✰ 𝘚𝘱𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘺 𝘔𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩 𝘖�...

De zonbiluv_

23.6K 488 442

I got bored and decided to make this shit. Enjoy it lol Mais

Before We Start.
🍬Kevin x Reader🍬
🦇Streber x Reader🦇
🍔Bob x Reader🍴
📦Rick x Reader📦
🛞Frank x Reader🛞
🥩 Bob x Reader Pt. 2 🥩
🕶Replacements x Reader🚔
🐀Dexter x Reader🐀
🍿Radford x Male!Reader🍿
🍇Lila x Fem!Reader🍇
🥩Clingy!Bob x Reader🥩
📦Rick x Overworked!Reader📦
🦇Streber x Male!Reader🦇
🍡Leon x reader🍡
💙Possessed!Patty x Reader💙
🦇 PlusSized!Streber x Reader 🦇
🔥 Ignacio x Female!Reader 🔥
📦 Rick and Bob x Reader 🍔

🥩Bob x Reader🥩

1.5K 29 78
De zonbiluv_

Author's note:
Alrighty, NOW this one takes place when Bob is a serial killer
Also this one is gonna be long as fuck, so make sure to get a snack or a drink and get into a comfy position before you begin reading. :)
Nah cuz we're legit about to go through an entire goddamn episode-
I hope you enjoy

You felt the cold and sharp knife against your skin as he placed it against your throat. You knew this was your very end, but hey, at least you knew it was gonna be you instead of someone else.
You glued your eyes shut, preparing to die.

Now..You may be wondering how the hell you even got into this situation in the first place, and soon you'll find out.
But first, let's rewind back to October 30. The day before Halloween.
(Before you get into this, I warn you that the good parts don't start until basically the very end- so you can skip all the other shit if you'd like)

You had finally moved to a new town, a new place, and a new start. You could put your old life behind you and open to a new chapter..You were ready. Though, yes, you knew it was stupid for you to move to a new place the day before a very special holiday, you didn't care.

You lived in a two story house in a pretty big neighborhood, with lots of children, you may add. You could even hear some of them running around right outside your house as you unpacked your things.
Your bedroom was finally finished! A few shelves to hold up some framed photos, a walk-in closet to store all your clothes, and a twin sized bed in one of the far corners of your bedroom. It was perfect. You'd probably decorate it later, but now it was time to relax.

You walked down the stairs and went into the living room, turning on your small tv. You'd like to get a new one soon since you've had this one for a while now.
You flipped through networks, trying to find a good show to watch, nothing really seemed interesting right now, so it was pretty boring. You heard a light knock on the door, you walked over.

You opened it, "Yes?" You said as the door swung open.
It was a woman. She had long purple hair, and wore dark purple dress that went all the way down to her lower thigh, and her long shoulder-less sleeves going down to her wrists.
And next to her, was a young boy that shared most of her features, he had short purple hair and a skeleton sweatshirt on.

"Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm Lila, and this is my son, Skid. We're your new neighbors!" The lady said. "Pleasure to meet you too ma'am, the name is y/n." You say.
"Hello ms/mr y/n!" The boy, who you now know as Skid, waved to you. You gave him a small wave back. "Well we just wanted to say hi, introduce ourselves, y'know all that!" She said, you let out a small chuckle and nodded.

You both shook hands firmly.
"And..Maybe, if you're interested..How about you come over later?" Lila asked.
"I'd love to." You say, "Really? That's great!" She replied. "Well, we'll see you around."

"Alrighty, buh-bye!" You say, "Goodbye ms/mr y/n!" Skid said before you closed the door. You were glad to know you're already making friends in this place neighborhood, you were off to a good start! This was great.

You sighed, walking back off to the living room and continuing to look through the channels currently playing on tv.

'Hmm..Maybe I should go out and buy some candy. After all, Halloween is tomorrow.' You thought, turning off the tv.

You grabbed your coat and your house key, going back to the door, slipping on your shoes and leaving the house. Obviously locking it before going.

