Soft Touch


19.1K 640 992

You are the knife I turn inside myself, penetrating me deep beneath my skin, but in the best way possible. ~~... Еще

Soft Touch
As Good As Mine
Anything For A Taste of Your Heart
A Job Well Done
Once An Enemy Always A Friend
Steady Steps To You
A Trip In The Woods
No Art Is As Beautiful As You
A Color Tainted Soul
Stuck With You

(Christmas Special)

1.5K 58 341

Snow coats the grounds of Nevermore Academy in a large, freezing blanket of white, mounds of the flakes piled up against the buildings and on the windowsills outside.

All students were told to remain inside the campus, and inside Nevermore itself, unless they wished to freeze to death. Some, of course, went outside to stupidly hurl snowballs at each other, or to make oversized balls of snow and turn it into some kind of person. Enid used the word "snowman" to describe them, but Wednesday simply didn't care.

The goth had found absolutely zero point in participating in such activities, and remained inside her dorm with Enid, who was still buried beneath the warm cover of her blankets, which she had begun to hoard and drape over herself. She had to admit, though, she was beginning to get a little warm.

Wednesday glances over at the large pile of blankets, each covered in different varieties of, from this distance, unrecognizable patterns. Her eyes are peeled for any sign of Enid, who had ever so carefully covered her whole body, leaving nothing open to the cold air surrounding her.

"Enid?" Wednesday's voice easily carries across the entirety of the silent room, the quiet sound of Thing's fingertips pattering around on the ground incredibly evident.

A small groan comes from beneath the large pile of blankets, wordlessly inviting Wednesday over for whatever it was she needed.

The rustle of Wednesday's sheets come loud to Enid's partially sensitive ears, and as do her own as weight dips the corner of her bed downward.

"Are you going to hide beneath your covers all day long?" Wednesday questions quietly, lifting her hand and gently placing it on the lump of what she assumed would be Enid's leg.

"Yes. It's freezing outside," Enid's reply is incredibly muffled, but Wednesday is still miraculously able to understand her.

Wednesday lets out a sharp exhale of air from between gritted teeth, gripping the edge of one of Enid's many blankets and pulling it away from her.

"Wait, what are you doing-!?" Enid exclaims, a large gust of cold air blowing onto her body so suddenly she freezes in place, goosebumps forming along her whole body, leaving Wednesday completely free to rip all remaining blankets off of her.

"Get up," Wednesday says firmly, standing and walking away from Enid and her now cool blankets. "We're going outside. You need to socialize."

"What!? But it's literally freezing out there!" Enid grunts as a coat is thrown overtop of her head, and she is quick to remove it.

"You're a werewolf." Wednesday turns to face Enid, her gaze (as always) unamused. "You will survive, not that there isn't much to endure, anyhow."

Enid glares at Wednesday, but pulls the coat over her shoulders and her boots on her feet, quickly following her roommate out of their dorm. She takes one last sad look behind her at her scattered blankets, but turns and (regretfully so) closes the door behind her.

"So-" Enid yawns. "-What are we doing out here, anyway?" She asks, wrapping her arms around her torso in an attempt to preserve any and all of her body heat possible.

"You haven't left our dorm all day. Therefore, you have yet to eat something," Wednesday replies over her shoulder, quirking an eyebrow ever so slightly as Enid finally catches up, walking right alongside her.

"Erm... No, I guess I haven't." Enid shrugs after a moment, seemingly unbothered as she skips in front of Wednesday, stopping in her tracks. "Oh, well! I-"

A cool hand grabs her arm, moving her out of the way and dragging her along once more.

"Wednesday, it isn't even a big deal." Enid rolls her eyes, stumbling for a moment before regaining her balance. "It's not like I'm going to die overnight or anything-"

"You may," Wednesday interrupts suddenly.

"Umm okay." Enid chuckles nervously, quirking an eyebrow. "But I'm not going to starve to death overnight," she corrects herself.

Wednesday finally turns, glaring at Enid to shut her up. Which, obviously, works perfectly.

..For a few minutes.

"Ooh! Once we're done eating, can we meet up with everyone?" Enid asks excitedly, her boots crunching the snow beneath her. "We can all hang out together!" She adds.

"If I remember correctly, you were the one who kept whining about how cold it was, no?" Wednesday says, her eyebrow twitching in her feeble attempt to raise it.

"Yes, I did, but now that I'm already outside it isn't so cold anymore!" Enid replies, kicking up a pile of snow with the toe of her boot. "Plus it'll be super fun! We can make snowmen and snow angels!"

"I take zero interest in participating in such activities," Wednesday quickly objects, rolling her eyes.

"What if I ask politely?" Enid smiles, wiggling her eyebrows for some kind of added effect. Or maybe she was trying to get a laugh out of Wednesday?

Her roomie doesn't reply, assuming the silence would make Enid stop asking about it. She knew better, as she had tried the same thing time after time, but Enid was quite literally relentless.

"For mee?" Enid whines, throwing on her best looking puppy dog eyes just for Wednesday.

Both had come to the realization that Wednesday simply couldn't resist them, and Enid used that to her advantage every time she truly wanted or needed something of Wednesday.

Wednesday inwardly groans, the most annoying of her very few weaknesses coming back to bite her.

"Fine," she spits out, gritting her teeth as Enid celebrates her clearly unfair victory behind her, jumping up and down and giggling gleefully.

Wednesday remains silent for the remainder of their walk to the cafeteria, and continues to say almost nothing while the two eat with their friends, simply eavesdropping on all different conversations.

She now knew both Xavier and Ajax had a crush, and that Yoko and Divina were dating. She truly had zero clue as to how she hadn't realized all things before, but tried her best not to dwell on it.

