A Bond Greater Than Family

By Keri_Loves_Writing

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*spoilers for A Plague Tale: A Requiem please don't read ahead if you don't like spoilers* It's been ten long... More

A Bond Greater Than Family
Unexpected Guests
An Unanticipated Proposition
United Journey
Old Friend
Rescue Mission
Short Interlude
When in Rome
Adventure on the High Seas
A Protector's Dream
A Cold Wind Blows
Rising Like a Phoenix
What the Future Holds
This is Bigger than Any of Us
Light My Way Will You?
Epilogue: The Legacy of de Rune Family

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

35 2 0
By Keri_Loves_Writing

Amicia noted that Sergio and his comrade had been expertly killed, hence why there had been no alarm. The guards that were posted at the gate were also dead outside the walls. The pregnant girl before her was sobbing uncontrollably.

"I'm... I'm so sorry... I had no idea... They offered... to pay me... if I did what they asked..."

Her eyes looked up at Amicia beseechingly. The hatred she felt as she looked at this woman was not helping her see reason. Amicia took a deep breath. "Let me guess... They asked you to pretend to be in labor... So you could draw the magister out. Correct?" Lucas could never say no to a woman with child. He was too kind. 

The girl nodded, tears streaming down her eyes. "I didn't know they were going to kidnap him! I swear! Please have mercy on me and my unborn child! You're a mother surely!"

Amicia's back stiffened. The woman dared bring her child into this! "Tell me all you know... And I will show you the mercy you so desire."

"They.. they told me to tell you... they'll kill your husband... if you don't follow them... They said to meet somewhere strange called... La Cuna..."

Amicia would have normally shown pity to such a person having seen many women such as her in her travels, but the fact that she had been instrumental in taking her husband away from her was making her see red. "I will deal with you when I return... Pray he doesn't die. Take her to a room and hold her till I return..." she told the guard standing next to her.

After checking the nursery to see the children were safe, she was thankful they had as many guards as they did. Posting a guard at the nursery, Amicia worked fast waking up Gia and Firmin. She instructed Gia to watch over the children while she called Sergio's second-in-command, Ignace . Ignace had joined them a few years prior and had been studying under Sergio ever since. He was a capable man, and they had come to depend on him like they had Sergio. Ignace only let the faintest sign of distress cross his face at the news of his leader's death before doing what must be done. 

Firmin was to help take care of Sergio's body once she was gone. Ignace helped Amicia summon a servant to prepare a message and set more guards around the house. They were taking no chances. She sent the servant to get Magister Moreau and let him know what happened. She couldn't just sit and wait.

As Ignace got the house in order, Amicia gathered her gear. Crossbow, sling, rapier, light armor, everything that she could carry without slowing herself down. Putting her things together and went down to the stables to load her fastest horse, Firmin followed her doing what he could.

"Are you sure you're going on your own, M'Lady??" Firmin asked worriedly.

"I would go with Sergio, but those bastards killed him. Don't worry, I know someone in Marseille. I can't wait. Lord knows what they'll do to him before I get there. I haven't a moment to lose."

Firmin looked frightened, and Amicia couldn't blame him. He had never seen her so upset or so angry. They'd never lost the lord of the house nor seen someone killed while they had been there. Amicia swore under her breath. They had been too careless. Never again. She was going to save her husband or die trying.

Amicia took a steadying breath. One thing she had learned in her many years now was to stop and think. She needed a plan. Quickly.

"Firmin, before you take care of Sergio, can you help me in Lucas' study?"

Confused, he nodded.

"What about the children, My Lady?" Firmin asked.

"Let me see them but I can't wake them."

Amicia practically sprinted towards the nursery again where Felicite lay in bed holding Jean-Luc. Without waking them, she kissed their foreheads. She dared not say goodbye. She had to believe she and Lucas were coming back alive. Her children couldn't lose them like she had lost hers. She wouldn't allow it. Turning to little Loup, she whispered, "Take care of them, okay?" he wagged his tail as if in answer.

