The Serpents of Viksenti [Rev...

By Danielleisapenname

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I never would have thought that escaping my worst nightmare could lead to swearing my allegiance to one of th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 2

1K 41 0
By Danielleisapenname

     I packed and changed as quickly as I was able. It took mere minutes to pull on a pair of sweats and a jacket. I slipped into my room, grabbing my sparse belongings and shoving them in a suitcase and backpack. Everything else I owned was at Vik's. Gone to me forever.

     I pulled out my handgun, slipping it into my waistband, just in case. 

     My breath became tighter with every minute that went by. I thought about everything leading up to this final, pivotal moment. This thing that I told myself I would never do. Signing myself away to Zephyr Kallus and the Six might as well be a death wish, but at least I wouldn't be at the mercy of Viktor. His face popped into my head again. The violent sneer frozen on his face the last time I saw him. I shut my eyes and exhaled through the image.

     I debated leaving a note behind, or at least a text. Anything to indicate to my parents that they were not forgotten, that I was protecting them, not abandoning them. But I knew instinctively that it would only endanger them further. If any of the Lions got ahold of them, even with Zephyr's protection, my parents couldn't have a shred of information about me, about my whereabouts or affiliations, or they would die.

     I moved into the bathroom, wetting my face with cold water to wake myself up. I pulled my long blonde hair back, tucking my overgrown bangs to the side. My pointed ears stood up sharply beside my face, drawing out sharp cheekbones.

     Undernourished, I realized. I'm undernourished.

     I'd probably been a lot of things under Vik's so-called 'care.' I stared myself down in the mirror, cool blue eyes looking emptier than they have ever been. Never again, I vowed. Never again.

     I left the bathroom, unsurprised to see the four figures staring back at me in my living room in all-black. They all kept dark masks over their mouth and nose. An obvious precaution, in case my parents woke up.

     "Are you ready to go?" One of them stepped forward, a woman. I kept my voice barely above a whisper.

     "Yes," I said. I gestured to my readied bags in the kitchen.

     "Armed?" A man asked.

     I nodded, gesturing to my waistband.

     "Good." A low chuckle.

     The five of them left my parents' apartment silently, my bags in tow. I sniffed the air subtly. Two shifters, two vamps. One of the shifters was a wolf, and the other was some kind of feline. I was grateful for my fae senses. At least I knew what I was walking into.

     We made our way along the dark hallway. My parents were lucky enough to live in this building, in the heart of Starlight City. They were oblivious to the gang politics surrounding them, the violence. I had made sure that it was carefully shielded from their eyes. The only reason my parents' apartment complex had been passed over by the gangs was because I had placed several protective wards over it. I had even placed a silencing ward over the building so that gunshots couldn't be heard by anyone within the apartment complex. Even Viktor couldn't have been able to get in. But that wouldn't stop him from trying. 

     When they reached the back exit, a female feline shifter turned to me. "There's a black van in the back. You're to stop at the Serpents to fill out paperwork and talk through details of the contract with Zeph, and then you'll be shipped out. Questions?"

     I shook my head, and we left the building. Rain poured down on us, cold wetness slipping through my hair and down my empty back. I shivered, my heart pounding. I kept my eyes alert, relying on my fae senses to pick up anything in the darkness, just as I knew the shifters and vamps were also doing.

     We reached the dark van with no interruptions and the door opened. I stepped in, taking the available seat in the very centre of the vehicle, beside two other vamps who gestured to me. I'd be most protected in the middle. I pulled my gun onto my lap so that it wouldn't dig into my hip.

     The vamp beside me grinned. "Nice gun."

     "Thanks. It was a gift." I didn't offer any other information, and the vamp didn't ask. The others piled into the car, and it pulled out of the alleyway and onto the road.

     "Welcome to the team," the driver said. A young snake shifter, by the looks and smell of him. How poignant that he was a Serpent.

     The vamp in the passenger seat beside him sent me a lopsided grin. "Zephyr's been on your case for years. What changed your mind?"

     "That's none of your fucking business," I said coolly. I would not be making friends tonight. Tonight was an escape attempt.

     "With that mouth, you'll be in deep shit, and quickly," the driver said lowly. "Z won't like the attitude."

     I didn't respond, instead looking out the window as we began to cross into Serpent territory. We crossed Starlight Bridge and began driving along the West bank of the river in silence. Housing units morphed into industrial buildings and warehouses.

     I couldn't help but admire the way the city lights reflected off the fast-moving water, sending shimmers of refracted light into the darkness. The sky above us remained a cloudy dark. It had become so difficult to see the stars, with the city light pollution constantly blocking them out.

     The large van pulled into an underground garage, a quick ID swipe allowing us in. Several armed security guards did a routine walk-around of the vehicle, checking beneath it for bugs. When they deemed it safe, they gave us the go-ahead, and the car moved up through the parking lot to the highest floor. Dozens of high-tech, armored vehicles were parked meticulously at one end of the lot, with normal-looking vehicles on the other. I'd wager that most of the Serpents in Starlight City lived here.

