Chapter 1- The Call

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"Hello, is this Cassie Mills?" I hear coming from the other end of the phone

"Yes it is, who is this?" I ask

"Scott Derrickson. I am proud to inform you that we would love to have you play Layla Crews in The Black Phone, if you are still interested in the part." He responded. I started freaking out, I have been waiting on this call for about a month. I still tried to be professional though

"Uh, yeah of course, yeah, I would absolutely love the part thank you so much." I responded

"Okay then it's settled, I will send you the flight information when we get it all booked. All you have to do is show up. We will start rehearsals and having cast meetings sometime in the next two or three weeks."

"Sounds good, thank you so much for this opportunity." I thanked him

"Of course. You deserve it. See you in a few weeks."

"See you then." I responded and hung up.  "MAMA! I GOT THE PART!" I yell as I run downstairs.

"That's amazing Cass good job, I'm so proud of you!" She exclaimed

"Did I just hear that you got the part?" James asks walking into the kitchen with me and my mom. I just nod my head smiling like an idiot and he starts getting super excited for me. James is the best brother ever, I love him so much, When I was younger instead of calling him James I always called him JJ, so throughout the years I have called him JJ. But only me. He is so sweet and is usually the one who brings me to my sets. 

"Thanks JJ, also it films in North Carolina and the flights are in like two or three weeks so can you come with me?" I ask hopeful

"Of course, you know it baby sis!" he responds picking me up and spinning me around. When he puts me down I run up to my room

                      Not so secret headquarters


Mill(ion)s: guess what
                         guess what
                         answer me

Runner: Cassie what?! WHAT DO YOU NEED

Mill(ion)s: wow 

Runner: well you be spammin my phone

Spoonfuls: Im here whats up

Mill(ion)s: I. GOT. THE. PART.

                  THATS AMAZING CONGRATS

Spoonfuls: YAY!!! IM SO PROUD OF YOU!

Mill(ion)s: I know im so happy the only bad thing is that I have to leave in like 2 weeks or sum

Runner: wait really
                 well then we are coming over and staying till you leave

Mill(ion)s: fine by me

I then texted the chat from when I worked on The Summer I Turned Pretty

               The Prettiest Summer


Amyilia: GUESS. WHAT.

Jeremy: what???? 
                  what happened?

Isabelly: did you break something
                   do we need to get you to a hospital??????

Amyilia: no guys im not that stupid

Isabelly: believe that

jeremy: haha yeah ok

Amyilia: fine i wont tell you my good news

Jeremy: good news? we like good news

Amyilia: yeah i know
                  i was gonna tell you until yall called me stupid

Isabelly: you called yourself stupid we just agreed
                  but whats your good news

Amyilia: i got the part on the black phone!!!!



Amyilia: yeah i start filming in like 2 weeks im super excited

Jeremy: good job cass. that is really incredible you deserve it

Isabelly: more #casin content???

Amyilia: no! we arent dating!

While filming Gavin and I became really close being a year apart and being in a relationship in the show. Lola took notice pretty quickly and started shipping us, soon she had every on cast shipping us. Gavin and I are just best friends though

Jeremy: lola i thought you were done with all that shipping stuff when we finished the season

Isabelly: well you thought wrong. i will NEVER be done shipping!!!

I put my phone away and hopped in the shower, when I was done I did my skin care routine and went to bed. Thinking about how amazing my friends are and for once with a smile on my face.

Thank you so much for reading!! Please don't be a quiet reader, I love getting to hear your thoughts on the book, if you have any suggestions or have an idea for a new book let me know. 

My Love - Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now