Two Sides to Every Love (Gene...

By Shadowlumi

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Sequel to "Two Sides to Every Girl" It was almost the end of summer before Y/n's senior year, and she was hap... More

Before You Read
Chapter 1~ Relationships
Chapter 2~ Sudden Vacation
Chapter 3~ Coincidence? I Think Not
Chapter 4~ Kept Secret
Chapter 5~ Rekindle an Old Flame
Chapter 6~ Katelyn's Care
Chapter 7~ Heartbreak
Chapter 8~ Breakups Suck
Chapter 9~ Clothes and Soup
Chapter 10~ Big News
Chapter 11~ Work = Fun?
Chapter 12~ The Prospect of Love
Chapter 13~ I'm Feelin' Twenty Tw- Five. Twenty Five.
Chapter 14~ Falling For You
Chapter 15~ Way Home
Chapter 16~ Fireworks
Chapter 17~ Start Anew
Chapter 18~ Oh No He Didn't!
Chapter 19~ Siblings
Chapter 20~ Home Sweet Home
Chapter 21~ Business Proposal
Chapter 22~ Worry About You
Chapter 23~ Healing
Chapter 24~ Smile
Chapter 25~ The End of All Things
Chapter 26~ Nightmare Before Christmas
Chapter 27~ Dear Diary
Chapter 28~ Our Spot
Chapter 29 🍋~ Greedy
Chapter 30~ Maid Café Shenanigans
Final Author's Note
Side Story 1~ OKAY I PULL UP
Side Story 2~ A "Little Bit" Drunk
Side Story 3~ Prom Night

Side Story 4~ New Year('s Eve), New Friend

78 1 0
By Shadowlumi

Several months before the wedding...

Today was New Year's Eve, and with Gene having to stay late at work, it was a lonely one.

Or so I thought. Shuffling and shivering into Gene and I's place was Lucinda, who was covered in snow. Through chattering teeth, she explained that she found out about my lonely predicament via seeing Gene head into work from outside her potion store, so she came to check up on me and hang out, cause "misery loves company". I couldn't help but feel touched; after all, Lucinda and I haven't really talked.

Settling onto the living room couch (or rather, the only couch in the house), we chatted about work and then Christmas, which led us into traditions.

I sighed. "I was hoping Gene and I could've gotten the ball rolling on traditions... Even if we don't do the same thing every year, at least figuring them out together would be nice. New Year's Eve last year was a lot better. There was no blizzard, too."

"It's a shame everyone went out of town for the most part," Lucinda said. "If we had another party like last year, at least we'd be snowed in together."

Everyone on the street staying over at one person's house? I feel like it'd be too cramped... "I prefer the option where no one's snowed in."

"Don't you think it'd be kind of fun?" Lucinda asked. "It'd be like Love~Love Paradise again. I feel like everyone could use more time together."

It is true that everyone's been busy with their own lives, but... "I'm surprised you're saying that, Lucinda!"

"Why's that?"

I stifled a laugh. "Considering you were sleeping most of vacation!"

"From what I remember, so were you! It wasn't until you ran into a certain somebody that you started going out more."

"Not true! I barely hung out with Gene on vacation. I was out with Aph, Katelyn, and Kawaii~chan a lot more. Maybe we would've hung out sooner if—"

A loud bang erupted from outside.

I shrunk up in my spot on the couch. "Oh my Irene what was that?!"

"If I were to guess... Garroth and Laurance's huge inflatable Santa?" Lucinda said.

I let out a deep breath and relaxed myself. "That's what they get for leaving their Christmas stuff up after Christmas, I guess."

"I'm surprised Zane puts up with their inflatables... They had a giant jack-o'-lantern and a turkey before Santa. I wonder what's next?" 

Interesting how they started this tradition after moving onto the new street. Zane must be dying to move out. If I remember correctly... "Earlier this year they had a heart for February...which also popped, a Leprechaun in March, and the Easter Bunny for April. May through September they had nothing."

"If they're gonna do the same as this year, did they fix the heart? Or are they gonna order something new? Ah, speaking of decorations...I noticed you and Gene didn't decorate for Christmas."

I brought my knees to my chest and wore a pout. "I asked him about it earlier in the month and he said we'd go shopping but...that never happened. He's been so busy with work! I guess I could've ordered stuff myself, but I really wanted to decorate with him! It'd be boring alone." I sighed. "Maybe it's my fault for not asking him again."'s not like Gene could just turn down work. This year he's picked up more artists and bands for his label, so he has more to manage. He has to prepare stuff for next year, so it's fine that he's not here; we celebrated everything else together, after all! I glanced down at my engagement ring.

