The Rejected To The Wanted

By Little_Red_317

468K 12.3K 2.5K

Blamed for the death of the former Alpha and her parents that died trying to protect her. Alyssa Silvers is t... More

Chapter 1:Screw You
Chapter 2:One Hell of A Situation
Chapter 3: Do You Know How It Feels?!
Chapter 4: Peanut Butter Cookies
Chapter 5: I Found My Family
Chapter 6: You're A Magical Unicorn
Chapter 7:Timothy
Chapter 8:Alyssa 2.0
Chapter 9:Back To This Hellhole
Chapter 10:The Singing Of A Dying Walrus
Chapter 11:Bitch Was Going To Pay
Chapter 13: How About Friends?
Chapter 14:Young and Beautiful
Chapter 15: The Betrayal
Chapter 16: You'll get what you deserve
Chapter 17: Mine
Chapter 18: Losing
Chapter 19: Where?
Chapter 20: Back
The Hiatus
Chapter 21: Welcome
Chapter 22 : 2-0
Chapter 23 : Hi... Again
Chapter 24: Memories
Chapter 25: ME
Chapter 26: Home
Chapter 27: Broken
Chapter 28: Oblivion
Chapter 29: My Final Goodbye

Chapter 12:Containment Earrings

19.9K 498 43
By Little_Red_317

Alyssa's P.O.V.~

She shakily began,"I-I-I-I c-choose w-." She was cut off by her dear big brother,"She not going to fight you monster."

I turned to him he was standing there, fear was evident in his eyes,"then you will face me and she will be spared till tomorrow."

"No, this stops now," Dylan booms.

I smirk," oh really Alpha what are you going to do about it," I walk up to him.

"I'm the Alpha here you will respect me," he states firmly.

"Respect you ha the amount of respect I have for you is gone, you are not my alpha, secondly you all deserve to die," I hiss at them.

He looked taken back but quickly recover,"IM ALPHA YOU ARE ON MY TERRITORY YOU WILL RESPECT MY RULES!"

I laugh," no I don't need to respect scum like you."

Then Nate steps up,"That's right you're the one that called us here, you asked for our help, so we don't need to respect you."

I smile,"you deserve to burn in hell, for what you monsters did to me. You think I'm the horrible one but no you're wrong, you are the monsters."

"Everyone who joined this retarded pack the last three years step up," I order in my alpha tone.

In an instant a small handful of girls and boys stepped up. 3 girls and 6 boys. "You guys are spared unless you go against me, but I have a question for you have you ever heard of me?"

They all were too scared to answer so they shook their heads no."Not one word from the Alpha or Tracie."

No again.

I laugh,"You tried to erase your mate Dylan, wait no I'm not your mate, I'm Nate's."

I hear him growl, he reaches to grab my hand I pull away,"You lost the right to touch me three years ago go fuck the whore," I hissed at him knowing he knew I meant Tracie.

I turned back to Clare and her brother," so Clare you or your brother who are you going to throw under the bus?"

She immediately points at Kent whose mouth dropped open. I turn back to Dylan who had the expression of hurt and guilt written on his face.

"If you have a problem with my training method then call another pack because the only way this pack is going to get stronger is when you step up and be a man instead if a whiney, selfish, brat," I spat at him."My son has more leadership skills than you and he's five."

I turn back to the scared beta, I cracked my knuckles and as he shifted, the fight was fast and I beat the Victor easily as well.

I dropped the wheezing Victor on the ground.

"You used to call me pathetic now look at you, can't even beat the weak, worthless, disgusting pup anymore," I spat, they whimpered.

"800 push-ups, 200 pull-ups, another 16k run, 400 sit-ups and 240 burpees," I ordered.

They began while sat on the side with my pack drinking water. Nate gave me a hug and kissed my cheek,"Babe you were great but we're not trying to kill them, they're still werewolves just like us."

I smiled lightly and nodded, as much as I hated to admit it he was right.

Stupid son of a bitch, why do we love him again, Sapphire asks.

I laugh, because we just do.

"Ok Nate but if anyone does something I don't like I'm taking my containment earrings out ok?"

He knew I wasn't joking with my earring, he nodded and sat down next to me. I had a caring family by my side that's all I needed. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we watched them start the pull ups.

A two and half years ago, just about a week after my nightmare we went on a mission in Russia, a pack there had a huge rouge infestation and we were sent to kill them. I already had my four containment piercings in because an elder said it was 100% mandatory for a white wolf like me. I had to learn the hard way why I needed them.


I sat on top of the tree scanning the area, there were rouges about 4 miles from us. the amount of them was huge.

4 1/2 miles from here and over 400 rouges, I mind link Nathan and the gang.

Ok we'll go in first you stay behind, Nate answers back.

I didn't protest but after a few minutes I had a horrible feeling churning in my stomach.

Go after them, Sapphire screamed.

She was clawing at her cage in my mind trying to break free and take control. I jumped out of the tree I knew she was right. Sapphire and I were so close we trust each other fully I had never lost control but I knew one day I would.

I landed safely on the ground and ran to the rouge camp site. A horrible pained cry pierced through the sky.


No no no. That was all that was replying in my head as ran. His howl was pained, he was hurt he was trouble which mean everyone else was too. I finally reached it and I saw Maci, Abigail, and Trey huddled in a corner. Trey was protecting Abigail and Maci, Maci was trying to wake up Abigail, who was unconscious on the cold ground, and they were surrounded by rouges. James was fighting off three rouges but they kept multiplying. Joseph was back to back with James trying to defend his brother's blind side. Nathan was bleeding there was a silver pocket knife in his left leg and Greg was trying to fend off a rouge with him. I could smell a hint of wolfsbane in the air, they couldn't shift.

