A Bond Greater Than Family

By Keri_Loves_Writing

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*spoilers for A Plague Tale: A Requiem please don't read ahead if you don't like spoilers* It's been ten long... More

A Bond Greater Than Family
Unexpected Guests
An Unanticipated Proposition
United Journey
Old Friend
Rescue Mission
Short Interlude
Adventure on the High Seas
A Protector's Dream
A Cold Wind Blows
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold
Rising Like a Phoenix
What the Future Holds
This is Bigger than Any of Us
Light My Way Will You?
Epilogue: The Legacy of de Rune Family

When in Rome

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By Keri_Loves_Writing

Amicia walked through the markets in Rome feeling very much like a stuffed bird. Her stomach felt huge, and she knew the baby could be coming any day now. She had managed to make some pants that she could still move in while basically wearing a short dress over her bump. It was unusual, but it worked for her even with some of the looks she got.

The market was very busy this morning, and the skyline showed new buildings but also remnants of the Old Roman Empire. The Coliseum could be seen in the background reminding Amicia of the coliseum in the Red City. She had to be more careful walking these days on the stone roads as she couldn't even see her own feet now. Looking through herbs and alchemical ingredients, she fingered her sling that was in her bag. She couldn't wear a belt currently for obvious reasons, but the bag had turned out to be rather useful for several reasons. She wore it across her chest to make it more secure.

They had now spent many months in Rome, and Lucas was doing well under his current teachers at the Università degli Studi di Roma. They had agreed that he didn't have much more to learn. They may only be there for a year or two at most. In reality, Amicia believed it was mostly for appearances sake. She knew that Lucas knew more than most alchemists of their day. Of course, that could also be her bias. Magister Notaro, Lucas' favorite teacher in Rome, had been in contact with some of his other teachers at the Université de Paris. Amicia felt a little guilty when it came to Lucas' studies. If it weren't for his desire to solve the problem of the Macula and being with her, he probably could have been a Magister a long time ago... He had already sacrificed so much. He probably could have had a life of ease and wealth if he had just left her family when he had a chance. Yet he stayed with her. Amicia sighed to herself and stroked her belly. She was nervous as hell, but the fact that Lucas stayed by her side through the horrific and the beautiful encouraged her more than he could ever know.

Bianca was now in town to help with the birth. Amicia was honored,  though she didn't know how to thank her. Looking back, she saw her personal guard Sergio trailing from behind. That was one negative to their current predicament Amicia couldn't get used to. Sergio was a bit surly and grumpy, and he didn't seem to care too much for her escapades, but Bianca and Lucas had both insisted on extra protection despite her pleas that should could take care of herself. Lucas had eventually talked her into it because of her current condition.

Her "current condition" kicked her near her belly button, and Amicia smiled. Poking back, baby reacted and pushed back against her finger. "Are you hungry? We may need to get lunch soon."

Suddenly she felt a swift kick to her bladder and now felt she had to pee. "Thank you, little one. Now I have to relieve myself." She groaned.

Unfortunately, she didn't know this area of the city very well. Searching for a public latrine, she turned the corner to a dark alley. Ahead were three figures, and she hid behind a box as she heard angry voices.

"Please, leave me alone!" a young adolescent girl cried as she was hit down to the ground. Her clothing was barely enough to cover her small frame, and she was covered in grime from head to toe.

"Shut it! Your family is dead, and they left a huge debt in its place! We're taking you with us! We can at least make some of the money back if we put you to work in the brothel!" one of the men barked, pulling the small girl by her brown braid.

"No, please! I'll do anything else! Please!" the girl cried, tears streaming down her face grabbing their hands in desperation.

The man threw her off as if she was a filthy dog. "Stop that! No amount of begging will save you now!"

"I can't! Please!"

Amicia jumped into action, placing stupefacio in her sling and throwing it at them, hitting the ground hard enough to make the mixture react. She couldn't kill those horrible men as much as she desired to. She couldn't be a criminal here. The cloud was thick, and the girl was coughing too. Amicia ran as fast as she could with her giant belly, grabbing the girl by the hand and running off. Luckily the girl followed even though she had no idea who she was or what she was doing.

Amicia glanced back to see Sergio knock the men out behind her and sighed with relief. They still had to get far enough away though in case the guards were alerted.

"Who are you??" the girl asked finally as they ran off, her eyes barely open from the stupefacio.

Amicia looked back and smiled at her. "Amicia de Rune! Come on, let's get you out of here!"

As they ran, Amicia was surprised to see a humble looking man beckoning for them to enter a church as they ran. Reaching the door, the man closed it behind the girls and Sergio, and he looked at them concerned.

"Are you in trouble? Can I help?"

Amicia, breathing hard, finally looked up into the kind looking man. "Father Parreaux??"

He straightened, looking shocked. The last time she had seen this man, he had helped her and her brother out of a sticky situation in the middle of the woods as Parreaux had led a pilgrimage to Rome. "You're... the girl? From the woods?"

Nodding, he sighed. "Well, I'm glad to see you survived. Your brother?"

Tears came unbidden and she just shook her head.

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry to hear it... truly."

Taking a deep breath, she sighed. "It's alright. It's been about twelve years now. And I can't thank you enough for your kindness all those years ago. It truly meant the world to us."

"Here, come sit down. You too, girl." Glancing at Sergio, Parreaux seemed to understand Sergio was fine.

He brought both girls to the pews and sat them down gently.

"What happened?"

"They were about to take this girl unwillingly to work in a brothel..." Amicia answered, feeling a bit better now that she had sat for a moment.

The girl seemed to be almost hyperventilating, some tears from the stupefacio pricking her eyes. "Why... why did you help me?"

Amicia patted her head. "It's what good people do. What's your name?" She saw Parreaux's eyebrows go up at this.

"Gia... My name is Gia."

"Well, Gia, do you have anywhere to go? Anywhere I can take you? Family?"

Gia started to genuinely cry and Amicia came up to her holding her as best she could with her huge stomach. "It's okay. I understand. I really do."

Gia looked at her then. "You... you lost your family too?"

Amicia nodded. "Yes, and there's never a day that goes by that I don't think of them."

Sergio joined them, giving Amicia a look of disapproval. Let him disapprove. Gia looked at her worried. "Don't worry, he's with me."

Gia nodded looking relieved. What now? Looking at Parreaux, she was thankful he was there. It was as if he was a peaceful calm in the middle of a storm. He looked at her as if asking if there was anything more he could do. Amicia knew what she wanted to do, but could she convince Lucas?


The girl looked up at her. "Yes, M'Lady?"

"Would you consider coming to serve me?"

The girl's eyes widened and Sergio cleared his throat in more disapproval. "Me?"

"Yes, I'm about to have a baby as you can see. I could use the help."

The girl nodded. "I don't think I'm qualified, M'Lady, but I will gladly help if you so desire." Looking around, the girl appeared overwhelmed by the kindness being shown her.

Amicia nodded. Parreaux looked surprised but pleased. He noted her condition and turned back to her. "I realize I don't even know your name?"

"Oh... you're right... we never told you back then. Didn't have a chance did we? My name is Amicia de Rune. My brother was Hugo de Rune. I'm married to a man named Lucas de Rune. He was a friend of ours back in the day. It's... quite a story."

Considering her, he nodded. "Perhaps you can tell me one day? That is... if you want to. I always wondered what happened after you left our camp. But for now, perhaps I should help you get home?"

"Yes, I will gladly tell you. But you're right, we should probably head home."

"Perhaps I can get a carriage? I haven't seen any pursuers, but it may be better for me to call it."

"Are you sure? You don't mind?"

He smiled kindly. "It's the least I can do. Wait a moment."

