500 reads special!!!!

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I have 500 views on this story/book!!! Thank you, everyone who read this! We're halfway to 100! So, to celebrate, I'll be putting all the chapters I didn't make over the month into this one!

Sit tight, this chapter's gonna be really long.

Happy Days: (the first line is somewhat the chorus but- oh well)

Title: Arthur's classic car sat at the curb, shiny in the sun. The fat man had finally given up and sold it to him for below what it was worth, but Arthur still felt triumphant. He got into his car and drove away, feeling free for the first time in years. As he cruised down the street he noticed a group of kids playing by the river. They were laughing and kidding around as they splashed around in the water, enjoying life to its fullest. Arthur pulled over to watch for a little while and suddenly he felt like he was 25 again instead of 85. The sense of joy was overwhelming and he decided then that happiness really was worth fighting for.

First Line: So, kiss my tongue, make everything better. I know it sounds clichéd, but that's what I've been waiting for ever since we met. He seems like the one, and his smile just lights up a room. We're just so compatible and I can't imagine my life without him. Plus, he always makes me feel so special and loved...just kiss my tongue and make everything better!

Second Line: Still, our happy days will never be granted. It's been 10 years since we lost our little boy and although we try to keep our spirits high, the thoughts of what could have been are never far from our minds. Every time something good happens, an ache lodges in our hearts as if it's reminder that we're forever mourning the loss of an angel who was Taken from us too soon.

Third Line: It started out as a joke between friends. banter that happened during late night whiskey fueled bull sessions. Something to lighten the mood and pass the time. A jab at someone's insecurity, given without malice or spite. But somewhere along the line it became something more. Something that held weight in the minds of both parties involved, threatening to consume them completely if not acknowledged and dealt with head on.

It was never mentioned again, but the tension grew with each passing day until one night it came out into the open: You want me dead.

For a long time I refused to believe it, attributing your words as nothing more than drunken bravado meant to scare me into behaving - like some kind of alpha male gambit designed to win over my affections in what was clearly an emotional battle you were already winning. But deep down I knew better. And eventually, after months of contemplation and mourning the loss of what could have been (had you not been such an unfathomably dangerous person), I admitted it to myself too: I am afraid of you dead.

Fourth Line: I'm afraid of flowers wilting away when I don't get to say goodbye. It's not that I don't like flowers - I love them - but I have a fear that if they wilt away and I don't get the chance to say goodbye, that means their lives have been taken away from them prematurely. So whenever I see a flower in the garden, or go into a store and see them on sale, I always make sure to buy at least one so that even if they do wilt away, at least I can remember how beautiful they were and how much love was put into giving them to me.

Fifth Line: Elsa always liked to think that she had a kind heart. But when the love of her life, Jack, was diagnosed with a rare and deadly brain tumor, she was forced to reevaluate everything she thought she knew about herself.

Elsa started making trips to see Jack every weekend, even if it meant skipping her own fundraiser dance recital. She would do anything to save him from his long and painful battle against the tumor.

One night, as Elsa sat in Jack's hospital bedside vigil, he took a few deep breaths and slowly closed his eyes. She knew that it wasn't going to be much longer now...and maybe, just maybe, he might get a chance to see one more sunrise before they say goodbye forever.

Using Ghost's song titles to make stories with an AI story generatorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora