Proud & Powerful (Goku OR Veg...

By AraxieDawn

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The last female of a mostly extinct race, who was held captive her whole life by the very being who extinguis... More

Author's Note
Part I: Freedom- Prologue
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Part II: After ─ Invictus
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Seven

125 10 0
By AraxieDawn

Author Note: After so long, here it is! Yay :D Sorry it's been a crazy couple of weeks with the holidays, hope you all enjoy and please vote, comment, and/or message. I would love to hear feedback! and thank you to those who have done so or plan to, it all means so much! <3


Our character, oblivious to the immense power she had just displayed, collapses onto the ground when her form fizzles out. Her power level did not go unnoticed though. Goku, due to the Super Saiyan power he had obtained during his time of healing (unbeknownst to him), felt the tiniest sliver of power from the Woman's display. He had sensed an entirely new ballpark of power that no mortal had felt before, and he knew in that moment that his energy wasn't strong enough to sense the true depths of her power.


Xylias P.O.V

My body is on fire, I can feel my blood pounding in my ears as I lay on the ground trying to catch my breath. A far distance away, I feel him, still alive, and probably pissed.

My hands clench the dirt underneath them, 'I failed... I couldn't kill him... I'm such a disgrace, I'm so sorry Mother....' My throat feels raw, and tears threaten to escape my eyes, but I squeeze them shut. I will not cry in front of everyone.

'I thought maybe... after all of this time and pain, that I would persevere enough to eradicate Frieza from the universe, but it doesn't matter what I do... I'll always be a weakling.' my intrusive thoughts scream at me

I slowly try to get up, but my body won't stop shaking. My muscles are beyond sore from the intense electrocution I endured from Frieza, and that power up I went through was completely unlike anything that I've ever felt before. It felt similar to the incident I went through as a child, but different... I was more conscious, my energy had cascaded through my body like a fire burning through my veins, and it was exceedingly difficult to remain in control. My body (and mind for that matter) is entirely unadjusted to this physical freedom, and it's definitely taken it's toll.

I curse myself as I push up my body, folding my knees underneath me to kneel. My head hanging low, I stare at the ground, trying to build up the courage to turn and face everyone.

A couple moments pass by before I feel a warm hand on my shoulder, flinching slightly from the unexpected touch, my eyes meet the boots of Kakarot standing before me.

"Are you okay?" he says gently

"I can still feel him... I- I— failed Vegeta and you... I- I'm so sorry" I choke, too humiliated to look at my fellow Saiyan.

"That's not true... You saved Vegeta's life and bought us time so we can get everyone to safety, this isn't over yet." he said with reassurance

I shake my head, closing my eyes, feeling utterly guilty. "But I hurt him worse... I- I couldn't control my power and made such a rookie mistake..."

Kakarot gently squeezes my shoulder, "Stop beating yourself up, your power was totally awesome! I've never seen or felt anything like it!" he exclaims lightly

he continues, "I do have to ask though... Who are you? I think I can speak for us all in saying that we are surprised to have a complete stranger fighting alongside us."

I open my eyes and finally bring my head up to look at Kakarot. When our eyes lock, I hear the sharp intake of his breath, the smile disappearing from his face.

"You... that was you calling out to me?" He asks, shock written all over him.

I tear my eyes away from his, feeling my cheeks rise in temperature, "Uhm, yes... That was me, although I wasn't sure it had worked how I wanted. I'd never done telepathy before..." my voice trails

"Well next time, try to clear your mind! The message was a bit jumbled with your own thoughts, but it all makes sense now. Those were some scary images!" He laughs

"I—I—" I start to stutter, I'm not sure how to respond to his comment, but I understand his advice and take note of it.

I'm realizing this is the first actual conversation I've had with someone in... a long time, my brain is rattling right now trying to come up with appropriate responses.

Kakarot notices my wariness, he squeezes my shoulder again, "Here, let me try to show you in a different way, can I read your mind?" He asks gently

I look up at him again, unsure at first, but looking into his eyes I see the genuineness of his question, no trace of malice at all. With my cheeks feeling hotter than the sun, I slowly nod, deciding to trust him.

He removes his hand from my shoulder, and places it on top of my head, "Now just clear your mind, and let me in. Show me who you are."

I instantly become fixated in his stare, and all the clamoring thoughts in my brain seem to quiet down. I find myself remembering my mother, how she would sing her lullaby to me before bed, or when I needed comfort. In that moment I'm transported to her warm touch, stroking my face while her soft voice brought me peace.