He headed towards the church door, and Amicia looked around the humble church. It reflected the humility of the man. She hoped he was well. He deserved that much.

Once they had rested, they followed Parreaux to the carriage waiting outside. He helped them in and Sergio joined the driver at the top. "Be careful, Lady de Rune. God speed, and I hope to see you and your husband soon. Take care of the girl."

Tears threatened once again. "Thank you again for your great kindness, Father Parreaux. God bless you."

The carriage jumped as the driver flicked the reigns, and they headed for the house Amicia and Lucas stayed at near the university. After a short ride through the city they arrived at the temporary de Rune home. Exiting the carriage, Gia looked in awe as they entered the small but ornate house. Sergio helped both to exit the carriage.

"Amicia! Where have you been?? We've been looking for you everywhere!" Bianca chided as she came down the stairs.

"I, uh, ran into some trouble." Amicia moved to show the tiny girl who looked worse for wear.

"Oh, my child! Who is this, Amicia?"

"Her name is Gia. I saved her from some traffickers. I'm hiring her as one of my maids."

"Come, girl, let's get you cleaned up." Bianca said taking her and glancing at Amicia, smiling in understanding.

"Give her some food too, she's starving."

The other servants nodded running off to do as commanded. Amicia walked into the sitting room to attempt sitting in a big chair, easing her way down. She laughed as she didn't even need to pee anymore. Perhaps she had pushed it too far. She hoped Lucas wouldn't be too upset. He was already worried she would do too much.

"You alright, M'Lady?" Sergio asked gruffly.

"Yes, Sergio. I'm fine. I could use some water though."

He grunted and walked off to do as she asked.

Amicia closed her eyes. "I just... need to rest my eyes for a bit."

She felt gentle hands shaking her ever so slightly. "Amicia?"

She opened her eyes groggily to see Lucas looking at her all dressed up in his robes from the university. She must have fallen asleep. She smiled at him. "Hello, my alchemist. What time is it?"

"It's almost supper time. I heard you had quite the adventure this afternoon. Are you okay?"

She nodded groggily. "Are you going to chide me?"

He snorted. "Would it do any good? Come on, let's get you to bed."

"What about dinner???"

"I'll have them bring it up. Come on, let's go."

She squeaked in protest as he picked her up off the comfortable chair. "Lucas, I can walk!"

"Of course, but I'm not going to let you. It's what you get for not listening to me earlier." He winked at her as she gave up and just allowed him to carry her.

He brought her to bed and laid her down, propping her up on the headboard. There was a knock at the door. Turning to look, he saw Amicia's newest rescue. A bath and new clothes made her barely recognizable. The girl looked apologetic as she brought the trey over. "Dinner is here." She fidgeted after she placed it on the side table. "I'm sorry, M'Lady! This is all my fault!"

"Just calm down, Gia. Please don't fret. I wouldn't change a thing."

Gia looked worriedly at Lucas, but he just smiled in kindness. "It's alright, Gia. She does what she wants. And seeing you here safe and sound, I can't be angry."

Gia looked like she was about to cry again. "You've changed my life, M'Lady. I don't think I can ever thank you enough!"

Amicia took her hand and squeezed it. "Thank me by living to the fullest okay?"

The girl nodded with tears in her eyes.

"You can go now. I'll take care of her." Lucas reassured her.

She nodded contritely and walked out of the room.

Lucas sighed as she left. "Why do I feel like we've adopted another member of the family?"

Amicia grinned at him. "Because we have and you can't say no."

He chuckled and started spooning her food out of the bowl, leaning in to give her a bite.

"Lucas, I can do this!"

He shook his head. "No, I will do it. At least let me feel a little useful."

She sighed and relented. She felt bad making him look so worried about her.

"You weren't in any real trouble were you?"

Grinning, she chuckled. "Not a chance."

He sighed. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Don't worry, Lucas. I would never risk my life or that of our child's. And we changed that girl's life. Please don't be angry, okay?"

He stroked her cheek. "Very well, Lady de Rune."

"Oh! I almost forgot! We met an old friend who hid us in a church!"

Lucas' eyebrow raised. "A church?"

Amicia explained what happened both in the past and that afternoon in great detail. Lucas looked intrigued and asked several questions.

"Seems he is trustworthy. I'm just thankful he was there to help..."

Amicia felt a little guilty again. "I promise, no more hero work for duration of my condition!"

Lucas snorted at this. "If you say so."

Amicia scowled at him but he just laughed. Kissing her, he moved some hair out of her eyes. "You're always willing to help, Amicia. It's in your nature. I can no better fight against that as I could strong arm a bear. Just promise me you'll be careful. Please."

Sighing, she nodded as she leaned her forehead against his. "I promise, Alchemist."


Lucas was jolted out of a deep sleep by a sharp gasp of pain. He turned to Amicia who was curled up in a fetal position. "Amicia???"

She gritted her teeth. "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to wake you.... I... I think the baby is coming."

"Really? Right now? Hold on, I'll get Lady Bianca and the midwife. Hold on!!"

He shot out of bed faster than he had ever done before, quickly donning his clothes and lighting candles.

Lucas ran up quickly to Amicia. "Hold on, okay? I won't be long. Will you be okay?"

She breathed threw a contraction. "Yes, but hurry. I think my waters just broke."

He lifted the bedsheets seeing liquid on the sheets. Not blood thankfully.  "You're right. Just hold on, mon coeur. I'll be right back."

Even if he was a doctor, he felt totally unequipped at this very moment. It was one thing to take care of strangers, another matter entirely when it had to do with the love of your life. Pushing the panic down, he ran out of the room.

He woke up Bianca who rushed to Amicia. Knowing she had someone, he felt more comfortable running to get the midwife. The midwife arrived shorty after he had returned, and he had woken most of the house in preparation. Everything had to be ready. Water boiled. Clean linens available. Servants on call.

By the time he reached the bedroom door again, people were coming in and out including their newest charge Gia. Lucas tried to go in, but he was blocked by an older lady overseeing the birth with the midwife. "I'm sorry, My Lord, but you can't go in. This is women's work. Just relax. She's in good hands."

"But what if she needs me?" He felt absolutely helpless.

"She won't. Please go wait over there or go downstairs."

Lucas paced outside in the hallway for several hours. Every time he heard a cry of pain from Amicia, he wanted to charge in. He hated this! Gia looked at him in pity. How long was this going to last??

He would occasionally try to sit down, but it didn't last long. All he could think of was his wife was struggling on the other side of the door, and all he could do was wait.

"Ahhhhh! Lucas!"

That was Amicia! He bolted up and went for the door. The same older lady was coming out and noticed him. Putting her hand up in warning, she looked at him warningly. "Go downstairs, My Lord. We will take care of this."

She screamed again. "Lucas, please!"

His fists balled and he threw one of his most dangerous looks at the woman. "Move! I won't ask again."

She stiffened. "This is not done, My Lord. Do not defile this place for emotion."

Amicia cried in agony.

"I don't care what is DONE! I will see her! And if you don't move, I will move you out of the way." He practically growled.

The woman looked fierce, but she thankfully did move. He brushed past her and ran into the room.

Amicia looked up, her braid coming undone, and smiled in relief. "Lucas!!"

Lady Bianca and the midwife looked absolutely shocked, but they didn't say anything. He ran up to Amicia, holding her arms in a steadying fashion.

"Mon coeur, I'm right here."

Her face scrunched up and she cried out again.

"What can I do??"

She buried her face into his shoulder. "Just hold me. That's all I need."

He nodded as she went through another contraction. Her cries sounded less agonized, and he helped her breathe threw it. Standing there through several more contractions, the midwife came to check her.

