Sweet Pleasures

By colacejohansson

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erotic tales and one shot +18 evansson, romanogers, blackhill, romadanvers... ⚠️: Stories translated from Por... More

Slaps or Incentives? - romanogers|Single Chapter
Introduction | Erotic Massage - romanogers
Erotic Massage - Romanogers | Single Chapter
Introduction | Like Cat And Dog × evansson
Like Cat And Dog × evansson | Part 1
Like Cat And Dog × evansson | Part 2\ End
Introduction | Bring the Rogers Police Handcuffs - romanogers
Bring the Rogers Police Handcuffs - romanogers | Single Chapter
Valentine's Day is a surprise - romanogers| Part 1
Introduction | Friends Night - blackhill/hillmanoff
Friends Night - blackhill/hillmanoff | Single Chapter
Introduction | Replaced Horn - romadanvers
Replaced Horn - romadanvers | Single Chapter
Introduction | Your Majesty is on his knees - Romangers
Your Majesty is on his knees - romanogers | Part 1
Your Majesty is on his knees - romanogers | Part 2
Introduction | Romanoff's Pleasant Revenge - romanogers
Romanoff's Pleasant Revenge - romanogers | Single Chapter
Introduction | The Baby Is Not Baby - romanogers
The Baby Is Not Baby - romanogers | Part 1
The Baby Is Not Baby - romanogers | Part 2
Tentation et Punition - evansson | Part 1
Exchange Of Letters - evansson | erotic tale
The Sexy Torture of Captain Rogers By Mistress Romanoff - romanogers
Envolver | Single Chapter
Mr Rogers' Nanny - romanogers - Part 2/end

Mr Rogers' Nanny - romanogers - Part 1

498 7 0
By colacejohansson

It was a Friday when Mr. Rogers first called me.

He was lucky enough to call me on one of my nights off.

- Hello?

- My name is Steve Rogers. I'm looking for Natasha Romanoff. - replied the person on the other end of the line.

I immediately liked her voice. It wasn't very deep, but it was soft and smooth.

- Did you call her.

- Oh, hi Natasha. I'm friends with the Starks, and they recommended you as a nanny. I have some late meetings the next two Fridays and my regular nanny won't be available. I wanted to know if you will be available to take care of my son.

- I usually take Friday nights off but you look like you need some help.

- I really need it, - he said - I'm afraid I can't offer more than your normal rate...

- It's all right. - I interrupted him. - I don't mind, sir. I would love to babysit your child.

- Thank you very much. - he said looking relieved. -His name is James, and he is four years old. I need you around five until a little after eleven.

- It's not a problem. - I said.

I got the rest of the details from him, and wrote down his address.

He lived on the other side of town but I was sure my mom wouldn't mind taking me.


On Friday, a quarter to five. I walked up the sidewalk, rang the bell and waited patiently.

I didn't know about Mr Rogers however the Starks were a couple in their early forties and since they had referenced me I figured Mr Rogers must be in the same age range, over forty, I was mildly surprised when the door opened. opened by a man who looked to be in his early thirties.

He was handsome, about six feet tall and quite toned, with deep blue eyes and dark brown hair. He was wearing a nice suit but it looked a little wrinkled.

- Mr. Rogers?

- Yes, you must be Natasha?

I smiled.

- Nice to meet you sir.

He smiled and opened the door. I turned and waved at my mother, who was waiting to make sure we had the right address.

Mr Rogers took me inside and offered to get my jacket. I smiled and handed it to him, looking around the house as he put it away.

It was good but a little messy. There were toys scattered everywhere and I could hear a TV playing a children's program in the next room.

"Sorry about the mess," said Mr Rogers when he returned. - I didn't have time to clean anything.

- It's all right.

- No, it's embarrassing. He smiled at me apologetically. I smiled.

He was very attractive, especially when he smiled, and I briefly let myself imagine what he looked like in bed.

My thoughts were interrupted by a little boy running into the front hall. Mr. Rogers turned and lifted the boy.

- This is James. - he said. James looked at me sheepishly, but he was smiling.