You didn't plan on taking your car, you actually didn't need to. Everything was so close by that you could basically walk everywhere if you wanted to. It was free exercise, and you could save a lot more money on gas.

And there it was, the candy store. Or, as it was called, Candy Club. It was a pretty small building, you thought it looked nice.
You walked inside, stepping in through the automatic door.

A breezy chill went down your spine as you smelt the sweet and delicious candy in the air, the bright and vibrant atmosphere was beautiful, the variety colors being spotted out from every direction.

There was a man behind the counter at the front, just waiting there for you to come up to him ever since you entered. You walked up to him.

"What would you like, ma'am/sir?" He asked, you grabbed your wallet out from your pocket and took out 50 bucks, putting it down on the counter in front of him. You knew it was a lot, but it didn't matter.
"I don't got a preference, just give me whatever this can get me, please." You requested, he looked down at the money, taking a few moments to register what you said, and nodded. He headed off to the shelves behind him, which contained jars of many different kinds of candy, he grabbed some candies from each jar, then putting them in a bag.

"So, ya buying candy last minute?" He asked."Heh, yeah. Just moved here too, soo that gives me a lot less time to prepare." You said, chuckling nervously.

"Damn, that sucks. I could- help you if you want."
"Nah man, it's okay."

You smiled at him reassuringly.
"You're a pretty nice dude, wanna be friends?"
"Sure! I'm Kevin."
"Y/n, nice to meet you dude."

You grabbed your bag filled with treats, and started to make your way out. Kevin gave you a little wave as you left out the door, you waved back.

On your way home, you begin to look around and start to take your time observing the houses with decorations on them. Most of  them looked rather cool and unique, though some of them looked cheap with the usual grave stones and spooky little ghosts.

Returning home, you put the bag of candy on the counter in the kitchen, hanging up your coat by the door, and tossing your house key next to the candy.

'Gee, can't wait tomorrow.' You thought, stretching your arms.

The next day, it started off like every normal day. You made yourself some coffee, you ate breakfast, things like that. Lila and Skid even came over too! Skid's been wearing his skeleton costume ever since he woke up, it's clear he's a big fuckin' fan of Halloween. It shows.
In fact, he even tried to teach you something he called 'The Spooky Dance'.

"Okay! So you have to crouch, and hold your arms out like this." Skid says, you follow this order to the best of your ability.
"Good good! Then, you go like this. You go all the way down and bring your hands in like this!" He showed you how to do this part as well, "Then it's like a pattern! You go back and forth like this!" Skid then began doing the spooky dance, you giggled and started doing it with him.

Meanwhile, you hear Lila laughing in the background, probably taking photos on her phone as well. It was a pretty fun morning.

"Sweet dance moves, lil dude! Y'know what, here, have some candy." You said, giving him a piece of candy from the bag you bought yesterday.
"Thank you ms/mr y/n." Skid replied, eating it happily. "And- Oh yeah! Can I have some for my friend, too?" He asked. "Of course, here ya go." You gave him another piece.

"Well, let's get going Skid. We have some things to do today." Lila said, already starting to walk to the door. "Aww, but mom! I wanna stay with y/n!" Skid whined.
"It's okay, Lila. I don't mind watching him." You say. "Are you sure?" She asked, you nodded in response. She softly smiled at you, opening the door and closing it behind her.

"Alright buddy, what do ya wanna do?" You asked, "Ooh ooh! Can we go pick up my friend Pump?" He said. "Sure, lead the way." You grabbed your coat, opening the door for him.

You and Skid walked through the sidewalk, he was sitting on your shoulders and telling you where to go. Until you eventually walk up to this small house, you lightly knock on the door.

You see a young girl answer the door, she looked to be in your early teens, maybe 13-14? Idk.
You then see a boy wearing a pumpkin costume standing next to her.


Skid jumped off your shoulders and hugged Pump tightly, Pump hugged back. You let out a small chuckle.

