By multimunchkins

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》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 •˚《 》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 •˚《 Imagines based on the guys of Stranger Things! 》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ *... More

S T R A N G E R ≪ °❈° ≫ T H I N G S
Welcome To Hawkins || Jonathan Byers
Aye Aye Captain || Steve Harrington
Just Like In The Books || Billy Hargrove
Good Aim || Steve Harrington
My Muse || Jonathan Byers
Guitar God || Eddie Munson
Little Miss Perfect || Billy Hargrove
My Hero || Eddie Munson
More Than Friends || Steve Harrington
Our Song || Jonathan Byers
My Hero (2) || Eddie Munson
Bewitched || Billy Hargrove
Secret Santa || Eddie Munson
What Are Friends For? || Jonathan Byers
Wicked Games || Steve Harrington
Wicked Games (2) || Steve Harrington
Pretty In Pink || Billy Hargrove
Lollygagging In The Library || Eddie Munson
Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High? || Jonathan Byers
I Hate That You... || Steve Harrington
Secret Santa (2) || Eddie Munson
Bad Idea Right? || Billy Hargrove & Steve Harrington
The Canvas & The Painter || Steve Harrington
The Canvas & The Painter (2) || Steve Harrington
Mellifluous Melody || Eddie Munson
Bad Idea Right? (2) || Billy Hargrove & Steve Harrington
Head Over Heels || Steve Harrington

Wanna Be Yours || Steve Harrington

1K 9 5
By multimunchkins

A/N: Hello my lovely readers! So I was listening to this song recently and I had an idea to write something based off this song by Arctic Monkeys. So, if you want you can definitely have the song on loop and have it playing in the background as you read this. I hope you enjoy this one! Happy reading!

"Almost there." You grunted under your breath. Your fingers gripped onto the poster board tighter and you could feel your arms burning. You were currently struggling on your walk from your car within the school's parking lot towards the front doors that led to the school building. You were carrying your very important project that included your poster board and a model that you built. Apart from that, you were also carrying your car keys and your backpack. Your hands were full and you couldn't keep up with balancing everything in your hands.

You peeked towards the side from the pile of things you were carrying and noticed you were so close to the school doors that your mind raced to wondering how you were going to open the door. You groaned while moving your stuff from both hands to one hand, balancing everything with your right hand and stretched out your left hand to reach for the door. "Please don't fall." You whispered to yourself as you looked at your stuff that you were balancing.

As of on cue, gravity decides to not be on your side and you felt your things beginning to tip over and you feel yourself begin to loose your balance. "Oh no!" You say in a panic feeling your fingers lose grip of your poster board. Your heart instantly stopped at the thought of everything dropping from your hand and all your hard work gone in an instant, but you then felt a relief wash over you as you look down and noticed a pair of hands grab your poster board saving you from a disaster occurring while hearing "Woah! Woah there! I got it."

Looking up, you see a brown eyed boy with voluptuous hair looking at you with a concerned look on his face. "Let me help you." He says taking your poster board and model from your hands. You let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you." You tell him. He himself balances your stuff with one hand and opens the door to the school with his free hand. "Don't mention it. Please, after you." He says maneuvering his head signaling towards inside. You adjusted your grip on your keys and backpack tightly and securely while heading inside.

The boy followed you to your locker and stayed with you to help you until help was no longer needed, and when your stuff was safely placed down. When you no longer needed help, you thanked the boy with a smile. "Thank you-" You began to say but then paused. You tilted your head and scrunched your nose. "Uh." You say, then realize that you don't know his name at all. The boy's eyes widened. "Oh." He says taking his hands and placing them back in his pocket. "Steve." He adds. You un-scrunched your nose and smiled again. "Ah. Well thank you Steve." You replied. The boy shrugs his shoulders and gives a smile in return. "Don't mention it." He replied. He then quickly turns around and then walks away.


