Coup de Foudre [Fred Weasley]...

By SlytherinScum

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Vega-Nova Lestrange, entering her Sixth-Year at Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry, finds herself surrounded wi... More

⚡️ Information ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 1 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 2 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 3 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 4 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 5 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 6 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 7 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 8 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 9 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 10 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 11 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 12 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 13 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 14 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 15 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 16 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 17 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 18 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 19 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 20 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 21 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 22 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 23 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 24 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 25 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 26 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 27 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 28 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 29 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 31 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 32 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 33 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 34 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 35 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 36 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 37 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 38 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 39 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 40 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 41 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 42 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 43 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 44 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 45 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 46 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 47 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 48 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 49 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 50 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 51 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 52 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 53 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 54 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 55 ⚡️
⚡️ Chapter 56 ⚡️
⚡️ NOTE ⚡️

⚡️ Chapter 30 ⚡️

95 6 0
By SlytherinScum

... and now you've torn it quite apart,
I'll thank you to give back my heart!

Celestina ended her song on a very long, high-pitched note and loud applause issued out of the wireless, which Mrs. Weasley joined in with enthusiastically. Vega was momentarily distracted, pulling out of the conversation between Harry and the adults. She looked up when Fleur shifted, and she already know what was coming up next.

"Eez eet over?" Fleur asked loudly. "Thank goodness, what an 'orrible –"

"Shall we have a nightcap, then?" Mr. Weasley asked loudly before his wife could turn to Fleur to retort, leaping to his feet. "Who wants eggnog?"

"Professor Lupin," Vega spoke up as Mr. Weasley bustled off to fetch the eggnog, and everybody else stretched and broke into conversation. "Are you also doing missions?"

"Oh, I've been underground," Lupin replied, and Vega noticed that he looked a bit awkward, most likely stemming from Dora. "Almost literally. That's why I haven't been able to write, Harry; sending letters to you would have been something of a giveaway,"

"What do you mean by that?" Vega inquired.

"I've been living among my fellows, my equals," Lupin answered. "Werewolves," He added, at Harry's look of incomprehension. "Nearly all of them are on Voldemort's side. Dumbledore wanted a spy and here I was... ready-made,"

Lupin sounded a little bitter, and perhaps realised it, for he smiled more warmly as he went on, "I am not complaining; it is necessary work and who can do it better than I? However, it has been difficult gaining their trust. I bear the unmistakable signs of having tried to live among wizards, you see, whereas they have shunned normal society and live on the margins, stealing – and sometimes killing – to eat,"

"People suffering from Lycanthropy don't equate to being evil," Vega spoke. "But rather, sometimes, their circumstances force them to challenge their own morality,"

"Precisely," Lupin replied. "Not to justify it, of course,"

"Yes, I understand," Vega said.

"How come they like Voldemort?" Harry asked suddenly.

"They think that, under his rule, they will have a better life," Lupin informed him, turning to look at the boy. "And it is hard to argue with Greyback out there..."

"Who's Greyback?" Harry asked, and Vega tensed up.

"You haven't heard of him?" Lupin said as his hands closed convulsively in his lap. "Fenrir Greyback is, perhaps, the most savage werewolf alive today. He regards it as his mission in life to bite and to contaminate as many people as possible; he wants to create enough werewolves to overcome the wizards. Voldemort has promised him prey in return for his services. Greyback specialises in children... bite them young, he says, and raise them away from their parents, raise them to hate normal wizards. Voldemort has threatened to unleash him upon people's sons and daughters; it is a threat that usually produces good results,"

For a second, Lupin paused, and then said, "It was Greyback who bit me,"

"What?" Harry asked, astonished. "When – when you were a kid, you mean?"

"Yes," Lupin answered. "My father had offended him. I did not know, for a very long time, the identity of the werewolf who had attacked me; I even felt pity for him, thinking that he had had no control, knowing by then how it felt to transform.

"But Greyback is not like that. At the full moon, he positions himself close to victims, ensuring that he is near enough to strike. He plans it all. And this is the man Voldemort is using to marshal the werewolves. I cannot pretend that my particular brand of reasoned argument is making much headway against Greyback's insistence that we werewolves deserve blood, that we ought to revenge ourselves on normal people,"

"But you are normal!" Harry exclaimed fiercely. "You've just got a – a problem –"

Lupin burst out laughing.

"Sometimes you remind me a lot of James. He called it my 'furry little problem' in company," Lupin said. "Many people were under the impression that I owned a badly-behaved rabbit,"

The mention of the word 'rabbit' pulled Vega out of the conversation as Dora, who was sitting in the back of her head, resurfaced. She looked away, frowning to herself while Lupin accepted a glass of eggnog from Mr. Weasley with a word of thanks, looking slightly more cheerful.

