Danmachi my way: Volume 1

By TheWolfsFury1420

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this is a rewrite of Danamchi from the ground up, using the story as a base, but everything else will be of m... More

Chapter 1: New Beginnings
Chapter 2: Adventurer's guild
Chapter 3: Advisors and Housing
Chapter 4: The Dungeon
Chapter 5: Reality of an Adventurer
Chapter 6: Goddesses Heart
Chapter 7: getting stronger
Dunamis Skills and Development Abilities
Chapter 8: Learning Ki
Chapter 9: Heading back to the surface
Ais Wallenstein status
Development Abilities Explained
Ova: Ais's Revenge
Chapter 10: Loki Base Ambush
Lefiya Viridis status
Chapter 11: Guild Interrogation
Chapter 12 The Scars We Don't See
Chapter 13 Dangerous Eyes
why Bell was denied
Chapter 14 Dungeon Dive
Chapter 15 Greek Beauty
Chapter 16 Godly Banquet
Chapter 17 Hostess of Fertility
Chapter 18 God of Forge Assistant
Bell's weapons
Chapter 19 the Meeting
Chapter 21 Dark Elf Princess
Ova: Greek Goddess Hangout
Chapter 22 Dark Elf Queen
Chapter 23 Urania Rose
Ova: Guild Meeting (subject: Ais Wallenstein)
Chapter 24 Monsterphelia
Ova Ishtar's change
Ova: Maids of the Hostess
Chapter 25: Monsterphelia Monster Attack
Chapter 26 Battle of Monsterphelia
Ova: Training
Chapter 27 End of Monsterphilia
Ova: Loki Familia's Monsterphelia
Chapter 28: planning
Chapter 29: Alliances
Ova: Haruhime's Backstory
Haruhimes status
Chapter 30 Liliruca
Liliruca Status
Chapter 31 The Theif's Hangout
Chapter 32: Cat and Mouse
Ova: Hermes Familia
Chapter 33: Betrayal, of Victim and Self
Ova: the Xeno's Duty
Chapter 34: Karma
Chapter 35: Restart

Chapter 20 Double Life

683 18 33
By TheWolfsFury1420

(spoilers for Anime and Manga only people as well as very dark content, you have been warned)

after Lefiya left the dungeon when she was with Bell, she left for her Familia's home, similar to the other Familia's homes, but these ones had paintings of balloons and curses with thor and Odin's names on them as per Loki's request, and entering her home, she saw as Loki was preparing for the god's banquet, and getting a list of gods to ask favors from, Lefiya saw it as sad, but necessary, technically, she could ask her mother to help pay it off, but considering she knows for a fact her mother has a set of archery dummies with Loki and Freya's face on them, so Lefiya left it be, she as just going to go to her room and relax, she then got a knock as her door as she was doing handstand pushups, sit-ups (or sit-downs since she's upside down), and air squats with level 3 (special magic weights that are heavy for the person's level but only to people and not the world itself, my justification for using this without it weighting as much as dozen's of mountains in some cases that breaks the ground) leg and arm weights that covered her entire calf and forarms along with a weighted vest and a weighted cloak she tied to not fall on her face, and got down on her feet to see who she got mail from, and as expected, she got a note from her mother.

Lefiya:" oh, a note from mother, I wonder what it says, let's see (note) dear my sweet angelic snuggly wuggly- oh goddess no- (clearing throat), I am happy to tell you that I plan to come to visit tomorrow morning and to tell you in advance so you can be dressed so the stewardess doesn't egg you on as I know she will if you appear before me in anything else, I hope you are in good health and can't wait to see you, sincerely, your mother, Vannea Viridis"

Lefiya:" moms coming to visit, YAY, I mean, it will be nice to see her again" 

deciding to leave it for later, Lefiya told the executives about the meal and they came to eat with Bell, who after winning their meal challenge and leaving, they stay to reap the benefits of their meal now that it was free, talking about Bell while he was gone.

Lefiya:" he's a very kind person who's clearly determined once he's set his mind to something"

Finn:" only make's me feel worse he got caught up in our mistake"

Riveria:" he's also smart, he made sure to get spicy food to help dull the spiciness with some strongly flavored wings to help it go down faster and to help put a fresh taste in his mouth to help him chew more"

Gareth:" I would have also passed if not for that bitch putting Ipecac in my drink which I chugged when I was drowning out the food's dull flavors and nearly making me chock to death"

Riveria:" you were hospitalized for 4 weeks, and yet, Syr said you lost "Fair and Square" so you had to pay up... sometimes I think we should have let you maul her for that to be honest"

Anya:" if you are going to kill her, can you make sure whoever she has connections with isn't here, we all expect Syr to be killed by someone someday, but we don't want to be in the middle of it if it can be helped"

Lefiya:" god's and goddesses knows I expect her to be killed for her antics one of these days, and when it does happen, I am going to be smiling like no other I don't have to risk eating her food or being caught up in one of her scams and antics again, and if worse comes to worse, I can just leave for about 100 years getting stronger in the Elven dungeon once again and Syr would likely be dead by old age, since she's a human, I have the advantage in the waiting game"

