In His Shadow (A Harry Potter...

By twinklingnebula

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The dreams still terrified me. The flash of green light- then silence. Ava Potter has always felt different... More

Chapter 1- The Professor
Chapter 2- My Brother
Chapter 3- The Weasley Twins
Chapter 4- Things I Didn't Know
Chapter 5- Secrets
Chapter 6- Worry
Chapter 7- The Wrong Words
Chapter 8- The Dream
Chapter 10- Harry's Hearing
Chapter 11- Prefects
Chapter 12- The Hogwarts Express
Chapter 13- A Surprise
Chapter 14- Zach and Eleanor
Chapter 15- Bending the Rules
Chapter 16- Charms
Chapter 17- The Astronomy Tower
Chapter 18- Padfoot
Chapter 19- The High Inquisitor
Chapter 20- Hogsmeade
Chapter 21- The Hog's Head
Chapter 22- The First Meeting
Chapter 23- Weasley Is Our King
Chapter 24- The Whisper
Chapter 25- Umbridge's Office
Chapter 26- A Long Night
Chapter 27- Visiting St Mungo's
Chapter 28- Christmas Decorations
Chapter 29- Nightmare at 12 Grimmauld Place
Chapter 30- Christmas Shopping
Chapter 31- Feeling Unsure
Chapter 32- Christmas Morning
Chapter 33- Uncle Remus
Chapter 34- Explanations
Chapter 35- Sour Slytherin
Chapter 36- Acting Strangely
Chapter 37- Hushed Conversations
Chapter 38- The Best Wizard of All Time
Chapter 39- Stunning
Chapter 40- Party in the Shrieking Shack
Chapter 41- Valentines Gift
Chapter 42- Lies
Chapter 43- Manipulating Me
Chapter 44- Getting Caught
Chapter 45- Spending Time with Slytherins
Chapter 46- Umbridge's Tea
Chapter 47- Birthday Bash
Chapter 48- Path of Darkness
Chapter 49- 'Happy' Birthday
Chapter 50- The Weasley Twins' Departure
Chapter 51- Another Year
Chapter 52- Never Coming Back
Chapter 53- Saving Padfoot
Chapter 54- A Mission
Chapter 55- The Choice
Darker Shadows (link to the second book)

Chapter 9- Diagon Alley

4.9K 212 14
By twinklingnebula


It's good to know I'm getting some reads! :) Please- if you like this fan fiction, comment and vote! I'd be very happy. :D

There are more chapters to come! ;)

Chapter 9

“All set for Diagon Alley?”

I looked at Mrs. Weasley and nodded,

“This is going to be exciting! How are we getting there?”

Fred raised his hand, showing the pouch he was holding,

“Floo Network. It works pretty well.”

George grinned,

“Make sure you don’t muck up. The first time Harry did it, he said the wrong thing.”

I laughed,
“I’m sure he didn’t mean to.”

Fred opened the pouch and poured the green floo powder into his hands. Lupin took a step towards the fireplace,

“I’ll go with Fred, George and Ava. Has everyone got their galleons?”

I patted the pocket of my jeans,

“Thanks for collecting mine from Gringotts, Lupin.”

“No problem, Ava.”

Fred whispered in my ear,

“You look a bit scared.”

I smiled,

“I’ve never used the Floo Network before! Apparating made me feel really sick.”

He held my hand tightly,

“I’m here, don’t worry.”

 I took some floo powder from him,

“Ready guys?”

Everyone nodded. Lupin cleared his throat,

“On three. One, two, THREE!”

I threw the green powder at my feet, and shouted,


I felt a brief spinning sensation, before I landed in a fireplace, completely different to the one I’d just been in.

Fred opened his arms widely,

“Welcome to the Leaky Cauldron!”

I looked around. We were in quite a dark, empty pub. It didn’t seem very exciting.

I followed the other three as they walked through to the back of the pub. I frowned when we came to just a brick wall,

“Where’s Diagon Alley?”

George winked,

“We’ll be there in a second.”

Lupin pulled out his wand and tapped the bricks in front of him in a particular order. I watched in awe as the bricks moved away to form an entrance. The entrance to Diagon Alley.

We walked through, onto the main street. It was filled with wizards and witches. They were walking along holding potions books, robes, cats, owls, all manner of things.

Lupin smiled,

“Fred, George, can I trust you to look after Ava? I’m meant to be meeting Tonks in a few minutes.”

Fred nodded,

“Of course! We’ve been looking after her for the majority of the summer, so I reckon we’ll do just fine!”

George nodded in agreement, and we went out separate ways.

I nudged Fred,

“So, where shall we go first? I don’t know anything about this place!”

“Madam Malkin’s. You need to get your uniform.”

The shop was very busy, mostly with first years. George looked through the racks of uniforms, trying to get the right sizes.

Fred called out,

“Aha! I believe this is your size?”

I picked up the uniform he was pointing to, turning it this way and that,

“Looks like it. I would try it on but it’s too busy in here.”

He shrugged,

“Try it on back at home. I can always get mum to take it back if it’s the wrong one.”

After paying for that, the twins took me to Flourish and Botts, the bookshop. After browsing through hundreds of books, I finally purchased a few for school.

As we walked down the street, my arms feeling pretty weighed down from the books, I noticed an owl shop.

I smiled,

“Fred! Please say we’re allowed owls at Hogwarts!”

He laughed,

“Of course, newbie. Let’s go and look through them.”

The shop was full of noise. There were owls squawking, first years squealing. It was enough to give me a headache.

There were so many owls. It was hard to know where to look. I shook my head,

“Guys, it’s kind of crowded…”

I trailed off when I noticed a single owl in a cage, looking lonesome. The only one on that shelf.

I walked towards it.

A woman who worked at the shop smiled,

“This owl’s a lovely one. I would suggest getting her.”

I studied the owl carefully. She was white, with little black flecks all over her. Her eyes met mine, and she opened her beak.

I looked at the lady,
“I’d like to buy this one please.”

Walking out of the shop with my new owl and supplies, Fred asked,

“What are you going to call her?”

I looked at the owl again,

“Snowstorm. She’s called Snowstorm.”

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