Chaos within the Greens

By myrakkuran

58.9K 1.5K 615

All it took was the birth of the youngest princess, followed by the King's unexpected favouritism and the Que... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chaptet 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 6

3.6K 106 45
By myrakkuran

Standing on the deck of the ship, distance away from where the smaller figures were, Alicent Hightower absently observed with content eyes.

Her children playing.

Although unsure what they were actually up for, the sight of them bickering was still highly entertaining. Alicent was not willing to look away. She watched Aemma forcibly bring Aemond down to his knees before proceeding to climb on and sit on his shoulders. Then grabbing fistful of his hair to support herself, she commanded him to get up and start moving.

Aemond obeyed, to no surprise of his mother.

Tightly gripping her knees he carefully stood up on his feet and marched over to where his sister directed.

Touched by the scene, a smile tugged at the corner of the young Queen's lips. She is truly proud of her second son. The middle child to be accurate. With two before him and two after him, Aemond stands at the centre blanching the rest of his siblings. He is everything a mother dreams of, and Alicent would have him no other way. As it's him, who makes up for everything her eldest boy lacks in quality— being responsible, respectful, obedient, loving and most definitely kind hearted.

Even now, how Aemond's handling his troublesome little sister is truly remarkable to Alicent. Not as a biased mother, but as a person in general, she is throughly impressed by his patience and level of understanding. She's aware that he wanted to be in his cabin and read. Even brought few books along, which he intended to finish during this journey. However the little girl had different plans. Unfortunately, it involves him. Therefore he is forced out of the cabin against his will and brought to the deck. So that she could plonk on his shoulders and perhaps make him give her a tour of the ship.

"Such waste of opportunity." Her father's voice rumbled behind her. Alicent did not sense the other presence joining her. It matters not nonetheless. He has been sneaking up on her like this for years now. A part of her already used to the intrusion. Even then, she tensed. Although she had no reason to be.

Ironic, how he had only been back at court couple days and already he was getting on her nerves. First he had manipulated her to get the eldest children betrothed. Who knows what he has up his mind this time, involving the two boys who are available.

From the corner of her eyes Alicent noted how he was watching the children. His gaze hard on Aemma.

"What is it that you have in mind, father?" She asked boldly. Years in his absence gave her the courage.

"How have you not managed to rectify the King's mistake?" Alicent turned to her father in question. Otto Hightower cast her a disappointed glance before clarifying.

"Your daughter's betrothal to Lucerys Velaryon, I'm referring to."

Otto Hightower came prepared and determined, collecting few proposals before his return to the court to get the youngest Princess married into the Hightower family. Being the King's only favourite child from his second wife means she will be a great asset in the future.

The sound of Aemma's laughter permeated through the air. But Hightower father-daughter neither looked, preoccupied glaring at the other.

In the distance, the children are wrestling on the ground. With the elder tickling the younger and bringing about her laughter.

"Do you think I have any say in matters involving Aemma?!" Rage took root in Alicent's heart at the mention of her daughter's betrothal. "I am only a vessel that brought her into the world for the King and his Princess. All decisions are taken by them. I'm never even consulted, just informed as courtesy."

"You have been married to the King for so long, and yet you fail to persuade him." Otto mused, looking down at his daughter, unimpressed.

In fact, he seemed positively disappointed... disgruntled even.

Alicent glared up at her father. She hated this particular look, which he wore only to fix her with it, when he considered her behavior foolish and immature. But that time is now over! She thought naively.

"Whatever plan you have regarding my youngest, for that I wish you good luck and the very best. As I intend to sit by and watch you learn the hard way that she's no Aegon, Helaena, Aemond or Daeron that you can use as puppets for your purpose." Her voice was as fierce as she would allow to not draw attention to the sharp ears of the children. "She is Aemma Targaryen, Aemma. And I certainly hope you haven't forgotten where that name came from."

Otto Hightower blinked, as if thinking of what to say. But the Queen swept out of the deck, not waiting for his response, which she knew would further enrage her.

"Grandsire...?" Aemond's call drew his attention. Otto Hightower looked down to find the two children now approaching him. "Aemma has something to say to you."

"Oh!" The man immediately masked his hard face to a softened one as he crouched down to level himself with his granddaughter.

"My Princess, what is it?"

Aemma watched him intensely for few passing heartbeats. Debating inside about what the repercussions of her actions to be, would be.

There's no denying it would anger her grandsire. But would he go to great lengths to punish her? No he cannot! A voice in her head assures. Her father is the King after all.

"Princess...?" Otto tapped on the girl's cheek to pull her out of her dazed state. "Tell me, how can this old man be of assistance."

