Can You Love Me Right? GxG

By CrazyAplaka1

87.2K 2.6K 873

Voldemort is back!!! And this time the wizarding world knows of his return and about Harry's and Y/N's prophe... More

Chapter 1 - Welcome Back!
Chapter 2 - Show Me How Much You Missed Me
Chapter 3 - Meeting Slughorn
Chapter 4 - The Burrow
Chapter 5 - Late Night Talks
Chapter 6 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 7 - The Train to Hogwarts
Chapter 8 - New Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher
Chapter 9 - Hufflepuff Party
Chapter 10 - Hufflepuff Party Pt.2
Chapter 11 - Its All Fun and Games Darling
Chapter 12 - Potion Masters
Chapter 13 - Don't be Jealous My Love
Chapter 14 - I'm Sorry Darling
Chapter 15 - The Pensieve
Chapter 16 - Quidditch Trials
Chapter 17 - Do You Trust Me
Chapter 18 - Dumbledore's training
Chapter 19 - Birthday girl
Chapter 20 - Hogsmeade
Chapter 21 - Nice Skin
Chapter 22 - Hidden places
Chapter 23 - Dinner Party
Chapter 24 - Quidditch Day
Chapter 25 - Weasley is our King
Chapter 26 - Regulus Black
Chapter 27 - Will you just relax
Chapter 28 - Christmas Party
Chapter 29 - Christmas Party Pt.2
Chapter 30 - The Granger's
Chapter 31 - Death Eater Attack
Chapter 32 - Settling in
Chapter 33 - Under Suspicion
Chapter 35 - A quiet new years
Chpater 36 - Happy Birthday Y/N
Chapter 37 - Birthday surprise
Chapter 38 - A night out in london
Chapter 39 - Dumbledore Returns
Chapter 40 - New changes
Chapter 41 - Failed task

Chapter 34 - Lupin

1.2K 51 24
By CrazyAplaka1

Y/N continues to fly on her broom as the sun begins the set. She knows that shouldn't have acted the way she did towards her aunt, but she was so angry and so afraid of what might happened that she acted impulsively. Through a clearing of trees, the Ravenclaw spots the quaint cottage with smoke billowing out of the chimney indicating someone is home.

Y/N gets off her broom and approaches the home. She knocks on the door and it's not long before Lupin opens the door looking rather confused by the Ravenclaw's presence.

"Y/N" Lupin says "what are you-"

"Can I stay here" Y/N quickly says "please"

Lupin sighs and opens the door wider "Come in"

Y/N smiles and enters the lovely cottage, Lupin bought this place after leaving the defence against the dark arts position at Hogwarts. The cottage suited him. The Ravenclaw sat down on the couch in the living room which had many books in various piles around the place. Lupin comes back into the room with a cup of tea in hand and places it in front of Y/N who smiles gratefully.

"Thanks" Y/N replies as she takes a sip "where's Tonks"

"Auror business" Remus says and the Ravenclaw girl just nods. "Does your aunt know here"

"No" she says quietly

Lupin sighs and Y/N can tell that he's disappointed. "Y/N it's dangerous-"

"I know" the Ravenclaw cuts off "I know. I just couldn't stay there anymore. My aunt kicked me out"

"What happened" Lupin asks and Y/N sighs

"This letter came for me" she says handing Remus the letter and he reads it carefully. Y/N sips her tea as Lupin reads quietly. He hands the letter back the Ravenclaw girl, his eyes sympathetic.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry" He says and Y/N just nods

"My aunt tried to break the news to me gently" Y/N starts "and of course that didn't go as planned and I sort of lashed out. I said some things that really hurt her Remus, then she told me to leave"

"Regardless about what was said, Monica wouldn't have wanted you to leave" Lupin says "she was just upset"

"I know" Y/N says "but Remus I made quite a scene, like a really bad scene"

"You're father did the same" Remus says "he was a bit of a drama queen back in the day"

A small smile forms on her lips but it quickly fades "yeah well it seems like I've got my father's bad luck too" Y/N replies and Remus can't seem to find the right words to say "It's the way the world is. They'll never trust a Black"

"You're not going to Azkaban, not if I or your aunt or even Dumbledore are around" Lupin finally says

"Even if that is the case they'll still never trust me" Y/N replies "they hear the last name Black they think guilty. That's how the ministry works with there messed up system"

"I know more than anyone how messed up the system is" Remus says "being a werewolf is just as difficult as having the last name Black"

