La Vida De Y/N

By -auratae

23.1K 498 49

"Hola, mi nombre es Y/N, y esta es mi vida." You smiled at the camera. Being married to the best defender in... More

Capítulo 1: La Primera Vez
Capítulo 3: Que Vamos A Hacer?
Capítulo 4: Mi Vida Antes
Capítulo 5: Mi Vida Ahora
Capítulo 6: Feliz Año!
Capítulo 7: Madre Solo Hay Una
Capítulo 8: Qué Padre tan Padre
Capítulo 9: Tíos, míos
Capítulo 10: Lo Que Sabía, Lo Que Sé, y Lo Que Sabré
Capítulo 11: Malta
-Temporada 2:-
Capítulo 1: Mundial
Capítulo 2: Sorpresa!
Capítulo 3: Feliz Cumpleaños A Ti!
Capítulo 4: Azul, Amarillo, Águila
Capítulo 5: Cambio
Capítulo 6: Bebé? Bebés!

Capítulo 2: Los Sacrificios

1.9K 26 0
By -auratae

-solo interview with Kevin-

"Y/n ha sacrificado mucho." He nodded his head in agreement to what he had said. "Dejo todo lo que conocía para poder estar a mi lado y para poder apoyarme." He spoke. "Ella es la piedra en la familia."

"Con el fútbol, las cosas cambian así." Kevin snapped his fingers. "Uno nunca sabe que va a pasar, y lo que pase, pues, nos puede cambiar la vida." He looked at the camera.


"Hola," Your sister smiled at the camera. "Yo soy la hermana menor de Y/n." Your sister sat in the chair where you were sitting before. The same black backdrop behind her.

-cues to a slideshow of pictures of you and your younger sister-

"Y/n es un role model, no solo como hermana mayor, sino también como persona." Your sister smiled proudly at the camera. "Pero no le digan que dije eso." She pointed at the camera before laughing softly.

"Y/n y yo nacimos y crecimos en los Estados Unidos. Nuestros padres nacieron en México pero se fueron para los Estados Unidos muy jóvenes."

-shows a slideshow of pictures of your parents when they first came to the U.S.-

"Para mi hermana y yo, nuestra vida siempre fue en los Estados Unidos, entonces cuando ella me dijo que se iba a mudar a México, me sorprendió. Pero cuando me dijo la razón, pues entendí. Porque por el amor, uno lo hace todo." Your sister said.

"Nunca pensé que Y/n se iba a mudar a México, nunca, nunca, nunca, la verdad. Yo pensé que siempre iba a vivir en los Estados Unidos. Todo estaba en los Estados Unidos para ella. Su carrera, sus amigos, todo. Pero cuando conoció a Kevin," Your sister paused for a second. "Kevin le cambió su mundo." Your sister smiled as she told a part of your story from her perspective.

-camera changes to you-

"Yo era abogada cuando vivía en los Estados Unidos. Estudié en Harvard University para mi licenciatura, y después me recibí de abogada de Harvard Law School." You smiled proudly at the camera.

-camera changes to your mom and dad-

"Inteligente mi niña, y no es solo porque es mi hija. Pero en serio, ella es mi gran orgullo." Said your mom and she shrugged her shoulders proudly.

-camera goes back to you-

"Ser la esposa del mejor defensor de México, tiene sus sacrificios. Dejé de trabajar y me mudé a México. Y no me arrepiento de nada. Yo amo a Kevin, amo a nuestra familia, y no cambiaría nada de mi vida ahora." You smiled contently at the camera.

"Claro al principio el cambio a México fue muy difícil." You said. "Me costó trabajo acostumbrarme. No tenia amigos, no conocía muy bien a mi familia de acá, entonces pues no salía mucho. Y pues Kevin se la pasaba entrenando. Me sentía muy sola." You smiled a thin smile.

"Pero me fui acostumbrando. Después nos casamos, y tuvimos a Rori y a Kevincito." You smiled.

-camera shows a clip of you with Kevin and the Kids-

"Rori, patea la pelota hacía mi." Kevin spoke to the little girl that was standing in front of him.

She shook her head no as she reached her arms out, signaling for her dad to pick her up, to which he gave into immediately. Rori's action made you and Kevin laugh.

"Kevincito, tu pateame la pelota." Kevin pointed at the ball, signaling for the little boy to kick it to him.