He was absolutely adorable, with big blue eyes like his father, and blond curls that fell in his face. He had a smudge of dirt on his face and his dad wiped it away tenderly.

- Hi James. - I spoke. - I'm Natasha, and I'll stay here with you tonight.

"Say hi, James," Mr Rogers said, nudging the little boy.

- Hey. - James said quietly.

Mr Rogers put him down and James ran back into the other room.

"I have to finish getting ready for my meeting," he said. - If you don't mind looking at James?

- Of course, - I replied - that's what I'm here for.

I went into the other room and sat on the couch. James looked up from the ground where he was playing with some cars. I smiled at him, and he got up, picking up his toys and walking over to the couch.

- Wants to play? - he asked softly.

When Mr. Rogers poked his head in to tell me he was leaving, James and I were playing cars. James barely noticed his dad leaving, making my job easier. Kids always hate it when their parents go.

He was a good boy, and very talkative. We played cars until I decided it was time for him to eat. During dinner, James told me about his mother. I wasn't exceptionally surprised to find out that his parents were divorced, but I was shocked to find out how much James knew about it – especially how easily he told me about how his mother had just left. It's amazing how much information children can absorb, and I felt so bad for the poor kid that I gave him an extra scoop of ice cream for dessert.

It was probably a bad decision on my part - the extra sugar turned him on so much I had trouble getting him into bed. When he finally fell asleep, it was an hour and a half past his bedtime, and I was exhausted from chasing him. I felt bad for disobeying what Mr. Rogers had asked, but I thought I could explain when he got home.

After James was asleep, I tidied up the living room and kitchen before settling down on the sofa. I turned on the TV and started watchingtudar. It didn't take me long to finish my homework, so I spent some time channel surfing and reading some magazines Mr. Rogers had on the coffee table, checking on James from time to time.

I was so tired that I must have fallen asleep at some point, because I woke with a start when I heard the front door open.

I sat down and a magazine fell from my lap just as Mr. Rogers entered the room. He smiled at me.

- Did I wake you up? - he asked.

I yawned.

"I guess so," I replied, laughing. - I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep.

He chuckled and walked into the room, bending down to pick up the magazine I dropped.

- James tired you?

I smile at him.

- Well, it's my fault, really. - I blushed. - I felt kind of bad for him, so I gave him some extra ice cream after dinner. He went to bed a little later than you said. I'm sorry.

"Oh, all right," said Mr. Rogers. - It's rare that he likes babysitters, so some extra ice cream might have been nice. He frowned for a moment. - Why did you feel bad for him?

I bit my lip nervously.

- Well, he started talking about... about his mother... and I just...

Mr. Rogers smiled, raising his hand to cut me off.

- I get it.

I took a good look at Mr. Rogers. He had a young-looking face, but he looked tired and very tense. His tie was slightly loosened and he had taken off his jacket, rolling up his shirtsleeves. He caught me looking at him and laughed a little.

"I'm a mess, I know," he sighed, sitting down on the couch. - It's been hard since... well... she just left. I love my son, but she was the one who stayed at home with him. I'm still trying to figure out how I should balance him and my job.

I smiled, a little unsure of what to say, and he seemed to notice.

"Sorry," he said.

"It's okay," I replied. - Well, you know, if you need help, I can always come and babysit.

He smiled at me again.

- I'll keep that in mind. And thanks for cleaning, you didn't have to.

I smile back.

- It wasn't a problem.

- Fine thanks. It really helped.

I took my purse.

- Would you mind if I used your phone to call my mother?

- Yeah, go ahead. It is in the kitchen. He leaned back on the couch as I walked away.

I walked into the kitchen and picked up the phone, dialing my mom's cell phone number. My mother answered after a few rings.

"I'm ready to go home now," I said.

- Honey, I'm so sorry! - she answered. - Didn't you look out? It's snowing outside.

I looked out the window, surprised to see a ton of snow and wind blowing.

- I fell asleep, I had not noticed.