...It's not fine. Why does he have to be working on New Year's Eve?

"Y/n?" Lucinda questioned.

I shook my head. "Sorry, were you saying something?"

"I was just saying that it isn't your fault for not asking Gene about the decorations again, but..." She reached her hand out on the couch, just shy of touching me. "Sweety, are you okay? You look like you're about to cry."

"Yeah... I'm just worried about Gene." My Irene why won't I stop pouting about him? Lucinda's never gonna hang out with me again. "Thanks for checking up on me, Lucinda, but you can go home if you'd like! I'll be fine."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Hmm...I doubt it. Plus, the blizzard doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon, so you'll be stuck with me for at least for another hour."

"Can't you teleport?" I questioned.

"Do you want me gone that badly?"

"No, no! I just didn't want you to feel forced to stay here with my complaining and all," I said.

"You've barely complained! And even then, I don't mind. It helps me get to know you better." She sent me a wink. "So, what has you so worried about Gene, hm?"

I relayed my worries to her, including my concern about Gene getting home in the blizzard, and she nodded along understandingly. To cheer me up and to bond over a common interest, we watched Masami Iwasawa tour compilations. At some point I fell asleep, leaving Lucinda to see herself out... Whoops. Eventually, at the sound of rustling and footsteps, I woke up from my slumber...

to a shirtless Gene!

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes to make sure what I was seeing was real. I woke up at the perfect time~

"Gene?" I softly called.

He was in the middle of putting a hoodie on, but he tossed it aside and climbed into bed when he saw me. He greeted me with a kiss and a smile. "Hi, my fiancée."

My hands traveled up his chest before resting my left hand on his face. "You didn't have to stop putting your hoodie on for me! I don't want you to be cold!"

"You're more than warm enough for me," he remarked. "Plus, I want you to start your year right."

A smile crept onto my face. "You know me too well," I said, stroking his cheek. "But seriously, the blizzard was still going when I fell asleep. It must've been so cold!"

"I was bundled up, don't worry! Other than being covered in snow, everything was fine on my way home. The blizzard died down a bit; if it didn't, I would've had to spend the night in my office..."

"I must've been too tired to notice... How did I end up in bed anyway? Last I remember I was talking to Lucinda on the couch."

"Huh, I'm not sure... She was gone before I got home. Maybe she teleported you?" Gene suggested.

"Unless Lucinda is that strong," I retorted. "Ugh, I can't believe I fell asleep on her when it was our first time hanging out..."

Gene looked thoughtful for a moment before a smirk overtook his expression. "Well, you're the same girl who fell asleep on the guest room bed I was gonna use the first time I visited her...ex-parents' place. Before we were dating, might I add."

What is he... My eyes widened. Oh my Irene, I remember that was when I found out my adoptive mom was pregnant and that B/n and G/n were dating! I seriously fell asleep in the room Gene was gonna use?! "To be fair, I had an anxiety attack that day, so I was really out of it. You...didn't sleep in the same bed, did you?"

"Well, we started dating shortly after, anyways," Gene said.

" moved me, right? Or slept in the other guest room?"

He rolled his eyes. "We're engaged now, Y/n. Is my answer gonna make you change your mind?"

"No, but I'd like to know!"

"I dragged you onto the couch, don't worry."

"You dragged me?!"

He laughed. "I slept in the other guest room. Despite that, I still liked you and wanted to hang out. I'm sure Lucinda feels the same way."

"You brought up a traumatic memory just to say that...?" I groaned. "Well, I guess I feel a bit relieved? was work?"

He sighed. "I love what I do, but it was painful being without you today. Well...technically last year."

"My Irene, save the dad jokes for when you're a dad..."

He smiled. "Happy New Year, Y/n. I know I'm an hour late, but will you be my New Year's kiss?"

I smiled back. "The answer to that will always be yes."

He wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips to mine. After our kiss, I drew close to his ear. 

"You're never working past 12 AM ever again."

A/n: I wasn't sure what I wanted to go with for this chapter!! I was between three ideas, but I wanted to give Lucinda some...screentime? pagetime? So here we are!! I hope all of you have an amazing year 🥰

Thanks for reading kawaii potato cats! I love each and every single one of you very muchly! Catch you all later! Baii~ 💖Shadow🎮

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