Sacrifice- Tyler Lockwood

By AniyaGuillory

652 20 6

In the beginning, she was a depressed girl that also lost her parents. She is the twin of Elena and the older... More

Chapter 1(Pilot)
Chapter 2 (The Night of the Comet)
Chapter 4 (Now or Never)
Chapter 5 (Family Ties)

Chapter 3 (Friday Night Bites)

77 3 2
By AniyaGuillory

Getting out of the backseat of Bonnie's car in my bomb outfit at school was a goal. I topped the outfit off with a leather 

"I'm not saying don't date the guy. I'm just saying take it slow." Bonnie told Elena skeptically.

"You were the one who said to go for it." Elena reminded Bonnie.

"I say be careful and do what makes you happy," I tell my sister sincerely, while she gives me a genuine smile.

"Now, I'm saying take it slow," Bonnie says trying to make a point.

"Why the about-face?" Elena asks

"It's not an about-face. You're single for the first time in your entire high school career. It's the perfect time to play the field." Bonnie explains.

"One, we don't get paid to come here therefore this isn't a career. Two, why are you so against Stefan as far as I have seen he is making my sister happy. Three, since when did you change your mind when it came to Elena's happiness, you have always been team Elena, and right now to be on that team you need to be team, Stefan." I tell Bonnie trying to get her to just allow my sister to be happy.

"Oh, because I'm so that girl. Seriously, what are you not saying?" Elena says going based on me and is curious about what Bonnie is hiding.

"It's stupid" Bonnie dodges the question.

"Bonnie..." Elena says grabbing Bonnie by her arm and making her stop in her tracks to face us.

"What?" Bonnie questions us.

"Spit it out," I tell her trying to get her to tell us what is bothering her causing her change of opinion on Stefan.

"I accidentally touched Stefan, and I got a really bad feeling," Bonnie tells us seriously.

"Is that it? Bonnie?" Elena replies not believing it. Bonnie tries to walk away again, but Elena grabs her again to stop her.

"It was bad, bad!" Bonnies tries again with my sister.

"Is this the whole witch mojo thing again?" Elena replies not believing Bonnie at all.

"You know what? I'm just concerned. This is me expressing concern about one of my best friend's new boyfriend." Bonnie says taking a new tactic.

"And I love you for it, I do. But I feel good. It's been a hard year and I'm starting to kind of feel like things are getting back to normal again. And you know what? Stefan is a big part of that." Elena reasons with Bonnie.

"Bitch." I look dead at my sister while I say that.

"Ruby you know your part. Plus, you hate attention." Elena rolls her eyes with a smile while she reasons with me and Bonnie laughs at me.

As we start to walk off, Stefan walks up. "Good morning, Elena. Good morning, Ruby. Good morning, Bonnie." Stefans tells us politely.

"Hey, um, I gotta, find Caroline. She's not answering her phone. So, see you guys..." Bonnie says before she walks away.

"Bonnie, wait." Elena tries to stop her but she just walks away.

"Umm, Good morning, Stefan. I am going to go, give you two privacy, but Lena sometimes attention is not that bad." I say walking away and blowing my sister a kiss. I see Tyler and a depressed Matt throwing a football. I go up to them.

"Look, there's Elena and her new boyfriend. Now, what are they doing? Oh, they're walking, walking, walking. Yup. Right into the sunset." Tyler says taunting.

"Will you ever give up the asshole thing," I say as I stand next to him?

"You a dick," Matt tells Tyler. As it is the truth at the moment.

"While you just stand there looking like one of those little yard trolls," Ty says not knowing that the yard troll is a gnome, but he had a point. If Matt wants my sister back which I don't want to happen, but he has to stop acting like a little bitch.

Matt was the one to correct Tyler saying that the yard trolls are called, "gnomes. Hey, what am I supposed to do, Ty? She made her choice."

"Allow her to be happy and you move on to someone who will love you." I give Matt some advice that will help in the long run.

Tyler's advice was different. As he looked at me giving me the "your wrong" look as he said, "let her know she made the wrong one." He sat down his backpack catching the ball that was meant for Matt.

"What are you doing?" Matt asked confused, as I was too. Then we both realized what he was doing.

"Ty, don't, Ty, don't!" I say as he throws the football at Stefan. "Ty!" I looked at him and then back at Stefan surprised by his quick reflexes, as he catches the ball before it hits him in the back of his head. Stefan raise the ball as a signal of asking if it was theirs. He throws it back a Tyler who seems to struggle to catch it.

