Yandere RWBY oneshots (Male r...

By Divine_Quirk

473K 5.9K 5.3K

Oneshots of RWBY girls who want nothing more then to be with you. Can you handle the never ending love from t... More

Ruby x Male reader
Weiss x Male reader
Blake x Male reader
Yang x Male reader
Pyrrha x Male reader
Neo x Male reader
Nora x Male reader
Glynda x Male reader
Summer x Male reader
Penny x Male reader
Female Jaune x Male reader
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Ruby/Yang x Male reader

6.1K 114 54
By Divine_Quirk

(Readers POV)

I am walking through the walls of Beacon, heading towards Team RWBY's dorm room. I made it to their door and knocked on it. I could hear some people talking from the other side.

Weiss: I'll get it.

Ruby: No I want to!

I heard something fall down, making a loud thud noise, and the door opened, revealing Ruby in her pajamas.

Ruby: (Y/N)! I was just thinking about you!

(Y/N): Aw, that's very nice of you.

Ruby grabbed my arm and pulled me inside the room and slamming the door shut. I saw Weiss looking at Ruby weird, Blake reading a book in her bed, and Yang taking a nap on hers.

Weiss: Really Ruby?

(Y/N): What was the loud thud earlier?

Weiss: That was Ruby scrambling to get out of bed and falling down off it.

I couldn't help but start to laugh a bit. Ruby got upset with me and pouted.

Ruby: It's not funny!

(Y/N): It kinda is Ruby.

I looked over at Yang and she rolled off her bed and crashed into the floor. She quickly got up and looked around, her arms up getting ready to punch something.

(Y/N): Yang, you alright there?

Ruby: How come you're not laughing at her?!

Yang looked over at me and smiled before tackling me in a hug, knocking the both of us to the ground.

Yang: Heya boyfriend!

Ruby: Yang! Don't just tackle our boyfriend like that! You could've hurt him!

(Y/N): Don't worry Ruby. I'm fine.

Yang smiled and placed a few kisses on my face. Me and Yang got up from the ground. Ruby pouted again and hugged my arm, kissing my cheek.

Yang: Glad to see you decided to meet us.

(Y/N): Since it was the weekend I figured I would drop by and say hi.

Yang: That's very nice of you.

Ruby: Did you have anything planned for today?

(Y/N): Ehh, not really.

Yang: Good. I just want to lay back and relax today. Going to stay in my pajamas all day. Come on (Y/N), it's snuggle time.

Yang grabbed my arms and pulled me over to her bed and laid down on it, taking me down with her.

Ruby: Yang! You snuggled with him last time! It's my turn!

Yang: Ruby I know you took a nap with him yesterday! It's my turn!

Ruby: How do you know about that?!

Yang: (Y/N) told me.

Ruby: (Y/N)?! You betrayed me?!

(Y/N): Yang forced it out of my mouth. I'm sorry about that.

Ruby pouted and crossed her arms, sitting down on the ground and huffed. Weiss let out a sigh and left the room.

(Y/N): Where is Weiss going?

Yang put her hand over my mouth.

Yang: No talk.

I sighed. It's going to be one of those days now. I looked and saw Blake still sitting on her bed, just reading her book. She noticed me looking at her.

Blake: Don't mind me. I won't interrupt anything.

She went back to reading her book. Ruby walked up to me and started to pull on my arm.

Ruby: I want to get snacks. Get up.

(Y/N): You're going to have to talk to Yang about that.

Yang: He'll only leave if I come too.

(Y/N): Well you two will have to get out of your pajamas if you want to go out to get food.

Ruby and Yang groaned. I guess that means they just want to stay here.

(Y/N): I guess we are staying here then.

I smiled to myself and wrapped one of my arms around Yang and the other around Ruby, holding them close to me.

(Time Skip) (Yang's POV)

I was outside of Beacon. A bunch of Grimm and White Fang members are attacking. I punched away some Grimm, killing them.

Yang: This is crazy. Wait... Where's Blake?

I looked around and saw Blake flying through the air. She crashed into the ground near me.

Yang: Blake!

Her aura shattered. I looked over and saw a man with red hair and wearing a Grimm mask walking towards me.

Yang: Did you do this to Blake?!

Adam: If you plan to interfere with me and Blake, then I'll have to kill you.

I started to get really mad. I was about to dash right at the man, but I saw a white blur fly past me. I looked over and saw it was Weiss. Her aura shattered too.

Yang: Weiss!

