When Fire Meets Coffee

By AnAuthorForChristina

88.4K 2.1K 141

Ever wondered, "What happen when a fire fighter goes to a café?" No? Well neither did I. Until I saw her come... More

Chelsea I
Chelsea II
Jordyn III
Chelsea IV
Jordyn V
Chelsea VI
Chelsea VII
Jordyn VIII PT. I
Arizona VIII PT. 2
Chelsea IX
Chelsea X
Chelsea XI
Jordyn XII
Jordyn XIII
Jordyn XIV
Chelsea XV
Chelsea XVI
Jordyn XVII
Jordyn XVIII
Chelsea XIX
Jordyn XX
Christina XXI
Jordyn XXII
Chelsea XXIV
Jordyn XXV
Jordyn XXVI
Chelsea XXVII
Chelsea XXVIII
Jaydyn XXIX
Chelsea XXX
Chelsea XXXI
Chelsea XXXII
Chelsea XXXIV
Chelsea XXXV
Jordyn XXXVI
Chelsea XXXVII
Chelsea XXXIX
Chelsea XL
Chelsea XLI
Jordyn XLII
Chelsea XLIII
Chelsea XLIV
Chelsea XLV
Chelsea XLVI
Chelsea XLVII
The Goddess Of My Heart
Epilogue I
Epilogue II
Epilogue III
Epilogue IV

Jordyn XXIII

1.3K 30 2
By AnAuthorForChristina

It's the next day and I've decided that myself and Camilla are going to do the speech thing that she told me about. So, I've made sure that we would have no calls today, so it is uninterrupted and it goes smoothly.

I get my team in a line up and explain what's about to go down.

"Morning all. Today, we are looking at all of you for promotions. I want a small speech as to why you think you should be one of my Lieutenants. You have and hour and a half to write it." I say.

"That's not a lot of time. Surely we'd need more time to think." one of them says.

"Captain, if I may?" Hazel asks. I nod and she continues, "If you think your fit for the promotion, then you shouldn't need more time to prepare your speech. You should know why you deserve it, the time is for coherent sentences."

"I couldn't agree more, Johnson." I say, shooting a look to Camilla. She catches on, and I think we're both thinking the same thing. "The Chief will come in as well, to listen to your speeches and to hear our final decision."

"Our?" Travis repeats.

"Myself and Lieutenant Vasquez will decide. She's the one who has to work with you. But bear in mind, you will not outrank her, you will be her equal if you are promoted. But I'll give you that lecture when the time comes."

"How many promotions are we talking here?" Andrews asks.

"Three. I'm looking forward to hearing your speeches." I say, leaving the barn and to their own devices.

Just as I walk into the reception, Chief Campbell comes through the front door.

"Ahh, Chief Campbell. How are you this morning?" I greet with a smile.

"I'm fine thank you, Captain. How are you?" she replies.

"I'm excited to give promotions today. I've given them an hour and a half for prep. In the meantime, I'm going to get a coffee, would you like one?"

"Yes please, Captain. With milk and two sugars." she requests.

"On it." I beam and run up the stair ls two at a time.

While I make coffees, I think about Chelsea. Its funny how coffee brought us together. Who'd expect a fire fighter to be dating a barista uni student? I certainly didn't. But then again, I had no idea what type of girl I was into. Now I know, and it's Chelsea.

Another thing, the dreams that I have about us. With the kids, and being married. Is that really how far I've fallen for this woman? It's gotten to a point where I want to marry her, but that could be the Autism talking.

I ready the coffees and take it down to my office, as I know the Chief would've went straight there.

"Chief, I got your coffee!" I sing as I walk in.

"Your office is very clean RogerMont. And when I thought your sister was a clean freak." she states.

"Wait until you meet Apollo." I scoff.

"Is she planning on being a fire fighter?" Chief Campbell asks.

"Yeah, she is. It's quite cute actually. According to Hayley, her girlfriend always goes on about how hot she'd look in our uniform. How it would bring out her muscles."

"What do your parents do for work, then? I don't think they're in the EMS, are they?"

"They both teach at an Elementary School. My mom is a normal teacher and Mama teaches music and manages all of the ensembles and choirs and shows. She's pretty epic."

"I've always admired the relationships you have with your family. It's always something else." Chief expresses.

"We were brought up to love each other. And we're all pretty close despite being years apart."

"That's nice. I have no siblings and my folks died a few years back, so the only family I have are my husbands siblings and my kids. What about you? Are you single, taken...?"

"I have a girlfriend, we've been dating for a few months now. She's perfect." I gush. I love telling everyone about Chelsea. She's amazing.

"That's nice." she smiles.

We sit and chat for the rest of the time while my team prepare their speeches. Camilla dropped in very once in a while to do checkups and updates.

After the time is up, I sit with the Chief in the lounge area, waiting for my fire fighters to come in. They do so and all spread out around the sofas.

One by one, everybody goes through their speeches, and as predicted, three stood out more then the others. They were more enthusiastic, had a better attitude to teamwork and a family ideology set in their heads. They brought promise of authority and compassion.

We thank them all for their time and I dismiss them all while Camilla, Chief Campbell and myself go back down to my office.

After I close the door, I take in a big breath.

"Well, I feel this one will be easy." I say while sitting down in my chair. Camilla nods as she and the Chief does the same.

"Don't get me wrong. They all had the right reasons but some just lacked enthusiasm and promise. What do you think Lieutenant?"

"I couldn't have put it better myself, Captain. Those who stood out to me just screamed Lieutenant to me. Its like a sixth sense, I know a Lieutenant when I see one." she says.

"Did you sense that Captain RogerMont would become a Lieutenant at some point."

Camilla paused in a thoughtful silence.

"No, I'd knew she'd be more. She's more than Captain as well."

That took me by surprise. She thinks I'll be more than a Captian. Wow.

"Interesting. So, it seems that you two seem to be on the same page about who you want. Care to enlighten me?"

"We would like to promoter Victoria Hughes, Hazel Johnson and Dean Miller." I inform.

We then proceed to tell the Chief why we'd like to promote them and she seems content with our reasons.

"Very well, we'll do it tomorrow." she said, getting up from her chair.

"Thank you, Chief." I say, shaking her hand.

I find myself all giddy for tomorrow. I can't wait to tell Chelsea about it all when I get back.

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