"Who is dis?" Pump asked, turning his attention to you. "This is y/n! My new neighbor and friend!" Skid said, pointing up at you. They were both so short compared to you that it was actually pretty funny.
"Ooh! Nice to meet you ms/mr y/n! I am Pump!"
"Nice to meet you Pump, I love your costume."

You notice the girl, still standing there.
"Hello, ms/mr y/n. I'm Susie, his older sister." She says calmly, you weakly smile at her.
"I'll let grandpa know you're gone when he wakes up, just be back by tonight." Susie said, turning her attention to Pump. "Are you sure you don't wanna come?" He asked, she nodded in response.

You grabbed Skid and put him back on your shoulders.

"I'll be back, buh-bye Susie!" Pump said, Susie kind of rolled her eyes as she closed the door.

Pump grabbed your hand as you guys walked down the street, you have to admit, this was probably the most you've interacted with kids your entire fucking life. But you didn't mind, they were both really sweet.

After you got back to your house, you let the kids inside.
"Y'all can watch tv if you'd like." You said, they nodded in unison, grabbing the remote.

For basically the rest of the day, it's been nothing but fun for the three of you. You guys played a few games, even making up some of your own! You also did a lot of stuff in the kitchen, hell- at some point, the kids suggested to try and bake cookies. And oh boy..They got flour everywhere, accidentally spilt the milk, added an entire large bag of chocolate chips, and nearly set the fucking oven on fire. But you didn't care about any of that stuff in that moment, since this was the most fun you've had in a very long time.
And after finally cleaning up the kitchen, Skid suggested on watching horror movies until it was time for trick or treating. Sooo you guys ended up binge watching horror movies like a goddamn movie marathon.

You checked the clock, it was evening.
It was time.

"Alright boys, time to go!" You said, turning off the tv. You grabbed two brown bags and gave them to Skid and Pump.

The entire night, it was filled with fun and nothing but excitement. You guys went door to door, getting treats and candies from every single one of them.
Although, you had a weird feeling the entire time you were out. As if..You felt eyes piercing into you and watching you from somewhere, but every time you looked around you saw nothing but wandering children. So you just brushed it off as watching too many movies.

"Buddy or bloody!" The kids said in unison, holding out their bags. The adult in front of them threw some candy inside, shutting the door in their faces. "Damn, if they didn't wanna pass out candy, then the shoulda just put the damn thing outside." You muttered as you and the boys went off to the next house.

The longer the night went on, the more you had the weird feeling go down your spine. You knew it was nothing..At least- you thought it was nothing. Right?

"Let's go to the haunted house!" Pump said, leading the way down the sidewalk. You stayed close to the kids as much as you could, you didn't wanna lose them.
Skid was holding your hand and dragging you behind him from how fast he was going, you couldn't even look up to see what was in front of you because you had to keep looking down at your feet to prevent yourself from tripping.

You suddenly bump into someone, Skid and Pump stop after realizing this.
You expected yourself to fall onto the concrete, but no, you felt...Something soft. You looked up and saw that you had ran into a very tall and big man wearing a devil mask, and a big red turtleneck, which you ran into.

"Shit- Sorry sir! I didn't watch where I was going, hehehe.." You laughed nervously, he just looked at you with a large grin on his face, not flinching. You nervously just walked around him.
"Okay, c'mon kids. Let's go, and please go slower this time."

The man behind you watched as you guys left, you had an odd feeling about him..He just gave off a weird vibe. But that was probably just you.

Eventually, you guys get to the haunted house. And surprisingly, it was actually pretty big. Well- big compared to the other houses right next to it.

You guys walked up the porch, admiring the decoration.

"RAH!" A man dressed as a vampire pounced out from the open door, making you jump.
"Welcome to the hauntiest of houses, my dear friends!" He said, you could see the excitement in Skid and Pump's eyes.

"As you can see, I am a real vampire!" The man flipped over his cape, revealing the green side of it, then pushing the kids over to a mirror on the side next to the door.
It looked to be a green screen, considering Pump's green stem had also disappeared after being pushed to the mirror.