You walked in your classroom and picked a random seat without even thinking. You felt anxious for no reason. You hated the first day of school but why were you nervous? It was your first day of your second year of high school. You literally know everyone in the school including the ins and outs. Nothing was new. You crossed your arms and anxiously shook your leg as you hesitantly waited for class to begin while you looked down at your lap avoiding eye contact. This class was a class where your friends weren't in and you hated it.

Suddenly you hear someone walk towards your direction and sink into the seat directly behind you. You felt anger rise in you. Out of all of the seats in the room, the person decided to sit right behind you? Breaking away from your inner thoughts, you heard the person behind you groan loudly. "Oh my God I hate this already!" The voice whined. You couldn't help but chuckle. "Tell me about it." You replied as you tilted your head back. "First day is such a drag." The person replied. You sat up straighter and turned around. When your body fully turned around and spotted who was behind you, you couldn't help but raise your eyebrows in awe and feel your mood change to a better state.

You couldn't believe your eyes. You were looking at the boy who helped you that one morning last year. "Hey. Wait." You said. The boy looked up from his desk and found himself flabbergasted. "Oh hey! It's you." He said surprised. You carefully studied him. You couldn't believe it was the same brown eyed boy but just older, taller, and cuter. "Oh my God. Wait." You said closing your eyes. You snapped your fingers to remember his name. "Steve right?" You asked opening your eyes to see him with a smile. "Yeah!" He replied with glistening eyes. You cheered. "Ah yes! I knew I remembered you." You said. "Oh how cool we're in the same class." Steve said. You nodded. "Hey how was that project? I assume you got an A?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Without a doubt." You replied. He raised his hand and reached out to give you a high five. "Hey I never got your name." He asked you after you gave him his high five.

"Y/N." You tell him. Steve sat up straighter and smiled. "Nice to meet you again Y/N." He replies.


You and Steve both sat in the library laughing silently in the back table in the corner. "I don't get it." He whispered with a chuckle. He held his textbook in his hands as he read terrible chemistry jokes from the back of his book. "Oh come on Steve that was funny." You said. Steve kept his eyebrows raised with a confused look on his face. "What's so funny about laughing gas being called 'HeHeHe' gas?" Steve asked as he chuckles in a confused way again. You couldn't help but stare at his confused look as you puff up your cheeks containing in your laughter. "Y/N stop it's not that funny." He says placing his book down. You buried your face in your hands and silently giggled. "Okay are you going to help me with my paper or not?" Steve asks with a pout. You raise your head back up and sigh while trying to calm yourself down. "Yeah, yeah. Okay. Wait one more." You asked. Steve sighed and rested his chin on his hands with his elbows propped on the table. "Fine." He said. You pressed your lips together and smiled. Steve brought his full attention towards you. "What did one charged atom say to the other?" You asked with a grin. Steve looked at your eyes then lips and couldn't help but smile at your smile. He sighed and then shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know." He said. "I got my ion you." You said. Steve furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head. You couldn't help but break out in laughter as you hit your head against his shoulder. Steve looked down at you and couldn't help but chuckle. "Come on it was funny." You whispered in between laughs. Steve didn't notice he was chuckling a bit. He didn't want to admit it, but it was funny. Steve picked up his pencil and pushed his paper close to you and closed the gap in between you both. "I guess." He says and couldn't help but smile.


The more you spent time with Steve the more comfortable you felt with him. You two were acquaintances and nothing more. You both would exchange greetings in between classes in the halls and that's it. If you both were in the same classroom then you both would end up talking and working together. You got to become an acquaintance of his in class and in school, but out of school it was like you both didn't exist to each other. You didn't know much about Steve and Steve didn't know much about you, but you both knew enough to know that you both liked being together and hanging out.

