The Past|JeffBarcode

By Bank_Teresa

23.1K 1K 390

Something happened to Jeff in the past that forbids him to love again, but a young man comes along years late... More

Your Gaze Through The Window
Between The Delirium
Measure Your Words
I Made My Decision
I Will Accept You
Amidst Kisses And Moans I...
The Boy From The Past
Hard Choice Part 1 🔞
Hard Choice Part 2🔞
I Swear If You....
No, Don't Look
The Tenth Message
Sunny Day... I Love You

The Lighter Of The Past

1.6K 67 14
By Bank_Teresa

Preview of the previous chapter

:Nice to meet you I'm Barcode Tinnasit...!


Jeff looks closely at the hand in front of him, looks up and sees the eyes all lit up with a charming smile looking at him, Jeff had a slight feeling that he has seen these big eyes somewhere before, Jeff gives a small smile, being courteous and thoughtful gives his hand and greets this young man in front of him.

Jeff: Nice to meet you too, I'm Jeff Satur as P'Pond said... P'Pond told me that you are very good at singing....

Barcode a little shy and embarrassed at feeling Jeff's hand and hearing him speak so politely to him, slowly and timidly Barcode starts to let go of his hand from Jeff speaking at the same time.

Barcode: No! P'... P'Pond must have overreacted! I'm not that good...!

Pond looking at the two, happy to see a smile on Jeff's face, Jeff was always polite to everyone, nice, but he doesn't laugh much, Pond looks at Barcode.

Pond: I just told the truth, you have a very beautiful voice... (Pond looks at Jeff)... I'm sure when you hear his voice and the music he made you will be amazed... (Pond looks in Barcode)... I heard and saw you in my friend's history! He said you went with your sister to his singing class... He was surprised when he saw you sing, he uploaded a video and tagged me...

Jeff listening to the complicated story of the Pond, looks at Barcode always with a delicate smile.

Jeff: Then why don't you sing for me? .... (Barcode is surprised to hear this from Jeff, Jeff quickly realizes the mistake)... Sorry, why don't you sing for us all to hear?!... I want to know how you sing...

Jeff's friend happy, quickly touches Barcode's hand, Jeff looks at what his friend has done but ignores it.

: Nice to meet you N'Barcode! My name is Talay, I am the friend of this old man here beside me.... (Talay points to Jeff).... I am a producer, and a singer.... I work here in this studio and in other places as well.. .

Barcode: Oh! Nice to meet you Khun Talay! ...

Barcode looking at Talay gave a beautiful smile making Talay not resist the beauty of the young man in front of him.

Talay: Damn you are so handsome!...

Barcode hearing this got extremely embarrassed and shy, Jeff got annoyed without realizing it and Pond just smiled. Jeff a little angry not knowing the reason, looking at Talay and Barcode's embraced hands.

Jeff: Are you done?!.... (Talay looks at Jeff and lets go of Barcode's hand).... Always doing unnecessary things...(Jeff looks at Barcode and smiles at him).... You can sing now?!...

Barcode still surprised by Talay, glances quickly at Jeff as soon as Jeff talks to him and smiles a little.

Barcode: Oh! Yes... I... I wrote this song but it's still incomplete.. P'Pond has heard it, but it's still missing to write more...

Jeff: No problem, we'll listen to what little you've written... P'Pond said yesterday that he wants to produce this song you wrote... I think it's nice, don't you?

Barcode smiling cutely shook his head saying yes, Jeff got lost for a few seconds in that smile but found himself, this was something that didn't interest him so much.

Barcode sat on the chair along with the three men in the room, Barcode slowly began to sing.

Jeff sits down, crosses his legs, places his index finger on his lips showing his interest in knowing how the little song that this young man in front of him has created is like.

Barcode starts singing: 🎼Forever feeling this way, I can't forget, I still feel your kiss, what you said, what you wore, where I was, when you walked out the door..( Jeff stops touching his lips when he hears this snippet of music, surprised that he is listening but at the same time very thoughtful)... 🎼I don't even know my own lies, I say I'm fine, but I still cry, and I try and try, holding on like this won't end.🎼 ...( Barcode looks at Jeff as he sings, with a slight smile even singing a sad song but that has a lot of meaning to him, Jeff looking at the young man's big eyes that don't stop looking at him, with the two looking at each other non stop while the lyrics of the song sounded and continued coming out of the lips of Barcode, Jeff is a little uncomfortable seeing the young man look only at him, the song the young man in front of him is singing sounds like what he's been feeling for years)....🎼so tonight I could just dream about you, Every song I hear gives me a blues, I see the rain, but maybe it's all these tears for you.🎼 Will you please just disappear? Then this pain would be gone forever. 🎼My heart is a little slow, you're unforgettable, I can't let go, can you please just disappear, so this pain would be gone forever...

