La Vida De Y/N

By -auratae

23.2K 498 49

"Hola, mi nombre es Y/N, y esta es mi vida." You smiled at the camera. Being married to the best defender in... More

Capítulo 1: La Primera Vez
Capítulo 2: Los Sacrificios
Capítulo 3: Que Vamos A Hacer?
Capítulo 5: Mi Vida Ahora
Capítulo 6: Feliz Año!
Capítulo 7: Madre Solo Hay Una
Capítulo 8: Qué Padre tan Padre
Capítulo 9: Tíos, míos
Capítulo 10: Lo Que Sabía, Lo Que Sé, y Lo Que Sabré
Capítulo 11: Malta
-Temporada 2:-
Capítulo 1: Mundial
Capítulo 2: Sorpresa!
Capítulo 3: Feliz Cumpleaños A Ti!
Capítulo 4: Azul, Amarillo, Águila
Capítulo 5: Cambio
Capítulo 6: Bebé? Bebés!

Capítulo 4: Mi Vida Antes

1K 23 0
By -auratae

"Hoy vamos a ir adonde creci." You smiled as you walked towards the private jet.

"Toma fotos Kev." You handed Kevin your phone as you began to pose in front of the private jet. Kevin took your phone and began to take pictures from every angle. He even got on the floor. "Yo le enseñe eso." You pointed at Kevin proudly as he made sure to get the best pictures for you to post later.


"Yo soy la primera abogada en mi familia, también soy la primera en ir a la universidad y de graduarme de la high school." You spoke as pictures of you from your three graduations showed up on the screen.

-camera switches to an interview with your mom and dad-

"Estamos muy orgullosos de Y/n." Your mom spoke.

"Cuando nos dijo que iba a dejar de ser abogada y que se iba a ir con Kevin a México, pues la verdad, nos sorprendimos, y también nos enojamos, para que les vamos a mentir." Your dad spoke. He was sitting back on the chair.

-camara switches back to a solo interview with you-

"Ser primera generación es un orgullo, y si se sufre mucho. Le tienes que luchar." You spoke.

"Yo le luché para entrar a una universidad tan prestigiosa. Llore, grite, me quedaba despierta hasta las dos, tres, de la mañana estudiando y haciendo tarea. Pero nunca me di por vencida." You sat with your legs crossed. Your hands sat on your lap.

"Cómo reaccionaron tus padres cuando les dijiste que ya no ibas a seguir siendo abogada?" The cameraman asks you.

The question made you shift uncomfortably in your seat. You stayed silent for a bit.

"Se enojaron," You said, pausing before finishing your sentence. "Mucho."

-slideshow of pictures of you and your parents show up on the screen-

"Sus reacciones no me sorprendieron. Y obviamente los entendió. Ellos se sacrificaron mucho para poder darme una educación. Yo le luche con los estudios, y ellos le lucharon para poder pagar la universidad y la escuela de leyes."

"Te arrepientes de tu decisión?" The cameraman asked.

"No," You said, you didn't hesitate as you answered. "Kevin nunca nunca, me pidió que dejara de ser abogada. Pero hizo sentido, si me movía a México con él, no iba a poder ser abogada aya," You explained.

"Si algun dia, Kevin se hace parte de un Club en Los Estados Unidos, alomejor le sigo de abogada, aunque si han pasado algunos años, pero sería cosa de ver." You shrugged your shoulders.

{*Hometown*, United States}

"Hemos llegado." You smiled as you got out of the private jet. "Kevin!" You yelled, trying to get Kevin's attention so he could come to you.

"Ay porque gritas, aquí estoy." Kevin looked at you. He had been standing right behind you the whole time.

"Oops, no te vi." You smiled. "Tomame fotos!" You gave him your phone.

He grabbed it with no complaints. He walked down the stairs of the private jet, once again going to great lengths to get your best angles.

"Listo." He said, running up the stairs again to give you your phone and to help with the luggage.

