"Maze In The Mirror" ✧A Kookm...

By kimyeontansmom30

61.4K 5.9K 3.8K

🍁❄️ON HOLD❄️🍁 "I love you, Jimin hyung" Jungkook confessed nervously stretching his hand that was holding a... More

✧1. An Angel!✧
✧2. Why did I dream of him?✧
✧3. Rice Cakes✧
✧4. Turn of Events✧
✧5. Get Out!✧
✧6. Detention✧
✧7. Buddies Talk✧
✧8. The Scripts✧
✧9. The Sakura Kiss✧
✧10. A Weird Man? ✧
✧11. Found Him? ✧
✧13.Planning a Trap?✧
✧14. Dangerous Salvation✧
✧15. The Start Of Eve✧
✧16. Finally!✧
✧17. The Proposal Day✧
✧18. True Colours?✧
✧19. His Anger✧
✧20. What's Happening?✧
✧21. Pranks?✧
✧22. Friends Chat✧
✧23. Sister?✧
✧24. Make-out?✧
✧25. Not Normal?✧
✧26. True Face✧
✧27. Make Me Your Wife!✧
✧28. Sibling's Babblings✧
✧29.Unknown Person?✧
✧30. Fight!✧
✧31. Red-haired Man?✧
✧32. Jeonolous?✧
✧33. My Angel✧
✧34. He Knows?✧
✧35. The Soul Reaper✧
✧36. Visions✧
✧37. It's Hot...?✧


1.5K 153 49
By kimyeontansmom30

In The Morning...

As soon as the sun raised in the sky, Jungkook got ready and walks out of his mansion.

Eunwoo is standing in front of the mansion with a surprised Pikachu face.

"What happened? Why are you looking like you saw a ghost?" Jungkook asks him.

"Wait, why are you up so early?" Eunwoo questions back.

"First, answer my question," Jungkook flicks his finger on his forehead.

"Ouch, I am shocked to see the car," Eunwoo replies rubbing his head.

"Huh? Why, is there any scratch on it?" Jungkook asks looking anxious and checks the car.

"No, it's not that...how is it inside our mansion?" Eunwoo mutters.

Jungkook smacks his friend, "Did you do drugs or something? Our car will be inside our mansion, where would it be?"

>>>Cause I lost it in the street and a weird man told me that he will bring it back, but how did he park it inside the mansion without the gate keys?

"I dreamt that our car got stolen," Eunwo lies smiling awkwardly.

>>>I can't tell about what happened to me yesterday or else Jungkook will blame himself for sending me alone, so I should cover it up.

"Idiot, go inside and sleep some more. I am going out," Jungkook speaks.

"Where are you going, Kook?" Eunwoo asks.

"Min Ho Hyung called me, so I have to go meet up with him," Jungkook lies.

>>>If I say I am going to see where Jimin is living, Eunwoo will also want to come with me, but I don't want that.

>>>Eunwoo will allow me to go alone only if it is Min Ho Hyung calling me. Sorry, Eunu, I just want to confirm first where Jimin is living then I will tell you about it.

"Oh, ok. I will make breakfast for you then," Eunwoo says looking a little glum.

Jungkook pats him and then leaves the mansion in his car.

He stops at a red signal and sees a movie poster where the male lead is hugging his friend and the female lead standing aside with jealousy.

Jungkook smiles seeing it and remembers an incident.

Jungkook's P.O.V:-


At Seoul University,

After the accidental kiss, Jimin Hyung has been avoiding me and looking all flustered whenever I talk with him.

Does he hate it that much? What should I do to make him talk with me again comfortably?

I was in my thoughts as I pass through the corridors looking for him when I saw Eunwoo crying in an empty classroom.

I frown, he isn't around for the past week and I thought maybe he is busy with his basketball club activities but what's going on?

I go inside the room and hearing my footsteps he wiped off his tears and looked up and made a shocked face and then turned away looking outside the window.

"Eunu? What happened, why are you crying? Is something bothering you? Tell me," I ask him.

I never thought I would see him in tears like this, he is always laughing and smiling and trying to tease me all the time. So, I never asked about his life.

"Nothing, Kook. Let's go we are getting late for the class," he tried to change the subject and walk away.

I grabbed his hand, "Eunu, I am your friend, you can tell me anything that is troubling you. I always tell my problems to you but you never opened up about your life with me, so I thought you need some time, but seeing you like this, I need to know what's going on in your life."

"That... it's a family problem, nothing else. Don't worry, Kook. I will tell you if anything happens," He said smiling, I sighed and hugged him.

Then we left to attend classes and forgot about it but when I saw Jimin Hyung sitting on the bench in the garden all alone, I thought it was a good time to clear the air between us.

So, I went and sat beside him but as soon as he saw me he tried to leave there. I grabbed his hand and stopped him.

"Jimin Hyung, what happened? Why are you leaving?"

I asked him but he just glared at me. I was confused, why he is angry?

"Hyung, is something wrong? Why are you looking mad?" I asked him again.

He shrugged off his hand, "I didn't know you were such a player, Jungkook."

He said, I was shocked as he never called me by my full name. He is mad so mad but why?

"What did I do, Hyung?"

"Don't pretend to be innocent. I saw it with my own eyes, I thought maybe I was..."

He stopped talking, he thought I was what?

"Hyung, if there is anything that is bothering you, please tell me about it, don't keep it yourself. It will lead to misunderstandings."

"It wasn't a misunderstanding, I saw it with my own eyes," Jimin Hyung said with a pout.

"What did you see, Hyung?"

"Are you and Eunwoo in a relationship?" Jimin Hyung asked making me shake to the core.

"We both are in what? Hyung, absolutely no. I and Eunwoo? Who said that? We are friends and there is nothing more than that between us. I don't even wanna imagine it," I refuted immediately.

What the hell is Hyung thinking? I and Eunwoo, oh come on, we can be buddies, we can be siblings and if the earth goes upside down we can even be father and son but not boyfriends. No way!

Jimin Hyung frowned, "But I saw you both hugging each other and my friend Jungwoo said that you are in a relationship with him."

"What? Who is this Jungwoo? Hyung, don't believe in any Jungwoo only believe in this Jungkook. I am telling you, I don't love him, he is just my friend and if it is about the hug, Eunwoo is having a hard time in his family so he was crying so I just comforted him."

"What, really?" Jimin Hyung exclaimed.

"Of course! If hugging to comfort a friend is having a relationship with him then Hyung we should be a married couple cause we kissed each other," I blurted out and mentally face palmed myself.

Why did I talk about the kiss with him? Now he will start trying to avoid me again, ugh!

I look at Jimin Hyung to see his reaction and he looks like he is flushed. Is he blushing?

Wait, if I am in a relationship with Eunwoo, what is it to Hyung? Why did he call me a player? Is he...?

My eyes widen, "Hyung, were you jealous?" I asked him, smiling with expectation in my eyes.

"J-Jealous...why would I be, humph!" Jimin Hyung stuttered cutely and looked away in embarrassment but I could see his red ears and nape.

I smiled wide and turned him to face me, "Hyung, then why did you call me a player, if you weren't jealous?"

"Cause I thought you are flirting with me and we are having something going on but when I saw you with Eunwoo, I thought you do that to everyone," Jimin Hyung pouts.

I was literally surprised hearing it and was on cloud nine.

"We have something going on between us, Hyung?"

"Is it not?" Jimin Hyung questions back, folding his hand, and sulking.

I smile and hug him tightly from behind, "Yes Hyung, I thought you don't think of me like that, but yes I was trying to flirt with you every day."

Jimin Hyung blushes, "I-I know that."

Author's P.O.V:-


Jungkook is smiling like a fool when he hears the horns of the cars from the back, he comes to his senses and starts the car, and drives off to the location Yoongi sent him.

He stops the car and sees the Blue side restaurant behind a street and it is the apartment of employees who work in the restaurant.

>>>So he does work on the Blue side. I know it, those rice cakes were made by him, it won't taste like that if it isn't been made by him.

He stares at the apartment, waiting for Jimin to come out.

Meanwhile, Jimin is trying to wake up his friend who is sleeping like a log.

"Tae, get up. We need to go to the restaurant, today we have to finalize the dishes for new year's Eve, come on there is a lot of work to do."

"Um...Minnie...just five more minutes, please~" Taehyung covers himself with the blanket.

"Yah, get up," Jimin pulls the blanket and off's the fan.

"You are such a devil, Minnie," Taehyung sits up immediately on the bed.

"Am I a devil, Tae?" Jimin pouts.

"Nope, you are not. You are my little angel," Taehyung immediately gives him a bear hug.

Jimin giggles, "Alright, stop buttering me and go freshen up, we need to leave in ten minutes."

After Taehyung comes out from showering, Jimin serves him breakfast. They eat it peacefully and come out of their room, locking the door.

"Tae, lock it properly, our apartment manager said a thief is lurking around in this street," Jimin alerts him.

"Arasso, and anyway we don't have any valuables in our room, if anything is valuable in this whole Street, it is me and my face," Taehyung poses cooly.

"Aish," Jimin smacks him, and Taehyung chokeholds him, and asks "Is it not?"

"Yes, yes it is. Your face is the most valuable in this whole street, no in this whole nation, ok?" Jimin praises him and tries to free himself while laughing.

"Maybe it's valuable in this whole universe, you know," Taehyung leaves his friend and wiggles his eyebrows, showing off his boxy smile.

"Yup, now let's go, we are getting late," Jimin checks the lock and hurries his friend to get down the stairs.

This all is witnessed by Jungkook who is looking like a hawk at the apartment for some time now.

His hold tightens on the steering wheel seeing Jimin come out of the room along with a man and him being all giggly.

>>>Who is that man, and why are you living with him, Jimin?

>>>And you seem too happy while you made my heart a stone.

Jimin and Taehyung get out of the apartment and are walking on the road not noticing the black cat on the side. They are busy talking about what to cook that day.

"Let's make a bet, the one who steps inside the restaurant first won't have to wash the dishes today and the lost one should wash it all," Taehyung proposes.

>>>You always wash all the dishes, I don't want to see you overwork yourself, Jiminie.

"Ok, then," Jimin agrees and they start running while giggling.

Jungkook clicks their photo and fumes in anger seeing them all playful.

>>>You called me a player just because I hugged Eunu but what about you, Hyung?

>>>I fucking don't understand why you rejected me when you were the one who said something is going on between us and raised my hope.

>>>Then you made me lose all my hopes by rejecting me and insulting me in front of everyone.

>>>Just why? Because I am poor...then why did you act like you cared and liked me in the first place? Didn't you know that I am poor when we kissed each other?

>>>I was a fool back then to think that you loved me. I will take my revenge for insulting me no matter what.

Jungkook's eyes look like of devil ascended from hell, he takes his phone out and calls someone,

"Hello, Hyung. Can we meet?"

✩。:*•.─────  ❁ ❁  ─────.•*:。✩

(A/N: Why didn't Jungkook confront Jimin as soon as he saw him? With whom did he want to meet? What is he planning?

To Know that...

Stay Tuned😉!

Bye Lovelies 😘see you soon💜!

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