Fury // Harwin Strong

By rissarosewrites

201K 10.3K 1.1K

"You will always fall in love and it will always be like having your throat cut, just that fast." šŸ‰ Daemon... More

1. A Queen
2. Gorgeous
3. I Don't
4. Without You
5. No More Tears
Cesar Lannister
Barney Baratheon
Gabriel Greyjoy
Seamus Seaworth
Titus Lannister
11. Forever
12. Harwin Strong
13. Wife
14. Happy
15. Peculiar
16. First's
17. Strongaryen's
18. Hottie Hunt
19. You Like Crazy
20. Let Them Eat Cake
21. Roar
22. Clarity
23. Horrendous
24.Egg Hunt
25. Men Are Useless
26. Mad, Happy, Sad
27. Shit Show
28. Charming
29. Good Riddance
30. Whack
31. Frosting
32. Devourer of Cookies
33. Reprimand Her
34. Double the Cuteness
35. Bribery
36. Etiquette
37. Doubt
38. Baby Fury
39. Hellfire
40. Tall, Dark and Glorious
41. Trust You
42. You Survived
43. To Devour Me
44. Cut It Off
46. Be Mean
47. Evolve
48. Your Future Wife Awaits
49. Dracarys His Ass
50. Strong Genes
51. Finish your Ejaculation
52. The Enemy
53. Defender
54. Mercy
55. Fireproof
56. Remember Me
57. Let Her Go
58. Rip His Head Off, But I'm Fine
59. Restless
60. Cloak of Righteousness
61. Psychopath
62. So You Want To Start A War
63. Immune to the Toxins
64. Cool. My Fucking Turn
65. Eliminate
66. On My Knees
67. I Forgot That You Existed
68. Let Love In
69. Wore me Down
70. Hold On Tight
71. Flinch, flicker, fall apart
72. To Be King
73. Drunk & Spilling Secrets
74. Make Him See
75. Not The King
76. Save Me
77. Probably Killing Daemon
78. Learning to Walk Away
80. A Toast to Strong Men
81. God Sent Me As Karma
82. But, Davina Wanted her Head
83. Above The Flames
84. Unburnt Hubby
85. Threaten a Dragon
86. Gone To Madness
87. Grown Ups Are Talking
88. Know You Better
89. Killing You Off Is Easier
90. Im Not Afraid To Kill You. For Real This Time
91. Its really rewarding removing body parts
92. See My Fury

45. His Name Hurts

1.7K 106 18
By rissarosewrites

Unfinished business // Sandor Clegane out now!


''Hi.'' Aemond echoed as Draeya got closer.

''Whats with that face?'' Draeya asked touching his chin.

''What? What face? This face? This is my normal face. My totally cool face.'' Aemond informed her.

''Oh is it? It looks more like your nervous whats Draeya about to do face.'' Draeya countered.

''Wh-what are you going to do?" Aemond offered.

''What do you think?" Draeya pondered. ''What do you want me to do?"

''If I say it you are going to laugh at me thinking such things.'' Aemond countered.

''Tell me. I might be thinking the same thing."

''You might?" Aemond whispered

''I might.'' Draeya agreed. He let out a deep breath as Draeya got closer. Davina smirked from the balcony as she watched them. ''Well?" Draeya asked Aemond blinked back at her but then she kissed him and Aemond was sure his heart stopped.

''Mama stop them!" Haenry demanded. Davina jumped her cup slipped from her fingers.

''Seven hel-" davina declared looking to a nervous Haenry before she stared down at her broken cup on the courtyard floor below. "Sorry Larys!" Davina called down. "Good thing you are not so fast or else that would have got you." Davina mused. Larys stared up at her a moment longer before continuing on his way. "You see what you did I could have killed Larys."

"Mama you cant let them be in love!" Haenry declared.

''Shes not in love shes just testing him out.'' Davina offered.

''Could she test me instead?" Haenry countered.

''You would have to ask her that.'' Davina reminded him.

''But what if she says no and marries Aemond and never knows how much I love her?" Haenry demanded.

''Talk to her. Be honest.'' Davina instructed. ''Can I tell you a secret love?"

''Is it going to make me feel better?" Haenry countered.

''Possibly not.'' Davina admitted. ''But im going to tell you anyways. I loved a man that was wrong for me. It took losing him to find myself to find the man I was meant to be with.''

''He who shall not be named.'' Haenry agreed.

''Yes. I had to kiss a few frogs before I met my knight. My Harwin your father. Tell her how you feel and when words dont work show her how you feel.'' Davina instructed. ''Your daddy and I talk all the time about everything. No secrets between us. Which is why I love him more and more each day.''

''But he who shall not be named?''

''His name hurts.'' Davina admitted. ''Go get your girl.''


"Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea... puff the magic dragon was made for you and me!" Davina whispered as Valyria and Rhaegar fell asleep on her bed sprawled out in all directions.

''They are so big already.'' Harwin remarked.

''Its that strong blood in them.'' Davina agreed.

''We have a problem Dav.''

''I dont like problems." Davina countered as she moved to the couch curling into Harwin as his hand trailed up her thigh.

''Vaera likes Aegon.''

''Why is that a problem?" Davina countered.

''She LIKES Aegon.'' Harwin repeated.

''She is a child.'' Davina corrected. ''She likes everyone and everything. Especially when they give her cookies.''

''Is he buying her love?" Harwin questioned.

''Possibly. But he doesnt need to. Aegon is a cutie.'' Davina reminded him but Harwins face scrunched up. ''Draeya and Haenry and Aemond. Thats a thing. You want to talk about that?''

''No. Never.'' Harwin corrected.

''They are ten. Almost 11. Children start experimenting-"

''La la la I cant hear you!" Harwin declared and Davina hushed him.

''Babies are sleeping.'' Davina reminded tipping her head back to their bed.

''Please dont say shit like Draeya and Haenry and then add Aemond to the mix.'' Harwin begged.

''Draeya kissed Aemond and Haenry had a little meltdown and now I wouldnt be surprised if Draeya asked to take them both as husbands one day and Aegon the conqueror the hell out of them.'' Davina declared.

''How are you okay with this?"

''Shes my baby. Shes just like me. And I know she is going to come running in and tell me everything.'' Davina remarked.

''You honestly think-" Harwin began as she door opened.

''Mama I have so much to tell you!" Draeya declared sitting beside her. "Daddy dearest. Private conversations please''. Draeya requested.

''Why dont you take Val and Rhaegar to their own beds and I will make up for Draeya and my lack of manors when you get back.'' Davina suggested wrapping her arms around his neck kissing him. He hummed into her as his grip tightened.

''Mama important. Really important." Draeya remarked impatiently.

''You are lucky I love you both so damn much.'' Harwin remarked.

''The luckiest.'' Davina agreed kissing him again as he got up.

''Okay. I kissed Aemond and then you wont believe it mama but Haenry kissed me.'' Draeya informed her.

''I believe it.'' Davina corrected. ''Go on.''

"I think I love them both." Draeya remarked. "Its a real conundrum." Davina chuckled pulling Draeya closer.

"Its okay to love them both."

"Really?" Draeya questioned.

"Yes. As long as they never break your heart and know that you are always in charge."

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