"Gracias, amor." You gave him a kiss before attempting to grab your bags before Kevin stopped you and told you that he's got it.

"Tan caballeroso." You smirked at him, once again giving him a kiss.

"Voy a ver a una amiga de la escuela, y voy a llevar a Kevin a que conozca algunos de mis lugares favoritos." You talked to the camera as you walked down the stairs of the private jet.

"Kevincito y Rori, vengan aquí!" You yelled as you watched the kids begin to run around, chasing each other. "No corran," You said as the kids started running towards you.

"Papi!" Kevincito yelled as he saw Kevin begin to walk towards you after he was done putting all the luggage in the car.

You turned and saw how Kevin picked up Kevin Jr.

Kevin had a short break before training for Qatar started. By short, you mean a week, so you wanted to take advantage of those seven days and spend it with him and the kids, but you also wanted to travel, and what better way than to go down memory lane with him.

"Se siente raro," You said as you stood next to Kevin. He was still carrying Kevin Jr. and Rori was holding onto your hand. "Hace mucho que no vengo para acá," You looked down at the ground, shifting your weight from your feet.

Kevin tried comforting you as he smiled at you.

It had truly been a while since you had come to the place in which you grew up. Your sister had moved to Los Angeles so you would visit her there and your parents moved back to México.

You never really had a reason to come back specifically to the place you grew up in.

Until recently. You messaged one of your high school friends and asked to meet up, to which they agreed. She told you she was still in touch with the rest of the high school group, so now, you are meeting with your whole high school friend group.

You were nervous. You hadn't seen them in years. The last time you saw some of them was after you finished college.

"Bueno, pues, vamonos," You smiled at Kevin as you motioned for the kids to get in the car.

-camera shows you getting ready the next day-

"Todavía estás nerviosa?" Kevin asks as he walks into the bathroom, standing behind you.

"Si," You reply as you finish putting on your earring.

He placed a kiss on your shoulder.

"Y si mejor no voy, y me quedo contigo? Los niños están con mi hermana en el otro cuarto." You smirked at him, wiggling your eyebrows.

He laughed.

"Cuanto me gustaría eso, pero, ya hiciste planes," Kevin placed another kiss on your shoulder before walking out of the bathroom.

"Que aburrido," You huffed in annoyance.

Your sister also came along for the trip. She booked a room down the hall from you guys in the hotel and the kids were currently with her, but Kevin didn't want to enjoy this amazing opportunity.

"Quiero otro bebe." You said, still standing in the bathroom. The door was open and you hoped that Kevin had heard you.

"Que?" Kevin rushed into the bathroom.

"Quiero otro bebe." You repeat yourself. Your eyes stayed glued on Kevin, trying to decipher what he was thinking.

Although it was a random thing to bring up, it was true.

"Enserio?" Kevin asked.

You just nodded your head yes.

"Va," He grinned.

"Enserio?" You smiled wide as you looked at him.

"Yo también quiero otro bebe." He spoke as he walked closer to you.

You looked at him with excitement. This was something you had thought about for a while, you were just a bit shy to bring it up.

"Tratamos ahorita?" You were grinning at him.

"No, ve a comer con tus amigos." He laughed as he placed his hands on your waist.

"¡Boooooo!" You said, placing your hands on top of his.

"Pero no hay marcha atrás eh Kevin!" You yelled at Kevin as you watched him walk out of the bathroom.

You just heard him laugh.

-camera shows you walking into the restaurant-

"Y/n," Your friend waved you over to the table in which the group was sitting at.

"Hi!" You smiled at her from where you were standing before making your way to them.

"Oh my goodness, how have you been?" She asked you as soon as you were near her. She immediately wrapped her arms around you.

"I've been good. What about you?" You asked.

"Good as well," She smiled before going back to where she was sitting.

"It's so nice to see you all again." You said as you looked around the table, seeing all the familiar faces, just older. "Also a bit strange," You joked, making them laugh.

