?" He asked. 

"Thriving. I can't believe it. I have a second store now in Hogsmeade. We have just hired staff for it as well as an assistant for Pansy for the Diagon Alley store. We have a warehouse manager and several employees who do deliveries and pick-ups from suppliers. It's been crazy busy, which is great!"

"Sounds like it's booming!"

"You should hear about the new machine she is working on that will be able to detect any disease, illness or issue with your body after a quick scan and provide the Healers with a detailed, customised course of treatment. It will cover both muggle and magical diseases. Tell them, Addie." She encouraged. 

"I think you just did," I laughed.

"That sounds amazing," Harry spoke up. 

"We hope so. It's been a long time in the making. I have had to gather info on all diseases. Working with Healers, Aids and even a Doctor and a Sur...em..." I looked to Hermione. 

"A surgeon." She finished for me. 

"Yeah, one of those. It's been fascinating but very hard work. Hermione is going to help with the muggle diseases and treatments."

"Cool," Ron smiled. 

"It is. I may have to convince your girlfriend to take a few shares in the profits. So how is Auror work?" I asked. 

"Gruelling. I mean it's brilliant and exciting when you are in training. But out in the field is nothing like I have ever experienced." Ron said.

"Really? What like fighting dementors, Death Eaters, preparing for battle, searching for a basilisk, helping Harry train for trials, and going on a rescue mission to the Ministry for a prophecy?" I smirked.

"Alright, alright, it's similar...actually it's a lot less stressful." Ron said rubbing is stubble. 

"But do you enjoy it?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess I do."

"I love it,"Harry said. "Helping people and being the good guy who saves the day -"

"Yeah, because when else would Harry Potter get the chance to do that?" I smirked. Thankfully, everyone laughed. 

"And Hermione is busy taking over the Ministry one department at a time," I said proudly. "You will be Minister before you are 35. I would bet 100 galleons on it."

"I wouldn't go that far. But I would like to maybe be his assistant one day. Help him with his leadership tasks and have a bit of input. Would be nice."

"And it would be better if you just ran for Minister." I said. "You are exactly what the community needs."

"And you are being too nice." Hermione smiled. 

"I'm not wrong. I am never wrong."

"So how are your new group of friends?" Harry asked, changing the subject. 

I took a sip of wine. His demeanour had changed. "They are great. Blaise treats me like a sister, and Pansy, Daphne, and Laurie treat me exactly the same as they treat each other. They have changed from their ways at school. The first thing they did when they met me was apologise. Sincerely apologise. Then they sort of attacked Theo for me." I looked to Hermione. 

"What did Nott do?" Harry asked through clenched teeth. 

"It was back in school. A long time ago. They just...came to realise something."

"Does this have anything to do with you and Nott making out in the Astronomy Tower?" Ron asked, smirking.

"What?" Hermione and I gasped. 

"Yeah, I followed you one night. I wondered what you were up to, and you were up there snogging him. He didn't hurt you, did he?" Ron asked.

"Not physically, no." I sighed. "Theo and I dated all of 5th year and a bit of 6th year in school."

"WHAT?" Ron asked, shocked. Harry was fuming. "How did we not know this?"


"I knew, and I also knew that you two would have a few horrible things to say about it, so I never told you. He treated her well, and at the time, that's all I cared about," Hermione explained. 

"So what happened?" Ron asked. 

"We... broke up... I broke up with him. He was ashamed to be with me. Made me keep our relationship a secret because he said it would ruin his reputation if anyone found out a Slytherin was with a Gryffindor. Made me meet with him after curfew or between classes. It was a real pain in the ass. Then I found him in bed...with Lavender Brown."

"Wh-you did? When?" Ron asked. 

"6th year. Just before you were poisoned."

" your boyfriend was shagging my girlfriend?" Ron relayed not really giving a damn by the look of him. Actually he looked amused. I nodded. "Well we are definitely better off without them."

"I think so yeah." I smiled at him. A smile he returned. 

Then he leaned forward. "To better things, for both of us," he toasted holding up his beer bottle. I clicked it with my class and chuckled. He then took a sig of beer before setting it down on the coffee table and clapping his hands together. "So who is hungry?"

