New Beginnings

By TheeOl_Willow

673 41 4

listen GeorgeBur is so underrated Started December 6th 2022 Ended August 20th 2023 More

New Beginnings
Moving In
High Hopes
Fights and Family
Dinner Double Date
Escape and Justice
No Such Thing As Peace (Second Ending)


31 3 0
By TheeOl_Willow

Wilbur spent the next days looking for a good place to go on vacation. He then peeked into our room while I was playing video games on his computer. "George." I hummed. "Do you have a passport?" He asked me. I glanced at him "yeah?" I mean, I had only moved back from the US four months ago. He gave me a thumbs up. He then left the room and I sighed. "What is Wilbur planning?" I mumbled to myself. I now know he's taking me out of the UK which makes me feel terrible. This is gonna be so expensive. After about another hour he came back into the room with a smile. "Alrighty George. I have everything set up. You ready to know where we're going?" He smiled. I turned around in his office chair and nodded. "We're going to.." I rolled my eyes "spit it out!" I laughed making him aswell. "We're going to Miami Florida." I froze. Oh. That's where I used to live with Clay. Wilbur noticed the change and he looked at me. "Do.. you want me to switch the location?" He asked me softly. I shook my head. "It'll be fine." Who knows, maybe Wilbur his whole life has wanted to go to Florida. And he wants to spend it with me. I don't wanna ruin his dream. He smiled "okay." He comes over and hugs me. "We're going next week." I choked on my spit. "Next week?!" He looked surprised and pulled away. "yeah." He nodded. "Wilbur. Are you like secretly a millionaire?" I asked. He laughed nervously. "I mean. Kinda?" I blinked. "How?" He laughed at my confusion. "I might have lied about my parents being poor." He shrugged. I deadpanned. "My parents owned a very successful business. And they were never there for me. But I was their only kid. So when they died In a boating accident I got all their money and their business." He said waving his hand like this was just a normal thing that happend to everyone. "I didn't know how to run a business so I basically gave it to my cousin. I still own it. He just runs it. And makes most of the money. I make a reasonable amount." I stared at him. "No wonder you've gotten away with so much murder. You probably bribe the detectives with billions of dollars." He smirked. "No. I'm just sneaky." I laughed. "But not enough to not get charged with a domestic abuse charge huh?" I asked him. He blinked "how do you know about that." I just shrugged. "I dunno Mr Jeff Bezos, figure it out yourself." I said before I walked out of the room. Now it makes sense how I would only be spending like 500 dollars in rent if I hadnt started dating Wilbur. This place probably cost like a million dollars. No wonder we have one neighbor. That is spoiled as hell too. Wilbur followed me out and hugged me.

"Please don't judge me too hard for that." I laughed softly. "baby. Your talking to me like you havent smacked me before when you were mad. "We don't talk about they George." He said and hugged me a little tighter. "Oh we are. I'm gonna get you therapy." I sd leaning back into him. He grunted. "No. I don't need therapy." I scoffed. "Yeah. Your right. You need anger management." I stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes and pushed me away "I don't know what I see in you." I giggled. "You see that I'm gullible enough to let you fuck me." I hummed. He rolled his eyes "keep talking like that I'm gonna fuck your throat so hard you won't me able to." He smirked. "Sure. You pussy." I hummed as i went into the kitchen. I made a sandwich as Wilbur glared at me, sitting on the couch. Yeah he was hard. I could see it from over here. But hey. Who doesn't wanna be a brat every so often? Wilbur soon got up
and went to our room. I figured he was just gonna keep pouting. After I finished my sandwich I decided that I'll finally go in and give him want he wants. But. When I went in I was greeted with something different than I had expected. I would have never expected Wilbur to have a Fleshlight if I was being honest. But there he was, fucking it like his life depends on it. I blinked as his eyes met mine. "Like what you see hmm?" He asked me. I nodded and he laughed "too bad your not getting any." I tensed up. "What? That's not fair!" I whined as he kept fucking it. "You wanted to be bratty. Your not getting any." He grunted as he thrusted up hard, making even more blood rush down to my already growing erection. Unlike Wilbur. I didn't have a back up. It was my fingers or nothing. As I got frustrated I felt tears swell in my eyes. I hate that I cry when I get mad. I clenched my hands into a fist before I started to cry. Wilbur was taken off guard by that. Wilbur opened his mouth the say something but I turned around and walked out. I fucking hated that I cried when I got mad. I wiped my eyes and I made my way to the guest bedroom. Wilbur's now gonna think that he fucked up and feel bad. I heard our room door open and he called out my name. I just cried silently. He eventually found me. He was fully clothed now. He walked over and hugged me. "I'm so sorry George. I really didnt mean to make you ups-" I threw my hands up. "No! It's my fault! I overreacted so now I'm crying." I sobbed. He shook his head. "George. No. Shut up." He said running his fingers through my hair, sighing at me.