Elena seemed just as surprised as me. I look at both of them mouthing a sorry for what just happened. I turned to Tyler disappointed. "Your unbelievable," I tell him before I walk away to my first class as the bell had just rung.


In history class listening to Tanner is literally the last thing I want to do. "World war II ended in?" He asked waiting for an answer. "Anyone got anything? Ms. Juan? 1945" He answers himself since no one else wanted. He went on and on until he called on Elena. Stefan answered for her. I never knew how smart he was until proved Mr. Tanner wrong.


"Haz you need to join, your sister is here you used to do gymnastics, and you love dancing what keeping you from cheering," Bonnie asks as I walk up before going to sit on the football bench to talk about most of the players.

"Because most of the girls are stuck-up bitches that think they are on top of the world and are queen B. Plus I can do whatever I want in a studio or in my house," I reply answering Bonnie's question.

"It's not that bad Ruby," Elena tells me to make me change my mind.

"You realize I have heard every single reason to join from Caroline, it's the main reason I am not joining. My nerves can only handle so much. I love Care, but sometimes it's overbearing. Now if you excuse me, I will go sit on the football bench and laugh at the player's mistakes and pray for the two of you." I tell them to end the conversation and walk away before they say anything else.

When I go sit on the bench, I see Stefan walking. "Hey, I saw you earlier you should ask to try out."

Mr. Tanner was being an asshole but allowed Stefan to go grab gear to play. I looked back towards the field seeing Matt and Tyler. Ty waves at me, but I turn away seeing Caroline turn my sister away.

Stefan was great, Tyler was off his game and as plays went on Ty got Stefan down and Matt helped him up. Good sportsmen ship.


As practice was over, I picked up my stuff and began to walk away, but my arm was grabbed. "What happened to our deal?" It was Tyler who grabbed me, questioning my annoyance with him.

"The deal is I talk to you, confide in you. That means I can tell you when you are being an asshole." I replied jerking my arm away.

"Come on, I was being a friend." Ty uses it as his excuse.

"There are other ways to do that," I tell him. "Look I can talk later I have to go home and get clothes for work later. Ty, I'll answer questions as long as I get to go to your house to get dressed for work when need be."

"How come you have to come to mine," Ty questions me.

"I am getting kicked out Elena is hosting a dinner tonight, see you later," I say before walking away. Before completely going I turned seeing that Ty was staring at me, I yell. "Hey, Ty! Take a shower before I go by, you smell like a dog!" I tell him joking and smiling, he smirks back at my shaking his head before I take off.


When walking into the house Elena is about to tell me something, but I beat her to it. "I am going upstairs to get some clothes to go to work and then I'm leaving," I tell walking upstairs.

Looking for something to wear and decided that I would get dressed at home.

Before walking out of the house and waving at Bonnie, I get a text from Ty to meet him at the Grill. I am glad I got dressed here.


For starters, I sat at the Grill playing pool with random people until my shift started. Ty was all over Vic and I saw my bother looking like a little puppy. I walked up to him standing next to Matt. I wanted to give him some type of advice. "I am still mad at you, but you're my little brother that crushing on someone that goes to everyone. I'm sorry Matt, but it's the truth." With that, I and Jer walked away. Jer crashed into Tyler's shoulder stopping me in my tracks.

"Alright, I get it. Hitting me to impress her. That's... that's real nice." Jer says getting pissed at Tyler.

"I don't need to impress her. I already won." Ty says cockily.

Jer pushes him back as his anger takes over.

"Well, now you're dead," Ty says thinking that he is about to hurt my little brother.

"Ty your not going to touch him," I say sternly standing in the middle of Ty and Jer.

"Am I?" Jer says completely ignoring me. "Cause it seems like I'm standing here waiting for you to man up." Jer continues.

Before I know it I feel a pain in my jaw and see blood dripping into my hand. I finally notice that Tyler let his anger take over and went after Jeremy forgetting that I was in the way. Before Tyler could do any damage to Jer, Matt was pulling him away.

"The next time I see you, Gilbert..." Tyler threatens my brother.

"No, next time I see you," Jer says walking away and leaving me there. Then I see Ty walk away without an apology.

"What are you doin', Vick?" Matt asked questioning his sister's intentions.

I see Vicki moving around and then I realize what she is doing when she hands me some napkins, while also tilting my head back to stop the bleeding. "You know I never got to thank you for helping me out," Vic says referring to her neck.

