My Mom Has Kleptomania

By Victory097926

51 6 0

Jadah finds herself in a home where mysterious secrets are covert. On her quest to unveil these secret comes... More



5 1 0
By Victory097926

It was morning so soon, the light of the sun had it ray through my windows waking me up from bed. I couldn't get enough sleep last night. It was 7:45am,
Wednesday. I made my way to my bathroom, I took my bath, brushed my teeth.
I picked up a nice outfit from my closet; a bum-short with crop top and a long sleeve jeans black jacket.
I wore a white -sneakers on. I put on a black face cap, a big bubbling ear ring, four knuckle rings on my right hand and I had my makeup done.
While applying my eyeliner, Vincent plunge into my room, which subsequently led to the overdrawing of my eyeliner.
" Oh Vincent, you need to get in the habit of knocking. You ruined my makeup".
" How was your night, Jadah?".
Should I tell Vincent the paper I saw last Night, I contemplated in my thoughts.
" Well, hmm",he interrupted before I could say anything further.
" Your breakfast is at the table", he said, then he left my room banging the door.
I had to redo my eyeliner.
On getting to the sitting room, I saw my breakfast served at the table. It was a terribly burnt pancake with a juice on the table. I laughed so hard.
"Boys will always be boys", I sat down, took the juice and was okay.
"pin pim pin", it was the school bus at my house.
I yelled, "Hey Vincent, am leaving, see you later"

On getting to school, I went to my class as I was having a math test at the fourth floor. Everyone just seemed to piss me off. I guess this is what you get
when you didn't get enough sleep.
Everyone was sited already in class, but instead of MS. Eugene, our math teacher to come in the class, it was some set of news broadcasters and the police.
"Omg, this is the same news broadcaster that
broadcast the burglary issue and death scene at the ABC SHOPPING MALL", I said in my thoughts.
"Good morning student'", the skinny lady said to us. " Morning", We replied.
"We were instructed by the head broadcasting kids and teens affair to bring to your awareness the death of 6 kids, which took place at second bumat
street, off Manhattan dob ferry, opposite the chemist shop which was broken into, which resulted into lots of drugs being loathed.
Everyone in class was shocked, but I was the most shocked as the address called by the lady where the
crime took place was coterminous with the address that was written on the paper I saw at my window sill last night.
"So, we urge everyone to be careful. Go home
directly after closing, and meet up with your appointed counselor for further briefing, thank you". They left the class.
Within a milli seconds after their departure, all sort of murmuring were made in class as regarding the issue at her hand. Everyone seemed to be

It was the bell for break, I sat in class, I didn't feel like eating anything, I was the only person in class as everyone had gone to the cafeteria. I bowed my head
on my desk, contemplating if I should go to the given address that was written on the paper or not. What could this secrete be?

It was the bell for closing and I was so eager to go home, I went to my locker, took my bag, and walked down stairs. On my way down stairs. some
certain number of students took to their heels and where pacing downstairs with a suspicious grim on their faces. Majority of them where girls.
" What is going on?",I mumbled.
I meticulously walked down stairs to see for myself what everyone was going to see.
Having gotten down stairs, to my greatest surprise, it was cousin Vincent.
" What! why are people taking pictures of him? are they okay?".
I walked outside the gate, passing through the crowdy student, who had already crowded cousin Vincent. I didn't even bother to say hi to him or make any gesture or utterance to him, because, if our desperate school girls get to know Vincent knows me, this school would be an inferno of torture for me. I would certainly be bullied. Fake friends would be literally impossible to infer, they are going to be coming and going out of my life like it's some door and I seriously don't want that.
" Hey Jadah?", Vincent called out my name which ensued nothing but silent from the crowd, as they were left in a bewilder shock.
oh no, I don't want this to happen.
" Do you know her love?", one of the girls from my
school said to him.
" yes, I do, she is my angel", responded him.
They were murmurings among the student as they pointed their fingers at me one after the other in rancor.
" So, she is the lucky one?", the girls said to themselves,
"I just can't believe this. Vincent has been my crush for years now, why would he chose her?, she is nothing special".
I got irked as every second went by.
" I am fed up. I have to leave this spot".
I took a deep breath, arranged my face cap properly, then I walked pass.
"Jadah, wait for me", Vincent said as he lumbered towards me to catch up with me.
The students were surprised as they all brought out their phones to take pictures of us.
" Jadah, are you upset with me?".
" why would I be upset with you mister celebrity?", I replied sarcastically.
" Then, why are you not talking to me ".
" What! didn't I just talk to you? or do you want
me to be upset?".
" Okay, if you say so".
He called for an uber as we waited patiently for it to arrive. It was a black Lexus.
We entered the car and it zoomed off.
I constantly kept checking the watch just to make sure the time written on the paper hasn't past.
Yes! I had made up my mind to go to the given address.