"She will be crowning soon. The baby will be here shortly. Can you help her get to the bed?" The midwife asked him.

Amicia shook her head emphatically. "No, I will stay standing. I'm going to be an Amazon woman!"

"Are you sure?" He asked her as she panted through another contraction.

She looked up at him with a fierce determination. "With you here, I am capable of anything."

He nodded. There were several more contractions. He had lost count. The midwife checked her progress.

"Okay, it's time to push, Amicia. Are you ready?" The midwife asked.

She nodded not able to say anything. Amicia held some white ropes the midwife had tied to the bed and bore down as if she was a warrior in battle preparing to strike. It didn't take long, just a few pushes, and the baby was out, crying their little heart out! It was the happiest sound Lucas had ever heard.

Amicia's frame instantly relaxed as soon as the baby came out, and Lucas practically carried her to the bed to help her wait out the afterbirth and wait to hold their child. He sat next to her, holding her hand tightly. "You did it, Amicia. The baby is here. You were incredible." he whispered.

She nodded and looked up at him, eyes alight. "We did it. Thank you, Lucas. I don't know if I could have done it without you."

The midwife carried over the little bundle after washing her off and wrapping her up, "You have a daughter!"

Amicia took her daughter in her arms, her face full of wonder. She looked up at Lucas and smiled joyfully. "We have a daughter, Lucas."

He choked back tears. "We do. You did it! She's here! And you're both safe!"

She stroked the little girl's face, her eyes full of joy. She turned to Lucas, and held up the little bundle. "Here, hold your daughter, Lucas."

Shaking slightly, he took her in his arms, his heart feeling so full he felt it would burst. A little tuft of brown hair topped her tiny head, and her little face looked like an angel. "We made this?"

"We did. She's perfect." Amicia leaned her head against his shoulder.

"What should we name her?"

"Felicite de Rune. She's our good luck."

He looked down at her feeling like he had never before. "Felicite. Felicite. I like the sound of that." His heart clenched as a little hand grasped one of his fingers.

Amicia kissed him then kissed their baby on the forehead. "I'm glad you agree."

He held them both close to his heart. He didn't think anything could top this kind of joy ever again. He also had the feeling that little Felicite was going to have him wrapped around her little pinky finger both figuratively and literally. As it should be he laughed to himself.

The adventures of the de Rune family were just beginning.


The next day, Amicia was resting in bed with her new daughter when she heard a commotion downstairs. It didn't sound dangerous though, so Amicia relaxed again. If it was dangerous, she was sure Lucas would be running up to her right this second. She looked down at Felicite and smiled. She had been a good baby so far. Of course, she was only a day old, but she already ate well and slept decently. Lady Bianca and the midwife were shocked when she didn't ask for a wet nurse. Amicia wanted to do it all on her own. This was her daughter, and she wanted to spend every second with her she could.

The door opened, and she was shocked to see a certain ex pirate walk through it. "Sophia!!'

"Amicia!! Imagine my shock when I heard not only were you in town, but you ALSO had a baby as well!! Let me see her!!"

Amicia didn't bother to ask Sophia how she found out all this. That was her job, to know what was happening.

Sophia gently took the baby and held her up to inspect her. "Well, would you look at her! She looks just like you! Although her features are a little softer..."

"Are you saying I look fierce, Sophia?" Amicia giggled.

Lucas walked in behind her smiling. "She insisted on barging in here. I knew you wouldn't mind."

"Of course not! She's always welcome!"

Sophia looked at Lucas and smirked. "She takes after her mother."

"I'd rather she look more like Amicia than me." he laughed.

Sophia snorted. "Good answer. How are you, Amicia?"

"I am well! We are both adjusting to each other, and Lucas looks after us both."

Gia came in carrying some tea. "Tea is served!"

"Thank you, Gia!"

The small girl looked at Sophia in awe and almost dropped the trey. She left throwing fleeting glances at Sophia and the ladies giggled when she left.