"Now, get inside, and get SCARED!" The vampire laughed maniacally as the kids ran inside. "Hey! Wait up!" You said, going after them.

The inside looked pretty spooky, but after a bit it was when you realize it's just a bunch of cheesy jump scares that would mainly scare children. Although, Skid and Pump were cheering and waving their arms around in joy, you smiled..You thought they were....Much different than other children. I mean- compared to the kids that were letting out screams of terror, they sure were different in comparison.

After you guys left, you had to go out the way you arrived.
"Oh look!" Pump said, walking to the side, Skid followed. Out of curiosity, you followed as well.

Then looking up you stared in horror at the body of the vampire that you encountered earlier. He was covered in blood, and his forearm looked to be ripped off. He was just..Laying there.
"Oh my god..Sir- are you alive?!" You said, sitting him up and checking for a pulse. The man weakly coughed in response.

"Wow dat looks so real!" Pump said.
"Amazing!" Skid replied.

"Kids, this isn't a joke. This is real. We have to hurry and get this man to the hospital, okay?" You said, their faces suddenly go to concern, they nodded.

Timeskip cause I ain't writing all that-
Okay, so you took him to the hospital, yada yada, the doctors took him in, blah blah blah the problem is no longer in your hands.

'I hope he's okay..' You thought.
"Y/n, can we keep trick or treating now?" Skid asked, you sighed. "Of course. We just have to be more cautious, okay?" The kids nodded in response.

They held your hand, walking down the street with a close eye out. Whatever the fuck happened to that dude, you don't want it to happen to these kids..

"How about we go visit Kevin for more candy?" Pump asked, "Oh yeah! Can we, y/n?" Skid asked. Then, you suddenly remembered that the fucking candy store existed. You said yes, knowing it was probably the most safest option.

The walk wasn't very far, so you got there pretty quickly.
"Hey Kevin! It's me again, we're just here to get some ca-" You noticed his face turned from shock, to anger.

"Oh no, no no no no no!" Kevin said, walking up to the kids.
"Aw but we just want a free candy ca-"
"Not today! You kids bring me..SO much trouble!!" Kevin raised his voice.

Trouble? These kids? Pfft- Honestly you didn't even believe it at first. What could these kids do to possibly give him that much of a hassle?

"When have we done that?" Skid asked, and that is when Kevin legitimately looked them dead in the eyes.
"I got nightmares about you two, you gave me 'sugar', got me attacked by your doll, and not long ago got blood all over the place that I had to clean up...ALL DAY." Kevin said, shouting the last part.

Your eyes went wide.
'Jesus..I guess there's more to these kids than I thought.' You think to yourself.

"But Kevin it was fake blood!" Pump said.
"Fake or not, YOU always bring me trouble!"

Kevin looked out the window, seeing the devil man from earlier. Then pointing to it.

After finally registering what the fuck was actually out there, his eyes went wide and his mouth opened a bit, you almost did the same. The man disappeared and walked in through the door.

"K-Kids..Why is he following you?" Kevin asked, backing up, you grabbed the kids and held them both in your arms.
"I dunno, he's been following us." Skid said, that is when your heart sunk. You guess that was what your weird feeling of being watched came from.

"Maybe he wants candy!" Pump said.

You look and see the giant red man pull out a knife from his back, it was a big one too..You gasped. You look and see the back door.

You nudge Kevin, getting his attention.
You held up three fingers, signaling him to run on count.


You all ran and full speed out the back door, Kevin shut it behind him.

"Kevin, take the fucking kids, and run! I'll make sure he doesn't follow you guys, okay?" You said, Kevin nodded, not even thinking about arguing. He took the kids from your arms and ran off with them.

"Y/n!!" Skid and Pump yelled in unison.
"Don't worry kids! I'll be fine!" You shouted back.

The door slammed open as soon as they ran around the corner, the large man was in front of you. He walked up to you slowly, raising his knife, you backed up.

"W-What do you want?!" You said, drool formed on his lips, leaking out from the corner of his mouth.