"It has been a long time," You heard one of the guys say.

"A very very long time," You said, once again making them laugh. "What, almost 12 years?"

The group seemed to go into thought as they tried to make out exactly how long it has been since the last time you all saw each other.

"Yeah, around 12 years."

"Crazy," You said.

"What have you all been up to?" You asked.

"Not as much as you," One of them said.

"I don't know how you do it, Y/n." One of the other girls spoke. Her voice came out a bit vicious.

"Do what?" You turned to look at her with curiosity.

"Being married to a professional soccer player. Don't you get bored?" She leaned forward, letting her chin rest on her palm.

You were never really fond of that girl specifically. Why was she invited? Who knew, but right now, her questions were making your blood boil. Especially since you two were never ever close. Who the hell does she think she is?

"Get bored of what?" You gave her a questioning look. Your eyes were throwing daggers at her, but she didn't care, because she continued asking her stupid questions.

"Isn't he like never home?" She tilted her head a bit, her questioning look still on her face. "At least that's what I always hear," She shrugged her shoulders as she looked around the table to see what the others thought.

"He is busy, but he always makes time for me and the kids. He is a wonderful husband. So no, I don't get bored." You spoke. You tried to sound as nice as possible but it was hard to do so when she had a certain smug look on her face.

Maybe she was asking out of pure curiosity, but nonetheless, the questions and the way she asked those questions, made you angry.

"Don't get upset, I was just wondering." She backed up against her chair. You watched as she reached out to take a sip from her drink.

Yes, it was difficult at times, being away from Kevin. But you knew what you were getting yourself into from the beginning. You love Kevin, and Soccer is his passion. You understood that and you would never ask him to leave what he loves.

You and the kids always fly out and attend his games. Every single game; you and the kids are always there. When he's training near home, right after, he comes straight home and spends as much time as he can with you and the kids.

After the long dinner, you let out a sigh of relief when you were finally alone in your car. Although it was nice to see your friends again, at least most of them. It had been a long evening. Right now, you wanted nothing more than to go home, lay in bed with Kevin, and take a long long nap.

-camera shows you walking into the yours and kevin's hotel room-

"Llego mi reina," Kevin said as he got up from the dining room table to go and greet you. "¿Cómo te fue?" He asked you as he grabbed your coat from you.

The annoyed huff you let out answered his question.

"¿Te fue mal?" He asked, you could heat the worry in his voice.

"Eh," You said as you walked toward the couch.

"Que paso?" He went to go sit next to you.

"Una babosa que desde antes me cay mal fue, y se puso a preguntarme preguntas tan estupidas," You spoke. He could tell that you were angry.

"¿Qué preguntas?" He asked as he pulled you towards his chest, rubbing your shoulder to try and comfort you.

You turned to look at him. You didn't want to tell him what she asked.

"Ya ni me quiero acordar," You lay your head on his shoulder.

"Esta bien," He didn't push it further by asking you about the questions. He knew that if you wanted to tell him you would, so he just continued rubbing your shoulder.

"Pero aparte de eso, me fue bien. Fue divertido." You smiled. "Se sintió como si todavía estuviera en la high school," Your head was still on his shoulder as you spoke.

"High school es preparatoria, verdad?" He turned to look at you.

"Si," You responded.

"Es que se me olvida," He smiled.

"Pero vas aprendiendo," You turned to look at him.

"¿Y los niños?" You asked as you got up from the couch looking around the suite.

"Con tu hermana," He said.

"Todavía?" You sat back down on the couch, tossing your feet on Kevin's lap.

"Si," He said as he began to wiggle his eyebrows at you.

"No seas cochino, ahorita no," You tossed a pillow at him before laughing.

He just laughed.

-camera switches to a solo interview with you.-

"Mi vida de ahora, no la cambiaría por nada." You smiled contently at the camera. "Kevin y mis hijos me hacen tan feliz," You grinned.

-end credits for this episode-

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