Once she got the bleeding to stop I looked at her, "thanks for being the only one around to actually help me. Vic stops stringing one of them on chose one I would rather you choose someone who doesn't want just for your body. If you chose my brother and you hurt him I swear I will make your life hell." I tell her giving some advice I hope she uses.

"Ruby go ahead and go home I got your shift and I will think about what you said." Vicki looked like she was telling the truth and with that, I walked away on my journey back home thinking about what happened today. Wondering what I am going to tell Tyler when I see him.


"How was the dinner?" I ask Elena as I walk into her room.

"It went good we had unexpected gues-... What happened!" Elena starts off but becomes alarmed when she sees the bruise on my jaw.

"Ummm... Well... Tyler and Jeremy were bickering and when his anger got the best of him, he attempted to go after Jeremy, but I was standing in the way. My face caught the punch meant for Jer, but Matt pulled him back after. Vicki helped with the nosebleed I had. I also gave her some advice to choose." I explained to my sister while she was getting some type of cream to put on my cheek. Apparently, Ty cut my cheek when he punched me. Elena when downstairs to get an icepack for my jaw.

When she came back I had changed and was laying in her bed as if I were going to spend the night in her room.

We talked and laughed as we used to until we fell asleep. I heard a gasp in the middle of the night I woke up seeing Elena sitting up and looking around. She got up going towards the bathroom. I fell back to sleep while she did what she had to do.


When I woke up Elena was also getting up claiming the shower first. So I went to my room to choose the outfit for today as it was also game day.

When Elena yells at me she is done with the shower I go in do my routine and get out to get dressed, I decided I was going to wear makeup to cover up the huge bruise on my face.


Walking with my sister who decided that she would quit cheer. I would do the same thing if my "best friend" was being a bitch toward me. When Stefan walked up, I waved at him kissing my sister on her cheek, and walking away.


By night I am with my brother I could not care less that he was drinking as long as he filled my cup and he apologized to me. I guess it's because no matter what I am his favorite.

You could hear Tanner and the cheering this was always my favorite. People were cheering for Stefan he was the star tonight.

I had only one cup, and Jeremy was right now drunk. Tyler walking up to Vicki made it no better. When Vicki couldn't stop him Jeremy pushed me behind him as if to tell me not to jump in. Tyler walked up.

"Don't look so down. You can have her when I'm done." Ty says as if he was just going to give up on Vicki.

I knew how Jeremy felt about Vicki and knew that what Tyler said was definitely going to get to him. Before I knew Jeremy swung and hits Tyler square in his jaw.

Ty pushed Jeremy into the back of the truck. I moved a bit to ensure that I didn't get hit again. I didn't know what to do when Tyler flipped my little brother and was on top of him constantly punching him. I heard Vicki scream for Tyler as if to tell him to stop.

"TY STOP!!!!" I scream trying my hardest not to jump into the fight, as Vicki scream Tyler is hurting Jeremy. The two boys are rolling on the ground throwing punches at each other.

As I am having a panic attack, I see Stefan get Tyler off my brother. Tyler hits Stefan but did no justice. I was on the ground trying to catch my breath and stop the tears from the burning in my chest.

Just as I think everything is okay I see Jeremy pick a broken bottle swiping it attempting to hit Tyler.

"JER," I yell at him getting my voice back and trying to get him not to hit anyone with a broken bottle.

As Tyler was about to punch Stefan, Stefan pushed him out of the way getting cut in his hand by Jeremy.

Matt comes up to hold Tyler as Ty was yelling for Matt to let him go.

Elena comes up grabs Jeremy and looks down at me. I give her a nod to let her know I am okay. "What the hell, Jeremy? Put your head up, you're bleeding." Elena tells Jer as she tries to help him.

"I'm fine!" Jer yells wanting her to leave him alone.

"Yeah, you smell fine," Elena tells Jer stating that he was obviously drinking.

"Just stop, ok?" Jer says making Elena let him go as he walks away.

Elena looks down at me again I just shake my head and pointed at Stefan.

As Elena took her focus off of me and put all on Stefan. I got up and walked away I didn't know which way I was going but I needed air away from people.


I watched the game, and I realized I needed to talk to Tyler. So after the game, I walked to the locker room only to see Matt screaming for help. He saw me and told me to call 911.

Tanner was dead, and Matt found his body.

This night has been a night from hell. I just want to go home and lay in bed and forget everything. I need a break.


Once the officers let me and Matt, I ended up standing at Tyler's door.

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