Aemma stared for another moment. Then out of nowhere and without anyone seeing it coming, she spit on her grandsire's face.

Shocked and outraged, he looked at Aemond. Assessing his role in this. But before he could open his mouth to discipline the boy, his sister grabbed him by the sleeve and the two ran back inside and headed straight to their cabin.

Leaving Otto Hightower behind in an embarrassing position, as the incident was witnessed by few Kingsguards, who themselves have been a victim to such treatment by the Princess when she was a mere toddler.

Back inside their cabin Aemond and Aemma both were trying to catch a breath. They ran so fast that their lungs were emptied out of air to breathe.

Regaining some strength Aemond poured himself a cup water, drank couple sips before making his sister drink the rest. After she finished, he put the cup back onto the side table and turned back to understand.

Admittedly, he was scared for them both. One does not need intelligence to understand their grandsire is a dangerous man with immense power as the reinstated Hand of the King. If only, he was able to predict what his sister had in mind when she told him she wanted to speak with their grandsire... he definitely would have prevented.

"Why did you do that? Do you realize how upset you've made grandsire. You should apologize." He told Aemma.

But she nodded disapprovingly. "He was bullying mother."

"What if he bullies you?"

"Then I will tell father."

"What will father do?"

"Send him back to where he came from. Now read to me." She ordered laying down on the bed and patting the space beside her for him to do the same.


His chest felt strangely heavy. Aemond was in the middle of deep sleep to understand what was happening, but when his eyes finally reopened, he was surprised to find a dozing Aemma on top of him. Last he remembered was she was laying beside him while he read to her. How she managed to climb atop him would remain a mystery that he could not be bothered to solve. It was his first time spending so much time in the company of his little sister and he did not mind. In the absence of the other two brothers Aemma was a far enjoyable company.

He looked out of the window and watched the sun had already risen over the horizon. The dragons flying above were without their riders. The ship was already docked at the harbour, he realized.

His fingers ran through Aemma's sleek blonde hair that had grown long and thickly. Out of all of them, Aemma has the best quality hair. Then it's a tie between him and Rhaenyra. After them it's Daeron. After him it's Helaena, her hair has texture and is on the wavier side, just like their mother's but blonde. Aegon's hair is the worst — rough, thin, frilly. Inherited from their father, no doubt.

He could hear multiple footsteps approaching their cabin and decided to wake his sister with gentle nudge.

"Aemma... Aemma wake up."

The girl stirred, rubbing at her eyes.

The door opened and their mother entered with their other siblings and her handmaiden in tow. She approached them with a smile. But with the entrance of their brothers the peaceful silence in the room evaporated.

"Talya, change her into something appropriate." Alicent ordered and her handmaiden was quick to pick up the half asleep half awake child off of Aemond and moved to a secure corner.

Alicent looked between her first and second son as the latter sat up on the bed.

"Stay close to your betrothed and don't over indulge yourself." Instructing Aegon, Alicent turned to Aemond. Missing out the dirty look her eldest boy gave his betrothed, while she resolutely avoided his eyes.

Aegon and Helaena hardly had a relationship. They never quite interacted. But since the announcement of their betrothal, his attitude toward her had soured. From the looks he threw her every chance he got, it was becoming evident that he would no longer simply ignore her or her strange tendencies, but rather take them as a personal insult.

"And your job is to look after Aemma. Make sure she never leaves your side. Hold onto her if you must."

"Understood mother."

Coming to stand beside Aemond, Daeron asked. "What is my task mother?"

Alicent smiled fondly at her youngest boy. Touched by his eagerness to be included. "You, my sweet boy, must keep an eye on your brothers and ensure they are doing their duties properly. Can you do that for me?"

"Of course mother." The boy nodded his head enthusiastically.

Just then Talya returned with a fully ready Aemma — dressed in dark green velvet and hair twirled and twisted from the sides of her temples and clipped at the back of her head. Aemond looked, his blueish violet eyes locked with her. Her deep violet eyes looked more doe-like than ever. A weapon she was always prepared to use against anyone and everyone; especially their father.

"Forget not, it's no celebration," Alicent continued as her handmaiden approached Aemond with his grab and helped him into it. Then taking out comb from her pocket began redoing his disheveled hair.

"...we're here to attend a funeral. Funeral of your aunt."

"Whom none of us ever met or really know for a matter of fact." Aegon grumbled. His complaint earned him an eye roll and sigh from his mother.

"It matters not Aegon!" Alicent raised her voice. "It matters not whether you knew her or not. For once try and act civil. At least pretend to be sad and grieving. Even if it is out of courtesy." Her chest heaved as she finished. Disappointed at her eldest as always.

Once her temper somewhat calmed, Alicent guided her flock of children out of the cabin and to the deck where the King awaited, in the company of his Hand— Ser Otto Hightower and Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Ser Harold Westerling.

Leaving behind her siblings, the youngest princess galloped towards the King.


"Aemma! My darling!" The King reached out for his daughter with his free hand that was not holding onto the cane. She took hold of the offered hand and rushed him towards gangplank. Completely ignoring her mother's concerned calls. Alicent tried to scold Aemma but the King silenced her with a look.

It was extremely difficult for the ailing man to keep up with the energetic child's pace. Still he made no protest. If anything he tried do everything in him to hold back the painful moans just so that he would not disappoint his little girl.

Alicent grimaced at the sight, sympathizing for her husband. She was genuinely scared when he stepped foot on the plank. She shared a glance with her father who shared her worry. The way Aemma was dragging him was concerning. The frail man could topple over any moment.

The King and the youngest princess were the first to get off the ship. Behind them, following were the Queen and the rest of their children, the Hand and the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.

The two older boys enviously watched how freely their little sister interacted with their father. Both having the same thought occupy their mind— how is it possible for that puny thing to have the King of the Seven Kingdoms wrapped around her tiny fingers; whilst they, as the first and second sons were completely invisible to him.


Two Velaryon guards opened the main entrance of High Tide, and two more guards entered first, with only one announcing the arrival of the King and the Queen with their family.

Even in mourning the oddity did not go unnoticed by the Velaryons, that it was not the Queen who was by the King's side, when he made his entrance at such an important event. Rather it was his youngest daughter.

Lord Corlys Velaryon shared a knowing side eyed glance with his wife, Princess Rhaenys. Neither had forgotten the tantrum this child threw during feast of her first name day celebration. The way she took off the King's crown and tossed it to the ground was gossiped about for days to come. It was then, this pair knew of her importance to her father. And now, they were witnessing it once again.

Princess Rhaenys could not take her eyes off of the pendant hanging around the girls neck. The blackish green fabric cladding her body could not dull the shine of the sapphire that sat proudly atop her small chest. The Queen who never was briefly wondered if the girl will ever understand the value and significance of the particular jewel.

Lord Corlys was the first to greet the King. His wife followed right after when the Velaryon lord moved his attention to the tiny figure standing beside the King with an aura of the Queen. He picked up the child in his arms and exchanged pleasantries with her. Aemma talked with him in a tone of familiarity like she had known him for ages.

"May I touch your hair Lord Corlys?" Aemma boldly asked. Although slightly taken aback by the strange request the man still gladly allowed. He saw no harm giving into an innocent child's request.

Aemma grabbed a fistful of the man's dreadlocks. Felt it in her palm for a bit and made a face.

"Why do they feel so rough?" She commented, unimpressed. Then compared. "Ser Laenor's hair is so soft."

Alicent's eyes widened in horror and so did the eyes of her father and her other children. She could barely keep her attention on Princess Rhaenys, with whom she was in mid conversation.

Except Helaena, the rest of the children stared at Aemma as if she had grown another head. Aemond and Daeron's faces were to be seen.

"Where does she get all this courage from?" Aemond muttered to himself.

"Isn't it obvious." Aegon replied suppressing a yawn. His eyes lustily gazing at the passing by maids and serving girls.

The young of the two narrowed his eyes. Slightly envious, knowing all too well that if he or the others even dared attempted such stunts, severe scolding and discipline would bound to be incoming. But when it comes from Aemma everyone takes it in awe. Just like how Lord Corlys chuckling while responding back in tender voice that mirrored Aemma's innocence.

"I apologize princess that my hair isn't to your liking. Might I suggest you touch my lady wife's hair. I assure you, it is very soft."

Aemma observed the mentioned Princess objectively before whispering into the man's ear. Whatever she said, made him chuckle once more.

The grieving father is jesting! Aemond could not believe his eyes. It was times like these where he questioned what is it that Aemma has that they don't? Helaena is also a girl, still she gets no special treatment. If anything she's the most invisible one out of them all.

Just as Lord Corlys put her down, Aemma ran back to her siblings and clung to Daeron for the remainder of the time. With Aemond not so far from them.


It was decided the funeral would be held on the morrow followed by a somber feast.

For tonight, the guests had already settled into their allotted quarters.

The royal family was assigned their own wing. And they were the first to retire since the long journey was too tiring for the ailing King. Separate rooms were prepared for the King, the Queen, the Lord Hand, the Princes and the Princess. However the Queen requested all her children be placed in one room. Although the request was odd enough to have raised brows, but the somber environment played a vital role in prevention.