Amicia came out of the nursery. "You're not going to wake them?" Gia asked concerned as she stood outside the door.

"I can't scare them. Just tell them mommy and daddy had to take a quick trip and should be back in a few weeks. You don't have to lie, but let them know we're coming back. I'll make sure of it."

She and Firmin went upstairs to the study. Amicia had him pack several herbs, alchemical mixtures, and a particular special ingredient. She ran outside to the horse the barn hand was holding for her. Gia had joined Firmin outside, too concerned to stay still. They both followed her looking fearful. She was sure they wanted to stop her but knew it was no use.

Moreau arrived just as she was getting ready to mount up on the horse. "Lady Amicia!! Is it true?? Did they take Lucas?"

"Yes, and I'm about to follow them."

"By yourself??" He sputtered.

"Yes, it's the fastest way. Don't worry, I'll be alright. I've already wasted too much precious time."

He got down from his own horse to approach her. "This is far too dangerous to do on your own, dear girl."

She patted his hand reassuringly. "I'll be fine, I promise. I have a plan."

Looking skeptical, he shook his head. "Lucas would not want this, Lady de Rune. He would insist someone go with you at least!"

"They killed the one person I would take with me..." she growled.

"Gerard is readying a horse now to go with you Lady de Rune." Ignace interjected as he marched up to the group bringing one of their guards with him. Amicia knew Gerard well enough to know that he was capable warrior and more importantly a fast rider.

"Very well. It is decided." Nodding, she turned to get on her horse.

Gia and Firmin stood to the side, both looking like they wanted to do something. Knowing the feeling of helplessness they were probably feeling, she paused before getting on the horse and looked back at them. She walked over and embraced them both. "Thank you, both. I couldn't do this without you. Please guard my children with your lives. I promise we'll come back."

They nodded, Gia with tears in her eyes.

"Please be safe, Lady Amicia. You're the only family we have."

Firmin nodded in agreement. "Don't do anything unnecessary, My Lady. Master Lucas wouldn't want that."

She touched both their cheeks in affection. "Don't worry, I'll be back. I promise. We'll both be."

Amicia got on her horse and gave one last look at the small group and the house. Gerard trotted up on his horse with packed bags and his spear strapped to his back. Waving goodbye, the pair started galloping out of Paris. She didn't look back. There was no more time. Lucas couldn't wait.


Lucas finally came back into consciousness. He vaguely remembered the young pregnant woman begging for help at the gate, and then he was knocked out from behind. By who he wasn't sure. But he had a sinking feeling he might know. He only knew of one person to use such a dirty trick to draw him out. And he had fallen for it like an idiot.

The first thing he noted when he came to was he was in a carriage of some sort. He heard horses and he knew they were moving at a break neck speed. Wherever they were heading, it was almost as if they were being chased. Lucas could guess what or rather who they might be running from. He couldn't see a thing, however, because he was blindfolded on top of being gagged.

They'd only give him the bare minimum of food and water, removing his gag only long enough to keep him alive, and they rarely stopped except to switch out horses. He would try to ask questions when his gag was removed, but they only stuffed his face with bread and water. Whoever this was was powerful because it didn't appear they needed sleep if they were having people switch out.

From what he could gather, it sounded like they were going south from the voices he heard and occasional tidbits of information that floated through when they stopped. Even the smells gave him clues. Lucas couldn't even try to find a way to break free because they had put him in chains. They were taking no risks.

Lucas felt a growing sense of dread, but there was nothing he could do but wait. It was an awful feeling, and he tried not to let the it drag him into a pit of depression. Was Amicia okay? The children? Was it just him taken? The children were alright weren't they?? What if they suffered because of a mistake he made?? What happened to Sergio?? They must knew he was missing by now. Was there any way they knew where he was going?

By the fourth day, they had stopped again to switch horses. Lucas got as close to the door as he could and listened.

