Home Is Where The Hart Is.

By MayaFriar_

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"Welcome home Maya." "So I guess I'm a Friar now?" "No, you're all Hart." More

Chapter 2 Burn Marks
Chapter 3 Welcome Home
Chapter 4 Nicknames
Chapter 5 A Brewing Storm
Chapter 6 This Isn't My Home
Chapter 7 BlackMail
Chapter 8 Cinderella's Ball
New Books!
Chapter 9 Those Who Leave
Theyre Out!
Chapter 10 Think Again
Chapter 11 Silent Screams
Chapter 12 She's Not You
Chapter 13 Noise
Chapter 14: Day Of Hope
Chapter 15: Blush Night
Chapter 16: Bay Window
I don't even know what to say

Chapter 1 I'm Fine

2.4K 83 1
By MayaFriar_

I inspected the slightly browned fruit salad on my tray. Wow this school goes really full out when it comes to lunches.
"Maya, move!"
Some kid behind me yelled, I honestly don't even know who they are. But around here everyone knows me.
I moved out of the way and let the person pass. The lunch lady smiled at me as I headed to my table. I always sneak out before the cash register since I don't have to pay. Except no one can know that.

"Hey Maya!"
Riley, Missy, and Smackle said in unison as I sat down. Our table is in the center of the cafeteria because we're basically the center of everything. Everyone at school knows who we are, you could call us popular.
"Maya, we're having a sleepover this weekend. Your place?"
I coughed a little as I sipped my water.
"Me? Oh um no that won't work.... My aunt won't be home this weekend."
I know it's a horrible lie, but I've been using it ever since 4th grade when my parents died.
Everyone nodded understandingly and continued eating their lunches. This is the usual. Everyone's so afraid of me they don't bother fighting back, but if they did they could probably ruin my life.
I looked around the cafeteria, it's the usual cliché high school lunch tables. You have the nerds and social outcasts in the far corner. The jocks surrounding the sluts of the school, whistling at their every move and of course Lucas Friar. Yeah he's a jock, but he doesn't sit with them. Lucas sits at the table of guys that parents actually approve of, somehow he's immune to this high school clique system. We always invite him to hang out, but he always gives an excuse to why he can't.
(Politely of course.)
I sighed and turned back to whatever gossip Missy was sharing. I guess I shouldn't be complaining, most people in my situation wouldn't be even in the outcasts, let alone the school all together. Some mom would have a heart attack knowing a girl with no family and a rat hole of a home is attending school next to her precious baby.
That word that all the parents used to describe me.
Oh she's an orphan. Poor girl.
Full of sympathy and pity.
It's just one of those things adults do to get carded as a good citizen for the year. Even though all they do is run half-assed food drives for the orphanage. God I can't even stand being in the building on those weekends. Especially since a lot of people from school are there too, except no one really cares. The orphanages in this city are like those New Years resolutions people make. You always say this year will be different. And you keep the resolution for about a week and then give up on it. Throughout the year there might be some spontaneous outbursts of it, but then you give up again.
That's why the social workers love January so much. All those stay at home moms who have nothing better to do than sit on the couch and watch day time soap operas come in and volunteer. The weak ones drop out by February, claiming "it's too demanding", or "they've found other opportunities".
The longest record is early April, I've kept track.
The bell rang, signaling the end of the day. I slowly got up and watched everyone walk out. Riley,Smackle and Missy don't even bother waiting for me, they know I won't walk home with them.
"Hey Maya."
I spun around and came face to face with Lucas.
"Oh h-hi."
What was that? I don't stutter! Get it together Maya!
"I mean hi Lucas!"
"I was wondering...can I walk you home? Maybe we could stop for ice cream or something on the way?"

No sorry I can't because I live in a filthy orphanage and it would kill my reputation if anyone found out. Wow great excuse Maya.

"Ummmm walking home? No. I can't."
I grabbed my bag and sped away before he could respond, God I'm such a coward.

I walked out of school and turn left towards the all the suburban homes just like everyone else. Except once I get to the traffic light right by the library, I turn the corner and bolt the other direction. I know it's cowardly of me, but I can't jeopardize my already crappy life.
I opened the orphanage door and put my back pack on the hook.
Maggie ran towards me, her little sneakers beating against the floor.
"Hi Maggie!"
She hugged my knees, since that's all she could reach up to.
Maggie came here the day she was born, her mom was only 17 and her dad had left. I've been by her side ever since.
"Maya guess what! It's chicken fingers for dinner tonight!"
I laughed and bent down to her height.
"Promise you'll eat all the vegetables too?"
She nodded wildly and ran off to play with Brandon, he's 5 like her and I just know they're gonna get married one day.
I walked up the long winding staircase, passing the floor for the young boys and one above it for the young girls. Finally I came to an old wooden door and opened it slowly, I have my own room here since I'm the oldest. No one wants to adopt the hormonal crazy, emotional teenage girl.
Hey I can't blame them, I've got a bad reputation.
When I was seven, a year after my parents died, I was put in a foster home. The mother would just sit there watching tv and smoking her giant cigar, the dad was at work 24/7 and I'm pretty sure he was drunk half the time. They had a 10 year old daughter who would kick me and trip me whenever she saw me.
If you couldn't already guess, I ran away to the orphanage and begged to come back. No ones wanted me since and I'm perfectly fine with that.
Just fine.

So yeah this is basically just a getting started/background chapter. I promise it gets better!!!

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