"Oh! Wednesday and I wanted to ask you all something!" Enid suddenly exclaims, dropping her fork into her tray with a quiet clatter.

Wednesday's eyebrows raise in subtle shock, but as she comes to realize what Enid had said, she narrows her eyes at her roommate instead.

"Do y'all want to play around in the snow for a bit? Until one of you babies out," Enid says almost challengingly, smirking as if to edge them all on.

"Pft- Are you kidding?" Bianca quickly replies, folding her arms and returning a just as daring look. She gently nudges Divina with her elbow, drawing the girl's attention away from her girlfriend long enough to see what was now happening. "Wha-? Oh." Divina turns to Enid, a nervous chuckle drawing out from between her lips.

Enid slams her hands down on the table, using the momentum to help her to her feet. Then, she turns to Wednesday and reaches a gentle hand out, carefully helping her out of her seat.

The goth didn't need assistance, of course, but if it meant she could hold Enid's hand, she would accept it for the time being, no matter how much she despised physical touch.

Wednesday stands, brushing invisible dust off her clothing and watching as Enid (for some reason) takes her tray and runs to take care of it for her.

Glancing around, Wednesday expected everyone else to be just as surprised as her, but is nonplussed at the group's quiet snickering, instead.

Enid returns a moment later, skipping back over to her friends, silencing them all with a quick glare. "So are we going or what? I want to kick your butts already." Enid rolls her eyes, her hands on her hips.

"Oh, you're so in for it." Bianca stands, dragging Divina along with her as she races off to the yard, Enid doing the same with Wednesday.

Everyone else, Ajax, Xavier, Kent and Yoko hurry to catch up with them, stumbling to take care of their own trays, and the ones Bianca and Divina had left behind.

Ajax nearly falls on his face in the process, stumbling before miraculously gaining his balance.

By the time the remaining four reached the yard, Bianca, Enid and Divina were already laying outside, their arms and legs splayed out against the snow.

Wednesday stands by Enid's side, glaring at her, though amused by her ridiculous childishness, and trying her best not to get snow kicked onto her or her clothing.

Enid giggles mischievously, lifting her head to spare a small glance at Divina and Bianca, who, for obvious reasons, were doing much better than she was.

"Ajax! Help me!" Enid exclaims, the poor teenager, now out of breath, hurrying to lay down in the snow alongside her and start his own odd-looking snow angel.

Wednesday turns her glare to him, taking note of his every move.

Enid finishes her first snow angel and stands, careful as she moves on to the next free space beside Ajax.

She practically throws herself on the ground, quickly dragging her legs side to side, and her arms up and down.

Both Bianca and Divina laugh and stand, copying Enid's movements almost as slow as they could. With two people, and almost no disadvantages, they were doing incredibly well.

Ajax grunts as he tries to stand, but thanks to his incredibly puffy jacket, he falls back down, unmoving.

"Sorry, Enid!" He calls out, his breath billowing in the cold air as he huffs, letting the relentlessly falling snow cover him. He opens his mouth and closes his eyes, relishing the taste of cold snow on his tongue while ignoring Enid's different pitched screeches for backup.

Wednesday watches them all, amused to see who would give in first.

Only after about six snow angels do Bianca and Divina begin to look tired, their chests heaving with essentially wasted long breathes of cold air. Enid, however, much like a puppy, or a dog, seems to be able to continue doing this forever. She had caught up the moment Bianca and Divina began to slow, and quickly took the lead.

Suffice to say, Wednesday was proud of her.

Kent, Yoko and Xavier had all begun cheering both teams on, while Wednesday silently hoped Enid would win. She was almost certain from the beginning that she would, but a surprise is always nice.

"Okay! I'm done!" Divina eventually exclaims, and halfway through a snow angel, she stands and awkwardly stomps over to her girlfriend, who snickers, opening her arms and inviting Divina in for a hug.

Bianca, seemingly too tired to say anything about her sudden betrayal, continues on her probable final snow angel, each movement of her limbs growing slower and slower.

Enid giggles almost evilly and stands, moving onto her next one. By now, she had almost created a whole army of Enid-shaped snow angels.

Wednesday glances over in the other direction, taking her eyes off Enid for what could have been the first time in ages.

Bianca lay almost completely still in the snow, inhaling and exhaling deeply in an attempt to catch her lost breath.

"Give up yet?" Enid yells, lifting her head to peek across her snow angels at Bianca.

"Yes," Bianca quietly replies, letting out a large, exhausted sigh.

Xavier quirks an eyebrow, cupping his hands over his mouth. "C'mon, are you really gonna let her win that easily?" He shouts, reaching down and scooping up a large handful of freezing snow.

With barely a second of hesitation, Xavier brings his arm back and flings it forward in Enid's direction, making an almost solid hit.

The werewolf immediately shoots up in her spot, narrowing her eyes at her previous friend, but now worst enemy.

"How dare you?" Enid exclaims, using both hands to scoop up snow and ball it up, though most of it falls apart, it manages to stay together long enough for her to hurl it back at Xavier and hit him in the face with it.

He grunts, quickly reaching up to wipe his face off and declare some kind of truce, but it was already far too late.

Everyone with enough energy to do so begins balling up snow into snowballs and hurling them at each other, all having an absolute blast.

..Until someone misses their target.

The target that had been standing right in front of the one and only Wednesday Addams.

Silence falls upon them all, their bodies immediately freezing in place.

Wednesday glances up from the soft white powder on her torso, her glare as intimidating as ever.

"I highly recommend running while you still can."


I wrote all of this on an incredibly short notice (I got the idea for a Christmas chapter two days before the actual day), and tried my best to proofread before posting, but I do apologize for any spelling mistakes.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

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