⚡️ Chapter 28 ⚡️

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Hermione got ready first, and Vega wasn't in the mood to head down with her since she was going to meet Cormac McLaggen in the Gryffindor common room. She told the brunette that she would be joining Harry and Luna to come over to the party and returned to fixing her curled hair sitting over her chest to compliment her long black dress.

"I bet Fred would hate he missed out this," Hermione said as she watched Vega smile at the mention of her boyfriend. "But you'll be seeing him soon, right?"

"I might send him a picture before he even meets me," Vega replied, looking forward to that. "I requested Colin to lend me his camera for a picture or two,"

"Do you want me to take your picture?" Hermione asked. "I haven't used a Magical camera before,"

"It's just as normal camera but you have to hold the shot for a second longer," Vega informed her, extracting the camera and holding it out to her. "It's very easy,"

There wasn't a specific pose that Vega wanted to do but she still flashed a smile as Hermione held the shot and she quickly moved over to take a look at the picture as it was expelled out. Vega bit her lower lip, holding back her excitement over sending it to Fred.

"Thank you, Hermione," Vega replied. "I think I will send this to Fred before we leave tomorrow morning... I'm sure Aquila would like the journey,"

With that, Hermione left the dormitory and Vega quickly got ready to head out as well, taking one or two more pictures before Parvati and Lavender arrived with their chatter which informed Vega that it was time for her to do before they did something to upset her. But Lavender looked fairly interested, for the first time, what Vega was up to.

"Have you got a date?" Lavender inquired and Vega shook her head no.

"No, I've got a boyfriend outside school," Vega pointed out. "Fred Weasley, of course,"

"You must miss him a lot," Parvati said and Vega nodded at that.

"Yes..." Vega replied as she gathered her things into her trunk before she left as the party may go on for a very long time. "It's lonely without him around all the time,"

"To be fair, I don't think you would have a hard time getting a date," Lavender said, seemingly not getting the gist of the conversation. "I don't think most guys would mind you having a boyfriend that's already left school, you know?"

"I'm in a serious relationship," Vega responded. "Good night,"

Vega left the dormitory, shaking her head at the words – she felt like most people must be considering her, a teenager, to be in a seriously committed relationship, and Vega was tired of the issues going on between the students on the word 'love'.

The party was to be held on the Sixth-Floor, and Vega thanked Colin for his camera and left the common room fairly quickly. She was sure that Ginny and Dean had already headed off, and was about to wonder about Harry and Luna when she saw them walking up the grand staircase to also head toward the Sixth-Floor corridor.

"Harry! Luna!" Vega called out, waving as she waited for them to reach her. "Oh, you look really pretty, Luna – silver really suits you,"

For Luna was dressed in a set of spangled silver robes.

"Thank you, Vega, you look very nice, too," Luna replied.

"Shall we get going then?" Harry asked, and the two girls started walking alongside him. "Did you hear, there's supposed to be a vampire coming?"

"Really?" Vega asked.

"Rufus Scrimgeour?" Luna asked, causing Vega to look at her in surprise.

"I – what?" Harry asked, disconcerted. "You mean the Minister of Magic?"

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