Barcode stops singing, with guitar in hand, shy and embarrassed by the song he just wrote and sang in front of grown men, Talay happy to hear such beautiful music starts clapping along with Pond who gets emotional every time that listens to Barcode music.

Talay: Wow! wow! This song is so beautiful!... You are amazing N'Barcode...

Shy Barcode with Talay's words.

Barcode: Thanks! But...but I haven't finished yet, still... And...

Pond smiling looks at Jeff asking.

Pond: So Khun Jeff! You liked the song?! .....( Pond seeing the distracted and sad look looking at Barcode).... Khun Jefff! Are you listening?!

Jeff thinking, looking at barcode: what is this?!... This young man!... this song... He bothers me.... Why did he sing this.... Why when I saw him mine heart seemed to stop?!.... Why is it restless in me when I look into this young man's eyes?! I... I don't want him near me, but why can't I....

Pond: Khun Jeff?! Are you okay?!... Jeff, Jeff...

Jeff wakes up from restless thoughts.

Jeff: Oh! Hmm! Yes, what is it?!...

Pond: You just stood without saying anything! Concentrating on N'Barcode like you wants to kill him! Are you okay?!..

Talay knew why Jeff looked like this, it's the lyrics of the song, Talay trying to hide his friend's thoughts, smiling at Pond and Barcode.

Talay: He's fine don't worry... He was just baffled by the song as was I... This song is really beautiful... Congratulations N'Barcode... I'm amazed that a young man like you can write this one masterpiece.

Barcode remaining coy upon hearing Talay's praise.

Barcode: Thank you Khun Talay... I just wrote my thoughts for years...

Talay: So! What inspired you to write this song?!

Barcode hearing this, opens his mouth a little, looks at Jeff, shy and a little embarrassed.

Barcode: I was inspired by someone from the past that I can't forget...

Jeff in thoughts: Why does he look at me like that?! Why is he got shy?!...(Jeff looks at Barcode's hands that were gripping and moving non-stop, he looks again at Barcode's lips and goes up to Barcode's big eyes) He's too tense, his hands don't stop shaking mess with each other, he's scared!...

While Jeff thinks and observe Barcode at the same time, in the same time Talay continues to talk to Barcode.

Talay: You already have the title of the song?!..

Barcode squeezing his hands a little tighter because of nervousness and shyness.

Barcode: I called the song FADE...

Talay: Oh! It's a one word title!... It must have many hidden meanings...

Barcode excited to talk about the song he composed, forgetting a little nervousness.

Barcode: This song says a lot of things... It tells us how to forget someone that we can't forget... How to get .... you might even believe you forgot but in the end you didn't forget... It's more like forgetting someone impossible to forget...

Talay started to smile at the clumsy explanation of Barcode.

Talay: You explained so much but always the same thing.... You left me a little confused.... But I understood... hahahaha...

Barcode turned red in the face with so much embarrassment that he is feeling. Jeff listening to what Barcode just said was uncomfortable, wanting to end this meeting that was bothering him at the moment, he looks at Pond, giving a slight smile.

Jeff: P'Pond!...(Pond looks at Jeff)... The music is good! He has talent....(Barcode shy when listening to Jeff)... Just need to tinker a bit with the lyrics and a few more, and this song will get better.... Jeff looks at Barcode, at the big eyes that watched him by far.... N'Barcode, you have a lot of talent... I predict you a great future in the music business, congratulations...

Pond happy to hear Jeff's good review, got up from the chair talking at the same time.

Pond: So! Let's produce this song right?!...

Pond reaches forward to Jeff to finalize the contract on producing Barcod's music, Jeff rises from his chair, Barcode and Talay do the same.

Jeff: I sure do...!

Jeff gives his hand at Pond.

Pond: I want this song ready in a few weeks... Besides the song I want to make a MV... And I want you to produce and direct this MV...

Jeff respecting Pond but wanting to renege on this offer, he doesn't feel good looking at the young man who has appeared so suddenly and moved him in a way he can't explain.

Jeff: I find this offer very tempting, but.... I don't know if i...

Pond seeing that Jeff is trying to deny it, says quickly interrupting Jeff.