"If I just hadn't been a jack ass and so fucking pushy about not letting you have sex with me you wouldn't have gotten mad and started crying." He hugged me as I sobbed softly. "Wilbur Im sorry." I choked out. "I'm so fucked up and you have to deal with me." And Wilbur couldn't help but laugh. "George. Your forgetting the one here that's a murderer." He said wiping my tears. "Youve been mistreated. And your healing. I'm not gonna get mad at you for that." He rubbed my side and I shoved my head into his chest. "I'm just proud of you trying to get better." He hummed softly. I sniffled, "shut up Wilbur." I said and slapped his chest lightly. He rolled his eyes. "I'm proud of you George. I know you haven't had it easy. And your trying your hardest." I scoffed softly and stood up but Wilbur grabbed my hand and pulled my down into his lap. He kissed my neck softly. "Ill stop talking about to alright? But I really do love you, and I'm proud." I whined. He rubbed my hips softly as we sat in silence. He then smirked softly against my neck, "now. I never got to cum." He sucked a hickey on my throat. I whined and he moved his hands down closer to my crotch. "So." He started to run the inside of my thigh. I turned my head to the side as I slowly felt me get a boner. "Gonna let me fuck you?" He smirked. I nodded softly and he squeezed my boner. "Wilbur." I whispered softly as he just laughed. "George." He responded and kissed my jawline. "Fuck you." I grunted. He laughed "if you want anything to be done George then hurry up and get naked." He said before moving his hands off of me. I scrambled to get naked as Wilbur laughed a bit. "I'm desperate too George. But god." He teased. I was slowly losing my patience with Wilbur. Either he hurry up or I'm just gonna finger fuck myself. He finally got undressed himself and he grabbed me by my hips. He placed me right above his dick before he pulled me into a kiss. "Wilbur! For the love of God will you please hurry up." I whined. He furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't like the tone you have." He said. I just rolled my eyes and pried his hands off of my waist, before I dropped down on his cock. I choked on my breath, wrapping my arms around my his neck. Wilbur laughed "aw. You got too eager. Can't take it hmm?" I shook my head as I rested my head on his shoulder. He laughed as he started to thrust up. "Your a push over Georgie." He teased me. I whined high in his ear making him laugh before he moved my arms and laid me down on the ground and he fucked me like the world was ending.

I moaned and I tried to grab anything, and he just laughed at me. "Shut up." I spat lightly and smacked his chest. He smirked at that and grabbed my throat squeezing it. He kept fucking me like he was before "your all bark but no bite. Once I put my cock in you you become all whiney and lazy." He leaned down and pulled me into a kiss. After a minute he pulled back "you make me do all the work." He whispered into my ear. I opened my mouth to respond but instead I let out a loud moan. He then pulled out, making me look at him like he's fuckign insane. He then pushed me down on the floor. He put his hand into my shoulder blades and started fucking me. I let my eyes roll out as he started to jerk me off. Everything after that was a blur. I soon came, him following soon after. He cleaned me up and we cuddled in bed. I shoved my head into his chest and he smiled "your alright love?" I nodded then looked up at him. "Will." I said softly. He just hummed. "Why the fuck are you so gay." I asked him. He burst out laughing and kissed my forehead "because I'm gay for you." He giggled and he grabbed my hand holding it. "Yeah. I don't believe that." He gasped, "how! I literally just fucked you." I rolled my eyes before I sat up and leaned against the headboard. "well, I mean. You did literally hate gays before we started dating. Hell, you almost kicked me out for it will." I said waving my hand. He moved his head to lay across my lap. "internalized homophobia." I brought my hand down to comb my fingers through his hair. "I guess." I shrugged and he just smiled. "Anyway. You excited go to Florida?" He asked me with a grin. "I've always wanted to go there. My parents would always go there for business trips and something, but I never got to go along, I was always stuck at home. God. I'm glad their dead sometimes. Because look on I'm rich and I have you! That's all I need! Besides y'know like a house and stuff, maybe kids, we could have kids and stuff. Maybe a few cats!" Wilbur was rambling, and I just let him. I ran my fingers through his hair as he calmly talked about what we could do with our future, and what he's name or kids, or our cats. "I want like. A mancoon cat. Those big ones. Perfect size. And we could have it be at our wedding. That would be cool. What are we gonna do for our wedding? It's gonna be fancy obviously, you deserve nothing but the best wedding possible! Ooh! Maybe I'll get you a custom made dress, Id pay to see that." As he continued, I slowly drifted off to sleep, not wanting to do so.


Here we are, at the airport with our luggage. This day came sooner than I would have hoped. Wilbur was estatic. Even though traffic and been shit, the check-in desks were absolute garbage, security got mad because he was wearing a metal bracelet. He was happy. We had already been sitting in the terminal, waiting for 5 hours for our flight which has been delayed. Wilbur was still talking about all the things he wanted to do. I was too busy thinking about my ex. It has been about a year now since he went to jail. I know he's still in jail. It just worries me. Wilbur will probably take me somewhere that reminds me of Clay and I'll have to try my damn hardest not to cry. I was interrupted by our flight being called and we got up. "You ready?" He asked me as we got in line. "As we'll ever be." I smiled as we boarded. We got to pick our seat, so I sat in the window seat. I slept for most the flight. I was exhausted after being in the airport. I woke up for about an hour, Wilbur and I read a book together on his phone before I fell back asleep on his shoulder. I woke up when we had landed. He was basically jumping up and down as we were waiting for our baggage as I leaned my whole body weight against him. "Come on baby! Why are you so tired! We're in Miami!" He grinned. "Jet lag. We just flew 5 hours backwards and your acting like it's the best day ever." I mumbled. "It is. Come-on. It's 8 in the morning. Let's drop out shit off and then we should go to the beach! Its warm here too! Even if it's winter!" He grabbed out luggage before I grabbed his phone to get an Uber. Wilbur had thought a head and exchanged about 200£ to USD so we had spending money. We waited for our Uber, and he held my hand. "Your look so beautiful George." I snorted. "Yeah. Sleep deprived and and jetlagged. Absolutely handsome." I waved my hand. "Oh you are." He giggled. Our Uber soon pulled up and we got it. They took us to our hotel and he paid the guy. We checked in and we walked into room. I hadn't expected Wilbur to get us a suite. He came up behind me and rested his hands on my hips. "Will. I am not worth this much." I mumbled. He smirked and started to leave kissing down my neck. "Oh but you are." He hummed against my skin. "Best of all. The rooms sound proof. I am 100 percent going to fuck you into that bed till your screaming." My face flushed red. "Jesus! Get your mind out of the gutters!" I smacked his arm before I then pulled away and threw my suit case into a corner.

