Av OT7purpleocean

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Y/N- Please let me go, I don't want to be here Jungkook - Never, ever in this life I will let you go away fro... Mer

Know Him
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Part I (M)
Chapter 17 Part II (M)
Chapter 18

Chapter 15

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Av OT7purpleocean

She was time to time looking at him for the conformation but got no reaction from him. She said in her trembling voice while shaking her head in denial.

Y/n No this can't happen. Tell me that this is a lie or it is a prank.

JungkookI am sorry to say but it is true love. They are no more.

Listening to him, finally made her tears broke out from her eyes as she started crying her heart out knowing that the family with whom she was living till now is no more. Her heart clench knowing that her whole family died in a huge car accident.

The video which is shown by him was a recording of a news channel covering and reporting about that car accident. The car was shown in the background of the reporter. The police and fire fighter men were in the back ground rushing here and there.

Though she run away from her house, away from them but she never wanted them to die, that was the least thing she wanted to happen. It is true that they torture her but that doesn't mean that she wanted them to die. After all she called Mr. lee and Mrs. Lee as her mother and father. They were the only three people Y/n know till now in this whole world. Living with them all these years made her emotionally attached to them as she was seeing them from her childhood. Growing up all these years she has only witness them as her own family ever since she gains consciousness since her childhood.

She was weeping her heart out while Jungkook was seeing her with guilt in his eyes. He knew that she is going to cry really hard as it is very shocking news for her knowing her so called family is no more. But still he don't regret it at all as he knew that it was necessary to do so in order to keep her with him forever. By this time, he knew that he will go to any extent just to keep her with him.

Jungkook started caressing her back to console her. He pulled her towards him and made her sit on his lap to hide her in his embrace. His embrace her with all his love towards her and hide her crying face in his chest to provide her his warmth. Witnessing Jungkook consoling her made her cry out more as for the first time she found someone's embrace to cry her pain out. She just sits on his lap, hiding her face on his chest, while holding her shirt in her small fist. Jungkook doesn't said anything just stayed like that while rubbing her back continuously and sometime swing a little from right to left.

After sometime Y/n's cry die down and she pulled her face away from his chest to witness that his shirt has soaked all her tears which messed up his expensive shirt. Y/n looked up a little to see that Jungkook was already looking down at her. Y/n was still sniffing because her nose is blocked due of heavy crying.

Jungkook looking at her with a lot of adoration in his eyes. Her puffy eyes and face, her red cheeks and nose and sniffing like a cute little baby made her even more cute which made Jungkook to fall for her cuteness even more. Even though he knows that he is reason behind her tears. Looking at her red teary eyes soften his heart. He bends down a little towards her face and started planting soft kisses on her eyes, on her red cheeks, and lastly finishing it off by planting a soft kiss on her cute nose.

Y/n closed her eyes while feeling his kisses on her face. His kisses calmed her. Jungkook saw how she closed her eyes accepting his touch. His eyes fall on her beautiful lips. He could not control himself and smashed his lips on her. It made Y/n flinch a little feeling his lips but still she didn't open her eyes. Neither she pushes him or kiss him back. She just sits there silently. While Jungkook smirk in the kiss knowing that she started submitting herself to him. Now he knows that the time is very near to make her his forever.

Jungkook broke the kiss and looked at her face. Y/n also slowly open her eyes when he detached his lips from her.

JungkookDon't cry love, I know that is a heart breaking situation for you but don't worry I am here for you.

Y/nWill you give me something if I request to you?

JungkookYes why not love? I will give you anything you would ask for but except letting you go.

Y/n – Please can I attend their funeral.

Jungkook I have no problem in that. But have you forgotten that you have run away from the house. And if you go to attend their funeral that all the relatives will think that you are the reason behind their death. So, I will suggest you to not go there. But I can promise that all the rituals will be done properly.

Y/n listened to his all words carefully knowing that whatever he is saying is absolutely correct. If she will go now than people will put the blame of the accident on her.

Y/nokay I will not go

She said while hanging her head down looking at her lap. Jungkook pull her face up by her chin by putting his fingers under her chin. Jungkook look into her eyes and asked her something for which he is planning for so long.

Jungkook I know that the situation is not suitable right now, but I know that I have to ask you that, Y/n will you marry me? I know you are not in the mental state to answer my question, but look that you have lost you family and I don't want to leave you to be alone in this vicious world. I don't want people to call you an orphan. You know how cruel is this world is. Ask me how I have survived in this world without any parent and with no support. And I can't tolerate that happening to you.

Y/n eyes again become teary while listening to him. Jungkook again continue with his persuasion. He knew that he was manipulating her but he didn't regret at all. He will do anything to any extent to make her his, to keep her with him forever.

Jungkook By marrying you I want you to become my family. I want to give my everything along with my surname to you Y/n. I want you to enter into my life and my home with full authorization. I am alone in this world and so do you. You are also let alone by your family, so why don't we become each other family and make a family of our own?

Y/n tears started flowing down form her eyes while her heart melted listening to him. The barrier inside her melted for him after knowing that he is also left alone in this world to survive alone. Y/n looked down said her answer which he wanted to hear. Looking at her expression Jungkook knew that he has touched the right spot in her heart and she is melting down for him.

Y/nOkay I will marry you.

Listening to her a huge grin spread across his face, but he quickly hid it. Jungkook again pulled her into his embrace. He put his head on her head while smirking widely knowing that now his plan is almost complete. He just have to wait till tomorrow to official make her his wife.

JungkookSo get ready, we are getting married tomorrow.

Y/n eyes widen hearing this. She knows that she accepted the marriage proposal but she never thought to get married to him so soon.

Y/n Don't you think that it is a bit early.

JungkookNo there is nothing early in it. If we have decided to get married than why not get married as soon as possible. Why to delay for the good deed?

Y/nB...but ....

Even before she can say something to him, he objected her.

JungkookNow there are no if and buts. I have arranged everything. We are getting married tomorrow. Now sleep. I don't want my bride to look tired on her wedding day.

With that Jungkook picked her up in bridal style, made her lay on the bed properly and covered her with the comforter.

JungkookDon't worry about anything okay. Just sleep and leave all the rest on me to worry, I am here to handle everything.

With that Jungkook kiss on her forehead. He kept the kiss for a little long to show her that he is there to care for her. He then got up and left the room while locking her inside the room. Even though she agreed to marry him still he didn't want to take risk at all. He cannot lose her when he has gone to this much extent to own her.

After locking the door of her room Jungkook started walking downstairs while calling Minho. Just after few rings Minho picked up his call

JungkookWell done Minho, I knew that this time also you will not disappoint me. But I am impressed that you have completed your work way before the give time. You have made my plan easier.

MinhoThank you Boss. This is nothing for me. I can even give up on my life for you. Because without you I would not have survived.

Jungkook And I will make sure to always secure your life because I need people like you by my side Minho. Manage everything there and don't forget to keep an eye on them. I don't want them to ever enter Y/n's life ever again; otherwise my whole planning will come to an end and you know that I hate to lose.

MinhoYes boss don't worry about them. In where ever place they will live; they all will be under our control.

Jungkook One more thing Minho; If they will do something or try to reach to Y/n then kill them without even thinking twice. I am giving you permission. I don't want any hindrance and problems between me and Y/n's relationship.

Minhookay boss.

With that Jungkook cut the call. Jungkook was walking out of the penthouse with a huge wicked grin on his face as he knew that he almost won the game.

While Minho was sitting in his car looking outside of the window looking at all the chaos that is happening outside that burning car. He is a bit far way form the accident scene. How all the reporters are trying to get the best frame of the incident for their respective channels for views, how all the polices men are trying to collect evidences and firefighters were trying to calm down the fire, how the medical workers were trying to get the bodies from inside the car, which has turned upside down.

While looking at all these he also has a smirk on his face. Minho look at his driver and spoke

Minho - Let's go, I have some others works to handle too.


Next day

The sun ray peeked through the shear curtains and disturbed the sleep of the girl who cried herself to sleep. The sun ray disturbed her slumber and force her to wake up. Y/n slowly opened her puffy eyes and sit on the bed while rubbing her eyes for better vision. Y/n woke up and looked around and everything flash in her mind about what happened yesterday. She cannot believe that she is going to to get married today to someone she didn't know. Tears brim on her eyes thinking about everything. She knows that she cannot escape from the wedding. She cannot turn the time back.

While she was in her deep thought, she heard the unlocking sound of door. She looked towards the door and saw hazel coming inside with the tray in her hands. Hazel look towards Y/n and flash a warm smile.