We got home exactly 3:58pm. I made my way to my room to take a quick shower. I changed into something that would ease my mobility; a jeans
trouser and a baggy polo. I took the paper from my chef and I looked at it one my time as I sighed in worry. I stood up, I took my pepper spray, now I was ready to go.
But do you think it will be wise to tell Vincent about this? I don't think so,because he wouldn't let me go.
I sneaked out of the house like a thief as I constantly roamed my head to ensure no one sees me.
I boarded a bus that was going to second Bumat street, off Manhattan, dob ferry.
It was already 4:29pm, I got stocked in a traffic jam.
"Gosh I hate traffic jam".
I had to eventually get to where I was going.
I alighted from the bus then paid the driver.
" Hello! please is this second Bumat street, off Manhattan dob ferry", I asked a passerby.
" Yes, it is, but walk further to get to dob ferry,
opposite a chemist shop there".
" Thank you ".
I walked further as instructed. On getting there, I saw the chemist shop. The glass was utterly broken and there were indications stating keep off, this shop is under construction and would be re-opened till further notice. Some vans were parked at the front of the shop.
" Oh, this place was what the news broadcaster said this morning. A robbery happened here along- side the death of 6 kids. Could this place be safe?", I said to my- self.
The whole place seemed isolated and deserted.
I went in the direction opposite the chemist shop as there was a street there.
"Dob ferry, hmmm", I smirked at the sight of the street name on the sign- board as I ran my fingers through my hair.
This is where I ought to be, but were
exactly should I go, what building or what......, (tip ta, tip ta,} before I could turn to
see whose foot step it was, I felt a slight push that took me off guard. I fell down abruptly on the tie road.
"Hey you, give me back my purse", I yelled.
I stood up immediately to chase the person who had stolen my purse. The person was hooded, so I couldn't see who it was.
"Jerk, come back here, give me back my purse or else", I exclaimed.
We ran pass several streets. My legs began to hurt. I couldn't stay put as I gasped for air. I needed to get my purse at all cost, I had my money in there.
How would I get back home if I don't have the money to pay for my transportation.
" Oh no", I said panting.
My legs could no longer resist the urge to stop, all of a sudden, I stopped running, I gave up, I didn't
want to pass out, my throat was burning inside, I was completely dehydrated.
"Let me call Vincent".
I moved my hands to search for my phone in my pockets.
" What! were the heck is my phone, please don't, please don't, please, " I said in panic while I palpitated.
My phone was no were to be found.
"I am lost".
I actually do not know where I am. I should have told Vincent about this, I regretted. I trudged
down the street, walking like a lost sheep. I had no idea what the time was, but the clouds were already getting gloomy, I could tell it was already late. I got to a sloppy road as I ran down the road. I saw a large dilapidated building of about 30 stories, it was that high. The building was an abandon one. Like a government sponsored failed project, built halfway due to gross corruption and money laundering of
our insatiable politicians. It seemed to have been there for years.

I walked towards the building as I stepped on the block that was set on the floor to ease entering into the building.
" Omg, is that not my purse?", I said as I saw
my blue purse on the floor closer to the entrance door of the building.
I walked cursory to where my purse had been laid, I picked it up. I dusted it.
" Yes! this is my purse", I sighed in relive.
I opened my purse, my pepper spray, money and
phone where in it, but the paper wasn't. I wasn't bothered.
"I am leaving, I don't care to know the secrete again, I already got into so much tr......"
" Hey Jadah, welcome, you made it. You are at the right place", a man with a deep voice said inside the building. I couldn't see who it was, but I heard his voice.
"Who are you?", I asked.
"I am...."
"Boss, the tape is here", another voice interrupted him before he could say who he was.
"Okay, you may leave. Make all the necessary arrangement for the next attack", the boss said. " okay boss".
"Wait, what, I mean, what attack?", I said to the so-called boss.
" You ask too many questions Jadah?", the boss
"well, I am leaving. My time was waisted".
I took a turn to leave the building, before I could take even a step forward. My forehead exploded in pain. I was lying flat on the floor. It's hard and cold.
I tried to move but it's my inside that cooperate. Now, not only could I not move, I was laying smack on the content of my stomach. The place was spinning and I couldn't focus. The only clear thing I could see was a plank on the floor and the black and white tiles. Its swirly and its also moving in a spiral.
"Are the tiles also felling dizzy?", I chuckled
The whole situation was funny to me and I started laughing. I heard the footstep of a person, who was probably the boss,he squatted as he took up the plank. The whole view was blurry to me, he started
walking away, his footsteps where as loud as a symphony of singers. As he walked away my laughter increases. My head hurts worse and tears were coming out of my eyes.
" Am I dying?", I said in my thoughts.
With a sudden strength, I roll over. My body rebels the movement and I fell pain everywhere.
All of a sudden, I was seeing red and blue and black and a hundred other colours, it was like a
symphony of sound am being called to. Am I dying already? I was blacking out already. My sight is no longer filled with colors, just flashes of white in a large sea of black. I wished I had told Vincent where I was heading to, I wished I could tell mom how I really loved her.
"Is death this lonely?".
Before I finally loosed consciousness, I heard a
voice. The intruder was saying something. It is quite but intense, like the sound of a million people speaking. I had to focus to hear what it was saying.
It didn't sound like the bosses' voice, it sounded feminine, like moms' voice. Then everything went blank.

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