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By Thymez

52.9K 1.8K 357

'''' after the cataclysm, you used every last bit of your strength to visit your successor one last time... y... More

small disclaimer
Fun facts!


2.4K 132 11
By Thymez

you jerked your head towards whoever said that, expecting a teacher or a staff member, but to your surprise, you found a student.

well, you think he is, he is wearing the same uniform as the adeuce duo, but instead of red it was designed with green accents that pop out on his raven black uniform,

the male in front of you has cool-black hair that's cut mid-length, with long bangs and two longer sections of hair on his sides that fall over his shoulders.

He had two long black horns that curved back in a s- shape, he had green eyes and slited irises, and his ears were pointed, but they were shorter than elves.

'a fae? I heard children stories about these people, but never imagines I might run into one.' you thought, looking at his features with intent,

"uhm, greetings, what is a human like you doing in the court yard this late at night?" The ravenette asked, "Ah, I was just... waiting for a friend, we're supposed to meet here, but seems their running late.." you sighed, looking up at the sky to see stars painting the night blue sky,

"I see.... may I perhaps keep you company as you wait for your friend?" He asked, he offers his hand to you, you were a bit surprised, but your lips curved slightly, "I appreciate your gesture......uhm..?" your voice trailed,

not knowing what to call him, "Apologies, but I have no idea who you may be, would you perhaps enlighten me?" you asked, an awkward giggle escapes your lips,

the male seemed to be surprised a bit, though he regained his composure and let out a small chuckle, which slowly escalates into a hearty giggle,

"I see... I have not seen you around before, are you perhaps the magicless student I have heard from Lillia?" He asked, tilting his head and resting his chin on two of his fingers,

"Ah, seems my arrival has reached the word of the mouth." you muttered, you avert your gaze away from the man, he took notice of your silence, he opened his mouth to change the subject but you beat him to it and opened yours,

"Indeed, I'm the 'magicless' student, the name's y/n Rukkhadeveta, but people call me y/n, pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Mr....?" You bowed your head in a playful way. you eyed the fae male, expecting something, like his name.

He gave a soft laugh at your tease, "It's best if you remain unaware, it's for your benefit, I will permit you to call me by a name of your choosing."

"although you may one day regret it."

"Ahem, anyways, I'm afraid I can't stay much longer, I'm assuming we shall meet one another in another time?" He turned his back, but eyed you intently awaiting for your response,

you blinked in surprise, before smiling a bit, "perhaps we will, may we meet again."

The fae smiled, before disappearing in a flash of green dust. The green dust flew into the sky as the wind drifted it off, and in such perfect coincidence, you could feel scuttering beneath the ground.

a hole started to form on the ground, Grim's hand pops out of the ground below, before sliding back in, two burst two of his paws out of the ground,

using all of his strength he pulled his upper body out of the ground aswell, he panted and huffed, "myrhahh... so... tired... are we here?"

he asked, his eyes slowly shifted onto you, "myrah!! we're here!! myahaha!! see the great Grim told you that we could do it!"

"Hey! don't steal credit! you were whinin' like a baby saying that we'll never see light again!"

a high pitched voice chimed underneath, a low rumble came inside the ground, before sprouting Mooli up, the moment the little aranara saw you, their eyes flashed with joy,

"Queen Aranyani!"

"we found the gemstone you need!" Mooli said showing the gemstone, "thank you, both of you, c'mon let us make haste to headmage's office."

You pulled the both of them off the ground and gently carried them in your arms, meanwhile Grim fidgets and squirms, he managed to get of your grip and climbed onto your shoulder.

In the halls

You walked in a fast pace while Mooli guided you towards the headmaster's office, after some time walking you found yourself lost in the hallways,

"well, isn't this convenient.." you mumbled, "well, we got the whole night before sunrise to find the office?"

Mooli said trying to reassure you, you sighed "perhaps there might be a school map to help us? surely with a school this big the headmage must've-"

"nope! no school map unfortunately.."

An unfamiliar feminine voice chimed, you jerked your head looking for the owner yet found no one, "psst! over here!"

You jerked your head again to find... a portrait?

you walked closer to inspect the portrait with a girl with red hair painted into it, "forgive me, but are you the one speaking?"

"of course! have you never seen a talking portrait before?"

"No, I don't think so-?" you backed away for a bit before scanning said portrait,

The portrait has a picture of girl with curly rose red hair that reached to her shoulders, she had long lashes and green emerald eyes,

she wore a red Victorian tea gown with black accents, a red hat resting on the side of her head with black puffy feathers resting on the side of hat.

"I'm Rosaria, a painting on the wall as you can see here. Hope you didn't mind my sudden appearance!" (I don't think she has a Canon appearance so I'm just basing her off of Rosaria from genshin :p)

Rosaria introduced herself bowing her head a little bit, you blinked at her politeness before giving her a courtesy bow, she laughed a bit, "So, your lost and need to find headmage's office, correct?"

you nodded, "yes, it'd be nice if you could point us towards the principle's office." You said,

Rosaria giggled, "since you asked nicely, if you go straight then once you see a weird looking painting of a crow turn right then keep going straight, then go up the stairs then keep heading towards the end of the hall, there you'll find the office." she pointed to the east,

"Ah, thank you very much Ms. Rosaria, hope I can help you as well in the future!" you walked towards the direction she pointed, the both of you waved goodbye to each other.


