Custodian | Prudence Night/Bl...


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Cordelia Spellman, a not-so young witch lives in a small eerie town of Greendale. Living with her peculiar au... More

Chapter 1: October Country Part 1
Chapter 2: October Country Part 2
Chapter 3: The Dark Baptism Part 1
Chapter 4: The Dark Baptism Part 2
Chapter 5: The Trail of Sabrina Spellman Part 1
Chapter 6: The Trail of Sabrina Spellman Part 2
Chapter 7: The Witch Academy Part 1
Chapter 9: Dreams in a Witch House
Chapter 10: An Exorcism in Greendale Part 1
Chapter 11: An Exorcism in Greendale Part 2
Chapter 12: Feast of Feasts Part 1
Chapter 13: Feast of Feasts Part 2
Chapter 14: The Burial Part 1
Chapter 15: The Burial Part 2
Chapter 16: The Returned Man
Chapter 17: The Witching Hour Part 1
Chapter 18: The Witching Hour Part 2
Chapter 19: A Midwinter's Tale Part 1
Chapter 20: A Midwinter's Tale Part 2
Part Break
Chapter 21: The Epiphany Part 1
Chapter 22: The Epiphany Part 2
Chapter 23: The Passion of Sabrina Spellman Part 1
Chapter 24: The Passion of Sabrina Spellman Part 2
Chapter 25: Acceptance

Chapter 8: The Witch Academy Part 2

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The next day, Cordelia walked down the stairs, wondering if her cousin made it through her second night at the Academy.

Noticing her aunt Hilda on the phone, she frowned, hearing her cousin's name, just as her other aunt and Ambrose also stepped closer from the kitchen. The redheaded matriarch grabbed the phone from her sister, quiete roughly.

Watching both her aunties listening over the phone, she bit her lip in worry.

"Are they now?" Aunt Zelda, at the same time as her other aunt spoke simataneously. "We'll be right there, love."

Seeming to be at the end of the call, they both suddenly paused as their youngest niece spoke again.

The aunties exchanged quick glances and then turned to look at Cordelia in concern.

The younger witch closed her eyes knowingly. 'She found out.'

"Sabrina, darling. I think it's best if you speak to Cordelia about it... Oh, alright. We"ll see you soon." Aunt Hilda ended off nervously.

"Let's go, sister. Sabrina needs us."

"Right behind you, let's go."

"I'm coming with."

The aunties looked at their niece as she grabbed her coat as well.

"Delia..." her aunt Zelda started, uncertainly. "I don't think it's a good idea if you come along... Sabrina seems..."

"Alright, by the expressions on your faces, I can see that she knows and she probably does not want to speak to me. But she's my cousin and she needs help, and I'm coming with."

Without waiting for a response, she grabbed the hearse keys, knowing her aunties are a bit old to teleport. "I'm driving."

"Oh, alright, very bossy, today." Aunt Hilda mumbled, but followed after her.

"No one drives the hearse, but me." her aunt Zelda spoke up, as she followed with quick steps.

"Keep believing that, aunt Zelda." Cordelia responded, not sparing her a glance as she opened the driver door and got in.

The red-headed aunt gasped, at a loss for words at the younger witch's admittance, as her sister got in the backseat.

Cordelia opened the door for the older woman, and looked at her in anticipation. "Are you coming with, or not? I can always take Bonnie and you can drive yourself."

Aunt Hilda's eyes grew at that, not liking the idea of her niece using her motorcycle, she squeezed her head between two seats. "Zelds, just get in the bloody car."

Cordelia smirked knowingly, as Zelda Spellman huffed and reluctantly got into the passenger seat, not a second to spare, her niece drove off.

Arriving at the Academy, as the three witches got out of the car. The eldest witch muttered, "Definitely, not your first time driving my hearse."

Reaching the doors, the red-headed matriarch entered first, as they marched towards the High Priest's office.

Just outside of the office, they found their youngest Spellman member, who still seem to be shaken from he previous night's events.

"Sabrina!" Aunt Zelda and Aunt Hilda called, as they both rushed to her, both checking her for any bodily harm.

Cordelia stayed behind watching them, as the young blonde reassured her aunties that she was fine.

Sabrina noticed her cousin standing there, and immediately glared.

Swallowing at her intense gaze, she cleared her throat. "Are you alright?" Cordelia finally spoke.