"Few more days and we should arrive. We left clues for the Protector to figure out where we were going."

Lucas' stomach dropped. He recognized that voice. He had seen Master Mylan on the hill on Corsica just a few years prior. He was part of the Order and one of Faucher's cronies. Which meant Magister Faucher was behind this as he had feared.

"What's to become of the magister?"

"Magister Faucher has plans for him... none too pleasant from what I hear."

Lucas could imagine what revenge lay in store, and his stomach twisted in knots. Don't give in to fear! That's what they want from you! You have to do what you can! They can't have Amicia. Ever.

"And what of the Protector?"

Master Mylan chuckled. "We've been trying to capture her for over a decade now. But she's always had protection around her. If all goes according to plan, we will draw her out this way. Her information will become invaluable."

Lucas gritted his teeth. He couldn't let that happen! But how? What could he do captured and unable to pass along any messages? He felt as useless as he did when he was a boy. Where had he gone wrong? Fear was really starting to build in the pit of his stomach. Whatever happened, he had to hold strong. He would find a way out of this. He had to. Come on, Alchemist. Use that big brain of yours!

But as they continued to ride at a dizzying pace, Lucas felt like he was running out of time. There wasn't much he could do now, but perhaps he could talk his way out once they reached their location? Doubtful. Maybe he could use something within reach once they got there? They wouldn't leave anything near him... frustration was now building as well. Everything felt fine tuned to bring the worst possible fear and pain.

Apparently Faucher's torture has already begun...


Amicia and Gerard rode like the wind. Normally she would have enjoyed taking in her surroundings, but in this case, she barely noticed the beautiful scenery she was passing. They slept for a few hours at a time at night and ate their packed rations while riding. All she needed was enough to keep her alive. She couldn't let them hurt him. She couldn't bear it.

They occasionally stopped to trade out horses and replenish their supplies. Mostly alone with her thoughts, she was tortured with the imaginings of what they could be doing to Lucas. Faucher hated Lucas to an extent she had never seen before. Lucas had taken what he had valued most. The ability to practice alchemy probably mattered more to Faucher than his actual life. He wouldn't let Lucas die without feeling the pain he had. He would make her husband suffer, and she couldn't keep her mind from envisioning what they were doing to him. She'd kill them all. None would be left alive.

Practicing her breathing, she tried not to be consumed by the hatred. She couldn't let herself go this time. Lucas would chide her. She laughed to herself at this thought. It was absurd, but it helped ease the feeling of helplessness. She prayed and prayed. "Oh Lord. Oh Lord." It was all she could manage.

This was torture. And it felt like the kidnapping had been planned to execute the worst type of pain imaginable. Knowing your beloved was suffering while all you could do was wait was enough to drive a person mad.

The pair finally reached Marseille on the sixth day. Reaching Melie's secret house within the city walls, she banged on the door. The sun was setting, and she was having a hard time focusing on anything around her.

Melie opened the door looking shocked. "Amicia?? What's wrong?? You look like death!"

She pulled her in and made Amicia sit. Gerard followed inside with their bags. Seeing the concern on Melie's face made Amicia broke down into sobs. "They... they've... they've taken him, Melie. The... Order."

"Taken? Lucas??"

Amicia nodded her head trying not to let her emotions spiral into despair. "I need... to get to.. the island."

Melie nodded in understanding. "Okay, well, you're just in luck! Sophia is in the harbor as we speak."

Melie and Sophia had met not long after the Order had been formed. They had indeed hit it off just like Amicia thought they would even when they did occasionally hit heads. Sophia had set up a warehouse in Marseille and often landed there to complete her business.

"Sophia is here??"

Melie nodded in encouragement. "Here, drink this. You need it."

She handed her some kind of tea. It tasted fairly good, but suddenly Amicia was feeling a little woozy.

