Golden Hour

By asrivatsan27

334 18 0

Sasuke just wants to know the truth Naruto just wants to have a family that won't abandon him Sakura just wan... More

How It All Started
Sasuke's Worst Day Ever
The Chunin Exams
Spikes, Clones, and Scrolls
The Curse Mark
Chū Shinobu Sanjishiken
Interrupting Gaara VS Rock Lee
The Stupidest Thing Sasuke's Ever Done.
Toast On A Dinner Set. (TOADS)
Banana PEEL - The Way of Slipping on a Fruit
Konoha Crush


15 1 0
By asrivatsan27

"Uggghhh. Where am I? My head hurts so bad, where did that guy go? Did he have a Mangekyo Sharingan, or did I just see stuff?" Sasuke thought, waking up. He looked around and saw that he was inside a cave, full of crystals, green radiating off his face. A man walked up to Sasuke. The same face that Sasuke had seen before he passed out, scars of the right side of his face, a purple eye on the left.

He tried to move his right hand, but he couldn't! His right hand was chained to a crystal sticking out of the ground.

"That was my bedrest, I assume. I don't even care that I'm chained to a crystal. I can't think at all! My brain's all fried!" Sasuke massaged his temple.

"Who are you?" Sasuke hoarsely asked, his voice getting weak.

"Don't tell anybody this." The man made Sasuke swear.

"Okay." Sasuke agreed.

"My name is Obito Uchiha." As the Sharingan in both Uchiha's eyes sprang to life.


"Obito? Your name sounds familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. It's something that Kakashi said, but I can't remember when I heard you..." Sasuke replied.

"Oh, Kakashi would know a whole lot about me. We were great friends. We went down a long way. My father knew his father very well. In fact, they were the best of friends."

"I feel like bits of my memory are gone. Why is that?" Sasuke muttered to himself.

Obito gulped.

"He's found out already?" Obito gulped.

"The look on your face says that you have some involvement in this procedure, Obito Uchiha." Then Sasuke realised the thing that he had been missing, the piece of information that was critical to him.

"HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD?! MY BROTHER KILLED EVERYBODY IN THE UCHIHA CLAN! HOW DID YOU SURVIVE?!" Sasuke screamed, as he jumped up and pulled himself away from Obito, pulling the chain that was holding his arm with him.

"Shhh. We're right under the Hokage's office. Since he knows me well, he can't afford to know about me and my existence." Obito covered Sasuke's mouth.

"Okay. How did you not die? Why did you save me? Where were you when the massacre happened?" Sasuke whispered through his teeth.

"Firstly, you're too young to know about that. Secondly, you are an Uchiha, you can help me get what I want and I can help you get what you want. Thirdly, I was hiding under the Uchiha residence. But the primary thing that you should know, is that it's all his fault." Obito whispered as he pointed up, precisely to the Third Hokage's office.

"It's Hiruzen's fault?" Sasuke asked. Obito just nodded.

"But we have to be really quiet. He probably heard us when you were screaming just now. He's suspicious about us. He's keeping an eye out for any loud noises from under his desk. If he hears anything, he will not hesitate to strike out!" Obito whispered so loud that Sasuke had to put a finger to his lips just to quieten Obito. 

Hiruzen was starting to get a bit suspicious on what was happening below him. He heard voices, and he could have sworn that they were human voices. He'd keep an eye on that for now.

"So what's that purple eye you have there?" Sasuke blurted out. Obito froze. Hiruzen could just barely hear Sasuke's voice. He put his ear to the ground to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"This purple eye?" Obito turned around and pointed to his left eye. Sasuke 'hmed' to agree with him.

"This is what's called a Rinnegan, Sasuke- it has interesting powers, like-" Obito was silent he did not dare move. His eyes went wide. He silently put his fingers to his moth to show Sasuke what to do.

He was convinced that Hiruzen had heard him. Which he did.

Hiruzen widened his eyes and then covered his gasps which came out of his mouth. He had to take action. Whoever's Rinnegan it was, Hiruzen had to take them into Torture and Interrogation. Nobody had currently heard of or even seen a full-fledged Rinnegan.