Ignoring her cousin, she looked at her aunties accusingly. "I told you, I wanted you to come alone."

"I...I invited myself, to come..." Cordelia started, not wanting her aunties to get her cousin's wrath when it was clearly her that she was upset with. "... I wanted to help."

"I don't want your help."

The venom in the younger girl's voice, set the tension. Cordelia nodded in response.

"Sabrina...maybe you should let Delia..."

Th dark skinned witch shook her head at her blonde aunt, who tried to come to her defense.

"I'll go to Father Blackwood about this, and we'll get everything sorted. This is unacceptable." Aunt Zelda said getting them back to their main issue at hand.

They watched as the woman left. Hilda looked at her two nieces. "Come on girls, let's take a seat, this might take a while." she said awkwardly, as they took their seats.

To give her cousin some space, she sat next to her Aunt Hilda, while Sabrina sat on the other side of her aunt.

They sat in silence, while the eldest witch watched her nieces in concern. Not use to them not being able to have a conversation.

"I heard from Agatha and a few other students..." Sabrina finally broke the silence.

Cordelia looked towards cousin.

"... You harrowed a student to death."

Closing her eyes, Cordelia breathed out, "Sabrina, I..."

"Everything I went through the last of couple days... You did to someone else. How could you?"

Before she could answer, her aunt Zelda returned.

"What did he say?" Sabrina asked, wanting to avoid talking to her cousin further.

"He's going to look into it."

"And you believe him?"

"Of course not. Take us to the children."

At that Cordelia stayed still in her seat as all three women stood up to go to the forest.

Breathing unevenly, the latter closed her eyes, as her heart started beating erratically. Her vision became blurry at the thought of seeing her biggest regret and mistake again.

She could swear she could hear far away voices calling her name.

"Delia...Delia!" a voice exclaimed, with a slight pat on her cheek, snapping her out of her state. "Can you hear me?" her aunt Zelda asked, who had crouched down infront of her.

Cordelia met her aunt's eyes, as her chest felt like it was closing up and nodded erratically.

"Breathe, niece.'re not breathing."

Realizing the older witch was correct, she let out a loud gasp of air, while her aunt held her in comfort on her shoulders.

"Try to match me."

Doing as instructed the panicked witch matched her aunt's breathing, which slowly got her breathing down.

"I'm...I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me." she finally spoke.

Aunt Zelda, gave her a meaningful stare and smiled lightly. "Don't apologize."

Blinking rapidly, Cordelia sent a look towards the other two. Her aunt Hilda wore a grave expression and her younger cousin looked back in shock.

"Now... You don't have to come with us, if you're not ready."

Shaking her head, she stood up. "Let's go."

The two sisters shared a worried glance, but then looked at their youngest niece, urging her to lead the way.

As they reached the forest, Cordelia kept rubbing her arms.

"Quentin?" Sabrina called out. "Would you please come out? We, uh... We want to help. And feel free to bring the others."

A wind swept thought the forest, as their view was suddenly filled with children, who all circled them. Each and every one of them dressed differently, showing the generations of Harrowing.

Cordelia immediately got teary-eyed, seeing the children.

"Oh, the poor dears!" Aunt Hilda exclaimed in sorrow. "Your heart breaks for them."

"I think they're bound to the Academy, because they died here" her cousin suspected.

At that the black-skinned witch was reminded, and tried to find the specific witch, that has haunted her dreams, but she couldn't find her amongst the group.

"Witches hurting witches. It's unspeakable. How can we free them?" Aunt Zelda spoke in sadness, while leveling herself with the children. "Is that what you want, children? To be released from here?"

"Where would we go? This is our home." Quentin said.

"Yes, it is." the older witch responded gravely. "So what do you want, then?"

"I...I believe I know what they want." Aunt Hilda stepped forward gently." I was harrowed back in my day. By my own sister, no less. And the thing that I craved more than anything in the world was revenge. They just need someone to give them permission to do it. Isn't that what all
well-behaved children need Permission?" she finished with a gentle smile, as the children stepped closer.

Sabrina looked back at her cousin, standing at the back. Very on edge, as her eyes seemed to search for something or rather someone.

"Okay. Come on. Gather around, my darlings. You listen to your Auntie Hilda. We're gonna play a game,
and you're gonna love it. We're gonna have fun. And you'll feel so much better."