'Go to sleep you little babe... Go to sleep you little babe'

I begin to remember the Saiyans I befriended on my home planet, training with them by day and laughing around a campfire with them by night like a family. The familiar face of Bardock appears smiling at me in a faint memory.

'Your daddy's gone away and your mama's gonna stay, didn't leave nobody but the baby'

I remember the Saiyan Elders who taught me so much about our ancestors, who wanted to teach me the ancient way and help me discover the meaning behind my mysterious mark.

'Don't you weep, pretty babe... Don't you weep, pretty babe'

The memory of Frieza taking me enters my mind, decades of pain seeming to go by in a flash.

'You and me and the Devil makes three, don't need no other lovin' baby...'

The feeling of a tear running down my face snaps me out of my trance, I break eye contact and wipe it away quickly.

"My... Name is Xylias. it's nice to finally meet you, Kakarot." I say quietly, looking back up to him, my face still feeling slightly flushed.

He studies me for a moment, his facial expression unreadable. "That guy... we look so alike... Was he...?"

"Your father, yes. His name was Bardock, he was a great friend to my mother and I." I cut him off, looking away sheepishly.

I look back at him, his facial expression softened to one of understanding, "and the singing?"

The red deepens on my cheeks from the vulnerable memory, "That was my mother, from what I remember at least."

"Wow... Another Saiyan huh? That makes your power even more interesting, I wonder if I could..." he trails off, seemingly lost in thought.

He regards me for a moment, scratching his chin in thoughtfulness, "I understand now, thank you for sharing that with me. Don't worry about Frieza anymore, I can take it from here."

I stand up quickly to face him, he still towers over me a good few inches though. "No Kakarot, you don't understand. We need to fight together to finally put an end to him, he'll be back here any time now. We need to figure out a strategy." I fire back

He cocks his head to the side, "No offense Xylias, but that power up you did took a lot out of you, I can tell. I'm strong enough to do this, Vegeta needs your help now, hell everyone does. Please protect them for me, would you?"

"I—" I begin to protest, but a voice from the side draws our attention.

"Kakarot..." Vegeta weakly says from the other side of the battle field, freshly conscious again after Frieza's attack.

Kakarot and I look back at each other, I place my hand on his shoulder, my other hand I bring to my forehead, and instantly we're transported next to Vegeta's wounded body.

Kakarot jumps up slightly at the sudden movement, "Woah! You gotta teach me that move Xylias!"

I bend down and touch Vegeta's shoulder, ignoring Kakarot's comment. "Vegeta...?" I say softly

He coughs then winces in pain, opening his eyes to meet mine. "Did you... finish him?" He gasps weakly

I break the eye contact, looking down in shame, "... no... and he'll be back soon, I'm sorry for getting you hurt... Frieza truly fights with no honor." I look back up to him, and his eyes are boring into me with an emotionally intense stare. I feel my cheeks burn, but I manage to match his gaze with my own, trying to bury the guilt I feel deep inside me.

Kakarot cuts in, "I agree, shooting someone when they're already down is heartless and unnecessarily cruel. I'll make him pay Vegeta, don't worry."

I snap my head up to Kakarot then stand up, giving him a glare. "No, I'm not finished yet. I still have plenty of fight left in me, you take them out of here and I'll handle this on my own." I growl, Kakarot's eyes widen in surprise.

Vegeta winces in pain as he turns his head, looking between Kakarot and I, "You two must listen to me. Don't be so soft Kakarot! You must stay together, there's no stinking honor in any of this!" his hands clench the dirt beneath them, darting his eyes at me.

"It's just a game, play to win! There are no rules." he wheezes, I nod in agreement.

He looks back over to Kakarot, "You're going to have to get over your soft-heartedness! Do it! You'll have to forget about your feelings! You have to! They'll get you killed... They'll get you killed, Kakarot!"

"I can't! I can't change who I am! Not on the battlefield. My feelings are my guide!" Kakarot says with self assurance

he continues, "Besides, everyone deserves a chance to change their ways, just like you had!"

"Yes.. but there are some that can't be saved..." I mutter in a quiet, unostentatious way. Looking down at my feet, deep down I feel the same way about myself. 'It feels so foreign freely disagreeing with someone, Kakarot can't be this naïve...' I think to myself

"Fool! You don't... know what... you're dealing... with!" Vegeta pleads in between coughs, more blood comes out of his mouth.