"Just lay down for a moment Amicia. You're going to fall apart at this rate. I'll call Sophia here. Just rest for a moment."

"Did... you... drug me?"

"It's just chamomile That's how tired you are, Amicia. Come back to us soon. You can't do anything in this state."

Amicia felt a rush of anger but it didn't last long. She was too exhausted. Not being able to keep her eyes open, she felt herself falling. Next thing she knew, she was waking up next to the fire, Sophia by her side.

"Amicia! What happened??"

Amicia bolted upright and hugged Sophia tightly. She had been lying before the fire, a blanket having been placed over her.

"You're scaring me! What's wrong? Melie said Lucas may have been taken by the Order?" Sophia asked, pulling back and watching her intensely.

She saw Melie and Gerard standing in a corner observing. They would talk later.

"Yes, I think he's on La Cuna. I have a plan.... But it would mean I need some help and a way to get there."

"La Cuna? I thought there had been no reports of anything happening there! I was told directly!" she looked entirely caught off guard. Information was her job. 

Amicia's anger burned bright. "We were lied to... Someone has infiltrated our Order."

"Tell me what happened."

Sophia nodded as Amicia told her what had happened. The concern on her face told Amicia she was angry too. Sophia too had had enough of this Order. She, however, did not like the plan Amicia had come up with. The concern on her face was clear. Probably thinking Amicia was going crazy. 

"This is very dangerous, Amicia. Any number of things could go wrong, and then what will happen to either of you if something goes wrong? What about the children??"

"Do you have a better plan?" Amicia fired back.

"She's right. It's a good plan. Dangerous, but good. We're fighting against a group much larger than ours." Melie interjected.

"Don't you encourage her! This is foolhardy!" Sophia shot back.

"Like she said, do you have a better plan?"

Sophia looked conflicted and sighed in defeat. "No, I don't. But I don't like this at all. I don't know if I can support this."

Amicia took her hands and looked at her pleadingly. "Please, Sophia. Please. I have one chance to save him, and I cannot live with myself if I don't try."

Sophia sighed again. "Okay, alright. I'll help you. But you better live through this! Do you understand?"

Amicia nodded and hugged her again. "Thank you. I don't know what I would do without you."

"It's truly lucky she's here," Melie added. "Her line of work never keeps her stay in the same place."

Amicia nodded. Perhaps there was hope after all. Maybe they could really do this!


Lucas knew he was in trouble when he felt they had boarded a ship. So they were going to La Cuna as he had feared... the guards were not merciful either as they moved him from place to place. This also meant someone had infiltrated their Order of the Protector and given them bad information. Amicia was going to be very angry.

They soon disembarked onto the island. Or at least what Lucas could assume was the island. It most definitely smelled like it. Painful memories hit him then at full force. This island was a curse. Being led inside, he was roughly pushed down into an armed wooden chair. The hood covering was yanked off of Lucas' head, and he blinked in the firelight of a very dank and dark room. He saw bars and guards. The gag was pulled roughly off. Faucher grinned maliciously at him as their eyes met.

"Lucas de Rune. It's about time you joined us."

"Didn't seem I had much of a choice in the matter." His voice felt strange from disuse.

Faucher started pacing around him as they tied him to the chair. "I must admit, I didn't think it would take quite this long to return the favor you did for me all those years ago. You are a slippery one. I had never expected for you to gain so much power in such a short period of time. Credit where credit is due, I am a little impressed. Though that means nothing now."

Lucas' heart raced like a thousand horses were galloping through it. It's fine. As long as they don't have Amicia, that's all that matters. Whatever they do to you, it doesn't matter if she's free.

"I allowed you to live, and this is how you repay me?" Lucas asked with more bravado than he felt.

Faucher's eyes glinted with hatred. "Oh yes, quite magnanimous of you. You made me a laughing stock and expected to walk away freely? Naïve young man."

"Took you long enough."

"Laugh all you want. But I'll be the one laughing soon."