Finn:" it must be nice to be able to literally wait your problems dead at times, if only I can be as convenient, maybe I wouldn't be so desperate to make my mark"

Riveria:" don't hold your breath Finn, sometimes, something worse comes along... though in the case of Syr, I think nothing can possibly be worse"

Syr:" you all know I'm right here, right, and yet you say such mean things about me"

Chloe:" you literally poisoned and nearly killed more than 95% of the customers here, including these guys, and also nearly killed everyone one of the staff members as well, you think we care about us hurting your feelings at this point bitch"

Syr:" but that's not it at all, everyone loves my cooking, everyone loves my little pranks as they all laugh at the end, and most importantly, I'm the most important and productive member of staff here who donates lots of money to the guild every so often when they ask me to pay for money they don't have and help keep Oranio afloat"

Anya then got a kitchen knife and held it in a reverse grip as about everyone looked with glee at someone finally attempting to kill Syr only for Chloe to stop her saying.

Chloe:" no no, it's not worth angering whoever she has backing her up... let it go... let it go"

and as Anya let down the knife, feeling pain doing so wanting to kill Syr so much, every customer was disappointed, it wasn't only the Loki Familia and the staff who wanted Syr either fired or dead, but just about all of Oranio, not the men who are backing Syr, but a good amount of people had a parade ready for the day Syr was finally killed if that's an idea of how many people wanted Syr dead and also for those hoping she was killed one day, some might even think it would become a beloved holiday in celebration at times.

Anya:" one day, please one day"

then time passed as some new people entered and a group of men drinking noticed the Loki Familia then off the corner of their ear, the Loki Familia heard comments about their mistake since it was public knowledge with the guild posting it for all to know, standard procedure when something like what the Loki familia did.

civilian 1:" hey did you hear, apparently, the Loki Familia are sending monsters from the middle floors to the upper floors to weed out the weak"

Civilian 2:" I know that the guy named Finn wants to be a beacon of hope for his people, but isn't he doing just as much damage as he is fixing it, maybe he let that happen so he can seem heroic again, like the time he let a village burn down so he can get everyone out despite letting it spread as much as it did"

Civilian 3:" yeah, that guy has a hero complex like no other, he's definitely rigging almost all of his heroics, even letting situations get out of hand to solve them last minute and seem like the all-encompassing hero, what a jackass, treating this as if it's a game"

the men laughed, and while Gareth wanted to say something, Finn grabbed his shoulder and then said to Gareth with a painful look on his face.

Finn:" don't bother, half of what they said about me is true, so just don't Gareth, just don't, it will only make it worse by the end of it, like last time"

Gareth:"... I guess we can't just spend 6 months in jail again for assault and battery"

Riveria:" I agree, we made a serious mistake, and it's honestly no secret why Finn's an adventurer either, people criticizing Finn for seeming heroic has viability since there have been some casualties from innocents because of him trying to seem heroic at times, so Finn can't say him seeming heroic is a good thing"

Finn:"... I know it's selfish, and I know it's doing more harm than good at times, but for the future of my race, I need to do this, I just hope I can sleep at night with all the innocent lives on my hands"

Lefiya:"... I know this is personal but (whispering) didn't you also kill some innocent children to help you save face at times as well, I remember when you said there were no survivors but I swore I saw a few of the children survive, the times when you told me to not say a word and mind my own business"

Finn:"... I still see the faces, even today, listen Lefiya, even if it means betraying the Familia, don't, and I mean don't end up anything like me, basically all show and no bite behind it"

Riveria:" I can't say we're all innocent, as someone who's supposed to become the next ruler, I had to make some tough calls to help my kingdom, even if questionable"

Finn:" that's different, you're a leader of a whole race, I'm just some country bumpkin with a  pipe dream"

Gareth:" and I've got a few skeletons as well from good Familia's that Loki was ticked off at, good people, good people"

Finn:" for those, you were more like a soldier following orders, me, I picked and chooses who to kill, innocent or not, listen, don't try and comfort me, it's only making it worse"

Lefiya:" I stayed out of stuff like that, I'm not killing anyone unless I'm certain they're evil"

Riveria:" good, maintain that thought process, it's better that way"

as they ate, Lefiya was called to help and she had to put her maid uniform on, working part-time at the hostess, aside from dealing with Syr and her antics that range from near harmless to nearly killing dozens of people by wither cooking for some people or putting Ipecac in their food and drinks for staff and customers to make things "entertaining" she calls it, 

Lefiya wondered how Syr, someone who cooks so badly, most poison's in the world are less lethal and painful than it since there needed to be an antidote used to help ease the pain from anyone eating her food even if they spit it out, which she then proceeds to try and force feed them since she insists her food will taste good if you give it a chance, bearly gets any of her customer's orders right by either forgetting or neglecting to write it down and give them even more pricy food even if they have an allergy to one of the ingredients in it (often times being let off since they didn't get the order they want coming out of Syr's check, which also inadvertently leads to her stealing everyone's money to help "pay herself back what she's owed" often times literally needing to get the money she stole from the staff pride from her hands) and most damning of all, has shown no remorse, no guilt, and no sign's she is even remotely aware what she's doing is wrong, and forced her view of the world on everyone despite it causing everyone massive issues, physically and mentally as well.

