Fury // Harwin Strong

By rissarosewrites

200K 10.3K 1.1K

"You will always fall in love and it will always be like having your throat cut, just that fast." šŸ‰ Daemon... More

1. A Queen
2. Gorgeous
3. I Don't
4. Without You
5. No More Tears
Cesar Lannister
Barney Baratheon
Gabriel Greyjoy
Seamus Seaworth
Titus Lannister
11. Forever
12. Harwin Strong
13. Wife
14. Happy
15. Peculiar
16. First's
17. Strongaryen's
18. Hottie Hunt
19. You Like Crazy
20. Let Them Eat Cake
21. Roar
22. Clarity
23. Horrendous
24.Egg Hunt
25. Men Are Useless
26. Mad, Happy, Sad
27. Shit Show
28. Charming
29. Good Riddance
30. Whack
31. Frosting
32. Devourer of Cookies
33. Reprimand Her
34. Double the Cuteness
35. Bribery
36. Etiquette
37. Doubt
38. Baby Fury
39. Hellfire
40. Tall, Dark and Glorious
41. Trust You
42. You Survived
43. To Devour Me
44. Cut It Off
45. His Name Hurts
46. Be Mean
47. Evolve
48. Your Future Wife Awaits
49. Dracarys His Ass
50. Strong Genes
51. Finish your Ejaculation
52. The Enemy
53. Defender
54. Mercy
55. Fireproof
56. Remember Me
57. Let Her Go
59. Restless
60. Cloak of Righteousness
61. Psychopath
62. So You Want To Start A War
63. Immune to the Toxins
64. Cool. My Fucking Turn
65. Eliminate
66. On My Knees
67. I Forgot That You Existed
68. Let Love In
69. Wore me Down
70. Hold On Tight
71. Flinch, flicker, fall apart
72. To Be King
73. Drunk & Spilling Secrets
74. Make Him See
75. Not The King
76. Save Me
77. Probably Killing Daemon
78. Learning to Walk Away
80. A Toast to Strong Men
81. God Sent Me As Karma
82. But, Davina Wanted her Head
83. Above The Flames
84. Unburnt Hubby
85. Threaten a Dragon
86. Gone To Madness
87. Grown Ups Are Talking
88. Know You Better
89. Killing You Off Is Easier
90. Im Not Afraid To Kill You. For Real This Time
91. Its really rewarding removing body parts
92. See My Fury

58. Rip His Head Off, But I'm Fine

1.6K 109 8
By rissarosewrites

"Davina, I was hoping to ask you something." viserys remarked as she finished her drink. 

"I'm fine Vis. I hate seeing him and want to rip his head off but I'm fine. Because Harwin is alive." Davina assured him. 

"Davina I want you to be my hand." Viserys declared. 

"Hand, thats funny." Davina mused chuckling as she touched his armless sleeve. 

"I'm serious." viserys remarked. 

"Me too," Davina teased. 

"Brother." Larys remarked stiffly. "What joy, you are alive."

"Just barely." HArwin agreed. "Thank the Gods for Davina."

"Yes what a lucky break." Larys agreed annoyed. 

''Go to bed.' Rhaenyra insisted coming up to her children.

''But, Mother...'' Luke whined

''Go to bed.'' Rhaenyra said again.

''I'm going to bed, Aemma.'' Viserys remarked and Alicent stared at him a moment.

''Shall I see after Queen Alicent, Your Grace?'' ser Harrold asked, making sure to annunciate Alicent.

''No, Ser Harrold. You have the night's watch, Ser Criston.'' Viserys told him

''Yes, Lord Commander.'' Criston agreed.

"You too loves, its getting late and your father is tired." Davina agreed. Daeron offered Haezel his arm as he led her back to her chambers. 

"Such a gentle man." Davina remarked seeing Jace and Daeron coming up to Vaera and Haezel. 

"Davina I needed to speak with you..." Alicent began. 

"Tomorrow?" Davina offered. "I'm... I just need to flop into bed and sleep for a day."

"Of course." Alicent agreed touching her hand. "I'm so glad Harwin is alright." 

"Haenry, Draeya can you put your father to bed?" Davina mused as she grabbed hold of Rhaegar and Valyrias hands. 

"Yes mum." They echoed. 


''Brother? Is that you?'' Aegon slurred

"I surely hope not." Davina remarked.

"Mommy!" Aegon said happily.

"You are a piss poor drunk." Davina told him pulling him along, stumbling drunk. Aegon grunted as he was dragged along.

"I love you mama Dav!" Aegon declared.

"I love you sober more." Davina remarked. 'Come on." He leaned on her his feet not working with how much he consumed.

''Get to bed.'' Davina instructed taking his cup and throwing it down. "No more wine for you."

"Oh mommy, I love you so much." Davina chuckled.

"I changed my mind, I like drunk you. You however are going to hate hung over you in the morning, honey." Davina informed him. "Why did you drink so much?"

"Because I could." Aegon offered.

"Alicent is making you marry Helaena and you are pissed." Davina corrected and Aegon huffed a breath. "You know if you ever want to be king-" Aegon straightened his back. "I'm not saying it will ever happen but with the recent deaths I know how fragile life can be." Davina reminded him. "Things can happen in the blink of an eye. You need to show you are good council, a good advisor." Aegon nodded leaning heavily on her as they moved. "I'm not saying don't have fun, whats life without fun but make sure you are ready, in both battle of sword and mind."

"I will do better mama Dav.' Aegon assured as she pushed his door open. "But I don't think I want to be king."

"Goodnight handsome." Davina whispered kissing his head. Davina turned back to the door and made sure her children were in bed.


Davina closed the door and leaned up against the wall closing her eyes. Why was everything so upside down? She ran her hands over her face in agony.

"Are you scared?" Criston asked and slowly Davina opened her eyes. He expected her to say something like I am Davina Targaryen and I fear nothing but she didn't.

"We all are Criston." Davina confirmed. "I'm scared that Viserys mind is failing and his body isnt too far behind. I'm scared that I will wake up and Harwin will be gone. He's too good for me, he's too good for this world. I'm scared of the future for my babies, Alicent and Rhaenyra's children. I love them like my own and their mothers cant see eye to eye on anything..."

"What are you going to do about Larys?" Criston whispered. 

"Problem for tomorrow." Davina murmured. "Goodnight Criston."

"Goodnight Davina."

"Did you miss me Dav?"

"Go away Daemon." Davina seethed. Criston turned back to her at Daemon's voice.

"You want to go down the beaches, find a cozy spot-" Daemon when on.

"Go. Away." Davina hissed.

"Would you like me to escort the prince out?" Criston offered.

"Perhaps.' Davina agreed simply.

"Are you happy?" daemon asked.

"I am happy. I have been happy and I don't want you here. I don't want you at the capital. I don't want you near my children." Davina begged. "You bewitched me long ago and I broke the spell." Davina admitted not catching her breath she kept going breathlessly but she had to spit it out. "I am happy, I love Harwin I love him so much. I love my children. I don't want you. I don't need you."


"I moved on. So should you." Davina spat marching away. Her mind spiraling she collapsed in her bed. Harwin reached out for her silently. 

"Do you need anything Davina?" Criston asked. Davina lifted her head and looked to him.

"You're a good friend Criston."

"Thank you Davina."

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