Using Ghost's song titles to...

By Addict_In_Love

1.7K 80 75

#1 in lack idk i think that's funny um More

Let's see what it thinks of The Distortionist!
The Chattering Lack of Common Sense (this wont go badly)
Reckless Battery Burns (a song with lyrics made by an AI nice)
Housewife Radio (the title should be enough context clues for this AI, right?)
Appetite of a People Pleaser
Christmas Surprise
HYPERDONTIA (technically part two of Novocaine)
Dance of the Dead
The Revival of an Incomprehensible God's Dormancy
Yuma / Spider on the Wall [Original Song 2022 ver.]
Honey, I'm home
Things that I deserve
Scapeg8at.. did I do this already?
A/N - Announcement
Candle Queen
Rotary Dial
500 reads special!!!!
Amygdala's Ragdoll (again)
End-World Normopathy
1k reads special!
Gone Fishing

What the AI thinks Amygdala's Rag Doll is

284 5 4
By Addict_In_Love


There's no ending for some reason lol dont worry im just as confused as you are

Amygdala had always been fascinated by rag dolls. They were so soft and cuddly, and she couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to take one home and hold it close to her heart.

One day, she found herself in a toy store with her mother. She was browsing the shelves, looking for something special to purchase for herself when she spotted a rag doll that caught her eye. It was the perfect size for her own collection, and its features resembled hers almost perfectly. She decided to buy it on impulse, without thought or consideration of the cost.

As soon as she had paid for it and put it in her bag, she felt a wave of guilt wash over her. She didn't have any children of her own to give the doll to - how could she let someone else use it when all she wanted was to possess it herself? She couldn't bring herself to actually take the doll out of the bag and put it on the shelf, so instead she stashed it away in a corner of her bedroom where no one would ever see it.

Sometimes Amygdala thinks about that rag doll - what life might have been like if she'd taken care of it instead of hiding away from radar? Sadly, those thoughts are always cut short by an image of what likely happened: someone else picked up that puppet whose strings had been pulled tight by depression or addiction or fear; they hugged

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