I looked over where she came from and saw Ruby fighting with Roman, but the pink and brown haired girl is with him. The girl kicked Ruby back, but I caught her.

Yang: Ruby! Are you alright?!

Ruby: Yeah sis, I'm alright.

I put Ruby down on her feet. I saw Roman, the red haired guy, and the pink haired girl all walking towards us.

Yang: We are in serious trouble.

Suddenly, a boy with black hair appeared in front of me and Ruby.

Divine: It looks like this is quite the sticky situation.

Ruby: Who are you?

Divine: That doesn't matter at the moment. Listen, you two will die here.

Ruby: Die?!

Yang: Why would we believe you?

Divine: Blake and Weiss are about to die and you two aren't in the best situation.

Ruby started to get tears in her eyes.

Ruby: I don't want them to die.

Divine: That's not all. Pyrrha will die and so will (Y/N). They will all end up just like Penny.

Ruby started to shake. I got mad and was about to punch him.

Yang: Are you going to help us or just tell us what is going to happen?!

Divine: I know just the thing to prevent that fate.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out two earrings. They are mostly silver with an orange orb on the end of them.

Divine: These earrings can combine any two people to make them stronger. Use these and you can save everyone.

Ruby: Let's do it!

Yang: Is there some kind of catch?

Divine: There is. The combination of the two people is forever. It cannot be undone. You and Ruby will seize to exist and exist as one entity.

Ruby: Be combined forever?

Divine: Are you scared about that? What about your boyfriend (Y/N)? Are you telling me you would let him die an early death all because you refuse to do the thing that will save him?

I growled at the boy, but I grabbed the earrings from his hand. He smiled as he started to disappear.

Divine: Just put one of the earrings on one of your ears and have Ruby put one on the opposite ear.

He disappeared completely. I put one of the earring on my right ear.

Yang: Ruby! Put this on your left ear!

Ruby: Right!

Ruby took the earring from me and put it on her left ear. I felt something pull me towards Ruby as our bodies collided together. I started to feel really weird as a bright light surrounded us.

(???'s POV)

The bright light disappeared. I looked around and saw everyone stopped to look at me.

Adam: What is this?

Roman: What happened to you Red?

I looked down at myself and noticed that I'm like Ruby and Yang, but different.

Crescent Rose and Ember Celica combined to be a battle axe. My clothes definitely look like Ruby's and Yang's if they combined. I looked forward and smirked. Flames came from my body as I readied my weapon.

???: I guess I need a name for myself. I'm going to go with... Yanuby!

I looked over to my left and saw the pink haired girl about to hit me. I swung my axe around in a quick motion, hitting her. She shattered like glass. I brought my axe behind me and blocked an attack. I looked back and saw the girl with a surprised look on her face.

Yanuby: Your tricks won't work on me anymore.

I quickly punched her face, sending her down into the ground. Her aura shattered and she was knocked out. I looked over and saw the red haired man dashing at me. I swung my axe at him, but he blocked the slashes with his sword. His sword started to glow red as he swung at me, sending me back.

Yanuby: You know how to hit hard. But I'll hit harder!

I dashed forward and brought my axe up and started to swing down. He tried to block my attack with his sword, but I broke his sword with my swing.

Adam: Im-Impossible!

I kicked his stomach, sending him back. I turned into a bunch of rose petals and quickly caught up to him. I swung my axe down at him, going right through his aura and cutting his right arm off completely. Before he could scream, I stomped on his face, knocking him out. I felt a bullet hit my back. I looked back and saw Roman was the one to shoot me.

Yanuby: Don't worry, you're next!

I dashed over to him and punched him in the stomach. Roman gasped out in pain. I uppercutted him, making him flying into the Grimm invested air. I looked up and saw one of the Grimm swallow Roman whole.

Yanuby: Now that everyone here is safe, now to find (Y/N).

I turned into a bunch of rose petals and quickly searched around everywhere. After a few seconds, I found him trying to fight off some Grimm. I quickly went over and slashed through all the Grimm in one swing of my axe, killing them all at once.

(Y/N): H-Huh?

I looked back at (Y/N). I'm actually a bit taller than him now. I put one of my hands on his cheek, making him look up at me.

Yanuby: There. You're safe now.

(Y/N): Th-Thanks... Yang... Or are you Ruby?

Yanuby: It's a bit complicated. I'll explain after all this is over.

I heard a loud crash noise. I looked over at Beacon and saw the top of it was destroyed. I quickly ran over to Beacon and got to the top of it. Pyrrha is on her knees and a black arrow is about to hit her chest. I quickly got in front of the arrow and punched it, breaking it into millions of pieces.

