LMK x Child Reader (FEM) [ON...

Da FlowerFall5

84.3K 1.8K 1.2K

(This a very old book and contains grammar errors, slight cringe and some other stuff normally found in a 12... Altro

A Hero Is Born Part 1
A Hero Is Born Part 2
Bad Weather
Coming Home
Noodles or Death
The Great Wall Race
Impossible Delivery
The Lotus Prince
Skeleton Key
The End Is Here!
Revenge Of The Spider Queen Part 1
Revenge Of The Spider Queen Part 2
Sleep Bug
Dumpling Destruction
Ping Pong Panic
Sweet'n Sour
Minor Scale
Game On
Shadow Play
To Catch A Leaf
72 Transformations
This Is The End!
On the Run
Y/N Art
Underverse story?
Christmas Special!
More Y/N Art
Happy Holidays!
Animation thing I did
First headcannon- Yandere LMK and child reader
Sorry I havent updated!
Redson last words trend thing-
Future Books + Poll
Lego Set
Y/N Season 3 redesign!
Season 3?
Random Doodle
New Book Announcement!
You guys please read-
Ask Anything!
Ask Anything Answers!


2.1K 51 74
Da FlowerFall5

The Calabash is one of my favorite episodes, so I really enjoyed writing this.

The extra was also fun to write.


Mother's name- (M/N)

Father's name- (F/N)

Younger brother's name- (B/N)

Younger sister's name- (S/N)


Y/N slowly opened her eyes, rubbing them to get the blurriness out. She got out of bed and got herself ready to leave for another interesting day. She opened her bedroom door and walked to the front door. She was about turn the door handle to leave before she heard noises coming from the living room. Her hand retracted from the door handle, and slowly, but hesitantly walked into the living room and stared wide eyed at what she saw. She saw her family, her mother, her father, her sister, and her brother, eating at the table, laughing, and having a good time. (M/N) noticed her and smiled sweetly. 

"Hi dear, have a nice sleep? Why don't you join us for breakfast?" Y/N shook her head in denial, saying a quick 'no thanks.' 

"I'm going to Pigsy's noodles." Y/N said straight forward, not wanting to stay there any longer. She sped walked back to the front door. 

"Okay, make sure you come back before dinner!" (F/N) yelled out to her, as she opened the door and was about to leave before a hand grabbed her shoulder. She tensed and turned her head to see (S/N). 

"Can I come with you?" (S/N) asked in an innocent voice. 

"N-Not this time." Y/N said before running out the door, not giving (S/N) a chance to say another word to her. She walked out the door, her headphones over her ears, listening to music. 

"Hey, whatcha doing Y/N?" Y/N stopped walking and turned around to see who said that, she felt the ground beneath her shake violently. Y/N stumbled, and stared at the floor in shock. "You okay?" The voice asked, as Y/N turned around. 

"Oh, hi C/N. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your mom?" 

"Yeah, but I just wanted to check up on you." C/N said, making Y/N confused. Sure, C/N and Y/N were like best friends, but he never checked up on her before in person. Normally they would text each other. She shook it off, but she still felt uncomfortable, and tried to find an excuse to get out of the situation. 

"Oh, well I'm doing good. I better get to the noodle shop before Pigsy gets worried about me. See ya." Y/N said, before turning around and walking away. 

'C/N' stood there and watched her leave before scowling. "Darn, I missed her." 'He' said in a different voice. '(S/N)' then walked up behind 'him.' "Don't worry, we've got nothing, but time." 'She' said, smirking.


Y/N walked through the door of the small shop and saw Tang slurping on noodles, while Pigsy was making some, his back turned to her. 

"Hi, Y/N!" Tang said, enthusiastically. Y/N waved to him before sitting on the stool next to him. MK then dashed through the door into Pigsy's Noodles. 

"Pigsy! I'm so sorry I'm late! I overslept, and I guess I didn't set an alarm? Honestly, I don't even remember going to bed. And the earthquake, and-and-and- please don't fire me!" MK pleaded. 

"Fire you?... Ha! Why would I fire you?" Pigsy turned around smiling. 

"Uh, well, last time you said, 'If you are one minute late ever again. You. Are. FIRED!" MK imitated Pigsy, making Y/N slightly snort. 

"I said that?" 

 "That doesn't sound like my best friend Pigsy." Tang said, putting his arm around Pigsy's shoulder. Tang and Pigsy laughed together. The ground shook again, making Y/N and MK panic. 

"It's happening again!" MK yelled, before throwing himself at Y/N hugging her. Y/N almost fell over, but managed to steady herself. 