Even though she was going through her own nerves, Cordelia couldn't help but smile at her aunt's kindness.

After they came up with a plan to get back at Agatha and Dorcas. Cordelia waited, as she wanted to talk to Quentin alone.

Once the boy was alone, she approached him carefully. "Hello, Quentin." The boy looked at her with curious eyes. "My name is Cordelia and I.."

"You're Miss Sabrina's cousin."

Smiling she nodded. "Yes, I am, and I was hoping if you could help me?"

"Of course. Sabrina has shown nothing but kindness, I will be honored to help her cousin."

"No, no Quentin. You don't owe me anything, that was all Sabrina..."Cordelia told him, not wanting any of his undeserved kindness. "I really just wanted you to know, if you maybe know a Kiera Sutherland. She was a student here many years ago. She had short brunette hair and blue eyes. She always had a small flowery bow in her hair..."

A bow she and her old witch friends use to make fun of, she thought solemnly.

Quentin frowned in thought, and looked at the other children as well to confirm. He then shook his head,"No Miss. I don't believe we have anyone with her name or description. Are you sure she died on the Academy grounds?"

Sighing out, Cordelia answered. "I'm very sure."

"Apologies Miss, but we've never come across her."

Crossing her arms in thought and frustration. She nodded and smiled at the ghost boy. "No, need to apologize, thank you Quentin. You're a sweet boy."

Quentin let out a bright smile at that and then joined his other friends.

Feeling a familiar hand on her shoulder, she turned as her Aunt Hilda gave her a relieved smile.

"Darling, that's great news." she smiled, having overhead the conversation.

Cordelia immediately frowned in anger. "What do you mean?"

"Well... if Kiera is not here. It might mean that she's at peace."

Cordelia's heart fluttered with hope, but she immediately denied it shaking her head.

"That's not possible, she has every reason to hate us for what we did to her. She has to be here somewhere..." she argued, while walking deeper into the woods.

Her aunt grabbed her wrist stopping. "Darling, just because you've not forgiven yourself, doesn't mean she hasn't."

The younger witch stayed silent in contemplation.

"Now, let's go home. I believe Sabrina has it all handled here."

Cordelia glanced one last time at her cousin, who was purposefully avoiding her gaze, as she spoke to their other aunt.

"Alright, let's go."

It was late night, when Cordelia was busy reading in her room. A record 'Kiss Of Life' by Sade was playing in the background, giving a calming atmosphere. As she tried distracting herself from worrying over her cousin, who should be home very soon.


The witch jumped at the voice and turned. Prudence Night stood before her in white nightwear.

"Prudence, what are you doing here, is Sabri..."

"Your cousin is fine..." she cut her off. "You were worried about nothing, she seemed to hold her own. My sisters are currently traumitzed."

The older witch couldn't help but release a tiny smirk in pride.

Prudence narrowed her eyes at her. "No need to hide your giddiness..." she said, while walking around the room and examining the art, posters, books and trinkets.

Cordelia swallowed uncomfortably, feeling that the younger witch was seeing a piece of her.

"You just came here for a visit? " she asked, suspiciously, while standing up from her desk.

"Father Blackwood didn't take too kindly to my restraint, to the harrowing of your cousin..." she said suddenly, while inspecting the photo of Cordelia's parents at her bedside. "He requested of me, to make your cousin's school life at the Academy as unbearable as possible."

Cordelia frowned at that. "I understand that she is a thorn on his side, but why is he so persistent in getting rid of her? A week ago, he was basically begging her to join the Academy."

Prudence shrugged and checked her nails, "Your guess is as good as mine. I don't ask the High Priest any 'why' s. I just do."

"Are you going to follow through?"

Dropping her hand in annoyance. The visitor finally met her eyes, as if changing her mind she let out a scoff.

"Goodnight Cordelia."

"Wait! I'm sorry..."

Prudence halted and gave a fixed stare.

"I know you are in a difficult position, and you're risking a lot by telling me."

"... And I would also like to thank you for being there for my cousin, when I could not. It must have been very hard for you to go against your sisters...I really appreciate it."

Prudence looked down, "I didn't do it for you. I'm also curious as to why your cousin is so special and need to be the center of everyone's attention. And for that, torturing her, will not benefit me in any way." she finished with a sharp smile.