"Yeah" Y/N says "I'm guessing you've heard about Jorden"

Lupin nods "I saw him this morning, to see how's he's holding up and give my support"

"How is he" Y/N asks

"He's recovering well" Remus says "but still coming to terms with lycanthropy news. I think todays talk helped"

Y/N just nods and the two sit in comfortable silence. "I wish I was normal" the Ravenclaw finally says "I never wanted any of this"

"I know Y/N" Remus says seeming to be in his own thoughts "sometimes I wish I was too, normal"

"What would you be" Y/N asks

"I'd live in the muggle world, own a book store that had a small cafe next to it" Remus replies fondly "it'd be peaceful, easy living"

Y/N smiles "It sounds nice"

"What about you" Lupin asks and the Ravenclaw goes quiet, thinking about her answer

"I think I'd live in the muggle world too, in a quiet neighbourhood." Y/N starts "I'd work at a coffee shop during the day and go off with my coworkers to the local bar. There we'd drink, play
Pool and maybe I'd sing there when I get the chance. After that I'd come home and be greeted by my dogs and fall asleep only to do the same thing the next day"

"It sounds peaceful" Lupin says and Y/N nods

"But we can never have it" she says quietly and Remus puts his hand in the girls shoulder.

"Unfortunately not" he replies and the two stay quiet for a while before Y/N speaks up.

"Can I tell you something, I've been afraid to kind of say to anyone because I don't think they'll understand" she asks and Remus nods. "Sometimes I just think it would be easier just to give up, like it would be easier to be what everyone expects me to be"

"But is that what you really want" Lupin asks "to be a pureblood fanatic like majority of the Black family and join the dark lord to take over the wizarding world"

"No" Y/N replies quickly "no I don't want that, but I just think it would be easier for me to be what the ministry expects of me. I wouldn't have to fight so hard to change their mind and be something different you know"

"Unfortunately, forging your own path in this world is hard when legacy is envoled" Remus says "it's similar with the werewolves, it was only last year they were asking me to join their pack which is lead by the dark lord, but I refused."

"But why did you" Y/N asks

"Because that's not who I am, even if it made it harder for me to get by day after day. But I'd do it again" Lupin replies

"So your not upset about me thinking like this" the Ravenclaw asks and Remus smiles

"Your a good kid Y/N, and I know that you would never join the dark lord after what he has done to you and your family." He says and a small smile forms on Y/N face. "But I would say it's probably best to keep this to yourself, you're right that others would find this hard to understand"

"Thank you, and I wouldn't join him not ever it's just, I'm tired you know. I'm tired of trying and have it blow up in my face" Y/N explains and Remus nods.

"I know Y/N, I understand" he says and smiles reassuringly "I know that you feel the need to carry the weight of your family's burdens on your shoulders, but you don't. There are people around you that love you, remember that"

"I'll try" Y/N says and Remus smiles and gets up from his seat.

"Good" he replies "now I'm going to get some dinner sorted and Tonks should be home any minute"

"Could you tell my aunt that I'm here" Y/N asks and Remus smiles

"I already did" he replies and Y/N smiles

"Thank you" Y/N says and Remus smiles and heads back into the kitchen.

The Ravenclaw stayed in the living room and rummaged through the bag she took and pulled out the spell book Dumbledore had given her. She hadn't had a chance to look through it as Hermione thought her girlfriend would be tempted to try out the spells whilst her arm was healing and she wouldn't be wrong. So Y/N sits on the couch and starts to read whilst Remus cooks.

Tonks eventually arrives home and was surprised to find Y/N here but Remus told her briefly what happened. Tonks just sat down next to Y/N and gave her cousin a hug hoping that it would be enough to convey that she was going to be alright. They all sat down for dinner which was quite nice as they ate in comfortable silence only really speaking to compliment Remus' cooking.

After dinner Remus have Y/N a few blankets and led her to the spare room to get some rest. However, Y/N found it difficult to sleep with her mind racing about how she is going to face everyone tomorrow. She looks at the time on her phone and scrolls through her contacts until to she finally calls someone.