"Have you ever heard of someone called the Half-Blood Prince?" Harry asked suddenly.

"The Half-Blood what?" Lupin asked.

"Prince," Harry replied.

"There are no Wizarding princes," Lupin said, now smiling. "Is this a title you're thinking of adopting? I should have thought being 'the Chosen One' would be enough,"

"It's nothing to do with me!" Harry said indignantly. "The Half-Blood Prince is someone who used to go to Hogwarts, I've got his old Potions book. He wrote spells all over it, spells he invented. One of them was Levicorpus –"

"Oh, that one had a great vogue during my time at Hogwarts," Lupin said reminiscently. "There were a few months in my fifth year when you couldn't move for being hoisted into the air by your ankle,"

"My dad used it," Harry said. "I saw him in the Pensieve, he used it on Snape,"

"Yes," Lupin said with an understanding smile. "But he wasn't the only one. As I say, it was very popular... you know how these spells come and go..."

"But it sounds like it was invented while you were at school," Harry persisted.

"Not necessarily," Lupin said. "Jinxes go in and out of fashion like everything else," He looked into Harry's face and then said quietly, "James was a Pure-Blood, Harry, and I promise you, he never asked us to call him 'Prince,'"

Abandoning pretence, Harry said, "And it wasn't Sirius? Or you?"

"Definitely not," Lupin replied.

"Oh," Harry said as he stared into the fire. "I just thought – well, he's helped me out a lot in Potions classes, the Prince has,"

"How old is this book, Harry?" Lupin asked.

"I dunno, I've never checked," Harry said.

"Well, perhaps that will give you some clue as to when the Prince was at Hogwarts," Lupin said.

Shortly after this, Fleur decided to imitate Celestina singing 'A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love,' which was taken by everyone, once they had glimpsed Mrs. Weasley's expression, to be the cue to go to bed. Vega and Fred almost tripped over each other, laughing as they followed all the other kids up the stairs to their bedrooms.

"Good night, Freddie," Vega told him, reaching to give him a kiss. "See you in the morning,"

"I'm going to miss you," Fred replied and Vega chuckled. "Good night, love,"

Morning came by swiftly, and Vega was one of the firsts to be awake – last night hadn't been too pleasant as Ginny and Fleur took every moment to criticise each other, and Vega could only block it out in hopes that they would get around their differences.

Mrs. Weasley seemed to have left their gifts for them by their beds, and Vega showered to change into her dark jeans which she paired with a new jumper from Mrs. Weasley – it was dark red as always with a big white heart and her name underneath it. Vega always loved the jumpers and eagerly pulled it onto her shirt beneath.

Hermione had sent her some new books for her new subjects, and Vega had sent her something similar in return, and she had gotten sweets from both Ginny and George while Dobby had sent the other halves of the socks from fourth year.

Vega left the gifts that she had gotten for Ginny and Fleur and went around the house to give the rest of them – she had gotten some nice knitting needles for Mrs. Weasley and a guide to Muggle world for Mr. Weasley before she headed all the way up to the room where Fred and George were sleeping as Charlie had woken and left downstairs.

"Good morning, and Merry Christmas, Vega," George said with a grin and let her go in past him to be with Fred, and Vega turned lightly pink.

"Merry Christmas to you, too," Vega said before closing the door and turning to look for Fred, who was pulling on his own blue jumper. "Merry Christmas, Fred!"

"Merry Christmas, love," Fred replied, reaching down to peck her lips before fixing himself up in the mirror. "I've got your present with me,"

"And I've got yours," Vega said, smiling as hugged him around his waist, setting her head against his back. "I'm really... happy to be with you again... it's so lonely without you at school,"

"Is everything okay at school?" Fred asked.

"Yes, yes, it is," Vega replied. "It's just... a lot of stress and worry... I feel like I'm not sure of everyone's safety until they're in front of me, and it gets me anxious,"

Fred finished getting his hair fixed and turned around to give her a hug.

"Just a few more months and then it's summer holidays," Fred assured her. "And one year later, you'll be out of school – everything will be okay,"

Vega nodded, feeling only comforted because she was in her boyfriend's arms.

"Come on, I'll show you your present," Fred told her, sounding a bit excited and hurried to pick up a box from his bedside table and bringing it over to her. "Here – open it,"

It was a small red box that was tied with a golden ribbon. Vega took it carefully and unwrapped the ribbon, taking the lid off of the box to reveal that it was, in fact, a beautiful heart-shaped necklace with a similarly-shaped ruby stone set in the middle.

"What do you think?" Fred asked, eager. "I know you don't like extravagant stuff but I wanted to treat you a bit after how difficult things had been – and how you're still lovelier than ever,"

"Fred, it's wonderful, thank you so much," Vega replied, moving up to give him a kiss. "How can I not like what you have to give me? You're always so thoughtful,"

"You're welcome, love," Fred said happily. "Should I help you put it on?"