On that account, the children of Alicent Hightower ended up spending the night in the same chamber where they would be separated by a bed. The three princes will take one and their sisters will occupy the other.

Out of the five, only Aegon protested against this bizarre arrangement. Stating clearly he wanted privacy. But his protest fell on deaf ears. His mother remained firm on her decision, too stubborn to listen.

Thus the scowl remained etched onto his face, as he sat on a chair in the corner of their assigned chamber, drinking down his misery and observing the rest.

As usual Aemma and Daeron were together. Although surprisingly, this time, the two were grappling like rabid pups. Aegon took a moment to humour himself to the scene. It was no secret, he found watching kids fight very entertaining. Judging by the look, it appeared pretty serious. Aemma was on his shoulders and had a tight grip on his hair, no doubt pulling it relentlessly for who knows why. All the while Daeron was trying to act strong and hold himself back from shrilling out in pain. As much as he was enjoying watching them, Aegon was also curious to find its cause. That was when he noted the last remaining piece of the cake— and he knew instantly the fight began over who's entitled to it.

Then his gaze moved over to his betrothed. Instantly, Aegon felt sick to his stomach. The lunatic was already in bed, but sitting, working on her embroidery. He moved his eyes from her form quickly. Lingering on her a moment longer, would have him vomiting out everything he ate.

Lastly he found Aemond, the twat stood by the window, studying the view outside so intently.

"Why must she have us all squeezed together?" Aegon huffed, taking a long sip from his cup. "Making such absurd decisions, mother seems to have lost her mind."

His complain was heard by all. However, only Aemond chose to respond. Partially because, he knew Helaena would not bother herself to engage in any conversation with Aegon, while other two were too busy with themselves to pay any attention to their surroundings.

"It is her way to get you to spend more time with your betrothed. Having you share the room with only her would be considered inappropriate; but with us here, no questions will be raised." Aemond explained, still facing the window. His focus fully set on the shadow of the figure flying off in the distance.

The thorough explanation went through one ear and out of the other for Aegon.

"Who is it that you watch with so great interest. Is there a wench that caught your interest, brother?" Aegon asked Aemond after a moment of observation. "Should you require help, always know that you can come to me. As your elder brother its my responsibility to make sure—"

"I'm watching Vaghar!" Came Aemond's deadpanned response cutting off his brother's blabbering midway.

"The dead lady's dragon...? Why?"

The lack of respect in Aegon's voice towards the ancient creature, sparked a fury in Aemond.

"What do you mean why?" He snapped his head back. His sharp voice garnered the others attention in the room. Helaena looked up, pausing in her sewing. Daeron and Aemma's on going wrestling came to a halt, with Aemma utilizing this chance to sneakily finish the cake.

"Have you forgotten our history! Vaghar is the only living part of the Old Valeria in existence today. A living witness to the conquest."

"So...?" Aegon drawled scratching his head. "Now she's a sad riderless dragon that will fly all over Westeros. Mayhaps she'll fly back to Old Valeria or whatever remains of it today."

"You won't understand Aegon. And I don't intend for you to either..." Turning back to the window, the younger boy shook his head disapprovingly. Then revealed his intention after a brief pause.

"Now that her rider, Laena Velaryon is dead, Vaghar is once more free to be claimed."

"And you think that you can claim her." Aegon laughed hysterically. "In that case, I might as well claim the The Black Dread."

His mockery offended Aemond, making him clench his jaws tightly.

"What ever are you even saying! Are you so drowned in your cups that you've forgotten Balerion is dead!"

"Precisely my point you twat! I have higher chances of claiming a dragon that's already dead than you have of claiming that ferocious beast. She'll turn you to roasted meat that can served for supper on the morrow."

"If Laena Velaryon can claim her then why can't I?" Aemond demanded, this time fully turning and walking back inside.

"Remind me, how did she exactly die?" Aegon wiggled his brows. "Definitely not from complications in childbirth. Otherwise it would not be a closed casket funeral. Her body would be allowed viewing."

"She wanted that! She had asked for it herself!"

"Whereas, you wouldn't even have to want or ask for it. Vaghar will grant it to you regardless, if you end up anywhere near her." Aegon jabbed.

Aemond seethed but said no more in the matter, realizing it was an insult to his intelligence to argue with a drunk imbecile. Who understands nothing but the cups he drains or the skirts he has began chasing. So he returned to bed. And the fact that he'll have to share it with the likes of him made his skin itch.


Like all funeral, Laena Velaryon's funeral was a disconsolate occasion. However what made it unbearably heartbreaking was the grief-stricken face of her daughters who clung to their grandmother throughout the time like she was their last resort.