"There's a jacuzzi too, you'll get extra taken care of after." He shrugged and put his in the corner aswell. I just shook my head. "Now. Do you wanna go to the beach?" He flashed me a large smile. I nodded lightly and we then opened our, just discarded, suitcases and grabbed swimming trucks before getting dressed. "You need sunscreen Georgie." I scoffed "you do too." He laughed. "Not as bad as you." He said before he sucked a hickey into my neck. "Wilbur! People will see." He picked me up and put my Infront of the mirror. "Oh baby. There is a lot more of those to look at." And he was right. Rows of rows of hickeys, some full in bite marks, littered my neck. "I can't go swimming like this.." he laughed "why not?" I looked at him like it was obvious "I don't want people seeing them!" I whined. He just smiled "they'll sure know who's mine." He kissed my cheek. "Now. Shut the fuck up and let's go to the beach!" He said dragging me to the door, he has the bag that he threw out shit in as he did so. "Wilbur! It is like 9 in the morning! We shouldn't go to the beach so early!" He rolled his eyes as he unlocked the door. "Why?" He hummed opening the door and walking out, still dragging me. "Because it's 9 in the morning. And people don't go swimming." He just laughed as we walked towards the elevator. "It's a Saturday, in Florida, during Thanksgiving break. Who the hell isn't at the beach at 9 am?" I wouldn't aruge with that. We were quiet after that. We walked through the fancy hotel lobby earning looks from people. We probably looked like teens, besides the fact that Wilbur is like 6'5. As we walked to the beach we got stared at by people who were confused to hear British people there. Once we got there he set up some towel he had totally not stolen from the hotel room and grabbed the sunscreen. He grinned "okay Georgie. Let me put some on you, then you put some on me." I just rolled my eyes. He sprayed me down, rubbing it in on my face and hands. I did the same for him, totally not struggling to get his upper shoulders at all. He rubbed it into his skin before he smirked "first on the water is the winner." I just laughed. "I'm not gonna get in yet. I need to tan." He laughed. "Sure. Don't burn and buildings with your shiny pale reflective skin." I just laughed as he ran off to go swim. It's kinda like having a kid. I decided not to use my phone amd to hust lay back and relax, occasionally sitting up to catch and glimpse of Wilbur. During one of my Wilbur sighting, someone put their hand on my shoulder. I jumped a little bit before turning around. "Clay?"

I had barely gotten the words out. I was met with the face of my ex. The man that was supposed to be in prison. He grinned. "George, I haven't seen you since the trial." He sounded happy, which I could tell he most definitely wasn't. "What are you doing you of jail." I whispered. "don't you remember? I had a 50,000 dollar bond." He laughed. "I paid that off two days after I got out of jail. I just had a temporary restraining order from you for 30 days. But by then. You were gone. Moved away." He said before he moved his hand to grip my jaw. "And oh I wonder where you went. Did you go back to your family that hates you? Did you move to your own sad apartment." He then grimaced, probably catching a glimpse of my neck. "or are you whoring yourself out to men that will pay you even a dollar. I was shaking. I couldn't respond. He then smiled. "you sure have remembered how to be quiet haven't you." He nodded. "Good." He then moved his hand. "Well. No matter what. I was lucky to find you George. Cause your gonna come back home with me. I don't care what you say." He clapped his hands together. I started to cry. I couldn't go back. I knew he'd kill me if I did. Where was Wilbur? I needed him. I wish I had gone with him into the ocean. "Come on. It's time to go." He said, crossing his arms inpatiently. "No." I whispered. "What?" He said, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not going with you." He laughed "it's pathetic you think you have a choice. Now. We're going." He said coldly. "No." I shook my head again. He reached down and grabbed my arm harshly. "George. Now." He spat. I started to sob. No one noticed. "no one cares george. No one gives a shit. Stop fucking crying and come with me." He pulled me into my feet. That was it. It was over. "Ahem." Someone said from behind me. It wasn't Wilbur, but it was someone. It was a shorter guy, a little taller than me. He had short black hair and a darker skin color. "Do you mind me asking what is going on here?" He asked, squinting his eyes. Dream sighed, another person in his way. "my boyfriend is manic, he ran out from the home this morning and I found him at the beach." He explained. The man seemed to believe him for a second, but my eyes said otherwise. "Are you okay?" He asked me this time. I shook my head, "help me. Please." I cried softly. Dream wasn't happy. "Jesus. Mind your fucking business. I do what I want to with my boyfriend." He spat at the guy. He glared, and soon another man approach. I'm surprised that dream didn't bhust pick me up and take me to his car at this point, dream groaned.