"Yes!" Vega agreed and turned around.

Vega moved her hair away from her neck to allow him to him to put the necklace around her. She could feel his fingers work lightly across her warm skin and smiled when he clasped it before pressing a kiss against her head, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

"Even the necklace doesn't distract from your face," Fred muttered and Vega laughed. "Can I take a picture of you? To keep with the ones that you sent?"

"Of course," Vega replied. "On the mention of that..." She picked up her present and held it out to her. "I got you some stuff, too – you should have a look,"

This Christmas, Vega had gotten Fred a working planner, a nice Magical watch and an album that had some pictures of them but most of it was empty as they did not have many pictures together. Vega smiled as Fred looked through them.

"You can put the pictures in them," Vega told him. "All of them – let's take a lot of pictures together so we can fil it all up for memories... what do you say?"

"I'll fill it all with you," Fred said, and Vega slapped his arm, causing him to laugh. "I only ever want to see you – it's been some long few months, Vega love,"

"In that case, take a picture of me," Vega told him quietly, and moved in front of him.

Fred chuckled at her surge of confidence and she smiled as she looked up at her boyfriend. He held up the camera to take a picture of her and Vega waved into the camera as he held the shot before walking over to see how it came about as the camera expelled it.

"Pretty as always," Fred said, smiling fondly at the picture.

"Are you happy, Freddie?" Vega asked, and when Fred nodded, she moved up to give him a kiss on his lips. "I love you – very much,"

"I love you very much, too," Fred confirmed, kissing her back.

By the time Vega and Fred left his bedroom, Mrs. Weasley was calling the kids to get up, and asked Vega to see that Harry and Ron came down as the girl was already heading up to the attic bedroom to give the two boys their Christmas presents. And as she reached to knock on their door, she found them awake as Ron's voice came flowing out of the room –

"She's got to be joking...."

"Who's got to be joking?" Vega inquired as she opened the door to find that Ron was sitting bolt upright in bed and examining what appeared to be a thick gold chain – she could not see it clearly but it looked to be a necklace. "Oh, it's a present,"

On the next bed over, Harry was still in the midst of putting on his glasses and he, too, looked around at Ron, Vega and the tiny window that was almost completely obscured with snow – until he caught sight of the necklace as well.

"It's from Lavender," Ron said, sounding revolted. "She can't honestly think I'd wear..."

Both Vega and Harry looked more closely at his girlfriend's present to him, and in unison, let out shouts of laughter – dangling from the chain in large gold letters, quite as thick as the gold chain itself, were the very words that said:

My Sweetheart

"Nice," Harry said while Vega had turned away from them to stifle her laughter at the unexpected gift. "Classy, isn't, Vega?" Harry grinned as a few laughs escaped Vega's lips. "You should definitely wear it in front of Fred and George,"

"If either of you tells them," Ron said, shoving the necklace out of sight under his pillow, "I – I – I'll –"

"Stutter at us?" Vega asked, laughing with Harry. "It would be really hilarious – but come on, would we?" Harry nodded in agreement. "That suits you, Ronnie,"

"How could she think I'd like something like that, though?" Ron demanded of the thin air, looking rather shocked while Vega couldn't bear to look at the necklace without laughing.

"Well, think back," Harry told him. "Have you ever let it slip that you'd like to go out in public with the words 'My Sweetheart' round your neck?"

"Well... we don't really talk much," Ron admitted. "It's mainly..."

"Snogging?" Vega offered.

"Well, yeah," Ron replied. He hesitated a moment, then said, "Is Hermione really going out with McLaggen?" He turned to look at Vega.

"Didn't seem to be so," Vega replied. "I mean, they were at Slughorn's party together, but I don't think it went that well. But I didn't ask since we didn't have the time,"

"To be fair, McLaggen seemed more interested in getting to Vega through Hermione," Harry admitted, and Vega nodded just to see what Ron would react.

And Ron looked slightly more cheerful as he delved deeper into his stocking.

"Right, I got you presents, too," Vega said and she helped exchange presents with them as they sat around the room. "Your Mum wants you all down soon, too,"

"Don't girls discuss present ideas with friends?" Ron grumbled.

"Well, I'm not that close with Lavender," Vega admitted. "And she didn't ask me what she should get you – and besides, it's awkward to tell your friend's girlfriend what they should get for you. It's not like Fred ever asked you what I liked, did he? On some occasions, it'll be nice to swap words with your significant others rather than just spit,"

Ron turned red but before he could retort with anything, Harry pulled up a slightly damp, mouldy-smelling package from his pile of presents.

"Do you reckon this is safe to open?" Harry asked as he turned to look towards Vega and Ron inquiringly. "It's from Kreacher,"

"Can't be anything dangerous, all our mail's still being searched at the Ministry," Ron replied, though he was eyeing the parcel suspiciously.