"Again? What you talking about, MK?" 

"Did you not feel that?" 

"Feel what?" 

"The earthquake." Y/N said. 

"I think MK and Y/N's got a real case of the Mondays, hmm?" Tang said. 

"Hmm, maybe it's an inner ear thing? Oh, the staff. Yep. Uh, must be in there real good." MK said, trying to get staff out of his ear. Pigsy laughed at his behavior. 

"Your staff ain't in your ear, kid." 

"Oh. That's a relief. Wait, where is it?" 

"On top of the mountain, sealing away the Demon Bull King and his entire family." Tang said, making Y/N and MK's eyes widen. 

"Uhh, say what now?" 


"You two do remember, right?" Tang sighed. "I keep saying you work MK too hard." 

"That's it. You're taking a day off." Pigsy said, pointing at MK with his wooden spoon. "And Y/N, you can go with him." MK then left the noodle shop in excitement, taking Y/N by her arm and dragging her with him.

"My first day off in two whole years! This is a perfect day!" 

"Perfect!" A crowd behind them yelled. 

"No traffic at rush hour?" 


"Free shoes and cheese tea samples?" 


 "Beat all the high scores on Monkey Mech?" 


"More free cheese tea samples?" 


MK chuckled nervously, as Y/N flinched. "You guys really are driving that point home, huh?" The ground shook again as the crowd flickered behind MK. "Whoa. What was that?" MK asked, looking behind him, as the crowd disappeared. "Uh, yeah, something's definitely up here. But what? Hmm..." 

"Well, when I woke up, my family was eating breakfast and acted like they never left." Y/N explained, her hand on her chin. 

"And Pigsy smiled. He never smiles! We've got to tell Mei." MK said, taking Y/N by the hand and dragged Y/N to meet Mei. He then bumped into her and fell into the ground, taking Y/N with him. 

"Hey, MK, Y/N. You guys good?" 

"Mei. Boy, am I glad to see you. Please tell me you can see them too." The crowd appeared over MK's shoulders. MK looked at Mei nervously, Y/N on his lap, sweat dropping. Mei held up her hand and shushed him. 

"None of that matters. We're gonna be late." Mei said, taking their hands and running. 

"Late for what?" MK asked. 

"Our romantic river cruise for two." MK and Mei sit at a table on Sandy's boat, which was decorated in a romantic fashion. Y/N was holding a basket of flower petals standing next to MK. "Uh, love what you've done with your boat, Sandy." 

"Isn't it perfect? I've finally figured it out. I felt like I really needed to cement what my role was in the group dynamic. And then, it just came to me. Boom! Romantic cruises! Okay, I'll be right back with the hors d'oeuvres."

 MK chuckled awkwardly before whispering to Mei. "Mei, something really bad and really weird is going on. I think I'm losing it. There's all these earthquakes, and Pigsy said I beat DBK, and everything is all-" 

Mei brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Perfect?" 

"Oh, no. It's spreading!" Mei stood in front of MK. 

"MK, there's something I wanted to tell you, since the first day we met." The boat rumbled, causing Mei to fall to MK. 


Y/N just stood there awkwardly behind them. 

"I just can't hold it in anymore. MK, I...I... love you." MK gaged over the side of the boat, Y/N coming by his side and patting his back. 

"No, I don't- I don't." 

"Wait! I mean-"


The camera panned towards a board with MK and his friends. On the bottom right corner, there were also a couple a picture of Y/N in the noodle shop, the park, the market, and some places where she was with MK, C/N, or her other friends. All the pictures of her had a circle around her with a couple of smiley faces or small pink hearts. In any pictures where she was with MK or other people, their faces were crossed or scribbled out. In the middle were two demons arguing over the Calabash. 

"No, it's my turn! You're just going to tell him everything's perfect again!" The blue one argued. 

"Oi. You forfeited your turn when you told me they should be in love!" The gold one said. 

"Oh! That was your idea!" The board had a picture of MK and Mei in the middle. The gold one ripped the middle of the picture off. 

"But they're just friends. You should know that." 

"Gah! Well, there's got to be something about this in our scheme book. We also need to find a way to get the little one out of there." 

The blue demon slammed an oversized book with many tabs on the table. He then opened it, revealing small pictures of MK. 

"Okay, uh, let's see here. Step one: Imprison Monkie Kid in the Calabash." 

"Right. Done." 

He put a check mark next to the picture. 

"Step two: Convince Monkie Kid he's not in the Calabash." 

"Okay. We'll call that one 'work in progress.' Next?" The rest of the page was empty. 