"Save your strength Vegeta!" I gently urge him

"No! There's more! He killed our home planet Kakarot! It... was him!" he coughs

"Your father! and mine! The whole planet! He blew it up, it's true! No one... survived... but us Kakarot... Ask him if you want! He'll tell you, he's proud of it!" Vegeta exclaims, tears brimming his eyes.

"Please stop talking Vegeta! It's sapping all your strength!" Kakarot pleads

"Vegeta I—" I start, wanting to confess my identity, but get cut off by the Prince.

He grips the dirt harder, shaking, "No! Listen! You have to hear this! We worked so hard for him, we did everything he asked of us and more..."

Tears start falling from his eyes, "He took me... From my father... when I was just a little boy!"

Kakarot and I both gasp, his story was starting to strike a nerve within me. 'We're more alike than I thought..' I clutch one of my hands to my chest while I continue to listen to the Prince,

"He made me do whatever he wanted and said he would kill my Father if I didn't! I did everything he asked and he killed him anyway, along with everyone else..." Vegeta sobs

"He was scared of us! Scared that a Super Saiyan would be born to rise up and overthrow him..." the tears mix with the blood on his face, streaking and smearing it all over. He reaches out to us,

"Please... No more... Save your strength..." Kakarot says, looking to me with a look of worry.

The tears and blood start to drip off Vegeta's face, slightly wetting the ground. "You and Kakarot... Please! Destroy... Frieza! He made me what I am... Don't let him do it to anyone else..." his hand starts to waver, his eyes slowly dilating.

"Whatever it takes... Stop him... Please..." With one last gasp, his hand drops. Tears that I didn't know were there started to fall down my face and onto the ground, I quickly close the small distance to his body.

His story completely moved me, striking right to my core. I never thought there would be anyone else in the universe that I could come close to relating to, let alone another Saiyan. I reach my hand up to his throat to check his pulse. I can't see with the tears blurring my vision so I use my free hand to wipe them away, underneath my right pointer and middle finger I feel a faint thumping, "Your story isn't over yet, Prince." I breathe, sighing in relief.

I turn my head towards Kakarot, "He's alive, just passed out. He needs medical attention—"

Kakarot cuts me off, "Yes, he does. Which is what you're going to do when you leave with him. Please Xylias, take the others and protect them, help Vegeta." he pleads while intensely gazing at me.

I try to match him with my own intensity, but all of this immense eye contact I've been doing finally makes my body retract inward— unconsciously giving up this instinctual battle for dominance. I look to the ground and slowly nod, then turn my attention to the Prince.

I rip off the top half of the outer layer of my Gi, tearing it in large pieces to apply pressure and to cover the seeping wound. I snap my head up to the 3 quiet Earthlings, who seem to be lost in thought. "Give me pieces of your clothes for dressings, hurry!" I command, snapping them out of their daze. They're soon scrambling to rip pieces of their clothing off, tossing them to me.

As I continue to dress Vegeta's wounds, trying to stop the bleeding, Kakarot speaks up, walking up to stand beside me. "Vegeta... You're not as cold hearted as you believe yourself to be. A heart of stone can't shed tears like you did. You must've been holding them back your whole life..."

A powerful ping coming towards us momentarily catches our attention, signaling Frieza's return. Kakarot continues as he turns to walk away to the battlefield, fists clenching with determination.

"We're the only ones left... I think I understand you now. You weren't grieving over your own death or because our home planet was destroyed, you were grieving because he turned you into what he wanted you to be. You never had the chance to be anything else... Well I still respect you, I know you made a lot of mistakes, but now I see that it wasn't all your fault."

Frieza starts to appear in view flying towards us, pure rage apparent on his face. Kakarot finally stops walking, ready to face the Emperor.

     "You both have the fiery will of a Saiyan! Please share that with me now, 'cause I need it. Thank you both for saving my sons life and for buying enough time for me to recuperate. I'll do my best to carry out your wish." he says, I nod— silently encouraging him.

His speech was full of compassionate perception I'd never heard from a Saiyan before, and the anxiety I felt about his foolishness starts to slowly dissipate.

Frieza appears in front of Kakarot, anger seeping out of him. "This idiotic monkey business is OVER!"

Kakarot snaps back, "It's true! Xylias and Vegeta were right! You have no honor!" he steps forward with confidence, "For them! and for everyone else you've destroyed!" he raises his fist, clenching it. "I am going to... Finish you!"

"We'll see about that won't we?!" Frieza snaps, obviously fed up with talking.

The powerful Emperor raises his hand again, pointing his finger to the Saiyan, a maniacal grin sweeping across his face.


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