You sat in the cafeteria with your friends who were riled up about something you shared with them. "Steve Harrington!" Your friend exclaimed as she spilled her drink out of her mouth. Taken back, you raised an eyebrow. "You're joking." Your other friend said. "Why would I be joking?" You asked confused. "Steve Harrington?" Your two friends said in unison. You slowly nod your head. "Uh huh." You respond. Your two friends widened their eyes. "Do you have any idea who he is and who you're hanging out with?" The first friend asked. You blinked and felt awkward. "Am I supposed to?" You asked. Your two friends scoffed. "Yes!" They said. "Steve Harrington is-is-well he's-" Your first friend said when your second friend interrupted. "He's the king of the school. He's hot and popular and everyone wants to either be him or be with him." Your friend said. "And bang him." Your first friend added. Your eyes widened and you felt taken back at what you just heard. "Are you sure? Because-" You began to say when your two friends interrupted you. "He's the total package." Your first friend said. "This is news to me." You said in shock. "Well duh Y/N you live under a rock." Your second friend said.

In your defense, you were not a social butterfly and you didn't notice anyone or anything that happened throughout the school.

"I had no idea. I only just talk to him inside of class that's it." You said. "But still! You hang out with him in class and talk to him and stuff." Your friend pointed out. You rolled your eyes. "Oooooh. How fancy." You said in a sarcastic tone. "Imagine being his girlfriend?" Your second friend said. You felt your cheeks turn red. "He has a girlfriend. That Wheeler girl." Your first friend chimed in. You felt your heart drop. "No no they broke up." Your second friend added. "Shut up! When?" You heard your friend ask.

A lot of stuff ran through your head and multiple thoughts and emotions washed over you. You found it weird at how you only knew Steve within the walls of the classroom and not outside. He seemed like a regular guy and not what your friends described at all.

"Okay guys!" You said interrupting your friends. Your two friends stopped talking and looked at you. "He's just an acquaintance in school. Okay? It's not a big deal. Just like he's not a big deal." You said. "Who even cares about his eyes, or his hair and how it perfectly moves in different directions when he walks or moves a muscle? Who cares that he has a very nice waist that is perfectly visible when he wears skinny jeans? Who cares that his face looks like you just want to grab it and kiss it?" You said as your eyes focused down on the table while Steve came up in your mind. You quickly look up to see your friends making goggly eyes at you. The ambiance went silent and you felt your cheeks turned red.

"Oh my-" Your first friend said. "You like Steve Harrington." Your second friend whispered squealed. You shushed your friends and calmed them down. "Okay so what if I do? I mean come on. He probably doesn't like me ok? Bedsides he has a girlfriend." You said. "They broke up." Your friend corrected you. You shook your head. "Whatever. I'm just keeping my feelings to myself ok?" You said. Your two friends shook their heads. "Besides we don't even hang out after school so that's an obvious hint that we are nothing but acquaintances." You said crossing your arms.


As time passed, your mutual status of being acquaintances with Steve stayed the same. You two would notice each other from a far when you two weren't looking or noticing, but your feelings continued to grow and be there. Still, you two would talk in class but eventually it died down a bit. You would see him walk through the halls with a girl or see him at his locker with a girl. He would see you talking to a guy in the cafeteria whenever he walked in, or see you talking to a guy in the hall as well. You would hear stories the following school day about the previous night where parties were thrown in Steve's house and how he would be with one girl to the next. You would always feel your blood boil a bit by what you heard. For once, you wanted it to be you yourself in the position of the girl who hooked up with Steve at any party that was thrown. Your feelings for him grew every minute and everyday and you yearned for him to become closer.

Whenever you both did see each other it was almost as if time stopped and you couldn't help but gaze at each other. You kept your feelings for him a secret. It wasn't worth your time wasting your breath on sharing your feelings with him. But you didn't know he was also feeling the same way. Maybe even different.


The Summer hit. You didn't know where Steve was or what he was doing but he kept coming up on your mind. Your friends told you that he eventually got his title as king taken away within the school and his popularity status went downhill but you didn't believe a word. To you, Steve stayed the same of who he was a person. But, you began to question that. Did you really know Steve Harrington? Of course not, you only knew the Steve Harrington that showed up to class and that's all.