The little boy ran toward the ball, kicking it the best he could with his little legs.

"¡Eso! ¡Muy bien!" Kevin yelled proudly.

"El va a ser como yo, vas a ver Y/n!" Kevin ran up to you, placing a kiss on your lips.

You smiled.


"Soy muy afortunada. Tengo una familia hermosa, y un marido maravilloso. No lo cambiaría por nada." You smiled at the camera. A happy look on your face.

"Y si, a veces extraño mi carrera como abogada," You looked at the camera, nodding your head. "Estudié tantos años para mi carrera de abogada, entonces sí fue difícil dejarla, pero, no me arrepiento."

-interview with Kevin-

"Y/n es muy intelligente." Kevin smiled. "Y tiene un carácter fuerte, un "girlboss," como dice ella." He laughed. "Pero en serio, ella es muy inteligente."

"¿Hablas de mí?" You entered the room in which Kevin was being interviewed.

"Claro." He smiled as you leaned in to give him a kiss on his cheek.

"Sigue hablando de mí." You said as you sat next to him.

Kevin was smiling shyly at you.

"Anda, me gusta cuando dices cosas bonitas de mi." You smiled at him as you hugged his arm.

"Me estas poniendo nervioso." He laughed nervously.

"Please," You looked up at him.

"Dije que eres una girlboss." He spoke softly, his shyness evident in the way he was talking.

What he said made you smile.

"Soy la número uno girlboss." You smiled smugly at the camera, you were still hugging Kevin's arm. "Kevin es el número tres boyboss." You said.

"Número tres?" He gasped.

"Mi papa, mi gato, y después tu." You turned to look at him.

"Esta bien pues." He sighed defeated.

"Perdón." You gave him a crooked smile, looking down to reach for his hands.

"Esta bien, te perdono." He let you grab his hands, bringing your hands to his lips.

"Bueno, sigue con tu entrevista, me tengo que ir." You gave him a peck on his lips before getting up from the chair.

"Adonde vas?" He asked after the kiss.

"De shopping. Y tengo que ir a que me saquen las medidas para mi vestido." You grinned at him which made him laugh.

"Okay, con cuidado. Te amo." He smiled at you fondly.

"Yo también." You smiled, leaning in for another kiss before leaving. 

-camera switches to following you around as you go shopping-

"Vi un bolso hermoso en Chanel, entonces vamos a ir ahi primero, y después quiero ir a Prada porque vi un set deportivo de pants y sweter para Kevin." You spoke to the driver as you got in the car.

"También tengo que pasar a Versace, porque ellos me van a hacer mi vestido para los Latin Grammys." You spoke to the driver once again.

"Fui invitada a los Latin Grammys y tengo un poco de nervios pero estoy emocionada." You smiled at the camera.

"Ya llegamos a Chanel." The driver said.

"Ay, tan rápido?" You were so distracted talking to the camera about your shopping plans that you didn't even realize that you had arrived at your first destination.

You got out of the car and began to walk toward the Chanel boutique.

"Buenas tardes, en que le puedo ayudar?" The man at the door greets you.

"Buenas tardes. Vine a ver los bolsos." You smiled at the man.

"Los bolsos estan por aca, sígame." He gestured for you to follow him.

"Aquí están." He pointed at the wall that displayed all of the purses.

"Que bonitos. Quiero este." You held up a black bag. A bag that you had been wanting for a while now.

You walked towards the jewelry as well, admiring all of the shiny pieces.

"Y me puede enseñar ese collar? Por favor?" You smiled at the man once again.

The man reached for the necklaces with caution, handing it to you gently. You held it up to your neck and you were in awe.

"Me encanta, también me llevo el collar. Y creo que eso es todo por ahora." You smiled as you waited for the man to give you your total.

"Van a hacer 118, 102 euros." He said.

You handed him your card and then waited for him to give it back to you. Meanwhile, the driver grabbed your bags and began to take them to the car.

"Gracias." You smiled at the man as he handed you the card back.

As you walked out of the store, you told the driver that the next stop in your shopping trip was Prada, to which he nodded.

"Vine por el set para Kevin," You told one of the workers.

They nodded going to get the training set you had put on hold the other day.

"Lo pague ayer, y lo puse en hold para poder darle una sorpresa a Kevin." You smiled shyly at the camera.

"Aquí está." The lady smiled at you as she handed you the bag.