- That explains why you didn't answer your cell phone. I keep telling you not to leave it on silent. Honey, the car won't start in this weather and it's snowing in the garage.

"It's okay, Mom, I'll call a cab," I told her.

- Okay, well, let me know when he picks you up.

I assured him I would and hung up.

I went back to the living room, where Mr. Rogers was still sitting on the couch.

- Do you have a phone book? - I asked. - My mother's car won't start, I need to call a taxi.

"Of course," he said, getting to his feet. We went back to the kitchen and he took it from a drawer, leaning against the counter while I dialed.

The phone rang once before a recorded message was picked up.

"Thanks for calling the Yellow Cab Taxi Company," said a woman's voice. - Because of the storm in your area tonight, we are unable to provide taxi service. If you're calling anything else, press zero to speak to an operator.

I hung up slowly, turning to Mr. Rogers.

"The taxi company closed," I told him.

He nodded.

- I thought they might have. The roads are horrible. - He thought for a moment. - If it's okay with you, you can spend the night here. We have an extra room. I would take you home, but I don't want to wake James.

I considered this for a moment.

"It really seems like the only option," I said quietly. - If you don't mind, of course.

He smiled at me.

- Not even a little. You were so helpful tonight, it's the least I can do. Call and tell your mother, I'll get the guest room ready.

I called my mom back, telling her I was staying at the Rogers.

"Well, okay," she said, thinking a little reluctantly. - Remember to help Mrs. Rogers to make breakfast tomorrow.

I pressed my lips together, thinking it would be better if I didn't tell her there was no Mrs. Rogers.

- All right, mom, see you tomorrow.

I hung up the phone and walked down the hall, where light was coming from the room next to James's. Mr. Rogers left as I walked towards her.

"There are fresh sheets and everything in there," he whispered. - But I'm afraid I have nothing for you to wear.

- All rightm, - I answered quietly. - I can just sleep with this on.

He blushed.

-Well, my wife left some of her things... I still haven't taken them out of our room. If you want, you can take something from her.

I blushed in response but nodded, as sleeping in jeans would be kind of uncomfortable. Mr. Rogers calmly walked past me and motioned for me to follow him down the hall.

We walked into a large master suite, and I bit my lip a little when I saw her. Not only Mr. Rogers referred to it as "our room", as if his wife were still there, half the room looked like it hadn't been touched since she left. His side had clothes on the floor and papers in the closet, but hers was squeaky clean. There were even perfume bottles still on the dresser.

He turned and smiled apologetically.

"I should clean up, huh," he said in a slightly louder voice, obviously trying to joke a bit.

I laugh softly.

- He is well.

He pointed to the closet.

- You can choose whatever you like. I'll get you a toothbrush. - With that, he turned around and entered the private bathroom.

I opened the closet door. It was all women's clothing, organized by what the occasion must have been, and then by color. I couldn't help but laugh a little when I saw it.

There was a specific section for pajamas. Mrs. Rogers had a bunch of matching lingerie sets, garters and see-through nightgowns, and I blushed looking at them. No doubt she used them for Mr. Rogers, and I wondered what kind of things they did after he slowly took them away from her.

I dug through her clothes looking for something a little less revealing. They looked musty, like she hadn't moved them in a long time, even before she left. Dust bounced in the air as I rummaged through the clothes. After looking at everything, I finally decided on a pair of shorts and a pink tank top. I took it off reluctantly, expecting at least a T-shirt but deciding it would have to do.

- Mommy?

I turned, suddenly, hearing a small voice behind me. James' head was poked through the cracked door, looking at me. I smile at him.

- No, Natasha. Remember me, James? - I asked softly.

His eyes filled with tears, and I looked at him helplessly for a moment. At that point, Mr. Rogers came out of the bathroom.

- Shouldn't you be in bed, buddy? - he asked.

- I want mommy! James yelled, then started to cry.

Mr. Rogers looked at me.

"Go ahead and change there," he said, gesturing toward the private bathroom. - He usually doesn't take long for me to calm down, but I'm going to need to take him to the bathroom.