Cinder: What now?

I looked over at the woman with black hair and she has orange flames coming out of her eyes. I looked over and saw a giant dragon looking Grimm flying near Beacon.

Yanuby: It's your fault. I can just tell that you're the cause of all this!

Cinder: I don't recognize you. Who are you exactly?

I clenched onto my axe tightly. A bright light came from my eyes, covering the entire area in a white light. The dragon Grimm screamed in pain. I closed my eyes, making the bright light go away. I clenched my head. I opened my eyes again and saw the black haired woman left. The dragon Grimm turned to dust. I looked back at Pyrrha.

Yanuby: Are you alright?

Pyrrha: Yes. Thank you.

I heard someone land next to me. I looked over and saw Uncle Qrow.

Qrow: Um... Am I drinking too much?

Yanuby: Hey Uncle Qrow! I just got done saving everyone!

Qrow: ...That's cool. The Grimm seem to be leaving now. I'll take Pyrrha. You deal with any Grimm nearby.

Yanuby: You got it!

(Time Skip)

It's been a couple of days since the attack on Beacon. Thanks to me, everything turned out alright with minimal casualties. So now everything is back to normal, except for that Glynda is taking Ozpin's place since he can't be found anywhere. I am in my dorm room, standing in front of Weiss, Blake, and (Y/N).

Weiss: Ok. You promised you would explain what happened to you.

Yanuby: Right. So Yang and Ruby used some earrings and they combined together, making me. They're like this, like forever.

Blake: I never thought anything like that would be possible. It's just like my favorite book.

Yanuby: I know they were your friends, but I would really appreciate it if you guys treated me as my own person, not just as Ruby and Yang.

Weiss: Don't worry, we'll treat you how you want us too. So are you nothing like Ruby and Yang?

Yanuby: I have Ruby's and Yang's memories so I know everything they knew. Even the stuff they hid from each other. Could you believe that Yang once used Crescent Rose to-

(Y/N): Ok I think we don't need to know that!

I looked over at (Y/N). I walked up to him.

Yanuby: I know I'm not your girlfriends anymore, but their feelings for you are still in me. It would make Ruby and Yang happy if I continued to date you. If it's alright with you.

(Y/N): Yeah sure. It might actually be easier now that you're one person.

I laughed a bit as I hugged (Y/N) tightly. It feels so nice to have him in my arms. I didn't feel him hugging me back.

Yanuby: Why aren't you hugging back?

Weiss: Yanuby! His face is turning blue!

I looked over and saw (Y/N)'s face and it really is blue. I quickly let go of him as he took several deep breaths.

Yanuby: Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!

(Y/N): I'm fine... It's Ruby's tight hugs but with Yang's strength...

Yanuby: I guess I really don't know my own strength sometimes... Anyways! Who's ready to do some fun team exercises?!

Everyone took a step back. I looked at them and got confused.

Yanuby: What's up with all of you?

Weiss: I'm not sure doing team exercises is such a great idea.

Yanuby: What do you mean?

Blake: Ruby's ideas with Yang's power? You'd probably destroy Beacon entirely.

I sighed and sat down on the floor. I crossed my arms and huffed, a small bit of flame coming from my mouth.

Yanuby: Then what do you want me to do?

Weiss: You can have a change of clothes. You've been wearing those clothes ever since you've existed!

Yanuby: None of Ruby's or Yang's clothes fit me. But I'll try.

I got up and grabbed some clothes. I went into the bathroom. I tried to put on Yang's school uniform.

(Readers POV)

I just looked at the bathroom door. All of this is very confusing.

Blake: So what's it like having your girlfriends now as one person?

(Y/N): It's definitely weird. Yanuby is like Ruby and Yang, but at the same time isn't.

Weiss: I can understand that. She's still our team leader. I think?

Yanuby: Got it!

Everyone looked back at the door. It slammed open, revealing Yanuby wearing a school uniform.

Yanuby: It's a bit tight but it fits-

What sounded like a gun shot rang out as I felt something fly by my head. I looked back and saw a huge crack in the wall, seeing it was a button from Yanuby's uniform. Even smoke was coming from the button by how fast it flew. I looked back at her and noticed one of her buttons are gone.

Weiss: We are going to need to get you some new clothes.

Yanuby: Ooohhh. It's like a new weapon!