Hazel - Good morning, madam Jeon.

Y/n still feel weird hearing the madam Jeon notation for her but she let it be.

Y/n - good morning, Hazel.

Hazel - madam Jeon please get ready and have your breakfast because some people are waiting for you downstairs.

Y/n - Who are waiting

Hazel - Did you forgot madam Jeon that today is your wedding so the designer and the makeup artist I here to meet you to discuss about your look and outfit for the wedding.

Y/n just nodded her head and get down from the bed to get ready for the day. After shower and getting ready, had her breakfast and got ready for the day. She heads downstairs and saw three people waiting for her in the living room. As soon as they saw her those three bows to her in respect. Three of them greeted her good morning and started with their work.

One by one on the wedding dresses, jewellery and makeup material came and they started experimenting different things and styles on her so that she will look the best on a wedding day as per sir Jeon order. While y/n just sat there silently and watching them doing their work.


After getting all the information from Minho and order form Sir Jeon, Sang got to know what he has to do. It was already 9:30 a.m. in the morning and working hours has already started. Sang Jun sat in his luxurious car and drive towards Wang industrialist.

Everyone presents over there turn their head towards his direction looking and wondering about the handsome, tall, young man just entered inside with his two bodyguard beside him.

As soon as he reached, he went to the receptionist to inform that he is here to meet Mr. Wang. The receptionist was stunned looking at the man standing in front of him holding a powerful aura.

Sang JunHello, I am here to meet Mr. Wang.

As soon as he spoke, the receptionist looks at him with suspicion that how can he come and say that he is there to meet their boss. The receptionist did not like the way he addresses her boss. Though by looks he also look as rich and elite as same level as Mr. Wang. But still she shrugs it off, not wanting to meddle into their business and just did her work.

Receptionist I am sorry sir, but do you have an appointment with him.

Hearing this Sang scoff at her.

SangDo you think I need an appointment to meet him. Just till him that Almighty Jeon's secretary is here to meet. This information is enough for him to make him understand who has come.

Receptionist eyes widened listening to that piece of information. Off course who will not know almighty Jeon. She cannot comprehend that the person standing in front of her held such big power and authority. It is such a big and powerful position to be the secretary of almighty Jeon. Being his secretary held more power and honour than others. Business tycoon, industrialist, politicians, and other big personals have to wait a lot just to meet him even if it is for a few seconds. While he gets to meet almighty Jeon every single day.

Her hand started trembling, still she called and inform the higher authority that someone has come to meet Mr. Wang and he has come on behalf of almighty Jeon and call himself his secretary.

Mr. Wang and some board director was doing a meeting together for the upcoming project. While they were discussing Mr. Wang Secretary came running inside the meeting room to inform him that who has come to meet him. The door of the room opened and everyone attention goes towards the person who dare to disturbed such an important meeting. They saw that Mr. Wang Secretary stood there while breathing heavily. Mr. Wang did not like the interruption so he asked him in an angry and irritated tone.

Mr. Wang What is this? Didn't you know that there is an important meeting going inside the room?

Ignoring his questions and anger, his secretary says out loud the reason for which he dares to disturbed the meeting. His secretary manages to say it while breathing heavily.

Secretary - sir Mr. Jeon secretary is here to meet you.

Hearing this Mr. Wang felt like he has been hit by a truck. His eyes widen in shock. Not only him but each and every person present over there have shocked to their core hearing this news. When Mr. Wang came to his senses he orders him what to do.

Mr. WangReally! Then go and receive him. What are you waiting for?

Hearing his order, his secretary turns around to receive him but halt when he listens to Mr. Wang another order.

Mr. WangWAIT! You should not go alone to receive him. It will look very disrespectful.

Mr. Wang look towards the board's members and spoke

Mr. WangIf few of you can some of you go along with the secretary to receive him? It will look more polite and respectful also because he is someone with high post.

Hearing this few people from them willingly tag along with the secretary to greet the person who have come here as a representative of Almighty Jeon.

After few minutes some board directors who were attending the meeting came running downstairs to receive the person who has come. As soon as they came, they bow at him showing him the respect. Meanwhile all the employees became shocked seeing their board directors bowing the man who has just come. By watching this scene, they all got to know that the man is not an ordinary person. After introducing themselves in a polite and respectful way the board directors lead the way for Sang Jun to come.

After reaching to the respective floor, elevator door open with the ringing sound alerting everyone present inside that they have reached to their desired level. Sang Jun started walking while the guard were guarding him to protect him.

Reaching in front of Mr. Wang office, Wang's secretary opens the door for him to enter. Mr. Wang was sitting in anticipation. Soon the door opened and Sang Jun entered inside. As soon as Mr. Wang looked at him his eyes widen. He did not expect him to be here. He cannot believe his eyes that he was seeing him after a decade.

Sang JunGood Morning Mr. Wang. Nice to meet you.

Mr. Wang was still in stunned to see him after so long. It is been so long that he almost forgets about him. Mr. Wang was feeling a lot of emotion suddenly. Sadness, anger, hurt, guilt, grief he could not understand. He wanted to express it, but seeing his straight face and cold expression he cannot express his emotions. He cannot muster the courage to show his emotion to the young man standing tall in front of him. He can feel a lump formed in his throat hearing his voice.

Mr. Wang – Nice to meet you too.

Sang JunIf anyone do not have any problem that I would like to talk to Mr. Wang alone for some time.

Everyone nods their head in yes and left the room one by one to give them privacy. Mr. Wang's Secretary was the last one to leave the room so he closed the room's door behind. Once they were alone Sang Jung clear his throat to talk to the middle-aged man in front of him while Mr. Wang was still looking at him intently with stunned expression.

Sang Jun – Lets proceed to talk about the thing for which I have came for.

Mr. Wang - Yes please, first have your seat.

Sang Jun - Thank you. So, as you have already known that I am Almighty Jeon secretary and you also know that how much of a busy person he is so I came on behalf him to talk to you.

Mr. Wang nodded his head to proceed him further. But the next thing he listened from him shook the ground under his feet.

Sang JunSo lets just get straight to the point. Mr. Jeon want his money back that he has invested in this company.

Mr. Wang felt is heart stop beating and sank into the deep darkness. He felt his soul left him. He tried to confirm what he heard in trembling voice.

Mr. WangW....what are s....saying?

Sang Junyou heard me Mr. Wang. I don't like to repeat my sentence again.

Mr. Wangbut what happen? Why so suddenly he wants to withdraw? My company is doing a good profit than what happen that he wanted to take all the money back.

Sang JunThe reason is you son Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang frown hearing his sentence. He just praying inside that his son should not have done something horrible that Mr. Jeon wants to withdraw his investment.

Mr. WangWhat do you mean?

Sang Jun tells him the whole incident that how his son tried to buy the girl who is going to be the wife of Mr. Jeon. Mr. Wang felt very ashamed of his son that he trying to buy a girl for his pleasures. But now he cannot do anything. His bratty son has already created the blunder.

Mr. Wang – I am really sorry for what my son has done. I didn't know that he is involved in this kind of business. I am ashamed for his act. I will do anything to rectify it. But please don't take your investment back. Me and my company will not be able to survive.

Sang Jun – Okay then. If you don't want us to take the investment back than surrender this company to Mr. Jeon. I know as I have got the email from you that you are handing over the company to your son, but looking at his attitude I don't think that he will be able to handle this company. Don't worry about you son's employment. You son can still work as a CEO of this company but this company will be owned by Mr. Jeon and you son will get his salary of his income in his bank account.

Mr. Wang has not left with any option but to hand over the company to him. He knew that his son won't be able to handle it. So, it is better to give this company to him. It better to hand over the company then to see it going bankrupt.

Mr. WangOkay sir I will hand over the company and the paper to you by tomorrow as it will take some time to make legal papers.

Sang Jun – Okay than. I will go now. I have other meeting to attend too. Its nice to meet you.

He then got up from his seat and shook his hand with him while Mr. Wang also got up from his seat to do the same. After that Sang made his way out but halt when he heard Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang finally gather some courage to say something to him that he wanted to say after he came here.

Mr. Wang – Its so nice to see you after years. I didn't know that you will reach to this high position. I am so proud of you son looking at you doing so well in your life.

Sang Jun turn towards him and flash a small smile towards him. He didn't said anything and went away form there.