"I didn't think of giving Kreacher anything," Harry asked, prodding the parcel cautiously. "Do people usually give their house-elves Christmas presents?"

"If they're nice people," Vega admitted. "And if their intentions are actually pure,"

"Hermione would," Ron said.

"To be fair, Hermione would never get a house-elf due to the slavery," Vega pointed out. "What if Kreacher thought it was an attempt to free him by a Muggle-Born who didn't own him?"

"What if Kreacher's getting revenge this time?" Ron said but Harry's expression was bland. "Let's wait and see what it is before you start feeling guilty,"

A moment later, Harry had given a loud yell and leapt out of his camp bed, almost crashing into Vega, who caught him by the arm to stop him, shocked by his reaction, and she looked past him – the package contained a large number of maggots.

"Nice," Ron said, roaring with laughter. "Very thoughtful,"

"I'd rather have them than that necklace," Harry said, which sobered Ron up at once.

Vega shook her head at the two boys.

Once they had gone through their presents and Vega and Harry had managed to shove Ron's maroon jumper down his head, the three of them headed downstairs to the ground floor, which was now packed completely to the brim with the presence of the seven Weasleys, Remus, Fleur, Vega, Ron and Harry.

Everybody was wearing new jumpers when they all sat down for Christmas lunch, everyone except Fleur, on whom, it appeared, Mrs. Weasley had not wanted to waste one, and Mrs. Weasley herself, who was sporting a brand-new midnight blue witch's hat glittering with what looked like tiny star-like diamonds, and a spectacular golden necklace.

"Fred and George gave them to me!" Mrs. Weasley said, beaming as she looked at them all, clearly over the moon with the presents. "Aren't they beautiful?"

"It's wonderful," Vega said, smiling and placed the last few dishes on the table, having offered to help Mrs. Weasley with the hectic Christmas breakfast.

"Well, we find we appreciate you more and more, Mum, now we're washing our own socks," George said, waving an airy hand.

Vega took her seat to Fred's left, reaching to fill her plate with some breakfast, and she glanced at Fred when he placed a hand on her knee, drumming his fingers along her jeans. She gave him a small, secret smile to avoid anyone else noticing them.

"Parsnips, Remus?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Harry, you've got a maggot in your hair," Ginny said cheerfully, leaning across the table to pick it out while Vega noticed that the back of Harry's neck had turned red slightly.

"'Ow 'orrible," Fleur said, with an affected little shudder.

"Yes, isn't it?" Ron said, dazed. "Gravy, Fleur?"

In his eagerness to help her, he knocked the gravy boat flying; Bill waved his wand and the gravy soared up in the air and returned meekly to the boat.

"You are as bad as zat Tonks," Fleur said to Ron, when she had finished kissing Bill in thanks while Vega frowned, missing her cousin. "She is always knocking –"

"I invited dear Tonks to come along today," Mrs. Weasley said, setting down the carrots with unnecessary force and glaring at Fleur. "But she wouldn't come. Have you spoken to her lately, Remus?"

Vega did not look up from her food, and she knew that Lupin was getting a bit awkward since she – Dora's closest cousin, a sister – was sitting there. But it did not look like him or Mrs. Weasley were aware of how much Vega knew about Dora's feelings.

"No, I haven't been in contact with anybody very much," Lupin said diplomatically. "But Tonks has got her own family to go to, hasn't she?"

"Hmmm," Mrs. Weasley said. "Maybe. I got the impression she was planning to spend Christmas alone, actually," She gave Lupin an annoyed look. "Was she, Vega?"

"Um, everyone's busy at home so no one's celebrating Christmas," Vega admitted. "Dora's been really busy... that's why Aunt Dromeda agreed to let me come here,"

There was a spot of silence and Vega noticed that Harry looked very curious, and on the other hand, she was worried that Fleur still thought that Mrs. Weasley was calling Dora over just to make her get into a relationship with Bill. However, as Vega looked across the table, she saw Fleur carefree as she fed Bill bits of turkey off her own fork.

"Tonks's Patronus has changed its form," Harry said suddenly to Lupin, and Vega's attention snapped toward him in alarm, biting her lip. "Snape said so anyway. I didn't know that could happen. Why would your Patronus change?"

Lupin took his time chewing his turkey (Vega knew that his mind was running overtime despite his slow demeanour) and swallowing before saying slowly, "Sometimes... a great shock... an emotional upheaval..."

"It looked big, and it had four legs," Harry said. He lowered his voice as he continued, "Hey... it couldn't be –?"

"Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley said suddenly, cutting into Harry's suspicions. Vega turned to look at Mrs. Weasley. She had risen from her chair; her hand was pressed over her heart and she was staring out of the kitchen window. "Arthur – it's Percy!"


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