You were at your home with your friends the night of the Fourth of July. Your friends had begged you to go with them to the fair that was going on in town but you politely declined and changed their minds for them to stay with you at your house and have a sleepover. You and your two friends were in the middle of watching a movie while getting manicures when all of a sudden your doorbell rang numerous times. Not expecting anyone, you get up from your living room floor and opened your door to find someone that you weren't expecting at all.

You felt your heart stop then race a few heartbeats faster and your body froze. You blinked a couple of times and then felt your face make a concerned and confused face. "Steve?" You asked with a raised eyebrow. Taken back, you study him from head to toe and find him in a weirdly blue, red, and white colored palette sailor's outfit. His clothes were ripped up and covered in different stains. Your eyes immediately went to his face. He had blood, cuts, and bruises all over his face and somehow, his hair still managed to look good even though it was all over the place. You couldn't believe that he was standing at your door. Even though he looked beat up and dressed in a weird way, you haven't seen him in a while and yet he was still taller, older, and yes, even more cuter.

"Steve. Oh my God are you okay?" You asked looking at him from head to toe again. Steve looked at you as if he was in a rush. He kept panting and sighing. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine." He replied panting. Taken back you made a weird look. "How did you find my house?" You asked. A sudden noise of static interrupted you and you looked down to see Steve holding a walkie talkie. "COME ON STEVE WE NEED IT NOW!" You heard a kid's voice yell through the walkie. "L-long story." Steve replied to you as he caught his breath. "Listen." He sighs as he bends down and takes a deep breath. "You-Do you-" He said. He moves his head to the side and spits something out of his mouth and gags. Alarmed and slightly weirded out you began to back up as you held onto your door. "STEVE I SWEAR WE COULD'VE ASKED SUZIE!" The kid's voice yelled through the walkie again. Steve stands back up straighter and chuckled as he held a finger up towards you. "ZIP IT HENDERSON I HAVE HER RIGHT HERE!" Steve yelled through the walkie. He places his arm down and licks his lips. "Planck's constant! You know Planck's constant right?" He asks.

You furrowed your eyebrows even more. "Uh." You say as you process the random question. "You know it. I know you know it." Steve said. "Yeah I know it." You replied. Steve cheered and pressed a button on his walkie. "GET READY!" He yells to the walkie. He then extends his arm towards you and pressed down on the same button. "Please say it." He said to you softly. Confused and very weirded out, you looked at Steve then at the walkie. "Okay. Planck's constant is 6.26-" You began to say onto the walkie but you couldn't help but keep your gaze on Steve. Once you finished saying Planck's constant, Steve smiled and cheered. He placed his arm back to his side and let out a sigh of relief. "Do you need me to write it down or?" You asked as Steve ran his hands through his hair. Steve shook his head. "No. I got it. Thank you. Thank you. You're awesome." He says then stands there still, keeping his gaze on you.

"STEVE HURRY UP WE NEED YOU BACK HERE THE GATE-" You heard coming from his walkie. Steve's eyes widened and he chucked the walkie behind him towards the floor.

"I gotta go. Thank you so much. I'll explain everything later." He says in a rush then quickly grabs you and hugs you, taking you in by surprise. He quickly lets go of you and runs off to pick up the walkie. You stood there watching him with amusement and confusion as he hopped in a convertible and drove away quickly. Left speechless and confused, you shook your head and closed the door behind you and locked your door. You walk back to your living room to your friends now munching on a few snacks. "Who was it?" One of your friends asked. You blinked in shock. "You wouldn't believe me if I said who it was." You replied.


The new school year arrived for everyone and you could tell it felt different mostly because Steve wasn't there. You felt like things were different between you and Steve ever since that night he showed up to your door. He still hadn't explained what had happened, and you were beginning to think you were just a joke to him for some reason.