I watched when Mr. Rogers picked up James and started down the hall. I walked slowly to the bathroom. It was nicely decorated, with lots of men's toiletries on the counter. I slowly took off my jeans and t-shirt and took off my bra before changing into my pajamas.

I immediately regretted choosing to wear Mrs. Rogers. She must have been a lot thinner than me, and a lot taller. I pulled the tank top over my breasts with great effort. The material was taut across my chest and the hem ended a few inches above my navel. The shorts were a little easier to put on, but they were still quite tight and a lot shorter than I thought they would be - they were practically boxers.

I looked in the mirror for a few minutes, nervously assessing my appearance. I looked around the bathroom, looking for some kind of robe, but I didn't find anything.

- Natasha?

I heard Mr. Rogers call softly. I opened the door and poked my head out to see Mr. Rogers standing in the center of the room. He smiled.

- Did you find anything then?

I blushed.

- Ermm... more or less. - He looked at me, confused. "I found something, but I didn't realize it... well, it's just... I guess she was a little bigger than me?"

He nodded quickly.

"I didn't think of that," he admitted, but then shrugged. - It's just for sleeping though, it shouldn't matter.

I looked in the mirror again. I had the feeling that Mr. Rogers wouldn't think the same thing after he saw his wife's clothes on me, but I shrugged.

"I think you're right," I said, turning and opening the door.

When I entered the room, Mr. Rogers opened up and I immediately blushed. He looked me up and down, looking at my body and especially my breasts.

Normally, I would have been embarrassed and a little uncomfortable being looked at like a piece of meat. I would have been even more uncomfortable to notice the sudden bulge in his pants.

I had already felt attracted to some of the men I babysit but I never did anything about it. Mr Rogers, however, was a very handsome man. I think my next actions I blame on that, and the fact that, as a nearly all-time babysitter, I almost never got the opportunity to get laid. I left Mr. rogers look at mefor a good minute before laughing a little.

- So it's not too small? - I said, blushing when he took his eyes off my body and looked at me before looking back at the ground.

"Sorry," he said quietly, his voice cracking a little. -No...it's okay...-I couldn't help but smile when his voice cracked a little more and he held out his hand. - Your toothbrush? - he offered, still not looking at me.

I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I walked towards him, swaying my hips a lot more than I normally would.

I smiled as I moved closer to what I needed, letting my fingers graze his as I gently pulled the toothbrush from his hand. He was staring at the rug, a muscle in his jaw twitching ever so slightly.

"Thanks," I said softly. - Is James all right?

He nodded.

"You just miss your mom sometimes," he said, still looking at the floor. - But he must sleep the rest of the night. Usually he only wakes up once.

I smile, keeping quiet. After a moment, Mr. Rogers changed. Just a little, but I knew his eyes were back on my breasts.

"You can play if you like," I whispered.

I almost expected him to pull away from me, the way his eyes shot up and looked at me. I looked at him, still smiling.

He reached out tentatively and placed his hands on my hips, looking nervously into my eyes. I bit my lip gently and took a step forward, almost pressing myself against Mr. Rogers. I reached out and placed my hands on his shoulders.

"This is wrong…" he murmured, pulling me a little closer and pressing me against the hard bulge in his pants.

I smiled at him again. "It's okay if I want it too," I whispered.

- You're the nanny. You... I just met you...

- We both want this...

- You're so young... - he continued, almost pulling away.

I laughed.

"You seem to be enjoying it so far," I teased, rolling my hips a little, grinding against him.

He groaned and pulled my hips hard, pushing me against him before leaning down a little and kissing me hard. I kissed him back, my hands resting loosely around his neck. I ran my tongue along his lip and he groaned again, his hands trailing from my hips to my ass, rubbing along my back and shoulders, and then finally cupping my breasts. I moaned softly against his mouth, gently biting his lip.

"I wanted to fuck you the second you walked in the door," he said gruffly, his lips suddenly on my neck as he caressed my breasts. My nipples hardened under his palms, the cotton of my tank top rubbing against me. - I was hard during the whole meeting thinking about you.

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