"Starving," Hermione answered. "Addie?"

"Yeah I am hungry."

"Me too," Harry answered. 

"Addie, babe there is an amazing Chinese takeaway around the corner from here. Have you ever had Chinese?"

I shook my head. 

"Well then I am about to blow your mind!" He smirked. 

"I bet you say that to all the girls," I smirked back. He froze not really knowing what to do but Harry and Hermione both burst out laughing. 

"The look on your face Ron!" Hermione laughed as Ron grabbed her jacket. 

"Yeah yeah, come you. Let's go get the food." He pulled Hermione towards the door. 

"But Addalie -"

"Harry will keep her company." Ron said. Hermione gave me a look clearly asking if I would be Ok. So I nodded and smiled at her. Only then did she let Ron pull her out the door.

When it was just Harry and I, he stood up and moved around the coffee table to sit next to me. He sat close but not too close like Noah or Draco had previously. 

"So how have you been Harry, really?" I asked.

"I have missed you. I have missed this. Us being together. The four of us. Laughing and joking like we used to in the Gryffindor common room. I miss those times."

"Yeah we had many a night staying up after everyone went to bed, talking and planning. Trying to figure out whatever dangerous situation we had found ourselves in."

"You know Ron and I were talking about this the other day. You were always the one to either solve the riddle or come up with an idea for a plan. We always took action based on your guidance. You really were like a guardian angel during those years."

"No it was a team effort."

"And yet you never received any of the praise." He said looking upset. 

"If you remember I never wanted any to begin with."

"But as time went on, we just stopped even mentioning you. It was unfair. No one got to know how amazing you were. How funny, passionate, caring, loyal and kind you were."

"That's not really -"

"Addie, I am so sorry for how you were treated. In the Great Hall, you had every right to call us out on how we have behaved. I was so proud of you for standing up for yourself like that. And I am sorry I didn't know the answer to your questions. It wasn't just you. I didn't know any of those things about Hermione either. I guess I wasn't much of a friend growing up."

I nodded. 

"But you proved what a great friend you were. I was so impressed. You knew everything about us. All the little details we had even forgotten about ourselves. You always remembered. You had the ability to know exactly what we were thinking or feeling at any given moment. It was incredible."

I smiled at him. "What can I say? It's a gift." 

"Bill and George had a few choice words for us after the memorial. When we realised you had...gone. They sat us down and called us out on our behaviour. I think all three of us cried. We never took the time to see how badly you were treated before. And I want to apologise for being a lousy friend."

"You weren't lousy." I defended. "And I wasn't perfect."

"Addalie, you wrote to us all the time and we never had the decency to write back. When you were stuck in Hogwarts during the summer, we never thought to check on you. We just assumed you were safe. You were with your uncle."

"I was."

"But we didn't check on you. It was like out of sight, out of mind. You said that you did a lot of soul searching when you were away. Well over the last 2 years I have too. That's why I never settled down. I wanted to better myself. Be a man deserving of love. I think part of me was waiting for you to come back. I don't know if you know this but I went looking for you after the memorial?"

"I knew. Bill told me while I was in Austrilia. I asked him not to mention to you that he had seen me. I knew what you were like. You would be at the Ministry straight away setting up a Port Key. And when you did find me, I wasn't ready then. I would have ran into your arms and forgot about everything that I said in the Great Hall."

Harry sighed. 

"Addalie, that night at Malfoy Manor. It all happened so fast. It wasn't until we reached the beach that I realised you were not with us and that I stupidly had your wand. Leaving you completely defenceless and alone. How did you escape?"

"Lucius Malfoy told his wife Narcissa to get me out of there so she Apparated me to my grandfather's." I told him. 

He looked stunned. "They...let you go?"

"Yeah. I have spoken with them since and they apologised and told me how they were trying to better themselves. Lucius told me how he planned to take Narcissa and Draco and go into hiding when he escaped Azkaban but with Voldemort at their house and Draco being one of them, it made it impossible."

"Narcissa was the one to tell Voldeort I was dead when I wasn't at great risk to herself. I owe her a lot." Harry nodded. "If you believe they have changed then I do too. All of them. Your friends included."