"Of course." Cordelia cleared her throat, seeing the familiar sinister expression on her face.

Just then, the door closing from downstairs echoed through the house.

'Must be Sabrina.' she thought. The visitor noticed the change in her face and the fear.

"I should go."

Distracted, Cordelia just nodded, listening to her cousin's footsteps coming up the stairs.

Closing her eyes, Prudence sighed out. "Cordelia...". The surprise gentleness in her voice, got the attention of the older witch.

"...I wasn't the one who told Sabrina about the harrowing incident it was..."

"Agatha..." Cordelia finished for her, and grimaced. "I know, I don't blame you for any of it."

"You sure? Because I distinctly remember earlier this week, experiencing something that could only be described as a mini-heart attack." Prudence said quizzically, while staring her down, wolfishly.

The latter's eyes grew wide. "Oh, Prudence...When I heard Sabrina was being bullied and harrowed, I assumed..."

"I know what you thought." Prudence cut her off, and smiled wanly. "Goodnight, Cordelia."

For a moment, the former was struck by her beauty and the way the candlelight hit her face.

Clearing her throat, she finally spoke. "Goodnight, Prudence."

Noticing her jitter, the younger witch smiled slyly. "I like the red, it looks good on you."

Looking down at herself, Cordelia gasped soflty, realizing she was showing more cleavage than intended. She immediately tightened her black gown over her red nightdress, making the other woman chuckle.

With a final smirk and wink, Prudence evaporated, leaving a mortified Cordelia.

Shaking herself off, she left her room and stopped infront of her cousin's room.

Lifting her hand up, she froze. Not being able to get herself to knock.

Ironically, the door opened.

Her younger cousin looked at her in surprise, as Cordelia comically put her hand to her side.

"I know you're upset with me, but I was hoping if we could..."

"Talk? Yes sure." her cousin cut her off, and gestured for her to enter.

First surprised by her younger cousin's willingness, she walked in before she changed her mind.

Cordelia noticed a Acheron Configuration on her cousin's and frowned, but didn't mentioning anything.

"Father Blackwood need me to solve it, in order for me to get into more advanced classes." she answered, her silent question.

"Oh... I remember when your father was busy with it. Just be careful..."

Sabrina nodded, noticing her older cousin being fidgety, she bit her lip and spoke up. "You're allowed to sit on the bed."

"Right... So uhm. How would you like to go about this?" Cordelia started, as she sat down.

"Ambrose told me to be a little more understanding, he didn't go into detail or anything...So, I think we can start with the 'why""

Cordelia smiled, knowing her brother probably scolded their younger cousin.

"The 'why' is a very broad question." she sighed, while her cousin took a seat next to her. "I can start with my time as a student at the Academy."

"I was very introverted, Ambrose was studying at Oxford at the time, so I mostly spent my time in the library. I had to adjust being away from him for such a long period of time." she explained.

"...And as you might have noticed, the Spellman name is very important to uphold, and during that time even more."

"I came to the realization that getting good grades and being the top of classes wasn't what got you noticed in the society, and I felt as if I was letting my family down, by being so recluse."

'That was my biggest mistake.' Cordelia thought to herself.

Sabrina had listened patiently, but had to ask the next question. "So, how did the Harrowing situation happen?"

"It's started when I tried to make some friends." Cordelia chuckled cynically. "You see, there are magical families that've been worshipping the Dark Lord for generations, some even older than the Spellmans. They were these...untouched families who looked down on the non-magical and was seen as a VIP club, only exclusive members allowed. "

"If you became a part of their society, you were in. I thought making friends with the daughters of some of these families, I could live upto the Spellman name..."

" made friends with these girls. So what, they were like the Weird Sisters of your time?" Sabrina joked, lightly.

"No. The Weird Sisters could never compare..." Cordelia answered, hauntingly. "If you wronged them you will be socially shunned, after they already tortured you."

"Who were they?"

Shaking her head, the older witch continued. "... That doesn't matter. All I will say, is that they approached me, thinking I would be perfect, and when I say perfect I mean complacent. I joined them for the prestige and another reason which I will not elaborate on now..."she breathed out. "The four of us were feared by the Academy students, I participated in some Harrowings... which I'm not proud of, and I didn't enjoy it, but by that time I just wanted to survive and get out of there alive...and with Kiera...she was the first Harrowing that led to death in years."