Yanuby turned to the side and pushed her chest out, shooting out another button from her uniform, breaking the window. Weiss made a glyph under Yanuby, which made her go into the bathroom. Weiss shut the door.

Weiss: Take off the uniform! Just stay in there while we go get you some clothes that fit!

Yanuby: But I was having fun!

Weiss: She's more of a handful than Ruby.

I started to get nervous. Dating her is definitely going to be interesting.

(1 Week Later)

It's been about a week ever since Ruby and Yang fused into Yanuby. We have been dating since then and she's nice, but gets a little aggressive at times and gets mad easily. Me and Yanuby are in her dorm room, Weiss and Blake are gone. Me and Yanuby are just sitting around with her hugging me.

Yanuby: Hey (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Hm? Yeah?

Yanuby: I was just wonder about something. Who did you like more? Yang or Ruby?

(Y/N): Who did I like more? Well Yang and Ruby had their own things about them that made them likable.

Yanuby: But if you had to choose.

(Y/N): Well... If I had to choose... I guess Ruby.

Yanuby giggled at me and quickly pinned me down to the ground. She has a really tight grip on my arms, which was kinda painful.

Yanuby: Trick question. The answer is me. Yang and Ruby aren't people anymore. You like me the most. I'm your girlfriend now, remember?

(Y/N): O-Oh yeah. Right. Guess I just wasn't thinking.

Yanuby smiled at me and then kissed me. Her kisses start off gentle, but get rough at the end. She took her lips off mine.

Yanuby: Let me hear it. I want to hear who you like the most.

(Y/N): I like you the most.

Yanuby: Say my name.

She sounded really serious as she stared directly into my eyes as her grip got even tighter, sending pain through my arms.

(Y/N): Yanuby! I love Yanuby the most!

She smiled and let go of my arms and got off of me. I sat up and rubbed my arms where she was gripping on them, trying to soothe the pain.

Yanuby: Glad to hear you love me! I love you just as much!

She playfully punched my arm, which still hurt a bit.

(Y/N): H-Hey. Could you not do that please?

Yanuby: No way it hurt that bad.

I looked away from her. I heard her sigh as she brought me closer to her with one arm.

Yanuby: I'm sorry if I hurt you. I'm still getting used to this, ya know?

(Y/N): Yeah, I understand. Just don't use your strength on me.

Yanuby: I'll try my best not to. Cmon, let's go and do something fun to cheer you up.

She stood up and picked me up with one arm.

Yanuby: Let's go out and do something fun.

She walked out of the room while carrying me like some kind of stuffed animal.

(Y/N): I can walk you know?

Yanuby: I'm just trying to be nice to you.

She got a bit mad as she held me a bit tighter.

(Y/N): R-Right. Sorry.

(1 Month Later) (Night)

I was sleeping in my bed until I heard somethings fall down. I opened my eyes and looked, seeing Yanuby in my room with some stuff down by her feet.

(Y/N): Yanuby? What are you doing here?

Yanuby: I'm here to spend some time with my boyfriend.

I checked the time and it's about midnight. I sighed and laid back down in my bed.

(Y/N): You do this every night... Can we just have one night where we don't do this?

Yanuby: But I love you.

She got up next to me and started to kiss me on the cheek. I tried to push her away, but that would just make her get closer.

Yanuby: Hey, stop trying to push me away.

(Y/N): I just want some time alone.

Yanuby: Why? What's the problem?

Yanuby grabbed my shoulder and started to move me back and forth. She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of bed.

(Y/N): Yanuby. Let go of me please.

Yanuby: I just want what's best for you (Y/N). I'm your girlfriend and I want to make sure you feel better.

She tried to drag me out of my room, but I kept my footing and tried to pull my arm out of her grasp.

(Y/N): Please. Just let go of me.

Flames started to come from Yanuby's hair as her grip on my arm got really tight, sending pain through my arm.

Yanuby: We are going to do something fun to get your spirits up!

(Y/N): Stop, it's starting to hurt.

I tried to get her to let go of me, but her grip just got tighter. I felt my arm break as a bunch of pain went through my body.

(Y/N): Let me go!

I shouted at Yanuby. She let go of me, making me fall back as I held my broken arm. She looked at me and her flames went away as she saw my broken arm.

(Y/N): Agh!

(Yanuby's POV)

I looked at (Y/N). I accidentally broke his arm.

Yanuby: Oh my gosh! (Y/N) I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that!

I tried to get closer to make sure he's ok, but he took a step away from me. I tried to get closer again, but (Y/N) shouted again.

(Y/N): Leave me alone! I don't want you near me anymore!

Some tears formed in my eyes as his words really hurt me.

Yanuby: (Y/N). You don't mean that... Right?

(Y/N): I mean it! You do this every second possible! You always hurt me and constantly breathe down my neck! Yang and Ruby never did anything like that!

Yanuby: Don't bring them into this. They don't matter anymore.

(Y/N): They do matter! They're the reason we were even dating in the first place! If you weren't them combined, I would have never started dating you!

Yanuby: You're just stressed is all. Let's get you some help-

(Y/N): Don't get another step closer! I don't want to go through this anymore! I don't want you anymore! I just want to go back to how it used to be!

(Y/N) tried to leave his room. I quickly got in front of the door to keep him inside. The tears in my eyes are now streaming down my face.

Yanuby: I can be like Yang and Ruby for you! I can be just like them for you!

(Y/N): No. They don't exist, remember? That's what you said.

Yanuby: I know they are gone, but-

(Y/N): I know. You killed them.

(Y/N) pushed me out of the way and tried to leave the room. I felt furious. Flames came from my hair as I grabbed the back of his shirt and threw (Y/N) at his bed, breaking it.

Yanuby: You are mine! I am your girlfriend and you are my boyfriend! You won't leave me! I refuse to let that happen!

I got on top of (Y/N) as he took several deep breaths to go through the pain I just inflicted on him.

(Y/N): You're crazy-

I felt something snap in me as I punched him in the face, making blood spill out of his mouth.

Yanuby: Don't you ever call me that ever again!

I saw (Y/N) start to reach for his scroll, but I stomped on his hand, making him scream out, but I quickly put my hand over his mouth.

Yanuby: Don't try to get others involved! This is our issue! I am your girlfriend and there isn't anything you can do to change that fact! I got everything Yang and Ruby had, you included!

(Y/N) started to get tears in his eyes as he still tried to struggle away from me. I started to punch his face over and over again, eventually breaking his aura, but I still continued my punching.

Yanuby: Stop struggling! You're mine! I can do whatever I want to you and no one here can stop me! I'm just too strong for everyone else!

I just kept punching and punching, not being able to stop myself. Blood was splattering all over me, (Y/N), the walls, and floor. I did one last punch and took a deep breath. I looked down at (Y/N) as he was not moving a single muscle.

Yanuby: Now. Let me hear who you like the most?

I waited for a response from him, but he didn't say anything. I got mad and was about to punch him again, but I noticed something off. He wasn't breathing anymore.

Yanuby: (Y/N)... (Y/N)?

I quickly put my head on his chest and I couldn't hear his heartbeat anymore. What I have just done now fully occurred to me. I looked down at my hands, seeing them covered in his blood. They're shaking.

Yanuby: You can't be dead... I just gave you a few love taps, that's all...

I started to shake his corpse, trying to get any response out of him.

Yanuby: You can stop playing around now... I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry... You can stop pretending now...

I picked (Y/N) up and started to hug him, slowly moving my body from side to side.

Yanuby: What did I do? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm-

I was interrupted by the door opening. I looked over and saw Weiss and Blake standing at the door.

Weiss: Yanuby? Are you in here?

Blake: We got woken up by some weird noises.

Blake looked at me and froze in fear. Weiss didn't seem like she could see what was happening. Shit. Blake can see well in the dark, she can see everything.

Weiss: Blake? Why are you-

Blake turned the light on, revealing the entire scene of what happened. Weiss's face went to true terror as she saw me covered in blood, holding onto a dead body.


Blake: What did you do?!

Yanuby: No! Wait! I can explain! I swear!

Blake: Did you kill (Y/N)?!

Yanuby: I didn't mean to do it!

Weiss and Blake started to run away, probably going to get people to help take me away. I started to panic. I held onto (Y/N) tightly and stood up. I ran out of the room and tried to get out of Beacon as fast as possible.

Yanuby: What am I going to do?! What am I going to do?! What am I going to do?!

It feels like I'm going insane. I can't focus anymore. I don't know what to do?

Yanuby: Yang! What do I do?! It's going to be alright Ruby, I just need time to think! We don't have time to think!

I ran out of Beacon Academy and just kept running. My mind racing as my legs just moved on their own. As all the thoughts of what could happen or what I could do all clouded up my mind. I eventually landed on one thought. I stopped in my tracks as I knew the one person that could potentially fix all this.

Yanuby: I need to find him... The one that made me like this.

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