It was the first week back to school and you walked towards the school building when a car pulled up in the parking lot. You looked over to see Robin Buckley get out of the passenger seat of the car. "Thank you." She said as she got out. When she got out she spotted you walking past the car. "Hey Y/N!" She said cheerfully. You waved at her and smiled. "Hey Buckley." You replied. She then closed the door and then leaned in the car through the opened window. She quickly then leaned back out and turned to face you. "Good luck with the pep rally and the game today. I know the band is going to do another wonderful job today." You said. Robin blushed. "Oh stop. Thank you." She said as she opened the back seat and got her instrument out from the car.

The driver of the car that pulled in with Robin opened the door and got out. "Y/N." The voice said. You looked up to find Steve standing on the other side of the car. He caught you by surprise making your stomach turn into butterflies and your heart flutter. There he was again. Taller, older, and still handsomely cute. You couldn't help but feel a small smile creep on your face. "Oh hey Harrington." You said placing a strand of your hair behind your ear. He smiled at you in return. He walks towards Robin and helps her with her instrument. "Remember if you don't come and get me in time we'll be late." Robin says as Steve shuts the door after he gets a dark green vest from the back seat. "Calm your horses Robin I know." He says while looking at his watch.

You could feel your heart stop fluttering. You began to wonder how long they have been together. They seem so close, it's not often you see Steve chauffeuring girls around town. Yet again, you've never seen him at all outside of school. "Aw." You say looking at Robin and Steve. They both looked at you. "How long have you guys been dating?" You asked with a smile, but really you wanted to shed a tear. Robin raised an eyebrow and Steve laughed, catching you off guard. "Oh no. No we're not together." Robin says. Steve shakes his head. "We're friends. Just friends." He says. You could feel embarrassment wash over you. "Oh. Oh my gosh I'm sorry I just assumed-" You began to say when Robin cut you off. "No no. It's okay." She says. Steve leans against his car and crosses his arms. The ambiance fell silent between the three of you. You couldn't help but stare at the ground while Steve and Robin exchanged looks. Robin clears her throat and excuses herself. "I gotta warm up for the rally. I'll catch you both later." She says and walks away.

You and Steve both stood in silence as you both secretly blush like crazy. You also cleared your throat and fixed your hair. "Uh I also should get going." You say. Steve shakes his head. "Right. Yeah." He replies. You look at Steve and scan him from head to toe. He did the same and that only meant that you both just wanted to embrace each other in that moment.

"Hey listen, uh maybe." He says then kicks some rocks from under his shoe. "I was thinking." He adds. You tilted your head while your heart began to flutter again, "Maybe we can-" He began to say when he got cut off by a voice cheering your name and a pair of hands wrapping around your waist. Taken in by surprise you yelp and playfully squeal as you feel yourself getting spun. You look over to see your good friend Eddie Munson embrace you. "There's the princess!" Eddie says. You laugh and try to get out of Eddie's grip. "Eddie stop." You say giggling. Eddie places you down and laughs, fixing your hair as he places a strand behind your ear. Eddie then stands next to you and looks over at Steve then at you.

You almost forgot that Steve was there, and you quickly turn your attention towards Steve to find him with a straight face as he looks down to the ground. "I'm sorry Steve. What were you saying?" You asked. Steve looked up at you and gave a fake smile. "Oh uh. Nothing. I actually have to go- Uh. I'll just- I gotta go. Bye." He says and quickly gets in his car and drives off. Confused and saddened you shook your head. "What's his problem?" Eddie asked. You shrugged. "I don't know." You replied. "Well listen, thanks again for volunteering to help us with today's campaign and being our princess substitute for Chrissy in D&D. The game is tonight and she has to cheer and she's okay with you filling in for her." Eddie says. You smiled at him and the two of you began to walk towards the school. "Oh no problem. Anything for my wonderful friends. I'm just still in shock that Chrissy likes and plays D&D." You said. Eddie chuckled. "She blames me. We played it on our first date." Eddie replied. You laughed. "That makes sense." You said with a chuckle.