He looked to the Captain dressed all in black. "Have your way with him. But don't take his hands yet. I want to do that myself. Find out what you can about their Order of the Protector. Might as well get some information out of him if we don't end up getting the de Rune woman."

The Captain grinned malevolently at him, his tools glinting from behind. "Gladly. Leave it to me, Magister."


Amicia breathed in the sea air the next morning aboard the La Chasseresse As much as she had wanted to leave the night before, Sophia and Melie reminded her it would be faster by morning light and it would only be a few more hours. Her heart hurt, her muscles hurt, and her mind hurt. She could imagine all the things they were doing to him, and she wanted to scream and punch anything that came near her. Hold on, my love. I'm coming.

Little Arthur, who wasn't so little anymore, came to stand with her at the front of the ship. He was a strapping young man of fourteen now. His long red hair was tied in a ponytail. It was even more painful to see him now looking so much like his uncle. "We'll save him, Aunt Amicia, I promise."

Melie had insisted on making them honorary family after they saved his life ten years ago. She held his shoulder with tears of thankfulness in her eyes. "I know. Thank you, Arthur."

He nodded. "Anything for you, Aunt Amicia. My mother isn't always good at showing her sweet side, but I know she'll do anything to help you. We're family."

"You have no idea what that means to me. I'm so thankful for you all."

She looked up at the upper deck where Melie, Sophia, and Gerard were discussing plans. Melie looked down and said something to Sophia. She jogged down the steps to join her and Arthur.

"Not much farther. The winds are in our favor today."

Amicia felt relief. "Good. Perhaps we have a fighting chance."

"Are you sure they're going to do what you think they're going to do?" Melie asked skeptically. Apparently she wasn't so sure of this plan as she had originally pretended.

"I'm certain. They won't let another chance slip away. They will do anything and everything to not only crush Lucas but to also crush me."

Melie nodded. "Very well. But if I see that bastard Faucher, I'm killing him just so you know."

Amicia nodded. "By all means, please do." Melie still had bad blood with the man considering he had taken her son over ten years earlier. Honestly, she didn't care who killed him as long as he died. Preferably a slow and painful death. Careful, Amicia. Do not be consumed.

Melie held the shoulder of her now taller son and nodded. "We have your back, Amicia. Don't forget that, okay?"

Amicia nodded, gulping. How she had ended up with such wonderful friends she never knew. "Thank you."

"Don't thank us till we have Lucas back and safe on this ship okay?"

Amicia smiled through her tears. "I'll more than thank you. I'll never be able to make it up to you."

"It's what family does."


Lucas woke, hanging in his cell, his arms tied in chains above his head. He wished he wasn't conscious now that he was. The pain was unbearable. He tried to push up on his feet and screamed in pain. One foot's toes had been completely smashed. He supposed he should be thankful it wasn't both. He could at least stand on one of his legs.

He thought of Beatrice de Rune. How had she survived in captivity for so long?? Every person had their breaking point, and yet she had survived for at least a month. The de Rune women were a force to be reckoned with.

The Captain of the Guard came back in making Lucas want to pass out again. The calmness of his subconscious was far superior to his current reality. He reached for his last memory of Amicia, holding onto that as the Captain smacked him across the face again. Firelight, her skin, her eyes, her lips...

"See this?" the Captain asked, moving up his sleeve, showing a deep scar down his arm. "This is a gift you gave me last time we met."

The Captain sliced his arm with a dagger, causing Lucas to cry out and suck in his breath. It wasn't too deep. Evidently they didn't want him to die... yet. "Now we match." the Captian grinned.

Amicia's breathing... Amicia's heartbeat... Amicia...

"You're stronger than I thought you were. I'll give you that." the Captain commented, twirling his dagger.

"I... had a... good teacher." Lucas replied, smiling slightly as he thought of her. He pictured her hair wild and free, entwined in his hands as they made love in front of the fireplace. Almost seeing her before him, he would give anything to be there once again.