The man, and now the other man we're talking. The other guy, who has medium long brown hair and glasses was talking to the other man, who was shorter than him. He then turned and looked at Clay. "Let him go. Or we'll call the police." Me and dream we're both a little taken aback by his voice, it was definitely a lot higher than we expected from him. When he realized dream was less than threatened he looked at the other guy. The shorter said something which he seemed to disagree with, making the shorter mad, then turned and looked at dream "put him the fuck down now!" He yelled, making Clay jump and grip me harder. People were looking now. He grit he teeth together before he threw me to the ground and stormed off. I just sat there for a second, scared that he was gonna come back and get me but he didn't. Both of the men dropped to their knees by me. "Hey are you okay?" The shorter asked me making me nod a bit. "Oh muffin. Who was that guy? Was he really your boyfriend?" He asked me. Muffin? If it wasn't this situation I'd laugh. "No." I mumbled "he's my ex." He nodded before readjusting his glasses. "Who are you guys?" I asked. They both blinked. "Oh uh. I'm Zak." The black haired one said. "And I'm Darryl." The man, who had called me a muffin replied. "I'm George." I said softly before offering them my hand. Darryl shook it before laughing softly "it's kind of weird to shake someone's hand on the beach." Zak snickered at that. "Heh sorry." I said nervously. "Are you British?" Zak interrupted making both me and Darryl look at him. "Zak! Thats so rude to just ask him that in the middle of our conversation!" He whined. They then started bickering and I couldn't help but laugh a bit. This definitely made me feel better. After a bit Darryl stopped responding and looked at me. "Do you want us to stay with you, just in case he comes back?" He hummed. I smiled softly. "yeah. That would be nice." They grabbed their towels and soon came back. "so what are you doing in America?" Zak asked. "Vacation. My boyfriend apparently always wanted to go to America. So. He took me. I didn't tell him this is where my ex lives though. I thought he was still in jail." I mumbled. I could see Wilbur in the water talking to soem blond person. If I didn't know better I would have thought it was my ex. "Oh?" Zak said, obviously inquiring more. I hesitated and Darryl put his hand on Zak's thigh. "I don't think he's comfortable to talk about that." He hummed. Zak was more worried about Darryl's hand in his thigh, as he started to it very intensely, his face turning a deep red. "Are you two dating?" I asked them softly. They both blushed "no!"