Cordelia breathed out."It went too far. She was a new student. She was sweet and kind and she just wanted to make friends. They saw her as fresh meat."

"They wanted to humiliate her, till this day, I don't know why. So, they coerced me into asking her to join us, since I seemed the most genuine."

"We made her feel part of our group, spent time with her, complimented her. I actually enjoyed her company, she was a breath of fresh air. At some stage I forgot about the ruse, and hoped that maybe, just maybe, they'll let her stay. We're barely spoke about the big plan of harrowing her. So I foolishly believed that it wouldn't occur...until they finally told me their plan. They wanted to drown her, to test if she's truelly a witch, which they obviously knew, they were just jealous of her. "

"Wait, and you went along with it? "

"No, immediately when they told me. I told Kiera everything, she was angry and upset with me and didn't trust me, rightfully so, but she went to confront them alone."

"They agreed to meet with her at Mors Lake..." Cordelia remembered the dark lake at the Academy. "I didn't know about it, since they didn't tell me, because I 'betrayed' them. When I couldn't find them, I went to the lake and... "


Arriving at the lake, Cordelia looked at the three girls smiling maliciously towards the waters.

"Where is she?!"

"Delia, dear. You just missed the best part. But I guess that's your punishment." a witch smiled devilishly, with jet black hair pinned up and sharp eyes.

The other girls chuckled evilly.

Looking towards the lake, Cordelia noticed small bubbles rising from it. Without a second thought she ran and jumped into the lake.

Swimming deeper, she noticed brunette hair and the familiar floral bow and immediately swam towards it and tried to pull the girl up. With a rising spell, she finally reached the surface and pulled Kiera onto the grass outside of the lake.

Patting the girl's wet cheek. She used a heating spell to warm the younger witch up, who was barely conscious.

"Kiera, can you hear me?"

The girl didn't respond, but did give her eye contact. "I need you to stay awake, alright."

Kiera looked at the panicked witch and smiled lightly and with the little strength she had, placed her hand on the other witch's hand. "Yo..u're too go..od for the...m" she choked out, and then her eyes went cold and vacant.

Cordelia sat up straight in fear. "Kiera...Kiera! Kiera! No, no, come ON. Stay with me. You're fine, you're fine...Please, I'm sorry. I'm so so so s.. or... ry."

End of flashback

Sabrina hugged her cousin, as she openly cried, but then pulled once she noticed her cousin wanted space.

"I'm so sorry for what happened and how I reacted. I think I was just shocked, because you usually tell me everything."

"It's okay, Sabrina. You told me no more lies, and I still didn't say anything."

"No, but it was your secret to keep. I should've respected that....but I have to ask. Where are they now?"

Cordelia scoffed, while wiping off her tears in anger. "Probably traveling and living off their family money. I stopped being in contact with them after the incident. If I ever have to seem them again. It will be too soon..."

"Would you believe that they actually laughed at me while I was trying to revive Kiera? I tried magic, I even tried CPR. Which they laughed harder for. I hate them and fear them, because they remind me of the worst part of myself."

Sabrina took ahold of her cousin's hand."D, you need to tell me their names."

Cordelia let you an exhausted sigh. "Sabrina, no. Why do you need to know?"

"Because you are one of the most admirable person in my life, and I would need to know the women who made my cousin feel like nothing."

The older witch smiled lightly, glassy eyed. "No, I'm scared what you will do with that information." she chuckled out.

"Dorothea Gretchen, Greta Marlos and the leader of the wrenches, Polaris Jackson. Her mother, Shirley, actually, still teaches at the Academy." Ambrose spoke easily, as he invited himself in and fell on the bed, making both females squirm in annoyance.

"You were listening to our conversation?!" Cordelia asked her brother, accusingly.

"Of course. The tension was killing me."

"Thank you, Ambrose." Sabrina smiled, gleefully at the information. Then layed back on her bed, her head on the warlock's stomach.

Cordelia smiled at the two and stood up. "I'm going to bed, it's been a night. Come on, you." she pulled up her brother as well, who groaned.

Reaching the door, Cordelia turned, "Goodnight Sabrina, sweet dreams."

If she only knew the irony of her words, for what's the night was going to bring them...

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