"Of course, but it will prolong your suffering. Are you sure you're proud of that teacher?"

"More than... you'll ever... know."

"I'm going to destroy any hope and any pride you've ever had. Just watch."

"There's something... you'll never destroy." Lucas looked up at him then.

"And what would that be?"

"Our bond."

The Captain laughed maliciously. "Oh, just you wait. Even that I'll destroy."

"Amicia already... embarrassed you... once before... are you... sure... she won't... do it again?"

The Captain's face filled with rage and Lucas braced for another strike.

"Stop, Captain."

Lucas looked up to see Faucher observing them from behind the bars.

"Let me continue, Magister. I know what I'm doing."

"Don't let him get to you. He's young, but he's smart. Besides, we have other ways of getting to him."

Lucas felt sick. What did that mean? What other ways?

Faucher observed him as if he knew his knowledge was hurting him more than the physical torture. "There's a ship that has been spotted not far from here. And it doesn't bare our flag..."

Oh Lord, it was Amicia. He knew it in the very core of his being. No, no, no stay away, Amicia. Don't come here.

The Captain grinned looking at his face. "I see... seems I'll be able to have some fun soon." He stroked Lucas' cheek mockingly. "Perhaps we can start where we left off last time? The bitch has a beautiful body if I remember correctly. Would be a shame if someone didn't get a chance to use it... especially since her husband is indisposed." he twirled the bloody knife as he backed away and observed Lucas.

A rush of fury hit Lucas then. "You'll wish... you were... dead... soon." he tried to threaten as he tried to pull free. His wrists were already rubbed red and bleeding. "Don't... you dare... touch her... with... your filthy... hands."

"And what are you going to do about it? You can't even stand on your own, and you dare threaten me? Silly boy. You may have taken us off guard last time, but there's no chance you will this time. Accept defeat. You'll be released from the pain sooner."

Lucas managed to spit at his feet. "Go to... hell."

The Captain's face was mocking as he grabbed Lucas' hair painfully. "We're already here, lover boy. And this is just the beginning of the fun."


Amicia and her rescue party rode the dinghy closer to the fort than they would have normally done. She instructed them on where to hide till it was time. Every person had a job, and she knew if one of them failed, it could end badly. Arthur looked ready to end someone then and there. Sophia looked supremely worried but didn't say anything as her hand rested on the hilt her rapier. Gerard oiled his spear and Melie was constantly fingering her knives and crossbow. They had three extra men with jobs of their own that were preparing their own weapons as well.

Once they reached shore, Amicia got ready to head into action. Sophia stopped her right before she left. "Be careful, Amicia. I can't lose you too. You hear me?"

Amicia nodded and hugged her taking her off guard. "Thank you for being like a mother to me, Sophia. I won't ever forget it."

"Stop talking like you're not coming back! Quit it! Go in there, kick some ass, and come back with your alchemist husband in tow. Don't start getting sappy on me now!"

Amicia nodded trying not to cry again. "Okay, no more. I'll be back. Melie, watch her okay?"

Melie hugged her, which caught her off guard. "Don't do that... I feel like I won't come back alive if you're doing that." Amicia laughed.

The woman scoffed. "It doesn't happen often. Treasure it."

Gerard nodded from a few feet away. "Be careful, my lady."

"I will."

Amicia walked off into the forest without another word. She made her way quickly through the dark and the underbrush. It was like back home training. Except much more deadly and much higher stakes. Seeing La Madres in the background, she was painfully reminded of her history with this island. When would the Macula let go? Hadn't she given enough??

It didn't take long to make it to a thin spot in the wall, making her way through the fort quickly. Using her crossbow and sling, she took out as many guards as she possibly could without raising an alarm. She couldn't believe she was doing this AGAIN. The past really did repeat itself. When this was over, she just wanted to burn this bloody island to the ground. Forget any secrets it may hold. She was done with it. 

She was getting closer to the middle of the fort when she was spotted by a sentry. That raised the alarm and bells started ringing through the old fort. She had to move fast. Trying to avoid the oncoming soldiers, she made her way through some tall grass and got closer to the gate. Burning some grass behind her, she tried to cause a diversion. 

Quietly taking out several more guards with her crossbow, she hid behind crates right before the gate. Perhaps she could get in without too much more noise...

"Well, well, well... what do we have here?"

Amicia spun around to see the Captain grinning at her. That was the last thing she remembered before she was knocked out by his armored fist.


Faucher walked into Lucas' cell and observed him as he hung there. "Oh how the mighty fall."

Lucas glared at him. He had no more energy to pretend indifference. "What do... you want?"

"I'm getting exactly what I want right now. In fact, I have a gift for you!"

Lucas was feeling increasingly panicky. What did that mean??

Faucher came up to him and roughly tied a gag around his mouth. As he backed away, Lucas realized what he meant. Looking through the grating of his cell, he saw Amicia, who was unconscious, held by the Captain who was practically laughing with glee.

Lucas tried to scream but all that came out was muffled sound. How had she allowed herself to be captured??? Had she been so upset all sense of logic had exited her mind???

Amicia started to come to, and she was roughly dropped in the middle of the room in front of Lucas. She looked like her head was clearing, and she looked up at him, shock filling her eyes. Looked like another nasty gash had joined her previous scar but on the opposite side of her head, and some blood was seeping down. It wasn't quite as bad as Arnaud's injury, but it was still fairly deep. 

"Lucas?? My love! Is that you??" She looked distressed like she couldn't believe her own eyes.

Pushing the Captain away as he tried to grab her, she shakily got up and came to the bars that separated them. Lucas wondered for a split second why she wasn't wearing her normal braid but instead a bun. Why that particular detail stuck out to him, he had not a clue. Perhaps the pain really had messed with his brain to notice such an insignificant detail.

Her eyes also weren't meeting his. She was looking everywhere but his eyes. There was an anger there as she spotted his injuries. Look at me, Amicia! Run away!

Pulling against the shackles, he tried to get the gag out of his mouth. Muffled sounds and frustration were welling inside him. Amicia leaned her head against the bars looking defeated. Lucas' heart dropped. The only other time he had seen her take such a posture was right before... Hugo.

Get out of here! Don't worry about me. Get out. Don't come back. This is what they want!! This is a trap!!

"Seems he's trying to tell you something." Faucher mocked. "Probably telling you to run, I imagine."

Amicia tried to reach for him, but she was obviously too far away. "I promise I'll save you."

Faucher laughed. "And how will you do that? You have no bargaining chips. You're alone and helpless."

She looked to the Captain and Faucher as she gripped the greasy cell bars. "Take me instead. I'll go without a fight. I'll tell you everything you want to know. As long as you do nothing else to Lucas. I won't tell you anything though until he is freed and my friend's ship picks him up. I have a group waiting to retrieve him at the port."

Lucas couldn't take it. Literally anything but this. There was no way they'd take her and still not kill him. It didn't matter. Their word meant nothing. They would lie and cheat to get what they wanted.

She still wasn't looking him in the eye, and he was desperately trying to get her to look at him. What are you still doing here?? Run away!!

Faucher looked as if he was pretending to think on her request. "How do we know you'll keep your word?"

The Captain cleared his throat and Faucher looked to him in question.  The Captain stroked her cheek. "What if she showed us?"

Faucher looked at Lucas and grinned. "What would you be willing to do, Lady de Rune, to prove to us that you do indeed want to free your husband? How can we know you'll keep your word?"

Her back stiffened and she looked between Faucher and the Captain, ignoring the muffled pleas of her husband behind her. "I'll do anything you ask."

Lucas couldn't take this. He knew what was coming. He didn't care anymore if he was screaming for no good reason. Please, don't do this for me, Amicia! Save yourself! I cannot bear it.