"Yeah, that's- that's it. It's just the two steps." 

"Oh! We really need to put in more time into the development stage." The golden demon said, scratching the back of his head. He then took the Calabash from the table. "All right, all right, I can fix this." He pitched his voice higher to impersonate Mei. 

"Haha, did I say in love?" 


Mei in the Calabash stood up. "I meant to say... I love being your friend." She laughed. 

"Uh, you know what? I-I-I need to- Uh, I'll see you later." 

"As friends?" 

"Yep." MK grabbed Y/N and ran off. 

'Mei' smirked "I think I nailed it." 'Sandy' came behind her. "Hm. Let's make sure." 

MK headed into an alley, Y/N behind him. "Hmm." He tripped and fumbled before falling to the floor. 

"How you doing down there?" They both looked up to see Monkey King, sitting on his cloud.

"Monkey King! Wait a minute. What are you doing here?" 

"Ah, you know. Hanging, chilling. Monkey Kinging around. Uh, anyway, enough about me. What's new with you two? You seem agitated." 

"Well, yeah. I mean, everyone's got dumb brain! Except Y/N. Pigsy gave me the day off, and Mei said she-" He gagged before going up to him and whispering "loves me. I think I'm going crazy." 

"Ah, you're not crazy. This is all very normal. My power's just... so great. It's probably too much for your brain to handle. You're going to see some weird stuff. You've just gotta accept it." 

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, knowing something was up. "Accept it?" Y/N asked. 

Monkey King looked at her, smirking. "Yeah, accept it." Monkey King turned away from them as he continued. "Apart from that love bit, it all sounds fine. Perfect. Uh, but you know, if you think about it, actually, maybe you and Mei would be... like a really-" He stopped as notices that MK and Y/N left. "MK? Y/N? Gaw, dang it."


MK and Y/N returned to the place where DBK was seemingly sealed by the staff. "This is fine, this is fine. I can figure this out. I'm definitely not going crazy. It's everyone else that's going crazy." He saw the Golden Staff. "My staff!" MK walked towards the staff, but Mei appeared suddenly behind MK. 

"Hey, MK. What are you doing?" 

"Ugh, Mei." He turned around to look at her, Y/N hid behind him and gripped on his sleeve. MK looked at her, surprised, but then turned back to Mei. "Uh, I was just gonna take the old staff for a spin." 

"Take it? You can't take it. If you do that, then the Demon Bull King will return!" MK backed away from Mei. He bumped into Sandy. 

"Leave the staff where it is, dude." Tang then appeared. 

"Oh, MK, Y/N, you don't want that mean DBK to return, do you?" 

"I mean, I didn't think he was all that bad, neither was his family." Y/N said, nervously. 

"Why don't we just go back to the shop? I'll make us all a nice pot of noodles." Pigsy said, holding a bowl of noodles. Monkey King then arrived. 

"You can still have your perfect life." Mo then climbed on his shoulder and spoke. 

"Yeah, we can all just hang out." There was an awkward silence as everyone processed what happened. 

"Jin. The cats not meant to talk." 'Mei' said to 'Pigsy.' 

"Yeah, jig's up. Let's get him!" 

MK ran with Y/N to the Golden Staff. MK reached for the staff, and the others piled on top of him. Y/N was then stopped by C/N as they grabbed Y/N by her arms. MK attempted to pull out of his 'friend's' grip. 

"Here. Comes!" 


"He's too strong!" 

"Stop reaching!" 


"...Monkie Kid!" As MK gripped the Golden Staff, making everything glow gold. 

The Calabash broke as he and Y/N fell. They stood up and looked around, hearing a large clanking noise. They saw two demons trying to sneak away. MK and the two demons both screamed seeing each other, but Y/N just looked around. She saw the board filled with picture of her friends. Though on the bottom right corner were many pictures of her. Scribbled circles around her with smiley faces and small pink hearts. She stared at the pictures, not knowing what to feel before turning back to the twin demons. 

"Who are you!?" MK asked. The two demons looked at eachother before smirking. 

"We're your worst nightmare! Jin." 


Jin jumped on top of Yin. "The Gold and Silver Demons!" 

"Mate, it's silver and gold. Silver and gold." 

"I'm not having this conversation again. It's gold and silver!" They both argued. 

"Okay, got it. You're demons. Uh, what am I doing here?" 

"We heard about the great Monkie Kid and knew that you would be a worthy adversary." Yin said, as both his and his brother's faces were bruised up. 

"Yes. And through cunning and guile, we called out to you, and you foolishly... answered."