"Hey," the raven-haired boy replies "are you alright"

"I'm- I'm doing okay" Y/N replies "I'm sorry I don't know why I called"

"No it's fine" Harry says "I'm happy your alright. Where are you by the way"

"Remus and Tonks place" Y/N says "our aunt didn't tell you"

"She's been really quiet" Harry replies "our aunt just stayed in her study for the rest of the day working. What you said really hurt her"

"I know I was just angry and I took it out on her" Y/N replies "I know my worst flaw is my temper, I'm fully aware of that. But the letter I got Harry- I'm just scared because there's no easy way to get out of this"

"Well when you mentioned Azkaban I kind of assumed" Harry says "would you like to talk about it"

"I think I should tell everyone at the same time" Y/N answers "this letter changes a lot"

"Okay" Harry replies then the line goes silent "Hermione is so pissed at you"

"I know" Y/N says with a sigh "and what about the others

"Flo is angry but underneath that is worried about you, Ron is trying his best to be there for Hermione and Flo but I can tell that he's not as angry as the girls. Callan is just disappointed in you but he'll come around" Harry says "and I'm- well, I'm not angry, I just want to know what's going on"

"Well I'm not surprised but everyone's reactions" Y/N and the line goes silent once more "I should probably get some sleep. I'm coming back home tomorrow"

"I'll see you then" Harry replies "get some rest Y/N, your gonna need it"

"Goodnight Harry"

"Goodnight Y/N" Harry replies and ends the call.

Y/N puts her phone on the nightstand and finally gets comfy under the covers. The Ravenclaw knew that she was going to need it if she was going to face her aunt and her friends. She slowly drifts off to sleep feeling a little lighter after her conversation with Harry.


Y/N woke up late morning to the sound of the kettle boiling and finds Lupin already at the kitchen table with a cup of tea and a book in hand. He smiles up at Y/N as she enters.

"Did you sleep alright" he asks

"It was as good and I was going to get" Y/N replies and Lupin nods

"We should get going shortly" he says and the Ravenclaw girl sighs "you don't want to be in any more trouble do you"

"I suppose not" she replies and Remus smiles kindly at her.

"Have a tea and we'll go" Remus replies and Y/N makes herself a cup and sits next to him as he read quietly.

True to his word after Y/N had finished her tea and got changed, they flew in their brooms straight back to Magnolis Manor. Lupin was the first to greet Monica and the two talked for a bit whilst Y/N stayed a few metres away, feeling a little awkward and ashamed by her past actions.

Eventually Remus walks away and gives a reassuring nod then flies off into the sky. Y/N sighs and walks over to her aunt. As she approaches, the Ravenclaw notices that her expression is almost unreadable but carry's a stern disappointed look.

"Hey" Y/N says rather shyly

"Hey kiddo" her aunt replies. Her voice wasn't as cold as she imagined it to be "are you alright"

"I'm fine" Y/N replies then an awkward pause follows "I'm sorry about how I behaved yesterday-"

"Both of us were at fault yesterday, I'm sorry too" Monica says, her voice sounding tired and Y/N can't help but blame herself for making her be in this state.

"Could we maybe like, not talk about what happened said and just stick with the simple apology" Y/N asks and eventually Monica nods

"Alright, but your grounded for the rest of break" she says

"But I'm taking Hermione to the play in a few days, it's been planned for months" Y/N says and Monica sighs

"Fine, give me your smokes then. All of them." Y/N does as she is told and takes the packet out of her jeans and hands it to her aunt. "You're also doing house chores for the rest of break, no complaints and no magic"

"Fair" the Ravenclaw replies and another awkward pause follows "am I good to go now"

"Yep but now you've got a very angry girlfriend to deal with" Monica says and a look of dread and embarrassment washes over Y/N at the thought of speaking to her girlfriend.

"Great" Y/N and walks past Monica but stops as she reaches the staircase and turns back to her aunt. "For what it's worth, you're the best parent I could've ask for, after my mum and dad of course"

A small smile forms on her aunts lips "thank you Y/N that- that does mean a lot to me"

The Ravenclaw girl nods and makes her way upstairs to find Hermione. She decides to check the small library they had and wasn't surprised at all to spot Hermione sitting on one of the couches reading, quietly.

"Hi" Y/N speaks and the Gryffindor girl looks up from her book to meet her gaze for a second before ignoring her completely. "Hermione don't be like that"

"Like what Y/N" Hermione snaps "like I'm not mad at you. Well I hate you break it to you Y/N, but I am mad at you. You left yesterday making everyone worried sick."