Pond: So I leave everything in your hands.... Including... Pond touches Barcode's shoulder next to him... Including this young man here....
I'm entrusting him to you....I have issues to resolve right now...N'Barcode ... ( Barcode looking in Pond)....I will leave you with Khun Jeff from today, he will improve your music, he is very good in this area.. .. Pond look at Jeff.... I'm sure the two of you will get along great....

Jeff with an uncomfortable look, he doesn't see a way to get along with this young man, not wanting to take care of Barcode, for him it would be exhausting and not in the mood to take care of someone when he can't even take care of himself, Barcode gives him a sense of hope something he doesn't want to have, but Pond doesn't give it alternative, Jeff giving a slight smile and being friendly with Barcode despite wanting to disappear sometimes, looking at Barcode.

Jeff: Alright! Don't worry P'Pond... I'll take good care of you N'Barcode... I look forward to working with you these weeks or months....

Jeff gives Barcode his hand, Barcode looks at the hand placed in front of him, gently, happy for these words from Jeff, shyly gives Jeff his hand, with a delicate and shy voice.

Barcode: Hmm! Thank you... I also look forward to working with P'jeff from now on....

Jeff widens his eyes a little and opens his mouth a little, surprised to hear "p" from Barcode's mouth, they don't have that much intimacy and they just met now, the "p'" word is only used for very close and older people, Barcode notices that he was a little distracted, apologizing, with both hands together in front, moving his two thumbs and his shirt, with his head a little down, not looking at Jeff.

Barcode: Sorry! I... I shouldn't call Khun Jeff p', I... I'm sorry...

Jeff seeing the shyness the shy and so cute side of Barcode, smiling and being as cordial as he can be.

Jeff: No!..(Barcode stops talking, raises his head and stares into Jeff's eyes, surprised)... You can call me that if you want, I don't mind... We're going to work for a long time from today, the normal thing is for you to adapt with me, right?..

Barcode surprised by Jeff, nods his head in a cute shy way saying yes.

Barcode: Humnn! Right...

Pond looks at Barcode smiling.

Pond: N'Barcode can we talk a bit before I go?!..

Barcode: Yes! sure...

Pond and Barcode get out of front of Jeff and Talay.

Jeff looking at Barcode and Pond, stops looking, looks down in his pants pocket and takes out his lighter, lights the lighter and looks straight ahead at the two people in front of him. Jeff looking at the young man who is a little far away from him talking to P'Pond, with the lighter in his hand lighting and turning off the lighter without stopping, a little confused and uncomfortable when looking at this young man.

Jeff's best friend approaches and see the stare and lost looking at the young man in front of them, Jeff's friend puts both hands crossed, with a smile looking forward.

Talay: He's handsome don't you think?!

Jeff without looking at his friend with a serene gaze, feeling what he doesn't want to feel.

Jeff: He's normal, there's not much interesting about him..

Talay: Are you sure?! It's not what I see in your eyes... Do you like him?

Jeff kept looking straight ahead.

Jeff: I don't know what you're talking about... I don't have feelings for him.

Talay: Why?! Because of his age?!

Jeff gave a little sigh, he was feeling uncomfortable with so many questions from his friend that seemed pointless, calm and without much to say.

Jeff: his age doesn't matter to me, if I fell in love with him age wouldn't matter to me at all..

Talay: So if it's not age! it's fear... you're afraid to love him, aren't you?!

Jeff lowers his head, not looking at the young man in front of him, looking at the lighter he lit, thinking about the past, sad, not wanting anything to do with anyone at this moment.

Jeff: I'm not afraid of loving someone... Jeff stops looking at the lighter and looks at the young man in front of him again, calm, with a sad voice... The candle that I put out will never be lit, just like my heart will never love someone again.

When Talay heard that, he didn't say anything else, it was clear to him that Jeff would never love anyone or even this young man in front of him.

Pond says goodbye to everyone in the room, Barcode turns and looks at the two men who were focusing their eyes on him, embarrassed at being the center of attention, shyly approaches the two men talking at the same time.

Barcode: Me!... I guess I'll have to go too... It's late...

Jeff is still uncomfortable when he looks at this young man, with the lighter in his hand Jeff turning off, tries to say something but is interrupted by his friend.

Jeff: So....

Talay: Then let me take you home... P'Pond just said he has important things to do... And I was on my way out....(Talay looks at Jeff).... P'jeff, you're still going to stay here in the studio right?..

Jeff noticing his friend's interest in the young man in front of the two, said nothing, letting Talay stay with the young man and take him.

