Boy From Nowhere

By YOLOwriting101

29.1K 1.4K 796

"Why are you looking at my lips?" Evan questions him, and he saw Nigel look back at them again. "Are you into... More

𓍯twenty one
𓍯twenty two


1.6K 94 34
By YOLOwriting101

Deaf Library Student x Popular Kid
Nigel x Evan
*** ^Evan siting on the ground

Evan sat on the ground, looking down as he tried to catch his breath. He didn't allow himself to be home much now that Thanksgiving Break was around.

He didn't want to be home at all. Not around his dad at least, and he really couldn't avoid him there. Going to school was his chance to escape, to not feel the stress and annoyance he feels around his own dad. He knew it was messed up, but he could care less.

Even right now, he went to a public basketball park that was some distance away from his home. He was already aware that his backyard had a basketball court and much more things a kid would dream of. Just the idea that his dad would be there to possibly impede on his peace ruined it for him.

Another thing he couldn't stop thinking about was Nigel himself. He truly felt bad for how things ended on both ends.

Even though Nigel's glasses wouldn't have broke if he didn't push Evan in the first place. That's how he saw it in his mind, but it would be pointless to say such a thing to him. He already knew it'd just start a problem all over again.

It was as if Nigel didn't believe him, that he didn't genuinely want to learn sign language. His ulterior motives behind learning it was so that he can become involved in his date with Mason - just something to distract himself with. Except now that he'd seen how Nigel reacted and truly felt about teaching him...he really wanted to be taught sign.

As he sighed finally, he suddenly heard footsteps heading towards him. When he looked up, he saw-.

"Nigel?" He gasped excitedly, even surprising himself with how excited he sounded. Except as he looked up at him, he saw how irritated he looked immediately. "Are you - I don't know - stalking me?"

"Not everything's about you, this is a public basketball court. I come here all the time." Nigel says surely, and Evan looked away from his face.

Only to do a double take as he saw finally what Nigel looked like under his baggy clothes. That immediate shock took him over and he stood up immediately.

His hands gripped Nigel's arms, not even able to go around them as they were even more muscle-filled than his. Then for him to see he actually had decent clothes on...?

"You can's a facade!" Evan cried out, Nigel pulling away from him with evident annoyance still. "No wonder Terrance asked why someone like you was back in the library collecting dust. You're literally...not ugly."

"Do I need to be ugly to work in the library? What's wrong with you?" Nigel shook his head at him. "I'm going home, I thought I could play a little, but guess not-."

"No, don't go, I want to talk to you actually." Evan grabbed Nigel's arm, stopping him only for Nigel to rip out of his grip.

He saw he was clearly still upset about what was said last Friday. His hand balled up as he rested it above his heart, moving it in a circular motion.

"I'm sorry," Evan says, nodding multiple times to him, "I am truly sorry, we didn't get off on the right foot. I want to learn sign language, I do. I also want to take part in helping you with your dates with Mason. I even am sorry for pushing you when you pushed me first and it caused you to land on your glasses."

Evan saw Nigel raise his eyebrow at him, and he immediately smiled at him.

"I'm not lying, I'm not usually one to lie, you know." Evan states confidently and he sees Nigel still not say anything. "Am I getting the silent treat-?"

Suddenly, Evan was surprised that Nigel was grabbing his arm. Only to sit them at the curb that Evan was just sitting at. He looked at him and saw Nigel ball his hand up kind of, his thumb off to the side.

"This is the letter 'A'."

Evan's eyes widened on him, seeing Nigel wait for him to respond. He quickly mimicked his hand and saw Nigel nod.

Only for his hand to open up, his thumb now resting in the middle of his palm, pointing up. When Evan mimicked his hand he saw Nigel adjust his thumb some. Holding his hand gently, Evan saw Nigel look at his eyes and he didn't know if he should look away.

"This is-."

"'B'!" Evan exclaimed, seeing Nigel just look at him. Only to nod and Evan snickered. "Of course, I'm already this good."

"It's dark out, and getting late. I'll teach you seven letters. You already got 'A' and 'B' down, I bet you can already guess 'C'." Nigel muses, and Evan easily just made the letter 'C' with his hand. "Oh my, so smart."

"I know." Evan snorts, finding it funny how Nigel said that with absolute no emotion in his voice.

As he waited for Nigel to do more, he saw him just looking at him. He wondered if he was beginning to develop a crush on him, he wouldn't blame him though. Evan knew he was everyone's crush-.

"I'm sorry too."


He was surprised to get an apology and looked around the park. Only to look back at Nigel who just looked amused at that point.

"Did I accidentally fall asleep and have a dream? Is Nigel apologizing to the supposed 'bully'?" Evan teased, seeing Nigel doing a different hand sign. His fingers all touching the tip of his thumb except the index, as that one pointed upwards. "And he's showing me the 'D'?"

Nigel snorted, causing Evan to gasp as he made him laugh genuinely. Only for Nigel's grin to drop, pretending like it never happened and showing a different hand sign. His hand balling up again, except his fingertips all rested on his thumb that laid in the middle of his palm.

"You know, it's okay for you to admit I'm funny. 'E' is for everyone, and everyone tends to find themselves believing I'm funny - one way or another." Evan wiggled his eyebrows as Nigel just shrugged at such a thing. "Do you think I'm lying?"

"I don't know you enough to be able to say, rumors say otherwise...assumptions want to disagree. It seems though...I have not been very...fair..." Nigel changed his hand. All fingers going up until his finger folded down and his thumb went under it. "'F' is for fair."

Evan just looked at his hand, his eyes moving back onto Nigel who was grinning awkwardly. His hand quickly changing as it went off to the side and the three fingers went in like a closed fist, only for his index and thumb to stick out to the side.

"And this is-."

"'G' for...gratitude." Evan spoke up fast, causing Nigel to nod calmly. His hand going down now, he sighed. "That was the seven right?"

When he saw Nigel nod, Evan began to practice the seven letters he learned on his hand. Glancing over at Nigel, who was watching his hand movements the whole time.

He became impressed for some reason. As he kept changing his hand, he was just impressed at the fact that Nigel was so fit. There was actually something going on and to see that fact was still being digested.

Even looking at his face, he really wanted to see what he'd looked like with his glasses off. With his staring though came Nigel looking at him now. The both of them looking at one another.

Evan took his chance as he nodded at the glasses, lifting up his hand. He reached across and let his hand settle on the side of them. When Nigel didn't even to mind, he pulled them off now. Looking at Nigel's face this time with no fear, and immediately became impressed.

"You're not ugly."

"Wow, so kind of you to say." Nigel snorted, grabbing his glasses as he began to clean them off with his shirt. "Did you think I was ugly with them on?"

Evan pursed his lips, waiting to see if Nigel would put them back on. Except when he finished cleaning them, he continued to wait for him to say. Now he wondered if Nigel cared more about what he thought...more than he was letting on.

"I mean, I just never really looked at your face; but now that I'm really looking at it," Evan mused, cradling his face as he leaned in some, just looking at it innocently, "You're quite handsome. Dare I say, sexy - sexy man?"

When he said that, he saw Nigel's eyes widen. If his skin wasn't brown, Evan knew he'd be seeing him blushing right now.


"Sexy." Evan teased, pulling back now as he smirked. "Do I look like a liar?"

Nigel nodded, causing Evan to snicker.

"Well, I'm not! I'm going about this from a girl's perspective." Evan ends up saying, seeing Nigel's embarrassment cease.

Only to see Nigel put on his glasses, looking at Evan intently. His eyes not wavering from his, Evan raised an eyebrow.

"So...what's your perspective?"

Hearing such a question shocked Evan more than he thought, but at the same time, not really. He really thought it wouldn't matter what he thought. Mainly because of how Nigel came off and just was Nigel.

" perspective really doesn't matter, remember?" Evan smiled at him, seeing Nigel look away from him.

Now it was just silent, and he wondered if he should just say what he thought. He knew he was handsome now that he was seeing him from this point of view. At the same time...he didn't want there to be any over-analyzing of his words.

Especially since he knew Nigel was bi.

"If I tell won't develop a crush on me or anything, right?" Evan chuckles to just ease the awkwardness, but he forgot that Nigel wasn't looking at him. Only to go on the ground before Nigel as he looked up at him. Seeing Nigel look at him in shock, he grinned. "I forgot, but I said... If I tell you my perspective, you won't start crushing on me or anything, right?"

When he says that, he saw Nigel read his lips. Looking back at his eyes, it immediately told him that he didn't appreciate what he said.

"Forget it, I don't care anymore. You straight dudes and your misconceptions that any guy who is not just straight will instantly just be wanting to slobber all over you." Nigel rolled his eyes, causing Evan's nose to scrunch up at his verbiage. "I now insist, don't tell me your perspective."

Evan saw Nigel look at him seriously, not faltering one bit. Now he just grinned, resting his arms on Nigel's lap as he got onto his knees. Leaning towards his face, he saw him not even falter still.

Believing him, he pouted as he sat back.

"Okay, I believe you. You didn't flinch or even...give a fuck. Because I know I'm pretty hot and people tend to lose focus on my close presence." Evan says with no shame, seeing Nigel roll his eyes. "Or...maybe-."