He walked closer to you, you could feel his hot breath against your skin.
You felt your face begin to heat up, wait-...

'What the fuck— THIS BITCH IS ABOUT TO MURDER YOU, WHY ARE YOU FEELING FLUSTERED?!' You screamed internally to yourself, just making you go redder.

You broke from your thoughts to the sound of him laughing.

"Aww, is the lil' lamb getting flushed from my presence, hm?" He said in a thick Southern accent.
The man pressed his large knife up against your throat, just barely cutting into your skin.

And that's where we are now, what will happen? Continue reading to find out..

You closed your eyes, preparing to die.

"Don't be scared darlin'..Hey, at least you'll go over easy, right?" He said, chuckling a bit. You opened your eyes and pierced deeply into his soul. "You're a sick freak..You know that?"
A quick pause of silence filled the air, his grin started to weaken from his face, his grip on the knife loosened.
"And that's the way ah always have been, dear."

You pulled his arm down, getting the knife away from your throat. You looked deep into each other's eyes, nothing but deep breaths escaping your lips. The tension in the air felt..Odd. It was intense, your heart was pounding out from your chest and your mind was filled with all sorts of crazy thoughts that you probably shouldn't be thinking right now.

"So..Are you just- gonna stare at me? Or are you just gonna get this over with and kill me..." You asked, he tossed his knife on the side.
"Well- I was, but now..I gotta other plans." He put his index finger under your chin, holding it up and getting a good look at your face. His thumb rubbed against your cheek gently.
"Your skin feels so soft..." He whispered.

'Okay- what the fuck is wrong with this guy-'

You couldn't help but blush, the situation you were in, it gave you waves of emotions of all sorts and you didn't even know what to think of it anymore.
He grabbed your hand, putting it on his chest, you could feel his heart beating rapidly.

"The name's Bob. Cannibal and serial killer, and you?" He asked.
You thought it was a little odd for him to be introducing himself now, but you didn't care.

Bob chuckled, he softly kissed your hand and grabbed you by your waist.
"Y/n, huh? Such a beautiful name...." Bob murmured.

Woah woah woah..So- let's get this straight before we go any further. The man that previously tried to kill you less than a few minutes ago, had just kissed your hand and is now holding your waist? Yup- makes sense-
Fanfic logic I guess.

Your face began heating up again.
"Now, if ah were a dirty degenerate, ah'd probably be makin' out with yew right now." Bob said.
"As would I, but we are mature, and it's better that we go back to whatever we were doing before this happened." You replied.
He agreed, nodding and going to go and grab his knife. You dusted yourself off, and went out to go and look for Kevin and the kids . . .

For just a few seconds.

"Oh who the hell are we kiddin- c'mere yew!"

You ran up to Bob and wrapped your legs around his waist, your arms went around his neck as you both shared a passionate kiss. He bit your bottom lip for entry, you opened your mouth slightly and he plunged his tongue inside, making you whimper.
His tongue explored every part of your mouth, leaving no spot untouched. A string of saliva connected your tongues after stopping for air. You tugged on Bob's mask, hinting for him to take it off. He got the message and took it off, dropping it on the ground.

"Goddamn you look so fucking hot.." You say under your breath, Bob chuckled, tracing your jawline with his thumb.
"I'm glad you think so, darlin'." He said.

He pushed his body against yours and pinned you against the wall. Your and his hands interlocked while drool leaked out from his lips. He was about to kiss you again, but you stopped him.

"Wait- We're not gonna have sex- are we?"
"I mean, you wanna?"
"Well- we literally just met less than a few minutes ago."
"But at the same time we were just in the middle of making out, were we not?"

You thought for a second, you either stop this whole thing and this becomes the craziest night of your life, or, you end up fucking a serial killer.

What will it be?

Author's note:
Damn that took a while to write
Like holy shit this was the longest thing I've ever written in my entire life

Welp, I'll let you guys decide the ending for this one. Though I probably already know the answer lol-
I hope you enjoyed!

Words: 4041

Continue lendo

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