     The van emptied, and I hopped out, my back smarting from being pressed against the seat. I followed the Serpents into an elevator as a feeling of doom settled into my bones. The nine of us managed to cram into the tight elevator space, and I was certain I wasn't the only one feeling claustrophobic by the time we reached the top floor.

     We exited the elevator and entered the large foyer of the Serpents headquarters, home to one of the most notorious gangs in Neverthall. I looked down, my gaunt reflection staring back at me in the polished tile.

     I lifted my eyes as a dark-haired man in his early thirties descended a large set of steps, slowly clapping with each step he took. "Ikaria, Ikaria, Ikaria. I have been looking forward to the day those beautiful legs graced my steps."

     "Zephyr," I dipped my chin in greeting, ignoring his last remark. "Thank you for being willing to do this on such short notice."

     "Oh no, my dear," Zephyr's golden eyes glowed, "Thank you. We haven't had a female fae join our ranks in years." And I knew why, especially as I felt multiple sets of vamp eyes drawing towards the thrumming pulse at my neck. Zephyr nodded, and the four Serpents that had ushered me from my parents' apartment were dismissed. He began to move, beckoning me in his direction, and I was escorted by the rest of them as they moved through the halls.

     "We'll discuss terms in my study, if you'd rather have the particulars of this arrangement kept private."

     "Fine by me." I didn't care either way, but at least I could be more candid with him away from the prying eyes of his men. Zephyr's Second turned around the corner right as we did, nearly running into us.

     "Ria!" Ryder exclaimed, and rushed forward to give me a hug. "Glad you made it safe." My friend planted a rushed kiss on my cheek, giving me a concerned look before speaking to Zephyr, all business. "The office is cleared out. Taryn and I will serve as witnesses, if you'd like." His boss gave a quick nod, and we continued through a long hallway before reaching the ornate door that led to Zephyr's office.

     The office itself was fairly simple, as far as the headquarters of a gang lord went, I supposed. A large desk loomed at the far end of the room. Floor-to-ceiling windows covered the western wall, bracketed by immense black curtains. The whole room was painted a dark grey. Ornate chairs sat in front of the desk that Zephyr led us towards. An incredibly detailed painting of a viridian green snake peered down from the wall above the desk, sending shivers down my spine. The golden eyes appeared to track my every movement. It was unnerving. 

     "Take a seat," Zephyr ordered. I sat in the middle chair, with Ryder flanking me at my right, and the shifter named Taryn sitting to my left.

     Zephyr flashed his fanged smile at me. "You just made my whole week," he said with a grin.

     "I'm thrilled to hear that," I said dryly.

     "I've written out some tentative terms of our agreement. If anything needs to be changed, Taryn will have them written up and printed as soon as possible. You're planning to leave tonight?"

     I nodded. "Tonight would be the best timing, I think. I don't know how soon Vik plans to retaliate."

     "You're lucky that I happen to have some men heading out. There's a bus headed to Viksenti at four."

     I released a breath of relief, checking the clock to their left. Departure in forty minutes.

     Zephyr's face looked pondering, almost soft as he surveyed me. "Why now, Ikaria? Why not before?"

     "He nearly killed me," I answered, meeting his eyes flatly. "It was either this, or risk losing myself to the Lion's. That didn't sound appealing." My eyes darkened. "You'll forgive me if I'm not thrilled about the arrangement."

     "You look like shit," Ryder said quietly beside me. "Gods, what did he even feed you?"

     "It doesn't matter. I'm not there anymore."

     "Why, Ikaria?" Zephyr asked. A genuine question.

     "I had no other choice," I shifted around in my seat. "Can we please discuss terms? I need to ensure my parents' safety before I agree to anything."

     "Of course," Zephyr purred. "We discussed ten years of service. You're to answer to me, and to the Six. Regarding your position, you'll be outranked only by my commanders and the Six. You give blood only if and when you are willing, or if you are ordered by one of them." That was a mercy. Maybe a small one, considering the volatile nature of the Six, but a mercy nevertheless.

     Zephyr continued, his gaze piercing, "As you well know, if you breathe a word in anyone's direction about the goings-on of the Serpents, it's on sight. A protection detail will be on your parents around the clock for the duration of your service, and you'll be protected at all times as well. You'll need to be put through some mandatory training once you've had some time in Viksenti to recover." Zephyr's gaze flicked to my back, and I could see the sympathy in his golden eyes before he asked. "Injury?"

     "Yes. During the attack." I felt that hollow place in my chest expand.

     "How soon will you be combat-ready?"


     "Do you know how long before your wings-"

     "I don't know."

     Another calculating look from Zephyr, pondering my worth to him. "I'll have our guy look you over in Viksenti. Questions?"