He had to take action.

 Hiruzen quickly managed to create a huge hole for him to jump down into, while below him, Obito was deadly silent until he saw the hole in the ceiling above him, light smashing onto his face. He quickly held up a hand that symbolised, see you later, as his palm faced his body and he evaporated into thin air.

The sad part is, Hiruzen came down a few seconds after Obito had disappeared, so all he saw was a injured Sasuke under his office, he knew that something was up.

"Sasuke, what is going on here? Were you talking to anybody? Why did I hear the words, 'Rinnegan', and, 'Obito'? Can you explain that to me please? Or are you too shocked to comprehend the words that I am saying right now? You were supposed to be in hospital. Why did you get out? How did he find you? Tell me!" Hiruzen was firm in his words.

"Okay! Kakashi came to me and filled me in with everything that I had done and what had had happened. He said that Naruto and Sakura were currently on a mission that you had given them, so then Kakashi left to complete the mission they were on when he had finished talking with me. When he finished, I slowly put a stick-it note on my hospital bed saying that I would be training for the Chunin exams, and I would be back in a week for when the 'highly anticipated' Gaara vs Rock Lee's match would resume, but really, I just wanted to check-in with everybody in Team 7 and see how they were doing with making, like, DIRECT, contact with them all. Then, I asked for directions to the mission site, and this lady GAVE me the most VAGUE directions ever. So I kept walking where she told me to, and I ended up going unconscious from all of the cuts I had. So I was then gone for a little while, but I THEN woke up in the catacombs beneath your office, and you found me. Did you get all that?" Sasuke asked Hiruzen, after recapping his whole story. Hiruzen just looked appalled at the Last Uchiha. He wanted to be able to not believe him, but he just couldn't! The story sounded so believable, that Hiruzen was actually thinking that Sasuke was telling the truth! But then again, in another part of Hiruzen's brain, he knew that Sasuke was telling the truth; every word that Sasuke had said was true and he meant it with every fibre of his being. But...

He just couldn't believe him.

As trustworthy as Sasuke was to him, Hiruzen didn't have the courage to break the news to him. SO, he decided to play along. 

"Come along, Sasuke. Let's get you back in the hospital." Hiruzen put his arm around Sasuke. Sasuke just shrugged it off. 

"I've given a note to Kakashi saying that I need to train and I'm coming back in a week." Sasuke hopped out of the catacombs and into Hiruzen's office.

"Sasuke, no! Where are you even going to train, you moron?!" Hiruzen yelled.

"Somewhere where I will be trained properly. And I won't have to be self taught everything at all. And if I don't find a teacher, so be it, I'll teach myself again." Sasuke voice became more dim with the further away he got. 

"What a strong will!" Hiruzen massaged his temples.

"Wait right there, Uchiha Sasuke. You have a temperament anger, but if you can get that under your belt and conserve it, I will consider teaching you a few moves of mine. I am the Third Hokage after all, I am known as the professor after all. I could teach you a thing or two." Hiruzen stated. Sasuke started to listen in intently to The Third Hokage. He didn't fully trust the Third Hokage, but the latter seemed to be sincere enough when he was talking about his proposal. Sasuke kneeled down to look at Hiruzen, who was still inside of the catacombs, spiders climbing up his robe now. He swatted them away quickly. 

"I'm listening, Hiruzen." Sasuke replied cockily, to Hiruzen's face.

"Don't call me that." Hiruzen said sarcastically with a smile on his face.

Sasuke just smirked.


"WHAT THE HELL? SASUKE! WHY NOW OF ALL TIMES?" Kakashi yelled out at the empty space around him that was the air. He had just found about Sasuke and his note that he had stuck on the bed.

"Kakashi, what's wrong? We heard you screaming and-" Naruto and Sakura strolled into Sasuke's hospital room, only it wasn't a 'Sasuke' hospital room anymore, it was just a...normal hospital room, cuffed sheets and a pillow almost falling off the bed to the floor. Naruto and Sakura were shocked about Sasuke note of his disappearance. Kakashi just couldn't believe it. He was actually gone. For a whole week. To train. 