Following the directions of the portrait Rosaria, you swiftly found your way to the principle's office, and right before sunrise too,

you knocked and pushed the door, revealing the headmage sitting on his chair doing paperwork or doing a crossword puzzle on the newspaper, you can't tell.

"Mx. Y/n! pleasure to see you here. Say, where are the other two? Mr. Spade and Mr. Trappola?" Crowley asks looking around for the duo.

"Now that I think about it... where are they? I suspected they'd be here already..."

"heard they got in trouble with a certain redhead.. so we won't be seeing them till' tomorrow." Mooli informed. The headmage clapped his hands, "alright! I'm assuming your here to either admit defeat or have surprisingly found the stone!"

you gave him a sarcastic stare before walking over and handing him the gemstone, which left him surprised.

"How‐, I thought these stones were already mined put thousands of years ago... how are they even still- did you did all of this on your own?!"

the headmage asked, staring at you and the stone in disbelief and surprised, a smug chuckled emitted from a certain feline,

"I was with em'!" a smug smile plastered on Grim's face, causing Mooli to eye roll. The headmage looked down I'm surprise to see the feline from before,

"Ah, it's you from the ceremony.."

"The only reason they found it in that pitch-black cave is all on account of my awesome fire!" Grim stated with a smug smirk,

"They couldn't even beat that crazy lookin monster!" Grim continued. you on the other hand, seemingly done with Grim's statements, spoke, "actually, Ace, Deuce and even I contributed as well, you little furball.." you muttered the last part as your eyes narrowed at the feline,

"monster?" The headmage stared blankly at you, confused. "Inside the mines there was a faceless monster with a broken glass head the was seeping with ink."

You continued to explain what the event on what had happend in Mt. Dwarf and in the mines to the headmage, not missing any of the details.

"So there's a mysterious monster living in the mines and the four of you worked together to defeat the monster, retrieve the magestone and come back here to the campus?" The headmage recapped what you have said,

"actually, the monster seems to have been neutralized thanks to the redhead, I think his name was... Riddle? ignoring the questionable name choice, he too helped, in giving the final blow to the monster,

he even was kind enough to escort me to the clinic and patched my arm up, you stated, showing your injured arm wrapped up in a cast.(I've learned to slam on the break, before I even turn the key, before I make the mistake, before I even lead with the worst of me- I'm sorry-)

The headmage stares at you for a moment before putting a hand over his eyes as soft sobs starts to leak from his mouth, before streams of tears start to leak from his eyes making him sob violently,

"In all the years I have dedicated in being headmage, who would've imagined I'd ever see the day that Night Raven College students went hand-in-hand and triumphed!"

"you say that as if you failed to show unison among them.." you muttered under your breath,

"I'm simply overwhelmed with emotion, this concludes something for me."

he stood up, and walked towards you, making you take one footstep back, "you undoubtedly have talent.. as a beast tamer!"

"...a beast tamer, you say?"

"Night Raven College's students, the chosen few, are all talent budding magicians.

However, it's that very same excellence that gives them great pride

and makes them utterly unwilling to cooperate with others.

A great deal of them are self-centered and egotistical."

'So, in short this school is just made up out of egotistical pretty boys? that sucks, but intrigues me..' you thought,

"You have the brains and brawns of the first sage of Twisted wonderland, they were known to be the most cunning and strongest leader,

but that's precisely why you could be assisting those that can."

"a smart and cunning individual is something what are campus needs!"

Crowley slides over to you, "there is no doubt in my mind that you're essential to the future of our academy. My intuition as an educator tells me so." he points a finger to the brim of his hat.

"Trappola-kun, and Spade-kun... alongside me waiving the expulsion of those two."


I grant you the opportunity to attend Night Raven College as a student!"

The news leave both you and Grim in surprise, "Though there is one condition, since you are incapable of using other magic besides nature type, I doubt that some of the other lessons can apply with you."

"Which is why, Grim."

Having said Grim's name the feline stops it sulking and perks its ears up.

"you've proven to me today that you possess the talent necessary to become a magician. Therefore, I've decided to let the two of you enroll as one student."

Grim's eyes started to pour tears as he heard the news, "I... I'm gonna get to go to school..?" He asked still in disbelief,

you bent down to Grim's level and placed a hand on his head, Mooli being a little soft hearted due to the situation sighed, they got down of your back and walked towards the feline,

gifting them a flower pulled out of their hat and placing it on top of Grim's head, Grim's tail started to wag to the side slowly as he process what was going on,

"Good job Grim, you have achieved your ambition." you congratulated, he jumped enthusiastically "Fnyaahh!!!!! I did it!!"

"Well, then I'm going to adorn you with proof of your enrollment at Night Raven College: Magic Gem.

Though, unfortunately Mx. Rukkhadeveta wouldn't need to wear this, but I have been researching about this 'Teyvat' you have spoken of during the ceremony,

and during that I have found out that some of the people there, despite not having been born with magic, can get magic through strong ambition forming the praise and attention of the gods gifting them with something called, a 'vision'"

"The real reason I asked for the magestone was for me to sculpt it into making a look alike of the visions in your world"

you were very surprised that the headmage took time to research something about your world, perhaps it gives you hope that maybe he might be responsible enough to find a way to get you back home.(hehe, he probably will not-)

"Now, the both of you are finally official students at Night Raven College, go. Go end start your day!"


woah- is been a while since I did a long one-


it's not a lot but it is for me ;u:

I didn't think yall will actually like this book but color me surprise, Ahem hope all of you look forward to the next chapter! hope you guys have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening and see you guys in the next chapter :>>

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