The groom is happily grooming himself as in just few hours he is going to get married to his chosen girl. He is very satisfied as he at last got what he wanted. After a long relaxing shower, he came out of the bathroom in his silk bath robe in the room where a lot of male servants are waiting for him holding all his required stuffs, he needs for him to get ready for his marriage. While looking at all of them Jungkook just nodded his head while they all got the clue what is needed to be done. All of them arranged all the expansive suit set on the clothes stand, arranged all the shoes in the display, watches, perfumes, ties, shirts and what not, while the almighty King was drying his hair using a dryer, as he does not let anyone touches his hair. For the first time Jungkook wanted to look at his best for his bride. Even everyone was also happy to see their boss is finally getting married to someone. They are hoping that now as he will have his wife around him, he will control his anger at least a little bit of it.

While on the other hand the young girl stared in the mirror with a blank expression not knowing what is going to happen in her life, what she is doing in her life and what her life has to bring to her. She was sitting completely blank.

She cannot really comprehend what is going on in her life. She has not even completed her basic education and here she is getting married to a man whom she doesn't even know properly. Yesterday she got to know about the misfortune that had happened and here she is getting ready to take oath with a man for bonding with him for life time as his wife.

She sat in front of the huge mirror with a lot of thoughts running inside her brain with a completely blank expression, while makeup artists did their job.

Makeup artist - Madam Jeon You are looking very beautiful

The voice of the girl broke her thoughts while she looks herself in the mirror. Indeed, she was looking beautiful. But still her heart was not happy. She was really nervous and anxious from inside. She once again looked herself in the mirror a lone tear escaped from her eyes. She always dreamed about to getting herself ready like this for the man she would have loved but right now that is not the case here.

The door open and two men dressed in tuxedo came inside and bowed to her. One of them said.

??? Let's go Madam Jeon, it's time for you to walk down the aisle.

Y/n Who are both of you?

Both of them smiled awkwardly as they forgot to introduce themselves to her.

???Sorry we didn't introduce ourselves; I am Minho and he is Sang Jun and we are secretary of Mr. Jeon.

They said bowing a little giving her respect being their boss' s wife.

Y/n Oh okay let's go.

With that Minho and Sang give her the bouquet of flowers and stand beside her. They both were so happy that the smile did not leave from their faces. They felt so honoured that they got to walk down the aisle with Madam Jeon. As decided the wedding was held in the royal garden, which was located behind his palace due to security reasons. As it was his own mansion so the security was really tight.

Minho and Sang Jun came to made Y/n walk down the aisle as Jungkook has ordered them to do so, while they both were really happy to do so because they knew that Jungkook trust them with in all the matter which is related to Y/n.

Y/n slowly started walking towards the wedding venue. You are now standing in front of the aisle with Minho and Sang standing beside you, ready to protect you from any danger. The time had finally come. He is standing there in front of you with his dangerous dominative aura looking at you intently.

Everyone eyes fell on her as soon as she reached in front of everyone. Every human present over there were admiring her beauty and happy that finally Jungkook is going to get married to the love of his life. Sang slowly gestured his hand you to walk down the aisle to go towards the man who is standing in front of you. The whole time Jungkook just kept looking at you without even blinking his eyes. Finally, he is going to make you as his legally.

On the other hand, you kept your head hanging low. You look up a little to scan the venue but soon your eyes met with Jungkook but you soon divert your eyes and look down when found him already looking at you so intensely.

Even though you yourself agreed to marry him but still you want some miracles to happen so that you could escape from this wedding and from him. On the whole way you kept thinking that you didn't realize that you were now standing beside him until you felt a hand holding yours, giving it a light squeeze gripping on your hand securely. Soon the ceremony started and the limited people who were present. Some were taking pictures and video and some were just seeing you two in adoration. Soon you heard the voice of an old priest.

Priest - Shall we start the wedding ceremony Mr. Jeon.


I am back guysssssssss.

I am sorry to everyone who waited for me to come back. Finally, my book crossed 10k. Soon we are going to reach 15k.  I cannot believe it. It still feels unreal.

Thank you so much for so much support. I hope you will enjoy reading this book. Next chapters are going to be spicy as you all can guess by now.

I would like to know what you all feel about the story. Did you all like my writing style or not? If you have any feedback than I will grateful to know it. 

If you like this chapter please vote for it. 

Till then stay tuned.

Meet you at the next chapter. 🥰❤❤❤❤💖

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