But on the other hand, however, he was also excited to see the product and the moves that Sasuke would bring to the table by training on his lonesome.

Naruto was jealous that Sasuke got to be able to train while he was stuck doing stupid B-rank missions.

Sakura was worried that Sasuke might not come back home and might not see another day because of how rigorous his training normally was stationed as. 

Sasuke himself had agreed to Hiruzen's deal, but the training-the training was strict enough as it could get. Hiruzen had reinstated Kakashi Hatake in his Hokage position for one week, even though he didn't want the job.
So, Naruto and Sakura were back to doing part time, B to C-ranked missions. 



"Today, Sasuke, is our first day of training. I am going to teach you a move that correlates with your Uchiha style of fighting, and your natural elements, fire and lightning. Now the move is called-"

"How do you know my elements already? I haven't even told you anything about me." Sasuke cut off Hiruzen.

"Oh, I know a lot about you, Sasuke. I had a friend in my squad when I was coached by the Second Hokage. His name was Kagami Uchiha. He had the Mangekyo Sharingan as well, and to top that off, he was the grandfather of the esteemed, and your friend, may I add, Shisui the 'Body Flicker' Uchiha." The Third Hokage recounted.

"Shisui-san..." Sasuke thought back to what happened to Shisui.

"That's right. Kagami was just like you, though. He was fiery, hot headed, he never backed down from a fight, and he had an insatiable taste for the glory of battle. He would challenge me and Danzo for hours for the Competition of the Greats. Oh-you will learn what that is when you get older. Kagami had so much's a shame he's not here now." Hiruzen said with a sad smile.

"Did he-I mean...are you saying the Kagami was killed in the-" Sasuke strayed into his touchy subjects.

"No, no. He died from a disease that ate his heart out. Terrible way to go, actually. He was the most pure heart I've ever seen before."

"Are you going to teach me something or..." Sasuke trailed off.

"Oh, yes. Of course. The jutsu I will teach you is called 'Gorudenawa'. This takes all the fire chakra natured cells from your body and it concentrates it into one point of your arm and then it sets the arm ablaze, along with the rest of it. The fire can start to seep into reality if you start to use too much chakra." Hiruzen explained. Sasuke just looked confused with what Hiruzen was talking about. The latter pinched the bridge of his nose and then sighed.

"What I'm trying to say is that the fire is ablaze on your arm, but the chakra cells make it fine that the pain is then nullified and will not try and destroy the skin when it comes into contact with it. However, if the level of chakra drastically increases, then the bridge between you being hurt and you not being hurt becomes inexistant, and you then start to feel the burn; and trust me when I tell you this, the burn isn't just like a pinch, it's a full blown fire. It will take apart your skin if that's what is stopping it from burning everything around it. If you do lose control, it's over. The only way that you can possibly stop the fire from spreading if you do make a mistake is if you have insane chakra control." Hiruzen warned Sasuke.

The latter breathed in heavily and then slowly breathed out.

"Okay. I'm ready." Sasuke affirmed.

"Great. We're going to practice chakra control." Hiruzen made his way around the bushy area that they were packed inside, and chose a strong healthy tree to climb. Sasuke was quite disappointed with the decision making that Hiruzen had put him through.

"Do you know how to tree climb?" Hiruzen asked Sasuke.

"No. Can you teach me?"

"The way you tree climb is that you supposedly manage to supplement all your chakra into your feet and then try to walk up the tree. Don't put too much chakra into one foot and try not to go too fast or go too slow." Sasuke slowly took his stance on the tree's beginning and began the ascent over the 20 foot tall tree. It was much harder than it looked.

Another step. 

Sasuke had to use his chakra to suction him from falling off the tree and getting knocked out at once. 

Another step.

This was getting harder and harder by the second. Sasuke had an insane fear of heights. He couldn't look down. He knew he would lose balance if he did.

"DON'T LOOK DOWN!!" His internal thoughts started to scream at him.

"Okay! You don't need to scream at me!" Sasuke screamed back.

