Chapter 7- Cast x2

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I was woken up at 7:34 by my phone going off with about a thousand new notifications. Some of them were from TBP cast group chat and the rest were from TSITP group chat

               The Prettiest Summer

Isabelly: Cass your in NC right

Jeremy: CASSIE WAKE UP!!!!
                  WHAT STATE ARE YOU IN?!

Isabelly: Cassie we have something to tell you
                   if you keep sleeping you arent gonna sleep tonight
                   wake up or im calling james

Jeremy: i will buy you food if you wake up
                  ill even throw in a coffee but you have in answer in 5 mins

                        TBP Cast


Becca: im here
               what is your question miss maddy

Miguel: present

Brady: yall woke me up for this so it better be iportant

Tristan: important*
                 and here whats up maddy

Mason: whats up

Maddy: Since we dont have to film today do yall want to hang out

Jacob: yeah sure

Miguel: im down

Jordan: sounds fun

Tristan: sure where

Mason: we could go to the mall or like the pier

Becca: yeah i agree with mason

Miguel: ok lets meet at the pier at like 1:30 then we can go to the mall??

Tristan: kk

Brady: sounds good

Becca: is someone gonna tell Cassie

Maddy: She will see the texts when she gets up

Maddy was sure in fact correct, I responded to them first cause Gavin's text came in like 2 minutes ago so I still had 3 minutes to get my coffee

Cassie: yeah sounds good
               ill meet you all at the pier


Cassie: shut up

I then went to the summer I turned pretty chat and responded there

                 The Prettiest Summer

Amyilia: im up im up can i still have the food and coffee????
                  also lola i am in NC why

Jeremy: yes cass ill still get you food and coffee

Isabelly: cause Gav and I are here to!!

Amyilia: REALLY?!

Jeremy: yeah! why do you think i offered you food and coffee if we werent in the same place

Amyilia: good point
                  today im hanging out with the black phone cast cause its a day off do you want to join
                  we are gonna go to the pier and the mall

My Love - Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now