It was a rainy Saturday. It was cold, wet, gloomy and thunderous outside. You were in your room curled up in bed reading your favorite book. You still couldn't stop thinking about Steve and all the times you've ran into him from the first time you met him. You still had feelings for him and those feelings still were kept secret. You began to wonder if your feelings would ever go away but it's been a good while, years have gone by and you still can't keep Steve Harrington out of your mind.

Lightening and thunder continued to roar loudly and the rain drops falling against your window made a loud noise. You would snuggle even closer to your blanket at each thunder bolt that boomed and echoed outside. You continued to read when suddenly you hear a muffled voice coming from outside your window. You peered up from your book and listened again. You heard a muffled voice that then turned into a yell. You ignore it and continue to read your book when this time you heard the muffle voice that was yelling turn into a clear yell that said your name.

Confused, you sat in silence as you closed your book and heard the rain patter against your window again. You then heard the voice again. The voice yelled louder and clearer.

"Y/N!" You heard the voice cry out. Alarmed and alerted, you place your book on your bed and get up and walk over to your window. You squint your eyes to find a figure standing right below your window. The figure raised their arms out in the rain. You blinked and made sure you weren't going crazy. "Y/N!" The voice yelled again while waving their arms above their head . Nope, you weren't going crazy. You quickly opened your window and peeked your head out. You looked down closer to find none other than Steve Harrington right outside underneath your window in the rain.

"STEVE?!" You yelled. There went your heart again. Your stomach began to fill with butterflies and your heart raced. You were in awe, confused, and happy to see him. Steve appeared to have yelled something but you couldn't make out what he said because of the rain. He was close, but he was still far, and the rain didn't help at all. "WHAT?!" You yelled back. You squint your eyes to get a better look at him but you couldn't see him clearly. You could tell it was his figure and stature but you couldn't clearly see him. He yelled something again and you still couldn't hear him. Annoyed at the rain, you shook your head. "COME TO MY DOOR I'LL BE RIGHT DOWN." You yelled. You quickly closed your window and ran downstairs towards the front door.

You quickly opened the door and once you did, a loud thunder echoed and lightening flashed outside as you found Steve standing outside your door in the rain with a longing look on his face. Your heart skipped a beat as you noticed he held a Y/F/F in his hands. The flower was a bit bent due to the rain but he held it close to his chest. He blinked to try to keep his eyes open from the pouring wet and cold rain that was hitting him. He wore a yellow sweater with grey sweatpants that were drenched. You could see his toned chest peeking through his sweater due to the rain that was drenching him from head to toe. You could feel your eyes begin to get glossy as you stare at him in awe. Your body froze and you could feel your heart in your throat. "Steve." You said softly.

"I wanna be yours." He said gently. He looked at you with a longing face. His eyes searched your eyes and he then stretched his hand out towards you to give you your flower. The rain continued to downpour and he continued to blink to get the water out to his eyes.

"I wanna be yours. I want to be with you. I want to be the one when you need a shoulder to cry on. I want to hold you in my arms and hold your hair with my fingers running through it. I want to be the one to call you at every second and hour. I want to have those really nice late night talks over the phone. I want to kiss you. I want to wrap my arms around you everyday." He blurted out. You could feel your lips quiver at his voice. Your heart continued to beat quicker at every word he let out of his mouth. "I'm stupid enough for not wanting to talk and be with you more out of class. I wanted you to know the real me and not the me everyone said I was back then outside of class when we met the first time. I'm tired of pretending like I don't want to be with you. I want to be with you. Keeping this secret of my feelings towards you was harder than I thought. You're always on my mind." He continued.

"I wanna be yours." He said with a final breath.