"Enough, now you're just being rude." Nigel stood up, letting Evan slip down as he just sat on the ground alone. "I'm going to go back home now. Happy Thanksgiving to you tomorrow, and don't forget the seven letters. I will be testing you next Monday."

Evan just looked at him, seeing Nigel look at him blankly. Now he raised his hand and began to do all of the letters. Once he did them all, he saw Nigel give him a thumbs-up.

"It's too easy." Evan shrugged, sighing as he sat back. Letting his head go back as he stretched, pursing his lips again and looking at Nigel. "I want something harder."

He saw Nigel just look at him, and he waited for him to do something. It was obvious to him that his words could be interpreted however. That's how he wanted it anyway.

"Harder...huh?" Nigel just says, and Evan grinned.

When he nodded, he saw Nigel's fingers come together. Only for his middle and index finger to stick out, while his thumb was out too slightly under it.

Evan saw him nudge it downwards and instantly he was curious.

"That didn't look so hard, what was that?"


"It means...'no'?"

"Yes, so smart you are." Nigel mocks him, causing Evan to scoff. "I'll see you next Monday, Evan."

Evan watched as he began to walk away, finding himself... He didn't want to be home alone with his parents and if they saw Nigel...he knew they'd be less on his ass.

All he wanted was freedom.

And...Nigel was beginning to look like that freedom. An idea of it, at least.

Evan stood up quickly, rushing for Nigel as he grabbed his arm. Causing Nigel to look down at him, he looked confused.

"Evan what-?"

"Come...home with me."

Nigel looked at Evan's lips like he read wrong, except Evan wasn't misspeaking. He looked at Evan's eyes and saw how serious he was.

"You're telling me to come home with you like I'm some lost puppy," Nigel snickered, seeing Evan just grin awkwardly, "Seriously...why? I have a family too. We aren't even friends-."

"I think we are great friends." Evan interrupted confidently, seeing Nigel have his eyebrow raised on him. "Okay...I know we aren't really. I just...don't want to go back...home. That's why I was out so late. Because I'm avoiding."

"And do you really think that helps the situation? Why not just communicate?"

Evan shook his head, his lips tightening together as the more he thought about it... It irritated him further.

Nigel noticed such a thing too...

Suddenly, Evan heard Nigel sigh. He looked back at him and saw Nigel pull out his phone. When he saw him texting his mom, his eyes widened.

"I'll come with you, but only because I don't want you haunting my conscience if I don't." Nigel tells him, Evan still looking at him in shock as he texted his mom. When Nigel finished and looked back up, Evan put on a cocky smirk immediately to hide his...appreciation and absolute shock.

"Even you can't resist me."

"Don't start, I can easily take back what I said. I don't have to miss Thanksgiving with my family for someone I'm barely friends with." Nigel says quickly.

"Well...why don't my parents and then we just go to your house?"

Evan was completely serious. He genuinely didn't want to be home and he wouldn't mind missing Thanksgiving with them. It wasn't like they are together or his parents made the food themselves. The chefs did...then they'd eat in their rooms.

"What...are you doing?"

Nigel looked at Evan...nervously, and Evan could tell he was confused. He knew why because up until a couple hours ago, they weren't close to friends. Now Evan was asking all of this of Nigel. And...quite easily too.

"Wanting to not be at my house, that's what I'm doing and... And I trust you more than I trust my own friends I've known longer and I know you're a good person're very attractive." Evan tells him with a serious face. That soon cracked a smile when he said the last part.

He saw Nigel begin to sigh, as a smile grew on his own lips too.

"You're very funny." Nigel mused, grabbing Evan's basketball as he pressed it to his chest. The both of them looking at one another as Evan grabbed it, his fingers resting atop of Nigel's. "How can I say no after hearing the supposed 'bully' say all of that cute stuff?"

Evan's cheeks became warm, and he grabbed the basketball quickly. Turning away from him, he nodded forward.

"Foll-." Evan stopped, realizing he was facing a way that Nigel couldn't read his lips. Only to look over his shoulder and look at him, trying to conceal his awkward blush as he nodded forward again. "Follow me...I walked here."

Nigel nodded, the both of them beginning to walk back together.

Evan unaware of the reason as to why he was still blushing over a joke. Probably because he'd never been called cute before...

He just didn't think it'd mess with him the way it did. And now that he thought about it, he had girls say he was cute jokingly before; but only to flirt. This was different somehow...

But he just couldn't put his finger on why.


why huh? 😲

i wonder why. 🥴🫵

do you see a different side of Evan now? 🌝

of them both? 🌚🌝

are pieces falling into place? 😮‍💨

no? 🤨

oh well. 😪

jk. 🤡

they both...are cute to me. 🫢🤞

idc! 😩👊

vote, comment, follow~

- yolo 🫶

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