Jeff: Humn, I'm going to be here producing some songs...(Jeff looks at Barcode)... I'll check yours too, I'll put some more words and tomorrow please come here so we can see the two together..

Barcode smiling happily that his music will be produced by this man, nods his head in a cute way again making Jeff smile a little.

Barcode: Hmm! I will show up tomorrow... (Barcode looks at Talay)... So please Khun, I accept your offer to take me home...

Happy Talay, looks sideways at Jeff, punches sideways on the shoulder as a friend saying goodbye to Jeff.

Talay: Right! Jeff we're going... See you tomorrow bro..

Jeff just nods, giving his friend a half-happy look.

Jeff: Go ahead... How old are you? ...

Talay smiles at the sarcasm of his friend who went in a low voice without Barcode noticing. Barcode and Talay leave the studio, as soon as they close the door Jeff stops smiling and gives a sad, uncomfortable and confused look and nostalgic for meeting Barcode, he gives a slight sigh.

Jeff: This young man...!

Jeff stays for a few hours in the studio, it's night, Jeff decides to walk to his house.

Sound of thunder and lightning.

It's not raining yet, Jeff looks into the dark sky and sees that it's going to rain, but he doesn't care, every day Jeff ends up disconnecting from the world he lives in, always thinking about the past, thinking about the man who was always in his thoughts. Jeff in a black jacket with his hair licking back, always walking slowly, takes the lighter out of his pocket, lights it and looks at the lighter, tries to catch the fire, still suffering from the past.

Memories of the Past:

Gameplay: Here... I'll give you this lighter...

Jeff surprised, he doesn't smoke and doesn't drink alcohol, smiling sitting next to Gameplay while he's producing a song on the computer, stops looking at the computer and looks at the lighter, grabs the lighter and looks at Gameplay.

Jeff: Why are you giving me this?! You know I don't smoke!

Gameplay smiling happily, sits cutely on Jeff's lap, hugs Jeff's neck with just one arm, takes the lighter from Jeff's hand again, lights the lighter, looking into the lighter.

Gameplay: I'm giving you this lighter.... I want you to keep it... (Gameplay looks into Jeff's eyes who were lost looking at him)... This represents our love...It doesn't matter how many times you turn it on and off, it will always light up, it's not like a candle, just a wind and it goes out quickly... So I'm giving you this, the lighter goes out but it will always light up again...

Jeff looks into the lighter that Gameplay lit, and gets lost looking into the lighter's fire

Reality coming, fire lit in front of Jeff, Jeff stopped walking upon seeing the same fire he had lit in the past.

Falling rain.

The rain had been falling for a long time, Jeff hadn't noticed.

Jeff puts out the lighter, looks at the sky, the rain has soaked him all over, feeling a little cold and his lips tremble a little, thinking of the man he always loved, Jeff lets tears fall he spent four minutes looking at the sky, stopped looking at the sky and looked straight ahead, he sees a small blurry image of Gameplay in front of him, wanting to hug and go in this image he sees, he extends his hand forward, confused in the words, desperate and feeling alone, delirious a little.

Jeff: Gameplay! my love... Is it you?!... forgive me... I...

Jeff walks up to this image and tries to touch it but the image disappears in front of him, Jeff when he sees the blurry image of Gameplay disappear he starts crying again.

: P'Jeff!... Jeff... What are you doing here?...

Jeff turns to the side and looks at the person talking to him, feeling a little weak Jeff falls to his knees on the street, this person grabs him from the side, Jeff looks from the side, delirious talking nonsense, crying.

Jeff: I lost him... He died because of me... My life went along with him... this lighter doesn't extinguish my life is destroyed.... N'Jesse..

Jesse seeing his older brother saying sad words, crying while the rain falls on top of them, seeing how much his brother has been suffering for years, kneels down, hugs Jeff, trying to calm him down.

Jesse: One day you will stop suffering... Your life is not over my brother... Let's go home... You... You need to shower and rest... You'll get sick if you stay in this place for too long ... Come on...

Jesse lifts Jeff and takes him home, showers Jeff and puts him on the bed in Jeff's bedroom.

Morning arrives, in the studio, Barcode arrives alone, when he opens the door he finds Talay getting ready to leave in a bit of a hurry, Barcode wanting to know Talay's hurry.

Barcode: P'Talay! What happened?! Are you going out?!

Talay looks at Barcode, hurried.