Lefiya:"... Mia, how has Syr not been fired yet, that's... that's the question I need answered more than anything"

Mia:" if I could fire her, I would have never hired her to begin with, but circumstances are... let's just say, Syrs grip is strong around a lot of places"

Lefiya:" I get that, but come on, how can the guild overlook her actions, the guild ran by Mero"

Mia:" listen kid, the world is unfair, some people have privileges that make it hard for commonfolk to do anything, and that girl has a silver spoon on every finger"

Lefiya:" I suppose so, I don't know how much I can take of it, when i first applies here, I just wanted the break from the dungeon every so often, but dealing with Syr has made it just as dangerous at times"

while Lefiya was waiting on tables, a few drunk men tried to reach and grab Lefiya's butt from behind her, this, however, was met with Lefiya grabbing the man's arm and locking it while the man cried out in pain, and Lefiya had to fight (manhandle) 3 drunk men and threw them from the 2nd floor out to land in the streets, Lefiya was very beloved by many customers, it was why Syr didn't like Lefiya, a glory hog in Syr's words, it's why she constantly tries to sabatauge Lefiya, often times leading to fires breaking out or worse, and yet Syr, despite holding and preforming the act, tries to pin it on Lefiya as if nobody can already tell that she's the one at fault and say's it's unfair that Lefiya can alway's get off scott free whenever Syr start's trouble for Lefiya.

Lefiya:" this time, she started a fire to make it seem as if I was using my magic willy nilly... again, when till it end"

after Lefiya was doe with work for the night, she and her Familia captains packed as much food as they were allowed and brought it home, upon such everyone in the Familia cheered, asked if Syr cooked it and upon hearing she didn't cheered louder, including Loki, though Ais was denied it since she couldn't taste the difference anyway, so the rest ate and talked, it was here that Lefiya announced her mother was coming and decided to prepare for thing's for that day to come.

back at the pub, Syr was talking to Mia who was trying to ignore her, that was, till a certain man came by.

Allen:" lets go, streets are clear for now"

Syr:" already, but I am just starting to having fun"

Mia:" go with the boy, you're already causing your Familia enough trouble Freya, don't make it any harder than it need's to be... like always"

Syr then transformed back into her true body, the long silver hair, shiny, seductive silver eyes, and white skin like that of fresh snow, long suculant legs, and since she took the mrotal form of a human (isn't at all different from the anime), she also had on the clothes she still had as he then put on her cloack and walked out, smiling as she said to Mia, as Mia groaned a pained and agonizing groan that anyone could feel the pain in.

Freya:" I'll see you tomorrow for work my dear"

leaving, Mia bashed the wall in frustration, angry she had to deal with this, she did as much as she could, she was able to break away from Freya and start a new life, she escaped Freya who was traveling the world and settled in Oranio, where a dungeon was, Freya never headed to one of these cities since it would be to much trouble for her, so she started over here, for 10 years she was able to start a new life and be happy, only for Freya to barge in and demand her to help her, less her lovely life be lit up in flame, there, she would be raped by Freya, raped till her mind was broken, then she would be treated like a object to satisfy her male familia members for 5 years with nothing off limits in term's of what Freya called "play" till Mia was once again broken and under Freya's control, only recently she was able to leave the Familia as they hardly come by anymore, but at the price of "Syr" working here instead, it was Niflheim for Mia, all of it, and Mia was once again trapped, in Freya's palm like before, in Mia's personal Niflheim called the HOSTESS of FERTILITY.

Authors Notes

yes, Syr's relationship is a start opposite as in the cannon, but come on, poisoning the staff with her horrible cooking, lying and manipulating them, and all the stuff I have planned for her to do here, do you think anyone would or should be rooting for Syr, and 

for Finn being called out on his heroics, I wanted to show a more... from side to Finn's want to be the beacon of light for his race, as stated, he mostly set up most of his heroics by letting serious situations get out of hand first, then solving them, letting little problem's become big, and then stopping them, and yes, many innocent people have died in this, and early on, Finn has also killed the witnesses who could say otherwise to his heroics, I wanted to show how Finn seeking to be a hero is a dark path that none should take and Finn's regret in choosing it to add more to his character and his very black and white like way of handling things, and also the major reason the guild hate working with the Loki Familia and the distrusts between the 2 having solid ground

while I'm not going to have the Loki Familia all be criminals to some extent, I plan to have the public look at the Loki Familia with a sort of doubtful hope, where they will rely on the Loki familia, but depending on the member, they may wish for someone else, Lefiya and Riveria are going to be people they 

how I set up Mia is to make her a tragic character who's past with Freya is anything but pleasant, and also to know the "Deal" she worked with Mia, and how far Freya will go to get what she want's, even at the expence of her own Familia's physical and mental well being, oh, and before anyone ask, no, Mis isn't going to be a love interest for Bell at all, more like a mentor who has wisdom to share

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