"She's enamored with you Sophia." Laughed Amicia.

"I have that effect on people." Agreed Sophia nodding sagely.

"Amicia saved her life the other day." Lucas offered.

"While with child??" Sophia looked scandalized.

Amicia nodded grimacing a little. Sophia just chuckled.

"Why am I not surprised! You have your hands full, Lucas!"

"Hey!" Amicia protested.

Lucas laughed this time. "Wouldn't have it any other way, Sophia."

They sat and chatted for a bit. Apparently Sophia and her crew had been working a lot in the cities along the Mediterranean, hence why they had ended up in Rome to begin with. They were collecting more wears and preparing for a voyage to Spain. Lucas and Amicia told Sophia about their trip including their adventure with Melie. Sophia was very impressed by Lucas' rescue mission and surprised by his vengeful side.

Bianca came into the room practically bursting with excitement. "Are you the famous pirate I've heard so much about???"

Sophia rose to shake her hand. "Ex pirate, but yes, I am Sophia."

"I've heard of your adventures! It's such a pleasure to meet you in the flesh!"

"And I you! I heard of the story of how Amicia saved you! She told me on one of our boat trips!"

The ladies chatted for awhile trading stories and information. Sophia was impressed by Bianca's family name and her pull in Rome. Bianca was impressed by Sophia's intelligence network and nautical skills. Amicia decided in her head that they would be two of her key leaders in her new order. The Order of the Protector would be truly incredible with these ladies at the helm.

"So how much more studying do you have till you become a magister?" Sophia asked Lucas after finding out the plan to return to France.

"Possibly only a year, or less. There will be one final test, and if I can pass, I will be a magister."

Sophia nodded. "Good. I think it will turn out well, Lucas. Take care of them okay?"

"Of course, with my life."

"I think you have proven that time and time again, Lucas." Bianca commented.

"He has." agreed Amicia smiling up at him and taking his hand.

He took her hand and kissed it. Sophia rolled her eyes. "I didn't think you two could fall over each other any more than you did, but I am proven wrong yet again."

Lucas winked at her and she grinned. They knew that meant Sophia was pleased.

Amicia went downstairs for the first time in twenty-four hours with little Felicite, and they prepared to have her baptized. Lady Bianca had insisted she stay like most women did after childbirth, but Amicia could not. She had to be there. Lucas cared not either way, but he knew this was important to her. And Amicia now knew exactly who to go to for said blessing. Parreaux looked slightly surprised as they walked to the door of the church, baby in hand.

"Didn't I just see you yesterday?"

Amicia laughed. "Yes, and apparently it was enough excitement to bring our daughter into the world..."

Parreaux gently took the little bundle. "She's beautiful, Lady de Rune. Shall I baptize her?"

"Yes, please."

Sprinkling some salt in Felicite's mouth, he warded away in demons that could be in possession and symbolizing wisdom being bestowed. They walked into the church, and he proceeded to take her to baptismal font. Dipping her front in the water very gently, he blessed her in Latin. Amicia knew she had chosen correctly as the man handled her daughter as if she were a great treasure. He wrapped her in a white christening gown decorated with seed pearls Bianca had gifted her with. Lucas gripped Amicia's hand and smiled at her as their daughter was brought back to her.

"Father Parreaux, would you consider joining us for dinner?"

Looking surprised, he agreed. Amicia introduced him to Lucas, Sophia, and Bianca.

They returned to the house and enjoyed dinner together at the table. Sophia regaled stories of the high seas as Father Parreaux looked slightly scandalized, and there was no talk of the new Order of the Protector since they weren't sure if the Father would understand. There was a lot still to do for the new Order, but they would do it, and there would be changes. Amicia was determined there would be changes. Let the Order come. They would be ready.