     "My parents will be protected," I pushed. "Even if they come after me with questions, even if they encounter the Serpents and try to fight, I need assurance that they will not be harmed or threatened. Ever." My cool blue eyes met Zephyr's golden ones in a challenge.

     Zephyr tilted his head ever so slightly. "You have my word. And you'll understand if the same precaution is used against you. If you retaliate against the Serpents, your parent's lives are forfeit."

     I looked over the document. "It says here I'm to have live-in bodyguards. Why?"

     "You're one of the most valuable assets to the Serpents now," Ryder explained quietly beside me, "Zephyr would be a fool not to have you watched like a hawk at all times."

     I scoffed, but didn't deny it, meeting the gang lord's calculating gaze. "What will my assignment with the Six be?"

     Zephyr smiled coldly. "To be determined after your training. For now, enjoy your freedom."

     I nodded, heart racing. After Taryn returned with a renewed contract, Zephyr handed me a pen and a knife. "You know what to do," he said quietly.

     "A blood pact? Really?" I said with a weak smile. "A little heavy handed, don't you think?"

     "Consider this my security," Zephyr said with a cold smile. "It may be overkill, but I'll be gods-damned before letting a fae out of my grasp." I shivered, but took the knife from him, sliding it through the open flamed candle at the corner of his desk to sanitize it. In a singular, fluid movement I slid it along my wrist, opening up a small cut, and filled the pen with blood ink. I watched Zephyr's nostrils flare with a peek of his fangs, the only indication that my blood had any effect on him. I signed along the dotted line.

     Zephyr mimicked my movements, grabbing his own knife to do the same. When the document was signed in blood by both of us, he shook my hand firmly, the zing of magic finalizing the blood pact.

     "Welcome to the Serpents." Zephyr's smile was positively feral. "You're to leave in..." the gang leader took a glance at his watch, "Twenty minutes. If you want a quick shower, it's upstairs in the bathrooms. Otherwise, try not to piss off any of my men. Ryder will get you fitted with a jacket."

     I nodded, leaving with Ryder. Taryn remained behind to give Zephyr updates from her city sector.

     "How are you feeling?" Ryder asked quietly when we were finally out of earshot.

     "Terrified," I muttered under my breath, not wanting to be heard by any of the Serpents walking past. At least I knew there weren't any other fae in the Starlight ranks, our hearing better than any of the rest. But even so, shifter and vamp hearing were far better than average. Nymphs, naiads and dwarves weren't too bad either. Waterfolk had the worst, though. I watched several humans pass by Ryder and I. The presence of humans would have surprised me, but I knew they had to have been hand-picked by Zephyr himself. While humans may be at the bottom of the power chain, they must be of particularly high value to have caught Zephyr's eye. I scented a few half-vamps and half-shifter humans, encountering one half-naiad in the bathroom.

     After I received my Serpents jacket, Ryder approached me with a cup of coffee. "Zephyr needs me here in Starlight, otherwise I'd be overseeing your training myself. You'll do great, Ikaria."

     I offered my friend a forced grin as I accepted the warm beverage. "I've been informally training for this my entire life," I said with a half-smile that didn't quite reach my eyes, "I know I'll be fine."

     "If you need anything, I'm just a call away. I'll be visiting halfway through your training to see how you're doing so that I can give Zephyr an update."

     "Okay," I said, pulling the jacket tighter around my shoulders. Why did my voice sound so small?

     "Hey," Ryder wrapped me into his arms, pulling me against his chest. My childhood friend had fought for so long to keep me away from this lifestyle, only for me to enter it another way. The fact that he was so willing to let me join up now meant that he was truly concerned for my well-being. "You'll be fine. He can't get to you there."

     "I know," I said against his shirt. "I know."

     "We're shipping out!" A voice called, and I pulled away from my friend's embrace.

     We exchanged a look.

     I'll be fine, I said to my friend's mind.

     You know I hate it when you do that, his laughing voice filtered into mine. Keep me updated when you can. I'm only a phone call away, he reiterated

     I grabbed my belongings, following a group of Serpents into the elevator. A short ride later, they emptied out into the parking lot and walked towards a large black bus.

     "That's not inconspicuous at all," I mumbled under my breath.

     "Zephyr does like his theatrics," a voice said to my left. I scented him as one of the vamps who was in my apartment.

     "He does, doesn't he?" I found myself smiling. The dark-skinned male offered to move my bag into the lower compartments of the bus, and I obliged. We both entered the vehicle, where at least a dozen Serpents sat waiting. I heard the voices mumbling, a mixture of vamps, shifters, and humans.

     "Fae. She's fae."

     As if my pointed ears and scent didn't give that away.

     I took a deep breath and placed myself beside a window near the back of the bus, feeling  curious eyes on me.

     This was going to be a long journey. 

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