The Captain tipped her chin up and smiled. "Let us go to a more intimate setting, if you take my meaning? We have unfinished business."

Amicia's back was rigid and she continued to ignore the pained cries behind her. Lucas wanted to die right now. Just die. Leave me here and go, my Amazon. Don't do this please!

"Very well. I'll do what I must. But you have to promise me not to lay a finger on him while I'm gone. And you must free him when I return."

Faucher nodded at the Captain. "Do what you want. But leave me out of your sick escapades. I have no interest in such base desires."

The Captain grinned sinisterly as he turned Amicia to face Lucas. "I need to check for weapons first."

Amicia, attack him!! I know you! Kill the bastard and run! Please!!

"Can't be having you attacking me now can I?" The Captain said, tying her hands behind her back. Lucas knew that couldn't stop her though. Why was she just standing there??

Amicia had her brave face on which angered Lucas further. Looking away from Lucas, she didn't show any emotion. She bore the humiliation with the decorum of a de Rune. Her sling, her crossbow, her armor, her girdle... everything except her thin undergarments and breeches were removed. The Captain's hands stayed on her waist even as he watched Lucas, his eyes glinting with glee. Amicia now looked resigned, almost dead inside

Lucas died a little inside every place the Captain touched as he searched for hidden weapons. But he wasn't just touching places that could have a weapon. The Captain watched Lucas' face as his hands traveled over Amicia's body, his fingers lingering longer than they needed to. Bloody, dirty hands cupping her breasts through her thin shirt and squeezing, making her grimace in pain. Don't you dare!! Dirty bastard!! Let her go!!

Watching her, the woman Lucas had devoted so much of his life to, suffer so because of him was more than he could take. The woman who he felt was a part of him was now being treated like an animal. The woman who was his everything. She had already been through far too much pain in her life. How dare this man?? It made him sick as the Captain seemed to grow excited with each touch. Leave her alone you sick bastard! I'll kill you!!

Faucher sighed. "Okay, that's enough. You can take her now. Be gone with you... I have things to discuss with our magister friend here."

As they left the room, Amicia didn't look back. There was a determination to do what needed to be done to the rigidness of her back. He wanted to pull these chains out of the ceiling above, run to her, and beat the Captain to death. She didn't deserve this. Lucas didn't deserve her. She wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. He tried desperately to move forward, but the chains and his foot kept him from moving any farther. It was as if time had slowed everything around him.

Faucher entered the cell and removed his gag just as Amicia was being taken out.

"Amicia!! No, please save yourself!!"

The door slammed and Lucas screamed in frustration and defeat. He slumped as Faucher observed him in great detail.

"So this is what a completely defeated man looks like."

Lucas though he thought he had nothing left to give. "Amicia... Amicia..." he cared not for anything right that moment except her.

The only thing he could think of was what was being done to her right then. He wanted to die. If he could do nothing, he'd rather just end it all. What kind of husband was he if all he could do was hang here? Useless? As his wife suffered horrors no human should ever know?

Faucher yanked his head up. "I want to take your hands, but I think that can wait. The knowledge of your wife being violated in the other room is a far better torture than I could have ever anticipated. And I can assure you, the Captain has no mercy. She'll wish she was dead."

The sneering face of Faucher filled his mind. Lucas closed his eyes wishing the evil man would just slit his throat and be done with it.

"Please do anything to me... just don't hurt her... I beg you." He choked.

Faucher just laughed at this. "Go ahead and think. I'll be back and I'll bring your lovely wife with me. Of course, we're not going to let you go. But I'm sure you already realized that. Just imagine what she'll look like returned to you soon. I can't wait to see... Oh, and if you think your children will escape retribution... Think again."

Faucher let go of his chin and Lucas felt his whole world crumbling to pieces. All he could hear was Faucher's maniacal laughter as the door to the room shut behind him.

He wished he was dead.

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