59. Restless

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''Laenor has been restless for years, but now, he will be useless. Or worse. I know better than anyone that our marriage is a farce. But I at least make the effort to maintain appearances.'' Rhaenyra confided in Daemon.

"You have more to lose.'' Daemon reminded her

''Yes, well, that has been my lot since my father named me heir. We did try... to conceive a child. We performed our duty as best we could. But to no avail.'' Rhaenyra told him trying to make better of a bad situation. ''There was no joy in it. I found that elsewhere.'' Daemon smirked. ''It felt good to be desired.''

''Hm. I understand Ser Gael was quite... devoted to you.'' Daemon offered gently.

''Yes, he was. And I trusted him.'' Rhaenyra agreed ''Should've forbidden Ser Gael from returning to the River lands. Harren's curse is said to be as strong now as it was after the Conquest.'' Rhaenyra remarked as her heels dug into the sand.

''That's a ghost story, one the queen and our dear Davina would gladly exploit.'' Daemon corrected 

''I do not believe Alicent capable of cold murder.'' Rhaenyra told him with confidence. "Davina either."

''Mm, you forget what happened to her first few husbands?" Daemon countered.

"She is different, you don't know her anymore." Rhaenyra told him with confidence.

"Is she?" Daemon countered. 

"Davina liked Gael, he was her brother by law, one she liked better than you it seems." Rhaenyra remarked and Daemon scoffed out a breath. "She didn't want him to go. It was his own father that demanded it. Davina cares she loves the boys and... she loves Harwin, she loves him more than anyone in the world." Rhaenyra added.

"Has she changed truly?" daemon asked after their talk it seemed like it. It seemed she was done with him and moved on.

"Davina is... she has been here for me and my father, she is not murderous, she doesn't hold grudges, she is at peace." Rhaenyra told him.

''Each of us is capable of depravity. And more than you would believe.'' Daemon told her.

''I believe it of you.''

''If you're accusing me of some depravity, you'll need to be more specific.'' Daemon reminded her.

'You abandoned me.'' Rhaenyra shouted

''You had Davina and it was I that spared you. You were a child.'' Daemon reminded her, she stopped walking and turned to him so she could see the look in his eyes.

''Yes. Yes, I was a child. And look at what my life became without you.'' Rhaenyra spat. ''Droll tragedy.''

''Oh, and I wonder what you think of mine by comparison?'' Daemon countered

''I know little of it. Did you love her?'' Rhaenyra questioned noticing how her uncle seemed timeless, ten years had passed and he was still so handsome.

''We were happy enough. She's no Davina.''

''Well, that in itself is a great achievement. I am sorry.'' Rhaenyra said remembering that they were all together again to mourn Laena's death. Remembering the last time she saw him and he touched her cheek claiming Laenor would bore her, so many years ago and then begged Davina to run away with him and broke her heart all over again. Davina had stayed because Rhaenyra begged her too. She didnt want to be alone. Davina had always been on her side which made Rhaenyra feel so much guilt for the thoughts going through her head. 

''Don't be. I am at least allowed to mourn my losses.'' Daemon reminded her and Rhaenyra brought a hand up to his face. ''Rhaenyra.'' Daemon warned.

"Davina has moved on, you should too." Rhaenyra told him. "She doesn't want you, I do."

"You are playing with fire." Daemon warned. Davina had made her mind up, she didn't want him. She declared it.

''I'm no longer a child. I want you.'' Rhaenyra begged her lips colliding with his. As they pulled at each others clothes, finding comfort in each others touch. It wasn't the Targaryen he wanted but if he played his cards right he could get a crown out of it.


Aemond knew that Laena had a dragon and it would be his, he knew he should have waited for Davina but he was too excited he didn't want Rhaena to claim it, vhagar would be his. He ran over the beaches and he saw it. Vhagar. Vhagar was sleeping, breathing deeply her breath blowing the sand from her face as Aemond approached.

"Fuck.' Aemond whispered as Vhagar snorted, her deep exhales, Aemond thought she could swallow him up in a single breath if Vhagar wanted to. Aemond reached for the ropes and Vhagar woke, she snorted out at Aemond, he had to be brave he stood tall and strong. Vhagar went back to sleep. Aemond tried again, Vhagar lifted her head, opened her mouth, Aemond stared at the fire boiling in the back of her throat.

'' Dohaeras!'' Aemond shouted. ''Dohaeras, Vhagar!'' Aemond demanded and Vhagar settled. ''Lykiri! Lykiri!'' Vhagar quieted ''Lykiri.'' Vhagar inhaled deeply allowed Aemond to climb up. He gripped the ropes and the saddle tightly he felt the heavy purr of Vhagar under him.

''Soves!'' Aemond declared and Vhagar grumbled ''Dohaeras, Vhagar! Soves! Ah!'' Aemond screamed out in fear and joy as Vhagar took to the sky. Sweeping over the city. He had flown with Davina many times but being here now on his own dragon was unlike anything he had ever felt. His own dragon. His.

''Jace, Jace. Jace, wake up.'' Baela declared, the twins had seen Vhagar take off. ''Wake up. Someone stole Vhagar.''

''What?'' Jace questioned rubbing at his eyes.

''Who is it?''

''Jace, what are we doing?'' Luke asked it was far too late for them to be up and about.

''It's him.'' Rhaena remarked bitterly.

''Hi. It's me.'' Aemond agreed, he just had the ride of his life, he had a dragon now. He couldnt wait to tell Davina. He wished Draeya was here though to witness his greatness first hand. 

''Vhagar is my mother's dragon.'' Baela shouted.

''Your mother's dead. And Vhagar has a new rider now.'' Aemond said proudly.

''She was mine to claim.'' Rhaena shouted in outrage.

''Then you should've claimed her!'' Aemond countered smugly. 'Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to ride. It would suit you.'' Rhaena didn't like that one bit she charged at him. Both twins but Aemond struck them down. ''Come at me again and I'll feed you to my dragon!'' Aemond warned and Jacaerys yelled out as he charged. They all charged at Aemond getting him to the ground, punching him. But Aemond had fire in him. He kicked the girls off and sent a punch to Luke's face, breaking his nose.

''You will die screaming in flames just as your father did! Bastards.'' Aemond declared as he stood up.

''My father's still alive.'' Luke corrected

''He doesn't know, does he, Lord Strong?'' Aemond smirked back at them. Dark black hair, how could he not. jace kicked sand up at Aemond he flinched back as Luke lunged his blade at Aemonds face slicing his eye. Aemond screamed out as he fell.

Aemond wailed out as ser Harrold Westerling and the guards finally made it to them.

''Cease this at once!'' Harrold demanded. ''Get away! My Prince, my Prince. Let me see.'' Aemond was breathing heavily as he removed his hand from his eye. ''Gods be good..."

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