Speechless, you couldn't help but feel your cheeks turn red. Your eyes were watery and your heart was now beating excessively. You felt your legs and arms turn into mush and you pressed your lips together. You both stood facing each other in silence while the rain continued to come down. You look at his arm to see the flower still in his hand extended towards you. You shook your head and chuckled, finding yourself that you couldn't take it anymore. The tears from your eyes begin to overflow causing your tears to roll down your cheeks. Without hesitation, you walk out your door and walk up to Steve and meet him in the rain.

You take one hand and place it behind his neck while your other hand gently is placed against his cheek. You pull him closer towards you and kiss him. You kiss him hard, feeling his hands wrap around you and hold you tight. You lean into him, feeling your body pressed against his cold wet body while your lips melt and mold against each other. You both hold each other while the rain continues to pour and lightening flashes around you both.

You give Steve one last final kiss and quickly pull away. You continued to hold him but you could see raindrops scattered over his face. He smiles and looks down at his hand. He brings his hand that held you and moves it so that he can present his flower to you again. You look down at the flower and blush. You both stood in silence, but both of your body language did most of the talking, especially your guys' eyes.

You grab his flower and hold it, bringing it up to your chest. You then lean forward so that your wet forehead is touching his wet forehead. "I'm all yours." You tell him with a smile. Steve returns the smile and leans in to kiss you. You felt his smile within the kiss that made you feel electricity run through your body. When Steve pulls away from the kiss he intertwines his fingers with your free hand. You both continued to stand in the rain looking into each other's eyes in awe. You twirled your flower in your hand then looked down at it feeling the cold drops of rain hit your face. Steve's eyes was lost in your eyes that admired the flower. You look back up at him and giggled. He lets go of holding your hand and brings it up to your cheek, his thumb caressing your face while simultaneously removing the rain drops that slid down your face. He breathes out softly. You look at him and see how lost he is, his eyes glimmer and his touch is warm and gentle. You could feel your heart race and skip a beat within each stroke against your cheek. He holds you closer towards him while the two of you stand in silence once again, holding each other and feeling the rain drench you both. You close your eyes and enjoy his touch and his warmth. This was everything you could ever ask for, and you were cherishing this moment to remember from now on.

Finally, you were his and he was yours.

A/N: LOL why did I have trouble figuring out how to end this? :'(

Don't hate me, I wanted to write something because I was listening to this song and I immediately was getting ideas to do an imagine and this is what came out.

So, just to make sure this imagine made sense, let me clear up a few things. The stuff that was in italics were memories from the past encounters with Y/N and Steve. The part/stuff that wasn't in italics is supposed to be set after the memories from past encounters. If you didn't notice, I wrote Steve in each memory from seasons 1-4 and ended it with season 4 Steve. Season 1 Steve was being in the memory where he helped Y/N with the door. Season 2 Steve was being in the library/cafeteria. Season 3 Steve when he shows up asking for Planck's constant, and finally Season 4 Steve was being where Eddie shows up and towards the end  where he confesses in the rain that is set after the memories. 

I hope that made sense to anyone who may have gotten confused. :)

Let me know what you think! Sorry it's so long and if there's any grammar errors, I really didn't want this to be a two parter. :/

Anyways, thanks for reading and I'll see you until next imagine! :)

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"ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ʏᴏᴜ'ᴅ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʀᴏᴄᴋᴇꜰᴇʟʟᴇʀ." "ꜱᴀʏ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ɢᴀɴᴅᴘᴀᴘᴘʏ, ʜᴇ ᴄᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅʟɪɴᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ᴜᴘ ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟ...
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❝𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐀 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐋, 𝐌𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐍.❞ ╳╳╳╳ ʬʬ𝗐𝖾𝗅𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗈... ᜰ 𝑻𝑾𝑶 𝑾𝑶𝑹𝑳𝑫𝑺 ᜰ ↳𝖻𝖾𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖼𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗌...
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[ 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃 ] ♥︎ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒑𝒔 𝒊 𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆, 𝒔𝒐 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒆𝒕, 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐧 « 𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑...