Bright Night

By nana_the_dog

1.4K 104 92

Arthit doesn't approve of what his boyfriend was wearing that lead to a series of unexpected events for the h... More

Fun Night

Bright Night

797 54 59
By nana_the_dog


Arthit went to his boyfriend's dorm room to fetch him for Bright's Christmas party. But standing now and looking at his lover, Arthit was certainly not amused.

Kongpob had ditched his usual spectacles and opted to wear his contacts instead. His hair was brushed up and messy yet it definitely looked styled. The tan male was wearing the tightest black pants Arthit had ever seen, accentuating that perky bottom of his with black ankle boots to match. And to top it off, Kong was even wearing some silver hoop earrings to complete his night-out look.

But Arthit wasn't referring to those. No, it was way worse. What got him bothered the most was the top! Could Arthit even consider it as a top?! It was practically see-through! He could see that tan chiseled chest and abs beneath that weird fisherman's net thing turned into an excuse of a garment. He could easily rip it with his bare hands! And oh does he want to. Arthit was honestly fucking salivating at the sight of his boyfriend. But so will everyone who will look in Kongpob's direction tonight. And that's big N.O.!

"Bright gave it to me. He said it's the club's dress code."

"Clubs don't have dress codes!!" Goddamn Bright.

"I know that! But it's his party so I thought I should just wear it for him to make him happy."

"Oh believe me he'll be happy alright.." Arthit spat sarcastically.

"That's great!"

"What, NO!!! GO CHANGE NOW!"




"We're not leaving until you change!!"

"What's wrong with it?!"


"Argh!! You're such a party pooper Arthit!!!" And their little spat was followed by a loud slam of the bathroom door.

Arthit huffed a frustrated sigh. He already has a hard time fending off his boyfriend's admirers on a normal day. He doesn't know how he'll keep his sanity in check and not go ballistic when Kongpob went to a club looking like that! Bloodshed was bound to happen.

While Kongpob was taking his time redressing inside the bathroom, Arthit couldn't stop the dark thoughts that were creeping inside him. His temper was rising. His mind was running different scenarios from bad to worse to even some asshole snatching Kongpob away from him.

But his angry mutterings were cut off when he heard the bathroom door click open again revealing his boyfriend. And as soon as his eyes landed on the other male, his blood pressure just raised again.

"What the hell Kong?! Are you intentionally trying to piss me off?!?!"

His boyfriend did ditch the net top but replaced it with a black leather jacket and pearl white that was almost translucent geometric patterned button-up. There wasn't anything bad about that but it only covered up just above the navel. Then silver chains around the tan neck bought more attention to his fully exposed upper body.

"What's wrong with this now?!"



"You look too good that's the problem!!"

"How is that a bad thing?!"

"And have you ever heard of buttons?! Those round things stitched to that shirt?! Those things were invented for a reason, Kongpob!!"

Is that what this was all about? Fine then!

Kongpob started to button up more of his top just to get it over with. They were late and he hated being late! But he was beyond angry with Arthit's behavior right about now. Kongpob always hated it when Arthit talks with his irrational temper.

"Tsk! In case you didn't know. We're going to a club, Arthit!!! People dress to impress!!!"

"What the fuck?! You don't have to fucking impress anyone! Who are you dressing up for huh?!? Who are they?" Arthit was fuming! His imagination still running wild. He was going to kill that person that his Kongpob has his eyes on!

For fuck's sake, seriously?

Kongpob was initially internally screaming in frustration but he couldn't help himself as he shrieked back, "GODDAMN IT, ARTHIT!!! YOU!!! I want to impress you!!! I want to look good standing right next to you!"

Arthit was instantly whipped back into reality when he heard the loud bang of the front door, alerting him that his boyfriend had just walked out on him. And it was like he was dumped into a bucket of cold ice as the realization of what had transpired between them sunk in. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He wanted to bang his head on hard concrete because of the massive mistake he just did. He's so fucked.

Arthit practically tripped on his own two feet as he chased his boyfriend. And instantly thanked his lucky stars that Kongpob had decided to walk out and then wait for him in front of his black Audi, and not hop into a cab and left him behind. He want to wrap the man in his arms and ask for his forgiveness but of course, he was given the cold shoulder.

The now silence inside the moving vehicle and the negative energy surrounding his angry boyfriend was pure torture! His typical ray of sunshine was a stormy dark cloud, and it was all his fault.

"Kong...I'm sorry na... Your boyfriend's an idiot..."

And Arthit's words were greeted with silence. He knew he just spew shit at his boyfriend. Because seriously, did he purposely want his boyfriend to wear something hideous to a club? And when did Kongpob even look bad in anything he wore? Because Kongpob looked good in everything. Especially in Arthit's eyes.

He knew his temper was so out of fucking control a while ago. He swears he's getting better at it. He's trying his damn hardest! But it's just that Kongpob could bring out the best in him and sometimes the worst of him as well.

"Kong... baby...I was wrong, I know. I overstepped. I shouldn't have told you what you can and can't wear." In his peripheral vision, he could see that Kongpob opened his mouth, wanting to say something but closed it again and continued staring out at the road completely ignoring him.

"Please don't be mad at me anymore na..."


"I'm sorry, baby. It won't happen again, Kong. Please forgive your stupid boyfriend naaaaa." Arthit tried to reach out and touch his lover's hand that was just lying between them on the console. But Kongpob quickly snatched his hand away at Arthit's attempt and had his arms crossed across his chest.

Arthit sighed and continued driving. He knew he got a lot of groveling to do to get back on his boyfriend's good grace.

x x x

"Bright!!!" Kong rushed into the outstretched arms of the host who was already anticipating Kong's hug the second he saw them.

Arthit's eye was already twitching with how long those two were in each other's embrace under the neon lights. And when they separated, he could clearly see Bright's hands were still resting on his boyfriend's small waist with no plans of removing them anytime soon. Under normal circumstances, he would have already reprimanded his tipsy friend but he was already treading on thin ice with Kong right now. So against his better judgment, Arthit just kept his mouth shut.

"Hey, Kong! You didn't wear the shirt I gave you!" Bright slurred once he racked his eyes over Kong's outfit.

"Please don't mention that now please." He huffed out in response, annoyance could be heard in the tan male's voice.

"Well, don't worry. This looks sexy on you too." Bright gave a wink in Kong's direction that made the man laugh out loud at their friend's antics.

"Stop flirting and hand me a drink! I need alcohol in me stat!"

"Aye! Aye boss!" And Bright slung his arm around Kong's shoulder and lead him to the direction of the bar.

"Trouble in paradise?" Arthit whipped his head to the man that he didn't notice was standing beside him.

"You can say that again..." And Knot just nodded in understanding. Because usually, Arthit would stick to his boyfriend like glue especially when they're hanging out in a place like this.

"Come on, the others are already here." Then the bulkier man leads the way further inside the club.

x x x

Arthit knew that his friend had booked several booths for them. Under the dark ambiance, flashing bright lights, and loud pulsating music, he greeted, waved, and chatted with his co-hazers, some of their co-faculties, and there's even some from their high school. With so many people Bright had invited, Arthit was genuinely surprised that he was now all alone in their booth.

Although Arthit didn't mind as long as he could have a clear view of the bar. He was pretty comfortable sitting by himself, nursing his drink, and staring holes at the back of his boyfriend sitting on the bar stool with Aim and Wad both at each side. He knew those two were being good friends and keeping Kongpob company, but he also knew the duo had seen those vultures lurking around. If it wasn't for Wad's menacing stares and Aim's hand resting on the tan male, Arthit was sure his boyfriend would have been attacked by now. His Kong was such a magnet for trouble. Trouble for him to deal with more specifically...

"Kong aren't you gonna do something?" Kong raised a questioning eyebrow at Aim.

Kongpob was talking to one of the engineer seniors that Bright had invited to the party when Aim and Wad suddenly showed up, sandwich him in between them, and joined in the conversation. He didn't know what exactly happened but the senior disappeared and now the three of them were hanging out near the bar. And what's great was that the drinks just kept on coming! Looks like Bright was going to max out his card tonight.

"So there's this girl..." Aim drawled out.

"You said he was alone!"

"That was a minute ago!" Kong stared at the offensive look on Aim's face. There was a pause, Kongpob weighed his options, and then "He's already a big boy. He can handle himself."

And then Kongpob took another big gulp at his drink. He didn't specifically ask but offhandedly inquired about his boyfriend's well-being a while ago. He didn't want to look, show that he was concerned for the man, and then accidentally make eye contact with Arthit. He was still mad at him! But now Aim is kind of like giving him updates from time to time without being prompted. He hated that his best friend knew him too well.

"I dunno Kong... she's getting a little handsy." Aim grimaced when he saw the girl's hand caressing Arthit's thigh. She was talking to him but was totally being ignored by the pale man, attention clearly elsewhere.

"Well, isn't he doing anything about it?"

"Uhm, not really? I think he's too out of it."

"He's already drunk?!?" Kongpob was about to whip his head back but refrained at the last second. His boyfriend wasn't lightweight. Unless he already drank that much?! Was Arthit affected by their argument to get himself drunk?

"Nah, I think he's just too busy boring holes at you."


"Stupid idiot boyfriend," Kongpob muttered under his breath.

"What are you two fighting about this time anyway," Wad spoke up from his other side. His tone was light, but his face looked even scarier under the lights.

"Just him being an asshole."

"Well, there's nothing new there," Wad replied at the same time Aim answered-

"Want me to roughen him up? No one messes with my best friend."

"Please. You can't 'roughen up' anyone even if you wanted to." Wad air quoted and snorted at Aim. While the other man just stuck his tongue out at him. Now two of them were bickering about whether Aim could even throw a decent punch or not when Kong suddenly interrupted them with another question.

" the girl still there?"

Aim and Wad shared a look. They know their friend was gonna crumble soon. Because Arthit isn't the only one who's possessive out of the two of them. What a match made in heaven indeed.


"Is he still not doing anything about it?"



"Ugh! I'll be right back." Kongpob took a last swing at his drink before standing up, leaving his two friends, and heading back towards their booth.

"No, you won't."

"Amen to that. Cheers man."

x x x

"Hey love, sorry I took so long." An overexaggerated sweet voice reached Arthit's ears as he saw his boyfriend standing before him. Kongpob unceremoniously dropped himself on Arthit's lap making the girl withdraw her hand quickly.

"Aim and Wad were just chatting me up, and I just couldn't get away! Were you lonely without me, babe?" Kongpob faced Arthit and draped his arm on his lover's shoulder while his other hand started twirling and playing with Arthit's hair.

"Oh, and who are you?" Kongpob suddenly faced the girl as if he just realized they have company. She looked pretty with short brown curls and a tight red dress. Too bad for her his man was already taken.

The girl opened her mouth to retort, but Kong didn't give her a chance to speak as he interrupted her quickly. "I'm Kongpob by the way, his boyfriend."

"Pleasure." She replied with a vexed expression on her face and then stalked off.

Arthit wasn't aware of the catfight that was happening. He was too focused on staring at the man sitting on his lap as if he couldn't believe that his boyfriend was really there. Although, Arthit was quickly snapped back to reality when the said man now aimed his irritation at him.

"Who was she?!" Arthit followed Kong's gaze to the woman that was walking away from them.

"I don't know."

"You don't know???"

Well, he really didn't. Arthit knew she talked to him? There was something about being a friend of a friend. And wanting to get to know him? But he wasn't really paying attention. So he just moved his head from left to right to answer his lover.

"You knew she was all over you right?!?"


"That girl!!" god this man, Kongpob thought.

"Oh, I didn't notice."

"Of course, you didn't." Kongpob rolled his eyes in annoyance. Absolutely unbelievable.

"Kong..." Arthit spoke tentatively while the other man was still muttering profanities under his breath.

"Am I forgiven? Are you talking to me now?" Arthit asked to hope that his lover had cooled down a bit.

"Nope! And after that stunt, I'm still definitely mad at you and I. Am. Leaving." Kong stood up to prove his point. But in a flash, he was once again back on his boyfriend's lap.

"Nooooo don't leave na, baby. Be angry all you want. Or ignore me, pretend I'm not here but just... stay please." He had Kong's back plastered across his chest as he buried his face in his boyfriend's neck inhaling his perfume mixing in with his natural sweet scent. Arthit just needed something, something to ground him. Something to tell his inner demons that his lover was here and was not going to leave him.

Kongpob tried to wiggle away out, but his attempts were futile with the death grip his boyfriend had on him.

"Let go of me, Arthit." Kongpob tried to peel off those arms wrapped around him.


"Arthit..." Kongpob said in a warning tone.

"Never, I'll never let you go."

Fuck. He knew those words hold a deeper meaning for the other man, and that kinda tugged Kong's heart. He has his own insecurities, and he knows his boyfriend has his own too.

So Kongpob let go and let his body sag in the comfort of his boyfriend's embrace. And that only made Arthit press his body even closer and molded their bodies into one.

Their fights usually don't last long anyway. Mainly because they can't stay away from each other for a long period of time. One of them will crumble sooner rather than later. And this time, it was Kongpob that gave in.

"You completely understand why I'm mad right?" Kongpob heaved out a huge sigh as he said those words. And then felt the other man nod behind him.

"You do know you look so delectable right now wearing that long-sleeved red button-down and black leather pants, right?" Kongpob asked even though he knew that his boyfriend was surprised by the sudden off-topic line. Kongpob's statement made Arthit look up at the man sitting on his lap as he tried to catch a glimpse of the tan male's expression.

"And I didn't even get the chance to tell you that back at the dorm with you screaming my head off." Kongpob finished his thought. He loved it when Arthit wears anything in the shade of red, to be honest.

"I'm so so sorry, Kong." Arthit groaned at his own stupidity.

"And that girl was looking at you like you're a piece of meat. Her drool could be seen across the bar!" Kongpob muttered to himself in annoyance. But Arthit heard it quite clearly.


And Kongpob instantly twisted on his lap. The tan male was now seated sideways, and they can fully see each other's faces with Arthit's arms still looped around Kong's waist.

"But I didn't tell you to change now did I." Kongpob continued as if Arthit didn't speak at all and looked straight into the hazer's eyes.

"It's always my choice, Arthit. As my boyfriend, of course, you can tell me what's on your mind but never dictate to me what I can and cannot do. I may be yours but you don't control me."

"I know that, baby. Of course, I do. You know I'm just so overly protective and possessive of you all the time! I can't control it." And Arthit tightened his grip on the man sitting on his lap, "I'm scared someone better will waltz in and snatch you away from me, Kong... Because I know I don't deserve you, my heart."

"Oh, Arthit..." Kongpob caressed his lover's cheek as the pale man nuzzled into his hand. He hates and loves that his man was like this. But he accepts him as he is.

"You know you only call me your heart when you're apologizing..." Kongpob lightly teased the sulking male to lift his mood.

"What. No, I don't!" Arthit spluttered out wide-eyed.

"Or when you're trying to sweet talk me into something." Kongpob chuckled and Arthit pouted at the teasing. Was it true? He didn't realize that. Maybe he should use the pet name more often. Kongpob IS his heart after all.

"But know this love, as much as you have given your heart to me, know that you also have mine." Kongpob reaffirmed the engineering head. "I'm yours, Arthit. Please remember that."

And Arthit could only tilt his head up and stare at those deep onyx eyes as if Kongpob had hung the moon. While the tan male smiled down genuinely at the other.

"Whenever someone tries to flirt with me, remember that I'm yours, Arthit."

"Whenever someone chats me up, remember that I'm yours."

"Whenever someone even just looks in my direction, remember that I'm yours."

"And you know I won't engage, entertain, and especially reciprocate because my heart is already yours my love."

Arthit wanted to wrap his arms around the other male and drag him down for a kiss. He wanted to lock him away from the shit of this world and only shower him with love and attention. He wanted to keep this man. Keep him forever by his side if he could. He was the one in the wrong here but why was Kongpob the one assuring him?

"And do you really think I'll walk out of the dorm without a jacket on?!"

Arthit groaned, Ohgod he's such an idiot. Of course, his innocent baby wouldn't do that.

"I'm sorry, my heart. I'm so sorry for the things I said. Please forgive me naaa."

"Alright, alright. Stop apologizing. I just want you to understand where I'm coming from."

"I do, baby. I really do."

"And even if I'm not wearing a jacket, I know I'll be safe because I'm with you." Kongpob gave a small smile and continued caressing his lover's cheek.

His words made Arthit's heart skip a beat. His man was so perfect. How can someone so perfect be his?

"Kong...can I kiss you, please? I missed you so much..." Arthit knows it's only been a few hours, but he's already craving his lover's affection. He needs it like he needs air to breathe. And he didn't know if he can have it or if he was already forgiven.

Kongpob could clearly see his boyfriend vibrating on his seat and practicing self-control from just taking that kiss and just doing what he basically can just do. One minute, Arthit was this possessive alpha male that goes berserk on every guy and gal that even breathes near him, and the next he was back to the first-year timid Arthit just only for Kong to see.

Kongpob took Arthit out of his misery and pressed their lips together. Arthit opened his mouth and moaned in delight as he felt those warm strawberry-coated lips come in contact with his. And Kongpob instantly slipped his tongue inside and explored the other's mouth. Arthit let the tan male take control, receiving what the other man was willing to give, and followed his lead. Kongpob came to this realization as well and further deepened their kiss, just pouring in and conveying how much he loves him back.

They detached themselves from each other as the need to breathe was becoming too apparent. Arthit has this dazed dreamy-eyed look on his face as he stared at his lover.

"I love you so much, Kong..."

"And I, you, my love..."

And Arthit smiled... smiled wide with his dimples popping out, and pearl white teeth visible from the club's dim atmosphere. He leaned back in, going back to those lips that he oh so wanted to devour when he was met with a finger halting his movement.

"But no, you're not forgiven completely, Arthit."

What? After that hot, steamy make-up kiss he just got?? And then Arthit saw that mischievous smile that he has come accustomed to when his boyfriend was up to something naughty.

"And for punishment..."

This doesn't look good from Arthit's perspective.

"No sex for you tonight!" Kongpob gave him a full smile with teeth and hopped off the pale man's lap.

"Now, let's go dance, Arthit!! We're in a club! Let's go have fun!"

And the next thing he knew, Arthit was now being pulled by the hand to the direction of the dance floor.

Fuck he knows he deserved any punishment his boyfriend would be dishing out to him. But Kongpob? Dancing? With that sexy body of his? with him??? Fucking fuck! Someone save him from his lover's form of torture. He definitely won't survive the night.

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