My Love - Mason Thames

By BabyB1130

29.7K 254 193

Cassie is an amazing young actor who has been in many popular things before. When Cassie gets a job on The Bl... More

Meet the Characters
Chapter 1- The Call
Chapter 2- The Meeting
Chapter 3- Table Readings
Chapter 4- Insta Posts
Chapter 5- Who is He
Chapter 6- Filming
Chapter 7- Cast x2
Chapter 8- What's Wrong
Chapter 9- The Mall
Chapter 10- OMG REALLY
Chapter 11- Insta Posts #2
Chapter 12- Filming #2
Chapter 14- Paranoia
Chapter 15- Let me help you
Chapter 16- Girls Convo
Chapter 16- Boys Convo
Chapter 17- Pizza, Movie, ect.
Chapter 18- Hotels and Lobby Talks
Chapter 19- Sleepover
Chapter 20- Chick-fil-a
Chapter 21- I KNEW IT
Chapter 22- Oh Another Day
Chapter 23- Last day
Chapter 24- Premier

Chapter 13- Almost WHAT

861 7 8
By BabyB1130

Today was one of our days off. I am really excited the cast decided to go to Brady's house to hang out. We are supposed to get there around 11:30, I check my phone and it's currently 10:17. I throw on some California shorts, a black cropped tank top, and I threw Mason's hoodie on. (that I still have, yes I know it has been more than a month that I have had it. Don't judge). I quickly put on some black and white air forces and run out my door knowing very well the Mason isn't awake yet. I knock on his door repeatedly until he answers. My suspicions are proven right.

"It looks like you just rolled out of bed" I deadpan

"I did now would you like to explain why you come awake me at this hour?" Mason asks yawning

"Well 'this hour' is 10:40 and we have to leave for Brady's at 11:00 if we want to make it there on time." I say bouncing up to my toes smiling

"Ughh. Fine." He moves out of the door way so I can walk in, "Is that my hoodie?" Mason asks me

"Uhh, I have no clue what you're talking about. This hoodie has been in my wardrobe for more than a month so I believe it's mine." I inform him

"I think that you got it because I am a well mannered man who was raised right by his mother." He said walking up to me, he was so close that I had to look directly up to maintain eye contact

"Oh really?" I ask. Mason places his hands on my hips and I can feel my cheeks heat up. I can see him glace down at my lips, his eyes quickly bounce back up to mine

"Oh yeah" Mason says pouting his lips and nodding

"You sound like the Kool Aid man when you say that" I whisper to him, we both end up laughing and he backs up letting go of me. After a minute or 2 we both calm down

"Let me get ready then we can go. Do you wanna pick out my outfit today?" Mason asks sounding like he actually wanted me to

"Uhh sure I'll be right back with it" I say as I walking to his closet. He goes to the bathroom to start getting ready. I pick out grey sweatpants (IYKYK), a white shirt, and a black varsity jacket

(Kinda like this.)

"Mason! I have the outfit!" I yell running out of his room and into the bathroom. He gave me a questioning look. In return I gave him an innocent smile

"If I wear the jacket are you going to steal it from me?" He asks causing me to giggle

"The possibility is pretty high" I inform him "But I already picked it out and I'm not picking out another outfit for you so it this or nothing" I negotiate 

"Fine" He says taking the clothes out of my hand. I give him a small smirk then leave the room closing the door so he could change. About 5 minutes later he came out and gave me a twirl. I clapped my hands getting all excited

"Yay! Amazing." I look down at my phone 10:58 "If we want to get there on time we need to leave now. I'll go tell James we're ready to go." I tell him. JJ agrees to drive us

-----Skip the car ride-----

"Thanks JJ! I'll text you when we need you to pick us up." I yell as Mason and I walk to the front door

"K squirt have fun!" He responds. Mason and I get to the door and Mason knocks. Maddy answers the door and lets us in

"Cassie you're finally here! Everyone is in the living room." She said the last part more to Mason than me. We walk in and are greeted with Tristan, Brady, Becca, and Miguel.

"Becca, Maddy I need to talk to you real quick" I say grabbing them and walking into a spare bedroom. All the guys were confused and so were the two girls in front of me. "Okay before I tell you this you both have to promise not to overreact." They both nod "Okay so a few weeks ago I realized that I like Mason" I whisper to them

"I KNEW IT!" Becca yells, I quickly throw my hand over her mouth. Maddy is sitting there smiling like an idiot 

"I really want to overreact but you made me promise not to" She says when she notice me looking at her

"But then I went to his hotel room today so we could get here on time. And we were joking around and he got all close to me, and we about kissed" I continue whispering 

"REALLY?!" Maddy yells


"Hey hey, calm down. Nothing happened. I made a joke and we both ended up laughing and he backed away" I finish, whispering again

"So what? Now we know you both like each other it's just a matter of time before you start dating." Becca spoke quietly so none of the guys could overhear

"Okay but it could have been a thing of the moment and that's why he backed away. He might not even like me" I counter

"Girl have you seen the way he looks at you? He is absolutely in love with you" Maddy says quietly

"If I can prove it to you by the end of the night will you make a move?" Becca asks

"Does the move have to be tonight or in the near future?" I clarify

"Within the next month" Becca offers

"Deal. But how do you plan on proving it?" I ask

"Oh hunny I know just the thing" Becca said and walks out of the room.

YAYY!!! I didn't even know I was gonna write that, it kinda just happened but I couldn't be happier that it did 

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