Talay: Oh! N'Barcode, you have arrived?!... I'm going to see P'jeff... He ended up getting sick because of the rain yesterday, his brother just called me... I'm going to see him now, can you stay here, waiting for me?!... I won't be long...

Barcode worried when he heard that Jeff got sick, quickly grabbed Talay's forearm who had turned towards the exit door of the studio, with a very worried look.

Barcode: No! P'Talay...(Talay looks sideways at the forearm being gripped and then looks into Barcode's worried eyes).... Can you take me along with you?! I need to know how he is... Please P'...!

Talay was surprised by the concern in Barcode's eyes, it was a little suspicious, but Talay didn't think too much about it, quickly he turned to the door talking at the same time and making Barcode let go of his forearm.

Talay: Alright! You can come with me... Let's hurry...

Talay and Barcode go to Jeff's house.

Upon arriving the two enter the house, talk to Jeff's mother a little, Jesse appears in front of the two, looks at Talay a little shy and wanting something from him.

Jesse: P'Talay!...

Talay looks at Jesse smiling.

Talay: Yes! Oh! N'Jesse, always handsome as always, just like his brother...

Jesse was angered by the comparison.

Jesse: P'! you always do that... I'm not P'jeff...

Talay smiling at Jesse's pout.

Talay: Sorry! It's just that you two are so alike!... You don't have to stay like this! You look so cute..

Jesse smiles when he hears this, Talay when he sees this cute smile smiles too, Barcode worried about Jeff.

Barcode: Sorry to bother you two...(Barcode looking at both)... Can I see P'jeff?!

Jesse not knowing who Barcode is, looks at Talay, Talay notices.

Talay: Oh! N'Jesse, this here is N'Barcode, he's the new singer in the studio... we're producing his music..

Jesse stops looking at Talay and looks surprised at Barcode quickly giving his hand to shake.

Jeff: Oh! Now I understand... You're very handsome...(Barcode is embarrassed when he is praised by Jeff's younger brother)... He's in the bedroom, you can go up the stairs to your right...

Barcode smiling he made the Wai on Jesse as a sign of respect, looked at Talay.

Barcode: Thanks you!... P'Talay! P', don't you come with me?!

Talay smiling a little.

Talay: No! you go up first... I'm still going to talk a little with N'Jesse...

Talay grabs and ruffles Jesse's hair next to him, Barcode smiles at the sight of the two, Barcode turns and looks down the stairs climbs up and goes into Jeff's bedroom.

Arriving in front of the door, Barcode opens the door, and looks at Jeff who is lying on the bed, with a pale face with dry lips and sleeping, Barcode walks and enters the bedroom, looking in Jeff's bedroom that seemed like a second studio, full of records by famous singers, and about five guitars next to the computer, Barcode is surprised by Jeff's beautiful bedroom.

Jeff moves with the slight moan of someone who has a high fever. Barcode at the side of the bed immediately looks at Jeff from the side, puts a knee on top of the bed, leans his body a little towards Jeff puts a hand on his forehead to see if Jeff has a high fever, upon feeling Jeff's temperature Barcode's eyes widen..

Jeff has a high fever.

Barcode speaks in a low voice.

Barcode: My God! You're burning with fever... I... I have to go get N'jesse and P'Talay...Ahhh..

Barcode quickly tries to turn and leave, but was stopped by Jeff's hand that grabbed him at the wrist, Barcode quickly turns his head to the side and looks at Jeff, Jeff with a high fever, quickly pulls Barcode down on the bed, quickly climbs up over Barcode and grabs only one of his wrists against the bed by the side of Barcode's head, Barcode surprised looks to the side, sees that jeff has grabbed one of his wrists very tightly, cornered and unable to get out, with the other hand that not grabbed by Jeff, Barcode touches and grabs Jeff's chest.

Barcode: P'! Pjeff, this... this hurts... let go of me please... P'....!

Barcode suddenly stops talking and looks intently into Jeff's eyes who are looking at him with a feverish and sad look, Jeff with a fever and delirious with fever.

Jeff: Gameplay! You are here my love... You came to me...

Barcode surprised to be put on the bed and held so tightly by Jeff, and surprised to hear a name from someone he doesn't know, looking into Jeff's sad eyes and wondering in a low voice.

Barcode: Gameplay?! Who?!.... Who is this person?!



Hello 🤗

I don't know if this chapter is good, but I tried naaa, I hope you all liked today's chapter😊

The characters that I put and that I will put are people close to jeff and Barcode and also some people from the Bl world, I hope you like the characters.

Next chapter no date set ☺️

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