Let's skip that and fall in l...

By LadyFaFa

34.2K 1.1K 272


Let's skip that and fall in love (Jalex)
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
chapter 8ish
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
info about the sequel!

Chapter Four

2K 69 6
By LadyFaFa

Alice's POV

We've been at my house for a few hours. Jack was in my clothes wearing a wig again. Alex was also wearing my clothes, he didn't have on a wig though. We've been messing around and watching movies since we got home. Alex's mom only called twice to make sure he was safe.

"Alice what kind of food do you have? The mini Jack's in my tummy are starting a riot." Jack whined.

"Eat your feet," I said as I turned up the TV.

"I like my feet. Can I eat yours?"

"Sure, I hate my feet. Eat up Jackery," I said and put my feet in his face.

He laughed and bit my big toe. I shrieked and started laughing really hard. Alex walked back into the room with a tray of snacks.

"Do I even want to know?" He asked while setting the tray on the desk.

"He couldn't wait to eat so he's eating my feet."

"Since he couldn't wait no snacks for Jack," he said with a smirk as he sat beside me.

I laughed at the look on Jack's face. Alex chuckled and handed me a cookie. I took it gratefully and took a big bite, making sure Jack is watching.

"you're such a bitch!" He exclaimed.

Alex and I both started laughing at the look on his face. Eventually we allowed him to have some snacks. Jack looked like a child that just got out of timeout, he was so happy as he ate his cookie.

Alex's POV

I laughed while watching Jack eat the cookie. He looked so happy. I turned my attention to Alice who was sitting there with the tray on her lap, eating. I grabbed the tray from her and slapped her hand away when she reached for it.

"Quit being a cow," I said and moved the tray back to the desk.

"Moo," she said in a flat tone.

She got up off the bed grabbing the TV remote, turning it on and looking through the TV channels. 'click' 'click' 'click' 'click' 'click' At this point I figured out she was doing this to annoy me. I reached over and took the remote from her hand and put on a random movie. She pouted a reached for another cookie. I slapped her hand away.

"Dick head," she grumbled.

"You are what you have," Jack stated as he grabbed a can of coke.

A few hours passed, we were laid out on Alice's bed watching Batman Begins. Jack was falling in and out of sleep, his mind kept waking up when action scenes came up. Alice ended up eating most of the snacks and was watching the movie while curled up in a ball from stomach pain. I warned her she would get sick, she didn't listen. Eventually the movie ended. Alice and Jack were both asleep, leaving me to sit by myself. After about an hour I was able to fall asleep.

One month later normal POV

It had been a month since Jack and Alex became official. Jack lives at Alice's house during the week and at Alex's on the weekends. The three of them have become really close. Andrew was officially welcomed to the group a week after meeting Alex outside the school. He turned out to be pretty cool. Alice welcomed him after she got her revenge by smashing an ice-cream cone on his head. The four of them spent almost every day together. Andrew lived on the other side of town so he could only hang out a little bit after school and on weekends if his dad let him use the car. Alex introduced his friend Rian into the group and he was gratefully accepted by Alice, Jack, and Andrew.

Alex's mom finally stopped worrying about something happening to Alex. Jack hasn't really spoken or seen his parents much except when he went home to get more clothes. His father didn't mind him leaving, he thought it was the best idea. His mom on the other hand didn't take it well. Alice's parents were more than happy to let Jack stay with them. Jack sleeps in Alice's room on a mattress that slides under her bed.
Alice got a part time job at Starbucks with Rian. Jack and Alex work after school at the music store Andrew's dad owned. Jack started playing guitar again and discovered Alex played too.

Jack's POV

Alex, Andrew, and I were just leaving work. Andrew's dad let him use the car today, so we were heading over to pick Alice and Rian up from Starbucks. We all got in the car and Andrew started driving. Alex and I sat in the back, holding hands and looking out the window. It took about fifteen minutes to get from the music store to Starbucks. Alice and Rian were already standing outside, there was another guy standing with them. Andrew pulled up to the and unlocked the doors.

"Hey guys this is Zack he just started work today. So I figured let's make our group an even number!" Alice exclaimed as she got in the back seat and sat in my lap.

"Welcome to insanity Zack. You still have a chance to turn around and run," Rian said while getting into the back seat with Alice, Alex, and me.

"I'm cool with insanity," Zack said with a laugh, getting into the passenger seat.

"Well that's good because it only gets worse from here," I said with a laugh.