Amicia bid Sophia another tearful farewell the next morning. It was a beautiful morning with clear skies. She and Lucas had walked her outside the house to the gate, and Amicia lingered, not wanting to have Sophia leave. She had just gotten here!

Sophia grabbed little Felicite from Amicia and cooed and awed over her. "You be good while I'm gone, you hear?"

Amicia and Lucas looked at each other and nodded. "Sophia..."

She glanced up at them in question.

"Would you consider being her godmother?"

Sophia's mouth opened slightly in surprise but then closed. "Are you sure you want an ex pirate as a godmother?"

Lucas grabbed Amicia's hand and smiled at her. "There's no one better fit we think."

Sophia turned, and Amicia could see she was trying to hide some tears as she pretended to talk to Felicite instead. "They want me to be your godmother? My they must be desperate."

"Please, Sophia. We would be honored."

Sophia cleared her throat and looked at them. "Very well, I accept. But don't blame me if she learns some none too pleasing manners later on."

Handing the baby back to Amicia, Sophia put a hand on each of the parents' shoulders. "You two are a light in this world! Don't just stay alive, live! We'll show the future what we're made of! You hear me?"

They nodded. They would fight like hell.


Amicia stood up on a balcony at the university in Rome as she watched Lucas become an official magister down below. She wore her wedding dress she had worn almost two years prior, and she held a wiggly year old Felicite in her arms. Feeling tears threaten, she watched as Lucas was handed his magister robes by one of his favorite magisters, Magister Notaro. There was no one more worthy than Lucas she thought.

He looked up at her then and smiled. Her heart fluttered at that smile. Finally, a step back towards home. Bianca wiped some tears next to her as the ceremony was completed. "He's not even my own son but I feel so proud."

"He's worked so hard for this. Thank you for all your support, Bianca. We truly couldn't have done this without you."

"Poppycock! You would have figured something out. Still, I'm proud to say I helped even so!"

Amicia nodded looking back down as Lucas received a hat to wear when in the presence of other magisters. It looked silly on him with all his hair and young face compared to the older magisters, but she didn't care. She knew he would wear it with pride regardless.

Many of the young men around him who were also becoming magisters had drunken their lives away and partied till the sun came up, a woman on each side. Students had a bad reputation for it. Not her Alchemist. And the deference the others paid to him was not missed by Amicia.

Their plan was to return to France in another month or two, stay in Paris for a bit with the protection of several large families, and hopefully find or build a home near her old home back in Guyenne. And none too soon. A civil war was brewing in Rome, and they needed to leave as soon as possible. There was still so much to do and so little time. They had made some headway in their projects over the last year, but there was still so much to be done.

They headed downstairs as the ceremony had ended. Amicia saw Lucas coming towards them and she placed little Felicite on the floor, allowing her to take wobbly steps towards her father. He stopped in shock and elation as she toddled towards him.

"Papa! Papa! Papa!" She babbled, her light brown curls bouncing up and down, arms held out to him.

"Yes, ma poupette! Come here!"

She squealed as she got closer to him, and when she eventually reached him, he lifted her up to spin her around.

"You did it!! Did you see that Amicia?? She did it!!"

Amicia giggled. "Yes, she did! Now stop spinning! You'll make her sick!"

Stopping, he looked a tad contrite. Bianca laughed as did Amicia.

Lucas pretended to look seriously at Felicite, tapping her gently on the chest. "Look at that, you're getting us into trouble!"

Felicite giggled in her cute toddler laugh melting Amicia's heart into a giant puddle as she watched the two of them. If only Hugo could see this. He would be such a proud uncle.

She came up to Lucas and kissed him on the cheek. "Congratulations, Magister!"

"I still remember the day you called me that in your mother's laboratory. I couldn't have done it without you, Amicia."

"Nonsense! You earned this! But we can say we helped each other. Now come, let's go celebrate!"

They walked hand in hand out of the university, little Felicite babbling away in her father's arms. No matter what they faced, it would always be together!

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