"YES, WE DO!" The voices screamed back at him once more.

Another step.

Sasuke was getting more nervous with every step that he took. He kept traversing the huge tree until one of his feet; the right one, had gotten a bit tingly and then lost all of the chakra Sasuke had suctioned into it. It became loose and Sasuke was very unbalanced. He was panicking.

"Calm down. I just have to slowly restation all the chakra back into my foot. SLOWLY. We'll get through this nice and easy, just make sure you don't accidently overdose yourself with chakra."

Sasuke slowly started to fill his foot up with his chakra and began to walk up the tree, but he had just realised after putting his foot back onto the tree's bark.

"Too much chakra." Sasuke thought, as he started to fall from the height of the peak of the tree.

Hiruzen sighed. 

"He really is just like you, Kagami." He muttered, as Sasuke fell to the floor.


"KASHIIIIII! I WANT YOU TO TRAIN ME!!! GIVE ME A MOVE THAT'LL BEAT SASUKE!!" Naruto moaned loudly. Kakashi literally had to cover his ears with the ruckus that Naruto was making.

"I can't do anything, Naruto. I'm the Hokage for a whole week. You'll have to find a replacement. I have to sit here and perform Hokage duties in the time of this week. It's going to be such a pain." Kakashi groaned. Kakashi looked suspiciously at Sakura.

"That reminds me, Sakura. How DID you manage to find Lady Tsunade? I thought she disappeared."

"That, Kakashi, is a story for another time." Sakura said gleefully.

"Are you sure about that?" Naruto snapped out of his insanity craze.

"Naruto, if you tell him, I will personally try and-" Sakura was cut off by the demanding voice of Kakashi.

"Tell me what?"

"Nothing at all, Kakashi-Sensei. Nothing at all." Kakashi was now VERY sceptical of Sakura.


"DON'T GO STEALING SASUKE'S LINES!!!" The two younger members of Team 7 shouted.

"It feels so lonely without Sasuke, and his edginess." Naruto complained. But Kakashi didn't hear him. He was thinking quite hrd about Sasuke.

"That's odd. The same day we came back and saw Sasuke's note, the same day the Third Hokage left the village and the title of Hokage to me for a week. When this week ends, Gaara and Rock Lee's match will start and the Third will be back by the end of this week. SO to cap off, Sasuke's gone, Hiruzen's gone, both for one week. Am I missing something here? Is there some kind of relation between those two? Hiruzen clearly told me that he was going out for a week, Sasuke told us that he was training for a week, so....That's It!" Kakashi had figured it out.

"I know why now." He said out loud.

"Know what now, Kakashi-Sensei?" Naruto innocently asked.

"Sasuke has gone to train with the Third Hokage!" Kakashi commented.

"WHAT?" Sakura screamed.


"Why are we here again, Kakashi?" Naruto asked pointing at a hot spring, where women and men were pooling into.

"You are the one who had actually wanted to have a sensei of top caliber. I just gave in because you wouldn't relent by screaming at the top of your lungs." Kakashi sounded annoyed.

"Yeah, but why are we at the hot springs?" Naruto asked again.

"To get you a Sensei that can teach you something. And I mean you, specifically." Kakashi looked at Naruto. Kakashi led Naruto over to a door in front of them and a sign that read, 'Ladies'.

"This is where your instructor will be." Kakashi pointed in front of him.

"So it's a woman?" Naruto turned his charm on.

"No, you misunderstand. I said that your new Sensei will be in here, not actually be a woman." Kakashi countered by waving his hand.

They both jumped over the fence and walked towards the end of the women's area, as the women area was blockaded by a fence going around all four corners. Naruto saw that a lot of women were looking at Kakashi and Naruto, who were just strolling through the hot springs, without a care in the world. They then reached the other side of the hot springs for women, and saw a camera lens peeking out of a tiny hole that gave full view of the hot springs.

Kakashi and Naruto squatted down to look at the camera peeking out of the hole in the fence.

"Hello, Master Jiraiya. Fancy seeing you here." Kakashi smiled, the grin hidden by his mask.

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