The procession of solemn ceremony began after sunrise the following day. All mourners gathered on the shore of Driftmark to bid farewell and pay their respects to the deceased, whose casket was under preparation to be deposited back to the sea. Sombrely, everyone stood as Vaemond Velaryon uttered the funeral rites in High Valyrian, conducting the service.

Aemma stood between Aemond and Daeron— the former to her right and the latter to her left. Both holding each of her hand. The King stood behind her, resting his hands her shoulders protectively. The Queen stood beside the King, with Criston Cole protectively standing behind her. Aegon and Helaena stood beside the Queen and King respectively. And Otto Hightower stood a step behind Helaena.

Rhaenyra stood a little further away from her father's family, protectively holding her two boys. Her husband Laenor stood stoically beside her.

Prince Daemon stood somewhat beside Vaemond Velaryon, from where he could observe those around him as he stood with his hands crossed in front of him. He looked the part of a grieving husband.

Bored, Aemma looked around taking in all the familiar faces she had met yesterday. She detected Larys Strongamongst the crowd. Lord Corlys Velaryon and Princess Rhaenys stood comforting their grandchildren while still grieving their own lost daughter. Two young girls who had lost their mother, watched her about to be laid, broken hearted.

"Aemond look... they're crying." Aemma whispered into his ear. He followed her gaze and found himself looking at his uncle's twins, Rhaena and Baela; as they clung to their grandmother.

"Of course they're crying. Their mother died, you idiot— ouch!" He felt someone smack him at the back of his head.

Turning, the two of them faced their mother and only to find her glaring.

"Ssshhhh! Be quiet." Alicent hissed under the whisper.

The children immediately obeyed. Returning to watch the funeral procession take place.

And then, the anomaly happened.

Someone began to chuckle.

Determined to find out who this audacious person was, Aemma bent over as much as she could and watched, absolutely baffled with mouth agape— it was her uncle!

Laughing, at his own wife's funeral.

"He's laughing." Aemma whispers to Daeron.

"I know," He agrees, "how awfully rude."

And together they judge the man for his inconsiderate and indecent action, watching with a critical eye.

Aemma neither spoke nor understood a word of High Valyrian. Still she knew that whatever was being said could not be remotely close to being funny.

So why did her uncle laugh?

Aemma felt committed to find out as she watches the casket get plunged over the edge.

In the distance, a mighty dragon roars in anguish as her rider is swallowed by the sea.


Aemond catches a glimpse of her shadow above the clouds. And his heart begins pounding relentlessly.


Aemma's sudden yelp brought him back. Only then he realized how tightly he was squeezing her fragile wrist. The overwhelming emotions raking his body were expressed through the simple act.


Later, once the solemn proceedings of the day were complete, the guests were led back to the High Tide to attend the reception that came following. From that point forward, time began to pass in slow and sluggish pace. Creating a mood more than depressing.

After the meal period finished, Aemond found himself away from his family, standing around the edge overlooking the sky in search of her.

An extremely irritated Aemma— with puffy cheeks and pouting lips— stood by his side, by force. In all honesty, he would not have dragged here against her will. But the obedient son had his mother's instructions embedded into his mind.

"Make sure she never leaves your side. Hold onto her if you must."

For that reason, ever since they entered High Tide the middle Targaryen boy had glued himself to his little sister.

"What are you looking at?"

He raised a hand and pointed towards the sky. "Her."

She followed his line of sight and eventually saw the dull cloudy sky. Confused, Aemma drew her brows together.

"I see no woman up there."

"I'm referring to the dragon, you fool."

"Oh! Which dragon?" Of course she could not see, because by then Vaghar disappeared.

"Forget about it." He rolled his eyes. Wondering how is it possible for her to be born a Targaryen with complete lack of interest in dragons. Isn't she one herself?!

"Come, let's go..." He tugs her along.

"Where are we going?"

"To offer our condolences to our cousins."

Hand in hand the siblings walk to the grieving twins. Aemma's dark violet eyes met with the somber brown eyes of Jacaerys, who stood alongside Baela and Rhaena on the bench as the two girls mourned their mother. Baela, who was clutching Jacaerys's hand tightened her grip when Aemond and Aemma neared.

Aemond offered them a sympathetic smile and Aemma looked to him since she did not know what to say. But from the looks of it he did not either. Although he tried, tried to get some words out but gulped them back ultimately. Resulting in the two light skinned blondes to stand there like an idiot before the older one decides it was best to leave.

Sighing, he led his sister away returning to the corner where their other siblings were.




Aemond stood between Aegon and Daeron, holding Aemma by her shoulders. All four of them watching Helaena. The older girl was lost in her own head, as she sat on the floor mumbling softly to herself as she guided her new found spider over her hands without a care in the world.

"Why does she always talk to herself?" Aemma was the first to break the silence.

"She will talk to you if you talk to her." Aemond responded.

"She is talking to those insects." Daeron quipped.

"We've nothing in common." The older Targaryen grumbled, his face curling into a sneer as he glared daggers at his betrothed's oblivious back.

"She's our sister." Aemond reminded.

"You marry her then."

"I would perform my duty, if mother had only betrothed us."

"If only." Aegon scoffed, with a face that could be deciphered as disgust.

"It would strengthen the family. Keep our Varlyrian blood pure."

"She's an idiot."

"She's your future Queen!" Again Aemond reminded.

"If Aegon marries Helaena than can I marry Aemma...?" Daeron softly joined the conversation.

The two older boys stopped and snapped their head at the younger brother.

"She's already promised to someone you twat! So you can't marry her unless the betrothal is broken off or our nephew is dead." Said Aegon.

"And according to our custom, it is me who should be the one to marry her." Added Aemond, looking his younger brother in the eyes.

Daeron drew his brows together. "What about me then?"

"If another sister is born down the line, you can marry her. Or else you have to marry outside of the family." Aemond explained, Daeron frowned and Aegon chuckled.

"Such idiots you two are! No more siblings will be born, I can guarantee that. Unless... mother decides to take after..." he lowers his voice to a whisper "...our half sister and starts producing bastards. Because it is evident that our father is too sick to enjoy the pleasures of fucking."

"Aegon! Watch what you're saying." Aemond warned, checking their surroundings to see if Aegon's lewd words have caught any unwanted attention.

"I'm only speaking the truth." The older boy defended. "And as for you — do you really think father will let you— who doesn't even have his own dragon — marry Aemma. The man maybe sick but he no nincompoop. I dare you ask him for her hand. I'd wager, that even with his sick hand father will give you a slap so hard that it will change the structure of your face forever."

"So I cannot marry Aemma?" Daeron asked again to confirm. Looking at his brothers, hoping this time the answer will be different.

"Neither of you can. Unless she grows up to be a peculiar like that one." He rudely pointed at Helaena.

Right that moment, a serving girl who was going around filling the cups, appeared before them. Aegon's attention immediately switched to her. A smile crept up his lips, like he just realized something.

"We actually do have..." he mumbled, switching his empty cup for a full one. " thing in common." Aemond glared at him, already predicting what he'd say. And of course, Aegon did not surprise him.

"We both fancy creatures with very long legs."

Aemond was about to give his response and Aegon was ready to follow after the maid for another cup. But neither happened as Daeron interrupted.

"Where is Aemma?"

Dread filled both brothers. Quickly their eyes casted downward, only to be met with an empty space where their sister was supposed to be. Aemond was about to go look for her but was stopped by Aegon, as he had already located her.

"There she is..." the two younger brothers followed his gaze and found Aemma to be with the last person she should be with.

Aemond nervously looked at his mother, who was now glaring daggers at him. Guilt seeped through him, knowing he failed his mother's instruction. Biting the inside of his cheek he looked back at his own hands, thinking...

How had he not felt her leave...?


Meanwhile, Daemon is pulled out of his thoughts upon feeling something softly tugging his tunic.

His head turn, only to find the spot beside him empty. He feels the tug again. Instinctively his gaze lowers and narrows curiously. Out of everything he was expecting, Daemon Targaryen certainly wasn't expecting to find his brother's youngest pup, pulling for his attention.

Odd. He thought before looking away, deciding to ignore the child. Concluding, she approached him by mistake.

A mistake it was. Certainly.

Not of the child's though, but his own, to assume her approach towards him was a simple error.

Because it definitely was not!

Aemma frowned— confused and fuming simultaneously. No one turns their head away from her. No one has ever dared to, whether it be a Lord, Lady or other members of her father's court. This man was the first!

Perhaps he did not know of the unspoken rule— When you meet Aemma Targaryen you pamper and coddle her.

Therefore she decided to be fair and give him another chance.

This time when he felt the tug Daemon knew exactly where to look. Only to find her with a big pout on her mouth and her arms raised. Wordlessly commanding him to pick her up.

The older man arched an eyebrow, both in question and amusement. The sight of it was humorous really, making him want to toss his head back and laugh. Of course he could reject her again. Like he gave a damn about how the audience watching would perceive. Actually, the onlookers wouldn't even bat a lash. As it was a behaviour befitting of his reputation— the rouge prince. But surprising himself and the ones who were sneaking a glance his way, Daemon gave in and picked up the little girl and placed her on the banister he was leaning against.

Truth is, he was intrigued. The pendent hanging on her neck made no sense to him. Should it not belong to Rhaenyra? After all it was a gift Viserys received from her mother. So what was it doing on Otto's granddaughter's neck?

"I'm Aemma." Daemon smirked as the child introduced herself. Suddenly remembering its not just the pendant that Viserys gave her. He even gave her the poor woman's name. A part of him wonders how the Arryns would feel about it.

"I know." He responded. And before he could figure out what else to say to her, Aemma threw him another question.

"Why were you laughing? My father says it is cruel to laugh at others misery."

He opened his mouth to counter. But she interrupted him again.

"Your wife died, should you not be sad? Your daughters are crying. They are sad. Why are you not sad." Her tone came off accusatory. Something she definitely intended.

"People have different ways of expressing grief, Princess. A kid like you wouldn't know."

"Oh! So yours is laughing." She frowned.


"Did you not love her?"

Daemon Targaryen found himself at an impossible impasse. For one thing he couldn't tell her the truth. He did not love Rhaena but definitely liked her enough to be able to tolerate her presence. Unlike the bronze bitch he was previously married to, whom he had to take down in order to...

Lucky for Daemon, he did have to ponder on what to say for much longer because the impatient pup tossed another question at him.

"Now that your wife is dead, who are you going to marry next?"

Daemon blinked.

For some odd reason this time her voice came out louder. What was more infuriating was the fact she made it sound like she asked him a mundane question, when in reality it was the exact opposite.

Many were now staring at them. Daemon could feel eyes pouring holes behind his back. Amongst them were his brother, his Queen, the reinstated Lord Hand, his deceased wife's parents and his own daughters. Let's not forget some of the other nosy guests. But he could care less.

Everyone held their breath. Most onlookers viewed the interaction between the newly widower Prince Daemon and his little niece as entertaining till she unknowingly asked him a very inappropriate question. The answer to which could have various repercussions. After all, the parents of his late wife were not so far away. The King fondly watched his brother and daughter. But his Queen was a whole other matter. She was beyond frightened as she looked to her father, and then Ser Criston. Thinking which one of the two would be the better candidate to be sent to fetch Aemma from the rouge Prince.

The situation with her children were not so different. Aegon was worried, Aemond looked guilty and Daeron was trying to understand why his brothers appeared so tensed.

"What does she think she is doing?" Aemond whispered, fiddling his fingers nervously.

Only for Aegon to add fuel to his fire of fear and guilt. "You were the one in charge."

"I was holding her." Aemond defended.

"And yet, she managed to escape, without you having a clue."

"She is only speaking to our uncle. Could that be so bad?" Daeron's words were brushed off by his older brothers.

"I bet you, he will throw her off of the edge."

"Don't say that!" Aemond hissed, clenching his jaws. His focus not bit wavering from his sister and ill-reputed uncle.

Interestingly... it was not so bad as other thought it was.

"You." Daemon finally answered his little niece's question. A twisted smirk playing across his lips.

"Me...?" Aemma was baffled. "But I'm already promised to someone... to him." She pointed towards Lucerys.

Daemon followed her direction and found the boy standing lone in a corner, watching the waves crashing onto the shore.

"That can be handled." His smirk widened.

"Would you not be too old by the time I am grown. We will not look good together then." She presented her logic.

"Worry not princess, we will make a fine couple just like your mother and father." He jested, loudly enough for everyone to hear especially the King and Queen.

That was when the King finally decided to approach them.

When she saw her father nearing. Aemma exclaimed, "Father!" Extending her arms the same way did to Daemon, expecting to be picked up.

Daemon did not look at his brother. His eyes remained on the little girl.

Viserys complied to his daughter's request first. In spite of the his body's struggle he picked her up and placed her on his hip.

The delicate kiss he pressed on her forehead next, showed the depth of his affection for the little girl.

Daemon elected to move his gaze away from the daughter and settle them on her father - his brother. His face was gravely serious. The eyes that were mischievous moments ago are hardened now. Even when he was deeply humoured inside to the scene of the girl taking off the King's crown and play with it like it is one of her plaything. It also did not escape Daemon's keen eyes how much his brother's health had declined over the years. Viserys was struggling to hold onto the child, even though she is quite small in size for her age and weighs as light as feathers.

"Your girls are the very image of their mother. A comfort and an anguish. As I well remember. The Gods can be cruel." Viserys made an attempt at conversation. Hoping it would finally diffuse into the tension between them.

"It seems they've been especially cruel to you." Daemon retorted with a raised brow. After all it was not him sweating and running out of breath holding a kid that weighed nothing.

"Yes..." The King admitted. While Aemma placed the crown back onto his head, upside-down. "But recently, they also gave me peace." His head turned to his little girl as those words escaped his lips.

She flashed him a toothy grin and for a moment Viserys felt all his pain fading away. Giving him the strength to focus on his brother once more.

"You should return with us to King's Landing. It's time that you came home."

"Pentos is my home... and that to my children."

"Daemon, I know we've had our differences. But let them pass with the years. There's a place for you in my court. If that's something you should need."

"I need nothing!" Daemon barked back harshly at the offer. Viserys found himself at loss of words. Confused and scared Aemma clung to her father.

Daemon wanted to say more but had no intention to scare the child so he walked away, fully ignoring his brother's call. Indicating it was the end of their conversation.

Due to tension hanging in the air a lot of people missed that Princess Rhaenyra had followed after her uncle.

The King began walking back inside. His daughter almost sliding down his body, as he was losing his strength to keep his hold on her intact. However the Lord commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Harrold Westerling quickly offered to take Aemma. Viserys let the man take his daughter and turned to his wife to tell her.

"I'm going to bed Aemma."

Alicent and Criston Cole had their eyes go wide. Both unable to speak a word.

"Alright." Aemma innocently replied from the back, thinking her father had said that to her. When in reality the situation was much dire. The King had mistaken his current wife for his late wife. Of course, the man holding Aemma understood the urgency of the situation and jumped in to meditate before the King unintentionally further humiliated the Queen in public.

"Shall I see after Queen Alicent, your grace." He purposely uttered the Queen's name loudly, to give the King an understanding of his mistake.

Viserys realized and looked back at his wife. Only to find her staring at him hurt and embarrassed. But he offered her no apology.

"No Ser Harrold." He said, resuming his way inside.

"You have the night's watch Ser Criston." The Lord commander of the Kingsguard told the man as he walked past him and the Queen.

Criston acknowledged the order but the Queen stopped him and snatched Aemma out of his arms before walking away from there.

She strode over to where her children stood and handed Aemma to Helaena, ordering them to retire for the night before she retreated herself.


Of course Aegon did not obey his mother's order. Soon as their mother was out of his line of vision, he picked up a new cup and a full jug from a nearby maid and simply strode off in a different direction.

Not surprisingly leaving the responsibility on Helaena and Aemond's shoulders to guide the younger two to their chamber.




Talya was waiting for them inside. Preparing their sleeping clothes. She offered to help them get ready for bed.

But Aemond refused her assistance, stating,

"I shall go retrieve Aegon first."

He also instructed Helaena to not wait for him before sprinting out of the room.

Little did anyone know then, it was their last time seeing him whole... full... unabridged... complete...




After putting Aemma and Daeron to sleep, Helaena went to bed herself.

But before sleep took over, the older female Targaryen heard the door pushed open.

Peeking, she saw her grandsire in a state of full outrage as he dragged a barely conscious Aegon and shoved him to the bed.

Then exit, slamming the door behind him.

Helaena flinched and ducked under the cover.

Her heart began to palpate.

Aemond is yet to return. Was the last thought to cross her mind before she drifted off to a dreamless slumber.




Later that night, Aemma was woken by Aegon's voice.

Cracking an eye open she found him shaking Helaena awake.

The older girl woke to the slightest touch and backed away from him right away.

"What's happened?" She asked, worry lacing her voice.

Aegon replied, his voice uncharacteristically serious and sober.

"A fight broke out... Aemond's been injured."

Aemma also sat up. It caught her attention that Aegon called Aemond by his name. He never does that. It's always brother or twat.

The fact that Aegon referred to him by his name, using a tone that was dead serious, and on top of that he was speaking to Helaena civilly. All indicated to one conclusion—

Something terrible happened to Aemond.

Before Aegon could provide Helaena his next set of instruction Aemma had already leapt off the bed and climbed on to the other bed. She shook Daeron awake, who by some miracle was still asleep. She does not give him the chance to ask as to why she had awakened him nor does she explain herself. She simply tugs him out of bed, ignoring his yelp and drags him out of the door. Brushing off her older siblings call.


A.N. Thank you all for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Again I had to divide the episode. The next chapter will focus the main events of it. But in this chapter I wanted to show details of how the journey and start of the funeral was for the green siblings.

I tried to show Aemma's interactions with new people so I chose Corlys and Daemon. Although I am not sure how accurate it went but I chose Corlys based on the small interaction he had with Luke. He seems child friendly to give into Aemma childish wishes.

As for Daemon- Aemma doesn't know him or heard much about his reputation. So when she saw him laughing at his wife's funeral he instantly caught her attention.

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