I didn't believe that for a single second. Darryl moved his hand "we aren't dating." He said with a nervous smile. "Everyone thinks we are though." I smirked. "And your sure you both don't have a thing for eachother." I asked them teasingly. "Yes!" Zak squeaked out. "I don't believe that." I hummed, looking back at Wilbur. "well. Who are you look at?" Darryl said to change the subject. "Someone in the water catch YOUR eye?" Zak teased. I giggled slightly "yes." I then pointed to Wilbur. "The tall brunette that just got shoved by that person, his name is Wilbur. He's my boyfriend." I smiled. "So you have a boyfriend?" Zak asked. I nodded "you sound disappointed." I laughed and he shook his head. "Nope." We then sunk into some comfortable silence. Zak has rested his head on Darryl's shoulder as the looked out into the water. They were so dating. Soon I saw Wilbur getting out of the water and looked around before spotting me. His eyes scrunched as he walked over. "George?" He called out as he got closer. "Yeah." I replied. Zak seemed scared of Wilbur, he was tall. "Who are these guys." I blinked. "Uh. Friends." I nodded softly. "Where did you meet them." I didn't want to worry Wilbur. Or have him kill someone in Florida. "They just came up and we talked. Who did you meet in the water?" I asked him. He blinked before he smiled. "You'll never guess it. But I met another British person in the water. His name is Tommy." I nodded softly, soon Tommy ran up behind him, tackling him straight into a pile of sand. "Ha! Got you bitch!" He yelled. Zak and Darryl looked bewildered. "Is he like. 14." Zak mumbled to me. "I think? Why is Wilbur making friends with 14 year olds." Wilbur then pulled his jad out of the sand bank and grabbed a handful of sand and shoved it in his mouth. We just stared. He looked at us. "Guys. This is Tommy " he said as Tommy was clawing the sand off his tounge. "Is he 14?" Zak asked. "I'm 18!" Tommy cried. "Sure." I mumbled. I then looked over at Zak. "Actually, now that I think about it you look like a 14 year old too." I snickered. Zak gasped "I am not! I am 22!" Darryl laughs. "Shut up old man." Zak said defensively, taking Darryl off guard. "Ow!" He said with a frown. "27 isn't that old." He said softly. He then looked at me. "How old are you?" I paused for a second, "I'm 22 aswell." I hummed softly. "Wilbur is 25." I nodded lightly. Wilbur was still bickering with Tommy about, I'm not entirely sure to be honest. Being shoved into the sand and shoving sand in his mouth. I just watched them with a smile. It was kind of therapeutic to see Wilbur get along with someone that wasn't me. I'm glad he hasn't killed anyone.

Zak looked at me, "how did you guys meet?" I laughed softly "I was living in a motel after moving from the house I used to live in with my ex. I had stayed there for a few months, but I couldn't stand to live there any longer." I shook my head. "So I just packed my shit, sold the house and left. I got the first flight back to the UK, but I couldn't get any housing that soon. My parents hated me. It's worse now too. My sister is too busy with her kid to let me stay with her. So I stayed in a motel." I mumbled. "After a month of misery. I saw that he was offering an apartment for like 500 dollars a month in the middle of London. It was a steal. I went there and he offered to let me move in that night, as long as I got the paperwork done." I took a little break to let them process that. "Fun fact." I giggled "Wilbur was like. Super duper homophobic when I first met him." I giggled "he became the thing he swore kill kind of thing." Darryl looked bewildered "your. Your boyfriend. Is- was homophobic? And now he's taking you on a trip?" Poor man was so confused. "Yes bad. That is what he said." I raised an eyebrow. Bad? That is an interesting nickname. They started to bicker back and forth, they gave off the impression of an old married couple. I just waved my hand. "Moral of the story, he isn't homophobic anymore." I nodded before Wilbur shoved the kid into the sand then sat down with me. "Where are we gonna go out to eat?" He asked. I shrugged at him. "Your the one to planned the trip." Darryl looked at us "theres a restraunt down the street called the landmark. Its really good." He nodded. "yup. Especially when your don't paying for it." Zak smirked at Darryl. He just rolled his eyes. Wilbur put his hand on my thigh. I knew he didn't like those two from the start. "We'll check it out, do you want to join us?" I hummed softly. I felt Wilbur's grip tighten, but they were answering faster than he could try to get me to change my mind. "Sure!" Darryl smiled. "Your paying." Zak said making Darryl roll his eyes. "Shush. You could pitch in." I just hummed and leaned against Wilbur. "No. I don't think I will." Darryl shook his head lightly. "Pay some or I won't pay at all." Zak gasped. "you cannot do this to me." Darryl laughed. "Yes I can." I stood up. "Shall we all go get changed then meet up for lunch?" They nodded and Wilbur said bye to Tommy. We made our way back to the hotel and got dressed. "Why did you invite them? I don't like them." I scoffed. "You don't control my life." I hummed. "Now, let's get ready." I giggled.

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