"Introductions should be made. Zack this is Jack, Alex and Andrew. They're all a bunch of morons but you will learn to love them," Alice said while pointing to each of us.

"Hey! We aren't morons. We're just special," Alex protested.

"You guys are morons don't fight it," Rain said with a laugh.

"It takes a moron to know moron," I said while sticking my tongue out at him.

The drive back to Alice's house wasn't so long. Turns out Zack lives down the street from Alice. We all thought it was pretty funny that we've never seen him before. He goes to a different school, so that's one of the reasons we've never seen him around. Once we pulled up to Alice's house we all filed out and ran inside and up to her room.

"Clothes off Jackery." Alice demanded as she went to her closet to get me a new outfit.

I rolled my eyes and did as told. She tossed me a white button up shirt and a plaid skirt. I put them on and took the wig from her hand.

"You will get used to this Zack. Sometimes she'll get Alex in a dress. She's still working on getting me into a skirt," Andrew said with a laugh.

We all goofed around for a couple hours until Andrew had to leave. Shortly after Rian and Zack had to leave too.

"Tomorrows Monday," Alice whined as she fell onto the bed, landing on top of Alex.

"Hey summer is only a few months away though," I said with a grin.

"True, but it's not here now so it still sucks," Alice said and rolled off of Alex.

"We should make plans for this summer!" Alex exclaimed.

"Like what?" Alice and I asked at the same time.

"I don't know yet. But I know it will be something amazing," he said with a huge smile.

I laughed and kissed his cheek. Alice smiled and took out her laptop.

"Are you two still planning on starting a band?" Alice asked as she typed away on her computer.

"Yeah, we talked with Rian last night and he said he would play the drums," Alex replied.

"Zack plays the bass. Maybe you should have him join the band." She suggested.

"That's a great idea!" I exclaimed.

"All my ideas are great. When I see him at work I can talk to him about it. He's between bands at the moment. Have you thought up a name?" She asked, looking at me and Alex.

"Not yet, we're going to figure that out when we have a full band and at least one song written," I said with a smile.

"Actually I've already written a song," Alex said with a sheepish smile.

Alice and I looked at him with huge smiles on our faces.

"Really!? Jack go get your guitar! Alex play it for us!" Alice screamed in excitement.

I quickly got up and grabbed my guitar from the other side of the room. Alex looked like a deer in headlights when I handed it to him. Alice was waiting with a huge grin on her face. Alex sighed and started strumming. Alice and I smiled as we watched him. He inhaled and started singing.

"Tonight, we lie awake
Remember how the coffee made us shake on those long drives?
One more long night
Another seven days
Heartbeat racing
The interstate, my home tonight
For one more long night
I'm sure as hell the happiest I've ever been
We get high, we let go
We've got more than we know
My friends are a different breed
My friends are" He sang, pausing beforing singing again.

"There's a ghost in this room
I think I'll name it after all of you
And watch it hang over my bed like decorations celebrated
Memories, they came and went in light of all the time we spent
Listening to everything our parents told us not to take in
Now make a change
I'm counting down
The mile marks to every town
And falling more in love
With the distance put between us
We get high, we let go
We've got more than we know
My friends are a different breed
My friends are everything
Make this last, take it slow
We've got it all figured out for now
So let us live our lives without a doubt
Tonight we lie awake
Remember how the coffee made us shake on those long drives?
One more long night
Another seven days
Heartbeat racing
The interstate, my home tonight
For one more long night
I would've married you in Vegas
Had you given me the chance to say "I do"
Could I make it more obvious, could you
Be anymore obvious
I would've married you in Vegas
Had you given me the chance to say "I do"
Could I make it more obvious, could you
Be anymore obvious, could you? "

He finished the rest of the song and looked at us, waiting for our reaction.

"I love it!!!"Alice screamed.

"It's amazing!' I exclaimed with a huge smile.

"You really think so?" He asked, smiling brightly.

"I like being called a different breed! It's fantastic Lex," Alice said, taking away the guitar and pulling him into a hug.

He laughed and hugged her back. Feeling left out I joined their weird little hug and turned it into a group hug.

"So are we like a different breed of human or are we dogs," Alice asked.

"We'll you're a dog Alice. The others are human," he said with a sweet smile.

"That's just rude."


I was really excited to upload this chapter. I spent almost all day yesterday writing it. ^0^ Please leave feedback it gets new chapters up sooner. <33 Thank you for reading. ~Paige

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