MK was delivering noodles, Y/N in the seat next to him. The reached their destination and got out of the delivery truck. MK knocked on the door. 

"Who is it?" Jin said in a high-pitched voice. 

"Pigsy's Noodles, home of the world's longest-" 

His voice faded out as Yin spoke. "He has to answer to his name, remember?" Yin whispered. 

"Oh, yeah." Jin cleared his throat. "This app thingy says you have to identify yourself. Is your name 'MK'?" 

"Uh, well, I'm currently going by MK, but it used to be --" 

The door opened and MK and Y/N were sucked into the Calabash.

<Flashback End>

"The Calabash was supposed to contain you forever! Except you little one." 

"Yeah, we were trying to get you out and keep the Monkie kid there with three simple steps. Well... two at the moment. We were trying to figure out the third one." 

"Right. Uh, but instead, we'll have to destroy you the good old-fashioned way." 

MK sighed. "Fine!" He drew out his Golden Staff and spun it around. "I feel like a fight." Jin and Yin sweat dropped. 

"Um, I think he knows we're bluffing." Jin said. 

"Oh, I just figured out step three." They then both brought out smoke bombs. 

"Smoke bomb!" They threw down twin smoke bombs. 

Y/N and MK coughed, as MK then looked around not finding the twins before hearing a laugh behind them. Y/N and MK turned around to see Jin and Yin. 

"We're the greatest tricksters!" 


"See you soon, little one!" They said in unison before they then disappeared in smoke.


MK and Y/N returned to Pigsy's Noodles again. "Um, Mei? Mr. Tang?" MK said as he looked around for anything suspicious. 

"Where have you been, MK!? I've got-" MK then hugged Pigsy, cutting him off. 

"Pigsy. Wait, is it?" MK poked Pigsy repeatedly, making Pigsy irritated. 

"If you don't get your hands off me, YOU'RE FIRED!" 

"It is you. Oh-ho-ho-ho, my sweet Pigsy! Pigsy, it is you!" 

"Uh, what's happening?" Pigsy looked at Y/N who diverted her eyes elsewhere. 

"Sorry. It's just... I'm just really glad none of you are perfect." MK said, making everyone except Y/N furious. 


"Guys-" Y/N tried to calm them down, but failed. 

"What are you talking about? This job's the most perfect thing you're ever going to get!" 

"I so too am perfect. You've got dumb brain. That's what you've got!" 

"Wow. I'm going to reset your Monkey Mech character. How about that?!" 

As Pigsy, Tang, and Mei yelled at him, MK sighed contentedly, Y/N held on to his sleeve.



It was slightly dark out as Y/N was walking home, later than usual. She had tried to calm Pigsy, Tang, and Mei down from potentially murdering MK. She then heard a rustling noise coming from an alleyway and stopped walking and stared into the darkness. She grew curious and slowly walked into the alleyway, using her phone flashlight. She stopped when she reached the end and sighed. She was about to turn around and go back home when a hand then covered her mouth.

 "Looks like I finally caught you." A voice said, which Y/n could identify it as a male's voice. 

"I just want you to turn around and not scream, alright? And don't even think of running, it won't help."

 The person retracted their hand from Y/N's mouth. Y/N slowly turned around seeing a tall figure. They had a long cloak over them, covering any of their features. The only thing Y/N could make out was a long black tail and a toothy smirk. 

"See, that wasn't so hard. How about I walk you home. It is pretty late for someone like you to be walking back home." He said, as turned around and started walking, until stopping when he realized that Y/N wasn't following. "You coming?" Y/N then took a step back, not wanting to follow him. "C'mon, you can trust me. I won't hurt you." His tone made him sound like he genuinely didn't want to do anything malicious to her, so she started walking with him out of the alleyway. "So, you look you had an eventful day, didn't you?" 

"Yeah, I guess." 

"So, what happened?" 

Y/N then explained what happened though out he day, the cloaked stranger listened intensely. As Y/N talked the strangers tail swung back in forth in amusement. He already knew what happened, he been watching her for a while and found her very interesting. She was fragile in his eyes, needing protection from anything that could possibly hurt her. 

They reached Y/N's house, and had to stop their conversation (to the much disappointment of the cloaked stranger.) 

"Well, I've gotta go... Bye." Y/N said awkwardly before turning around. 

She opened the door and went to her bedroom. She got ready to get to bed and laid down and pulled her covers over her. She then fell into a deep sleep.

The cloaked stranger watched her as they slept from a rooftop. He could see the child resting peacefully from their window.

'I look forward to properly meeting you, kid. Soon, very soon.'

[To Be Continued.] 

Words- 3140



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