"Hermione has met the girls already. They apologised and have spent time getting to know her."

"That's good! Hermione needs more girl friends in her life. Me and Ron were not very good subsitutes for you. She cried for days after we escaped. She thought you were dead or being tortured. Ron caught her twice trying to head back to Malfoy Manor on an escape mission.

I didn't know this. It made me love her even more.

"And I -" he got choked up. "It pained me that the last words I spoke to you were so cruel and hurtful. I didn't even mean them. Truth was I fancied you too. You and Ginny. I talked about Ginny to you to make you jealous. To get a reaction out of you. And it worked. But then the locket....the made all the pent up anger I had burst out and you were the one who was there so you became the target."

I took a deep breath. 

"When I close my eyes I can see the look on you face. The utter heartbreak. It kills me."

"Harry, please don't think of it. Without that happening that night I would never of had the courage to stand on my own to feet. To go off in search of myself. I would not be who I am today. I needed all that to happen to finally start to turn my life around. To stop walking in the shadows and step into the light."

He looked up at me. "I will never forgive myself for that night. But I am glad that something good came out of something so horrible. I am so happy to see the person you have become. The person that you were destined to be."

I blushed. "Thank you."

"Addalie, I want you to know that, the feelings that I have for you. These are not just new feelings. I have always felt this way. Since the night of the Yule Ball when you walked into the room. You took my breath away."

"I did?"

"And I am sorry that I pulled away. What you saw as me not caring for you was me caring for you too much and not understanding how to handle it."

"Oh." It was all I could say in that moment. 

"You and me, we have so much history. So many great memories together. Are you telling me that you don't feel the way that I feel?"

I looked up at him. Damn those bright green eyes. 

No! Tell him no! You did but now you -

He distracted me from my own thoughts by grabbing my wrists and pulling my into him, pressing his lips against mine. 

I was in complete shock. What was happening? How did we go from apologies to this?

I blame the wine. 

I pulled back and he rested his forehead against mine. "I have wanted to do that since the first day I saw you at the match."

"Harry, I -"

"Please don't say it." He kissed me again. Why was I fucking letting him. "I know that I hurt you and I know that it is something you canot fogive easily. But know that I am torn up inside at this. I love you Addalie just as I love Ginny. It's confusing as fuck. It's affecting everything - my work, my relationships with my friends, everything."

"Harry -"

"Ginny and I are only in the "facing" phase of a relationship."

"The what?" I asked confused. 

"We are seeing each other and other people. She is currently off at a training camp for the Harpies and having hookups with one of the trainers. She knows how I feel about you. It was her idea to explore it."

"I am sorry but I am lost."

"She told me to kiss you. That if we had a date and I kissed you that it might reveal to me who I love more. She knows how difficult this is and she is trying to understand."

"Ginny is an amazing woman!"

"So are you."

"Harry, I was ready to give you everything that night. Give myself to you completely and you rejected me. In that moment I made a promise to myself to start getting over you. It took me a long time...a very long time but finally I started to realise that you and I are better off as friends."

He kissed me again. Where was my fighting nature now?

"Can you honestly, hand on heart say that you feel absoluetly nothing for me?" he left go of my wrists and placed one hand on my waist and the other in my hair, pulling me gently towards him kissing me again. This kiss was different. It was delicate, and sweet. Like what I imagine a first kiss should be. If we were in a 50's romcom, my foot would be popping.

I had no clue how long we sat there kissing before I pulled back. "I do feel something, Harry, but it's not the same as what you want it to be. I am sorry."

"But you do feel something?" he asked. 

"You were my best friend. I fancied you for years. Of course, I felt something."

"Well, for right now. That is enough for me," he nodded before kissing me again. 

I had to snap out of this. 

"Harry," I said against his lips pulling back. "The last thing I want to do is hurt you. And this right here. This will end up hurting you." I stood up and lifted my glass, pouring more wine into it. "I can not kiss you and lead you on. I won't. I am not that kind of girl."

"I know you aren't. You are too good for that."

"I am sorry."

"Don't be. You felt something. I am taking the win." He said smugly.

I shook my head as the door to the apartment opened.

Thank Merlin for small favours.

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