Everything went slow-mo James and Joseph gave out, too many rouges were attacking Trey, Greg and Nathan couldn't hold out much longer. I felt my body start shaking, I saw Nate make eye contact with me.

"Alyssa! Run away! Go!"

We have to take off the containment earrings, Sapphire stated.

I knew she was right it was the last option, it was the only way tho save my family. I pulled all four out and I felt a wave of energy surge through me.

"No! Alyssa run!"

Nate got punched in the face he fell to the ground, Greg got hit too. Trey got bitten in the arm and James and Joseph were being hit left and right. Anger rushed through me I was slowly slipping away.

How dare they hurt our family I'm going to kill them, Saf promised.

I gave my control away and Sapphire crashed through the barrier. She was in the pilot seat now the last thing I remembered was she shifted and then my human self passed out.

I blinked, once them twice. I looked around I was covered in blood from head to tail, bodies laid lifeless around me. Dead all dead. I looked at my family they started at me, my wolf. I saw fear in their eyes, it was the only emotion I could read off of them. I turned around and ran as fast as I could. I could hear Nate trying to call me back, I ignored him and put up my barriers.


I am dangerous, what happened Saf.

We killed them that's what happened, Saf answered without hesitation.

Tears welled up in my eyes. They were scared of me, they were disgusted. I arrived to the tree I was in before, climbed it grabbed my extra clothes, shifted and changed, and resumed running. I ran till I reached a end of a cliff, I sat down silently crying into my knees.

I heard the crunching on the leaves behind me, I lifted my head and saw Nathan cautiously approaching me. I pushed myself closer to the edge.

"Alyssa it's ok don't move."

"Stay away from me I'm disgusting."

"Stop Alyssa your beautiful," Nate says back.

"You're lying," I whisper.

"No I'm not."

"YES YOU ARE YOUR SCARED OF ME YOUR DISGUSTED!" I scream at Nathan, as I stepped closer to the edge.

"Alyssa stop please your going to kill yourself," Nathan begged.

"Maybe it's for the best," I whisper. Then everything went in slow-mo again, Nathan's eyes widened with fear as I took one last step off the edge. I dipped and pushed myself off the edge with my other foot, giving him a single smile.

I don't know how he did it, but I didn't care what he said next changed everything. Nathan appeared infront of my pulling me back to the edge of the cliff causing him to fall back and me to fall on top of him.

He hugged me tightly like there was no tomorrow."No," he whispered,"Alyssa I don't care about what just happened, I'll love you forever and always."

My eyes widen with shock, I lightly push against his chest bringing me up to see his face. Slow tears were falling down his face, but he still looked gorgeous.

"Alyssa I'll follow you till the ends of the worlds and where ever you run I'll be there, I really do love you Alyssa, your the most beautiful girl in the world I've ever seen, so please," he croaked.

"Please, please please don't die."

I melted at his words, I brought my face closer to his inches away from his lips.

"Do you really love me?"

I had a crush on Nate since almost the very beginning, I wanted him and sapphire was totally loved that idea but the rejection cause me to break, I lost a piece of me.

He smiled as the tears stopped," if I said no the moon goddess would castrate me."

He got up and and screamed on top of his lungs,"I NATHAN MILES LOVE ALYSSA SILVERS WITH EVERY CELL IN MY BODY."

I smiled and got up and gently turned his head toward me and I moved closer until our lips touched. A slow, soft, gentle kiss, I loved the feeling, then the tingles exploded into sparks as he touch my face and used his other hand to pull me in by the waist. That was the night we finally became mates.


Nathan smiled and nodded kissing my temple and gently pulling my head to his chest, I laughed,"Ewww, your sweaty."

"Hey your just as disgusting as me," he replied back.

I feign hurt and push away from my comfortable resting stop. I gasp,"Nathan Miles how dare you, your sleeping on the couch today."

I get up and start to walk away, I feel someone pull my hand back into his chest. I keep my pout as Nathan spun me around to face.

"Forgive me?" He gave me puppy eyes.

I giggle,"nah I'm good here."

He frowns playfully then put on a thinking face,"how about if I give you a kiss?"

"Hmmm depends on what type of kiss," I whisper in his ear before I pulled away and walked over to the punching bags sway my hips move then usual.

I heard a low growl, I turned around to see Nathan's eyes darken with lust, he slowly to stepped towards me. I smirked and stepped closer to him, he aggressively pulled me into his rock hard chest, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He crashed his lips to mine and we were in a passionate make-out session. He licked my bottom lip asking for permission to slip his tongue in, I opened my mouth slightly when James rudely interrupted us.

"Ewwww, Nate really? That's my baby sister."

I pulled away giggled and Nate let out a 'hmph' and pouted.

"Thanks James you just had to ruin the moment,"Nathan replied dryly.

I push away and walk to the exit of the building.

"Watch over them in going for a run," I call over my shoulder.

I push the door open, and breathed in the fresh air of the woods. I darted to the closet tree pulling myself up and all the way to the top, once I reached I began jumping from tree to tree till I found it.

Hey guys I, sorry to say but I'll be taking a little break from this story I'm going on a 3 week trip and I won't be able to update much so hopefully I can finish another chapter before I leave.

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