"I'm sorry okay," Y/N says rather calmly but Hermione's frown darkens "I- I  just couldn't take it anymore, all the lies about my family. About me-"

"But you shouldn't have left!" The Gryffindor finally snaps, shutting her book forcefully. Y/N shuts up immediately and apart of her is a little bit terrified by her girlfriend's rage. "We're supposed to be a team Y/N, you shouldn't have run away with your problems. You should've come to me and we could work this out together. How long is going to take for you to understand that? Godric's Y/N, for someone who is incredibly smart you can really be thick in the head"

Y/N sighs frustrated that her girlfriend is being difficult. She loves Hermione dearly, but when she insults the Ravenclaw's intelligence, it makes Y/N a little pissed off. "Bloody hell Hermione you really do make it difficult to apologise to sometimes"

Hermione stands up looking offended "What's that supposed to mean?" She speaks bitterly.

The Ravenclaw knows her mistake and puts her hands up in surrender, but Hermione walks closer, her eyes furious. "I didn't mean it like that" Y/N says trying to calm her down.

"No I think you did" Hermione replies  "so go on Y/N, say what you really mean. Don't be all shy on me now-"

"Can we just skip this bullshit" Y/N says and Hermione stops "it's always the same with us. We fight and blow up at each other. We end up not speaking for a few days before one of us finally breaks the silence and we end up fucking each other and all is forgiven"

Hermione scoffs and looks a little shocked but her girlfriend's words "Godric's Y/N you make it sound like we're in some sort of toxic relationship"

"Well we aren't in a normal relationship that's for sure." Y/N speaks then the room becomes silent. Hermione's frown doesn't disappear but her eyes don't meet her the Ravenclaw's. Y/N sighs and takes a step closer to Hermione "Look can we just have a fucking conversation"

"We are having a conversation" the Gryffindor girl says calmer but her voice was still cold.

"You know what I mean Hermione" Y/N replies "can we have a conversation without being a pair of stubborn smart arses"

Hermione finally meets Y/N's gaze and sighs taking a seat back on the couch. "Fine" she finally says

Y/N takes a seat in the couch opposite the Gryffindor girl. Hermione waits for her girlfriend to speak and Y/N takes a breath before starting. "I want to apologise for my behaviour yesterday. I know I didn't directly hurt you, but I did and I'm not proud of how I acted. When stuff about my family is mentioned, mainly my father, you know I act irrationally and I know that's no excuse. But this letter was about me Hermione. The last name Black has always been like a curse to me and I finally just snapped. Once again, I am sorry and I'm really hoping you have it in your heart to forgive me"

Hermione has her arms folded and her expression emotionless. Y/N knows that her girlfriend is just thinking about the type of response, but it still makes her nervous. "Okay that's a good start. But Y/N, I've never seen you act like that, it was like you were under the influence of-" she trails off but Y/N knows she meant Voldemort, like last year with him in her head. Hermione sighs "I need more time, maybe we both just need some time apart to just think about how to move forward"

Y/N's head drops defeated. "So not a break up" she asks timidly

The tiniest of smiles forms on Hermione's lips "No Y/N, we are not breaking up. I'm too emotionally invested in you to start again with someone else"

"Gee thanks" a little annoyed but it goes away the second she sees Hermione smile with a little bit of amusement.

"Were you expecting me to" Hermione asks "to break up with you"

"I wouldn't of been surprised" Y/N responds and the Gryffindor nods

"Well I'm not" Hermione reassures "it's like you said: we fight, don't speak for a few days and then we make up."

"I mean I did say we fuck-"

"Y/N" Hermione says and the Ravenclaw goes silent. "What I'm trying to say is that this is just us handling our arguments a little more maturely"

A small grateful smile forms on Y/N's lips. "Oh, Right okay, that's good. We'll be good, soon?"

Hermione nods "Soon"

"Okay" the Ravenclaw says getting up off the couch and heading to large wooden doors "so I'm grounded and doing chores for the rest of my life so I should get started on them"

"Thats probably for the best" Hermione replies and opens up her book again "bye Y/N"

"Bye Hermione" Y/N replies and exits the library.

She enters her room, dropping her bag by the foot of her bed. She then finds a piece of parchment on her bed that is definitively from her aunt listing all the chores she's doing for the rest of break. The Ravenclaw inspects them and found that most of them were pretty easy daily chores but some were quite taxing, like chopping wood, fixing her aunts car along with washing it and clean the garage. Y/N sighs and looks at the few chores for today and makes her way down to the kitchen to start on the dishes, it's gonna be an awful week before school starts again.

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