"Gracias." You took the bag from her hands.

"Ya vámonos porque tengo que ir a Versace alas tres, y ya son las dos, no quiero llegar tarde." You said as you rushed to the car. The driver grabbed the bag from your hands before also rushing to open the door for you and then rushing to the driver's side.

"Me contacto la diseñadora de Versace, y me quiere vestir para los Latin Grammys. Y pues obvio dije que por supuesto!" You smiled excitedly.

"Ciao Y/n," Donatella smiled as soon as she saw you step out of the car.

"Ciao, come va?" You asked as you greeted her with air kisses on both cheeks.

"Bene, e tu?" She spoke as she led you into her studio.

"Bene, bene" You smiled.

"Vamos hablar del vestido, estos son algunos de los diseños que he creado para ti." She showed you some of the sketches she made.

"Ay que hermosos Donatella." You stared at the sketches in awe. "Me encanta este." You pointed at the mermaid hem dress sketch.

"Ese es mi favorito también, se te veria magnífico, con esas curvas y todo. ¡Perfecto!" She grinned.

"Me alagas." You laughed.

"Pensaba en gold para el color." She said.

"Si! Se vería muy bien ese color." You nodded.

"Así?" She showed you a piece of shiny gold fabric.

"Si," You nodded excitedly.

"Perfecto, ahora solo hay que sacarte las medidas, y empezare a trabajar." She clapped her hands.

"Vale," You smiled.

"Vamos," She gestured for you to follow her to get your measurements for the dress. You got up from the chair, following behind her. You looked at the camera with an excited look on your face.

-interview with just you-

"Si me hubieran dicho que un dia Donatella Versace me iba hacer un vestido, me hubiera reído." You said with a straight face. "Nunca, nunca, me lo hubiera creído."

{back home}

"¡Ya llegue!" You yelled as you entered the small villa.

"¿Cómo te fue?" Kevin was the first to greet you, which was then followed by the kids screaming as they yelled to also greet you.

"Muy bien, te traje algo, cierra los ojos." You spoke with excitement evident in your voice.

Kevin immediately did what he was told.

"Extiende tus brazos." You told him.

Once he did that, you placed the Prada bag in his hands.

"Abre tus ojos." You stood in front of him with your hands behind your back. You waited to see his reaction.

¿Qué es?" He asked as he sat down on the couch.

"Abrelo, me hizo pensar en ti." You said as you walked over to sit next to him.

"¡Wow!" He stood up with the training set. Unfolding it and holding it up in front of him. "Me gusta mucho." He leaned in to give you a kiss.

"Tu que compraste." He sat back down, still admiring the gift you got for him.

"Mira," You showed him the bag and the necklace you bought.

"Te vas a ver guapa." He placed a kiss on your forehead.

"Y con el vestido?" He asked, he saw the way your eyes shined with excitement.

"Quiero que sea una sorpresa." You were eager to tell him all about it, but you wanted to surprise him. He had told you that he loved how gold looks on you.

"¿No me puedes decir ni una cosita?" He pleaded.

"No, o si no va arruinar la sorpresa!" You laughed.

"Está bien," He sighed.

"Pero te va a tocar verlo por la tele, porque tienes un juego ese día." You looked at him a bit sad.

"Lo sé, lo siento." He said.

"Ay Kevin, ya habíamos hablado de eso. No pidas perdón, es tu trabajo. Me lo pongo de nuevo cuando llegues a casa." You smiled at him.

"Lo prometes?" His face brightened up again.

"Te lo prometo." You said as you hooked your pinky with his. "Pinky promise."

{Latin Grammys; Las Vegas}

"¡Qué hermosa te ves!" You heard as you posed in front of the flashing cameras. All the attention was definitely making you nervous.

"Y/n!" You heard your name being called out, causing you to turn around.

"Becky!" You smiled at Becky G as she began to walk towards you.

"Que guapa te ves!" She said as she leaned in for a hug.

"Tu igual." You hugged her.

"Y Kevin?" She asked.

"Tiene un juego hoy, entonces no pudo venir." You said.

"Ah, entiendo." She said, she understood as she herself was engaged to a soccer player.

-interview with just you-

"Nunca me imaginé que iba a vivir una vida así." You said. "Mis sueños "impossibles," You held your fingers up to create quotations. "Se están haciendo realidad."

-end credits for this episode-

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